The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 749 Our 8th Route Army’s Forever Friend

Chapter 749 Our Eighth Route Army’s Forever Friend


Since under the influence of Shi Dahu, a list of Japanese and puppet troops who secretly smuggled with the Eighth Route Army Independence Regiment was passed to the Japanese army.

And in this list, there is a mixture of true and false, and many of them are Japanese and puppet military officers who have secretly smuggled with the independent regiment and even sold arms.

It can be said that a few rat droppings ruined a pot of soup.

The other members are the real targets of Shi Dahu's entrapment, and they can't be cleaned up even if they jump into the Yellow River.

In a rage, Yoshio Shinozuka issued an order to execute him by shooting as a warning to everyone else.

In this way, a good group of Japanese and puppet army officers met the emperor one step ahead of time before they could continue to commit crimes on the land of China.

These Japanese and puppet army officers who had always opposed business smuggling with the Eighth Route Army were successfully murdered by Shi Dahu.

The days of the ghosts and puppet army officers who are honestly continuing to cooperate with the independent regiment will be much easier.

There is no longer a thorn in the side, and they monitor their private business cooperation with the independent group like a thief all day long.

Under the proposal of Kong Jie, those Japanese and puppet army officers who had been maintaining private business cooperation with the Independence Regiment also increased their cooperation with each other.

Especially the Japanese and puppet army officers, mainly composed of the Japanese squadron commander Mimoto Ichiro, the Japanese army major Sa Kawashima, and the puppet army commander Qian Dekai, took the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Naturally, there are continuous banquets, singing and dancing.

this day.

Holding a newspaper in his hand, Qian Dekai ran to the Japanese Gendarmerie tremblingly, and met Kawashima and Sanben Ichiro.

"Mr. Kawashima, Mr. Sanben, something big has happened, come and see!"

Qian Dekai, who suddenly broke into the gendarmerie, frightened Kawashima and Sanben Ichiro.

"Could it be that something happened in the east bed?" Chuan Dao thumped in his heart, and he just learned a Chinese word and said it lamely.

"What's going on, you guys read the newspaper first!"

"This is?"

"The newspaper issued by Eight Roads was circulated in the alley for some reason this morning, and now it's all spread. I took a copy back by chance, and you can take a look."

"Qian, you know, we don't know much Chinese, please read the content for us."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot about this!"

After realizing it, Qian Dekai picked up the newspaper again, and read one of the contents: "This is a report published by Balu Dengfa."

"The title is: Our Eighth Route Army Forever Friend.

Content: Among the enthusiastic people helping our Eighth Route Army, there are such a group of friends. Although some of them are officers of the Japanese Army and some are officers of the Imperial Association Army, they are still willing to conduct business exchanges and contacts with our Eighth Route Army after the war , co-exist.

Recently, we heard that the Japanese army executed these friends of ours.

This is really inappropriate. Our Eighth Route Army hereby strongly condemns the violent actions of the Japanese army. Even soldiers, even soldiers, don’t they have to eat, support their families, and live apart from fighting?

Is it unreasonable to do some business with us after the war, make a fortune together, and live a better life?
It can be seen from this that the higher command of the Japanese army is really cruel and heartless, even the most basic survival needs of its own subordinates cannot be tolerated.

Such a cruel and unrighteous army, still dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Dreams, does it think that it can win this war?

Dear friends of my Independence Regiment, Captain Takeda Saburo of the Yangquan Gendarmerie, Fujino Kenji, Commander of the Imperial Squadron stationed in Yangquan, and Captain Huang of the Imperial Association Army... Shouyang... Heyuan...

You will always be friends of my independent group, we will never forget you!
Even if it is for our eternal friends, my independent group will definitely fight endlessly with the Japanese invaders!Fight to the death!Fight to the death! ! ! "

Speaking of the endless battle to the death at the end, Qian Dekai who read aloud seemed to be influenced by this seemingly easy-to-understand article, but it was unresolved, and the tone was particularly aggravated.

"Taijun, finished reading..."

Kawashima was silent: "..."

Miki Ichiro's left face twitched violently a few times: "..."

"Killing pig's heart!" After a moment of silence, Kawashima said with a look of horror.


the other side.

The same newspaper records the same content.

At this moment, it was being placed on the desk of Shinozuka Yoshio, the commander of the Devil's First Army.

Wait for the translator to finish reading the article titled "Our Eighth Route Army's Forever Friend" published in the newspaper.

Even Yoshio Shinozuka, who had always been calm, couldn't bear it any longer, and he said angrily, "Baga, get out, get out for me!"


The translator hurriedly walked out with his head down.

Bei Chuan, the devil's chief of staff, looked stiff.

Why Shinozuka Yoshio was so furious, he understood very well.

If it was before Dafeng Village was ambushed by the Independent Regiment.

Yoshio Shinozuka would never be so angry. He even felt that the Eighth Route Army's publication of the newspaper further confirmed the correctness of the list, and those who were shot should indeed be killed.

But after the incident of Dafengzhuang being ambushed happened.

Yoshio Shinozuka no longer believed in all the easily obtained information from the Independence Regiment.

Yoshio Shinozuka had doubts in his heart from the very beginning of the contact. The eight-way communication signal was deciphered too easily and smoothly.

The list that was once intercepted from the Eighth Route Army's telegram became a pain point that Shinozuka Yoshio didn't want to face.

until today.

Yoshio Shinozuka's pain points were clearly published by the independent group in a newspaper.

The article was full of humor, ridicule, and irony, as if it was constantly mocking the stupidity and incompetence of the commander of the First Army.

No wonder Yoshio Shinozuka lost his temper in such anger.

After venting his anger, Shinozuka Yoshio gradually calmed down, and then he sighed, looked at Beichuan, and said in a tired voice:
"Mr. Beichuan, looking at it now, do you think that list will be true?"

After being silent for a while, Beichuan looked at Yoshio Shinozuka and said firmly:

"Of course it is true, General, this list can only be true!"

"How could my Great Japanese Empire make such a mistake in judgment?"

Under Bei Chuan's reminder, Shinozuka Yoshio nodded. He half-lyed on his armchair in a somewhat decadent manner, rubbing between his brows exhausted physically and mentally.

"Right now, I am more worried that this list may have actually helped the Eighth Route Army secretly communicate with our army in business."

"At this moment, in the territory of Shanxi and within our army, how many officers of the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army are secretly supporting the enemy?"


Bei Chuan sighed: "General, although I don't want to say that, but in this article, Ba Lu has a good saying. Even the imperial soldiers of our army also need food, money, and life."

"Especially now that the disaster is getting worse, the national army is short of food, and the price of goods has skyrocketed in recent days, and the military pay we have not increased much."

"At this time, if we waste our energy on internal investigations and cut off private business contacts between members of our army and the Eighth Route Army, I am worried that it will affect the morale of the army, but the loss outweighs the gain."

"Well said!"

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded, "At the moment, we can only wait for the reinforcements to arrive. After the situation of our army improves, we will carry out internal rectification and clear up these cancers."

"Hi, General is wise!" Bei Chuan responded.

(End of this chapter)

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