The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 764 Why is it an independent group again?

Chapter 764 Why is it an independent group again?
Just when Li Yunlong brought his own tank company, preparing to ambush the devil's transportation route to Ping'an County.

the other side.

The battle surrounding the Yangquan area is continuing.

Under the deployment of the Japanese Army Command, the Japanese army gradually encircled Yangquan, using more than two brigades.

The main forces of the three regiments of a detachment are also fighting on two fronts.

On the one hand, after successfully ambushing the devil's road transportation route, the soldiers, with the cooperation of the migrant labor group, local troops, militia troops and some civilians, quickly transported the intercepted grain to the predetermined location for hiding.

On the other hand, within the safe hour of this hour, Kong Jie directly issued a military order:


"I don't consider the loss of ammunition this time. I blow up all the gun towers, big and small, where the devils are moving closer to our base."

"In addition, some of the devil's highways and bridges were also raided, so that the big mopping plan prepared by the little devil was completely aborted."

Under Kong Jie's order, the local battle situation rapidly expanded, and even local troops and militia troops also participated in the battle to remove the gun towers of the devil's stronghold.

After the communication of the devils asking for help in each stronghold was quickly transmitted.

In the headquarters of the Devil's First Army who heard the news, the old devil Shinozuka Yoshio and the devil's chief of staff Beichuan frowned.

"General, these Eight Routes are really rampant. They dare to fight in two directions. Not only do they want to attack our transportation line, but they also want to pull out the forward stronghold built by our Great Japanese Empire at the same time!"

"It seems that the encircling troops of our army must speed up!"

Shinozuka Yoshio also gritted his teeth with hatred, but he still had a bit of confidence on his face, "Let these self-righteous Eight Routes run rampant for a while, at the cost of some strongholds, if we can completely destroy the independent group, all of this It's all worth it."

"Immediately order the forward troops to encircle the Yangquan area as quickly as possible! In addition, tell the Yangquan headquarters that before the main force of our army encircles them, they must hold back these eight routes and find a way to save themselves."


Yangquan Japanese Army Command.

After the order from the Devil Command was conveyed, the Devil officers who were discussing countermeasures at the meeting looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Nambu Toshio, the captain of the Yangquan Japanese Gendarmerie with the highest military rank, finally issued a decision: "Everyone, the command from your Excellency Commander has been issued, let our department try our best to hold the Eighth Route."

"At this moment, our strongholds in the outer area of ​​Yangquan are under fierce attack by the Eighth Route Army. Before the reinforcements arrive, we may not have extra troops to reinforce the main city of Yangquan in order to protect the safety of the main city of Yangquan."

"Whether there will be an eight-way ambush along the way, no one can predict."

"We can only find ways to reinforce the nearby strongholds first, and take advantage of the situation to hold back the surrounding Eighth Route Army troops."

Toriyama Daiming, the commander of the Japanese Army Battalion stationed in Yangquan, responded:
"Your Excellency, the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army is flourishing at the moment. It's just that the Imperial Japanese Army has limited strength. On the contrary, there are nearly three regiments of the Imperial Association Army stationed around. It may be helpful if they can be ordered to come to help. "

Nanfang Lixiong nodded, "Yaoxi, I will notify the headquarters of the Royal Association Army and let them issue an order to cooperate with our army!"

The Imperial Association Army mentioned by Lixiong in the south is a team of the North China Security Army.

The North China Security Army was the earliest "traitor army".

Mainly take orders from the puppet government.

In the entire North China region, the well-known "Imperial Association Army" is this army.

The "North China Security Force" was mainly responsible for cooperating with the Japanese army in sweeping up the anti-Japanese base areas where the Eighth Route Army was located, and assisting in maintaining law and order in the occupied areas.

They often obey the higher-level headquarters where their troops are located and assist the Japanese army in combat, rather than directly obeying orders from the Japanese army.

Therefore, if Lixiong in the south needs this Imperial Association Army to help out, he needs to get in touch with the Imperial Association Army Command.

And it is no coincidence that there is no book.

But it is said that the imperial association army that these devils officers are talking about is the eighth mixed brigade of the puppet army, brigade commander Yan Sanfu.

Back then, when Yan Sanfu led the Eighth Mixed Brigade to cooperate with the Devil Ishii United and the Fourth Brigade to sweep up the independent regiment.

Kong Jie was completely angered by his ignorant surprise attack from the side road. Kong Jie directly ordered the artillery company to cover the Eighth Mixed Brigade with a wave of artillery fire.

It was a hell-like situation. Under the heavy artillery fire, the puppet soldiers of Yan Sanfu's [-]th Mixed Brigade died in an instant, more than a thousand people.

The terrified Yan Sanfu hurriedly fled with the rest of the puppet soldiers.

From then on, from the brigade commander Yan Sanfu down to the soldiers at the bottom of the Eighth Mixed Brigade, whenever the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army was mentioned, and the name of Kong Jie was mentioned, they shuddered subconsciously, which seemed to turn pale. .

And after nearly a year of development, the Eighth Mixed Brigade, which was directly crippled by Kong Jie, has grown stronger after recuperating.

Right now, Yan Sanfu's Eighth Mixed Brigade has three regiments with nearly 6000 troops.

This is why the devil officers in Yangquan believe that the Royal Association Army may be able to help them.

The news reached Yan Sanfu's [-]th Mixed Brigade headquarters.

"...Yes! Please rest assured, sir, our department promises to complete the task!"


Yan Sanfu who hung up the phone had a sad face.

On the side, who was quite good at observing words and expressions, the adjutant Wang Dacong, nicknamed "Great Clever", came over.

In the attack on the Independence Regiment, he was the one who came up with the bad idea of ​​attacking the Independence Regiment from the flank path, which angered Kong Jie and nearly wiped out the Eighth Mixed Brigade.

Fortunately, Wang Dacong has been with Yan Sanfu for many years and has always been loyal, so Yan Sanfu didn't care too much.

"Brigade, has the headquarters issued a new combat order?"

Yan Sanfu nodded with a sad face, "Yes, it's still the same old way, let us assist the Japanese army in fighting."

"It's just... very clever, do you know who the devil wants us to help fight?"

"It's better not to be the Eighth Route Army!" Wang Dacong said.

Yan Sanfu said: "It's still the eight roads!"

Looking at Yan Sanfu with a bitter face, Wang Dacong was stunned for a while, and said for no reason: "Traveler, it can't be the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, right?"

Yan Sanfu: "..."

Looking at the wonderful expression on Yan Sanfu's face, Wang Dacong was also a little dumbfounded, and his crow's mouth really hit the mark.

"Brigade seat, the independent group is not easy to mess with. I still remember the lesson from last time. Our entire group was almost wiped out by the independent group."

"This time, let's say that we can't be cannon fodder!"

Yan Sanfu said distressedly: "We must not be able to provoke the independent group, how can I not know this?"

"I heard that the Independence Regiment launched a fairly large-scale active attack this time. They forcibly took down the three railway lines of the devils. Now all the major strongholds and artillery towers are being attacked by the Independence Regiment."

"The devils in Yangquan dare not fight head-on with the Independence Regiment."

"Let us go up at this time, this little devil has no good intentions."

"But the order from the headquarters is very clear, and the devils also called to inquire. If we don't leave the army, it will be disobedience to the military order. If we turn around, we will be shot."

"It's dead anyway, what do you think I should do?"

After Wang Dacong was silent for a while, he had an idea and said: "Brandmaster, the command has already come down, how many pairs of devils are staring at our movement, if we don't send troops, it will definitely not work. "

"Even if you're going to put on a show, you have to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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