The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 804 Analysis of Kong Jie M1A1 75mm Howitzer

After further analysis of the international situation.

John admired Kong Jie's long-term insight, keen insight, and strong analytical ability.

And he deeply agrees with Kong Jie's prediction of the Japanese and American situation.

"It's just...even if we know that my country will go to war with Japan, what benefits can we gain from it?"

Kong Jie smiled: "John, this kind of thing shouldn't be a problem for you American businessmen who went to various countries to sell weapons during the war, right?"

John heard the ridicule in Kong Jie's words, and replied with a smile: "Xu, my motherland did not participate in the war, just like the Sino-Japanese game, we helped Japan, but we will also help you China, and help you Your China is bigger than Japan."

Kong Jie didn't want to continue the discussion on this topic. Talking about humanitarianism, justice and evil with Yankees is simply playing the piano against the cow.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

It is better to expect a sow to climb a tree than to expect people from other countries to worry about the fate of their own country!
"Xu, even if we can predict the future trend of the war situation, my motherland will go to war with Japan, but the military has the most abundant resources, the most advanced and largest arsenal, and all the weapons they need can be produced by themselves." supply.

Our country's annual steel production is almost the largest in the world. "

"In this case, once the fighting breaks out, will the military need the equipment provided by our personally contracted arms companies?"

Having said that, John also made a specific analysis.

"Whether it's a carbine or a Garand rifle, or all kinds of light machine guns and heavy machine guns, all arms production companies basically have a large stockpile.

The arsenal under the jurisdiction of the military may produce more guns. Once the supply of such a number of guns exceeds the demand, let alone making money.

Maybe the price of a gun is not as expensive as a fried chicken. "

What John said is true, because the United States basically did not participate in the war in the first few years of World War II, and arms dealers from various countries produced a large number of guns in order to do arms business in various countries and hoarded a rather exaggerated number of guns.

In this case, guns supplied by production plants owned by the military itself are included.

Before the U.S. military goes to the battlefield, what it considers is not whether it can formulate sufficiently sophisticated equipment.

Instead, you should consider what kind of weapon to use.

Which arms production company is used to provide the weapons.

Compared with the Chinese army, which has scarce guns and ammunition.

That is really the death of drought and the death of waterlogging.

So there are businessmen from arms production companies like John standing behind him.

If they cannot guarantee that the equipment and weapons produced by their companies will be favored by the military, then the weapons and equipment produced will basically have no other sales channels other than selling them to other countries.

This is why the Yankees are the happiest when wars break out in various countries.

"So, it depends on business opportunities!"

Seeing the hesitation on John's face, Kong Jie spoke slowly.

"John, there is an old saying in China that the market rewards the foresight the most.

The one who eats the bread first always gets the fullest.

Those who blindly follow the trend may starve to death. "

"Xu, what you said is great, but what should we do?" John asked.

Seeing that John's appetite was whetted, Kong Jie said:

"There are actually great business opportunities here. John, I heard that many arms manufacturers in your country originally produced a large number of M1A1 75mm howitzers and planned to provide them to the military, but they did not get the approval of the military, so As a result, a large amount of this artillery is hoarded in the warehouse, so we can only find a way to sell it at a low price?"

Kong Jie's remarks are naturally based on his previous understanding of some domestic situations in the United States during World War II.

And John has a wide range of sources for Kong Jie.

It's no surprise already.

John nodded without denying, "Yes, Xu, as you know, not only the M1A1 75mm howitzer, but also many similar small-caliber artillery. After mass production, the military refused to buy them. .

Therefore, many arms production companies in our country have stockpiled a considerable number of small-caliber artillery of this type, and there has been no good sales channel. "

"Buy them here, buy a lot, we want as much as we have!" Kong Jie said firmly.

John was dumbfounded.

According to Kong Jie's meaning, it is equivalent to having a large number of rotten goods in the hands of others, and they have been hoarding them in a hurry, and they can't sell them for a dime.

In the end, he, Kong Jie, was lucky enough to spend a lot of money, directly buying up all the stockpiles.

Isn't that the equivalent of taking over someone else's mess?
If it wasn't for all the time, Kong Jie left him with the impression of shrewdness, wisdom, magic, far-sightedness, and mystery...

John might jump up and call Kong Jie an idiot.

After a while, John expressed his opinion:

"Xu, isn't your idea a little too crazy?
According to my understanding of the construction of our military forces, if our country really participates in the war, the priority should be large-caliber howitzers and large tanks.

Like 75mm howitzers, the military doesn't look down on them at all, so how could they buy them in large quantities?
I think we should focus on the production of the M3 submachine gun, a modified version of the most advanced submachine gun that will definitely be favored by the military. "

Kong Jie smiled and shook his head, "It is true that the production of the M3 submachine gun will be stepped up, but your John's appetite is definitely more than that, right?"

"You are right. With your US military strength, once a battle breaks out, the military will naturally give priority to using large-caliber artillery, large tanks and the most advanced fighter jets in the war."

"It's just...John, do you and the arms production companies behind you have the background to contract these large-caliber artillery?"

"Besides, the needs of the military are obvious. Since we can think of it, other businessmen can naturally think of it."

"This means that who can eat the most of this cake actually depends on which company has the strongest strength."

"At the same time, you also need to bear considerable risks. I'm afraid this kind of business is not easy to do?"

John was silent, Kong Jie was right.

As for Kong Jie's prediction that the United States would join the war, John basically believed it.

However, in terms of cooperation with the military, John actually did not make extravagant demands, and only focused on the production of the M3 submachine gun.

The blueprint obtained from Kong Jie can be said to be the most advanced submachine gun available to the US right now.

It is the current greatest strength of John and the arms company behind him.

"So we can't compete with other arms companies, so we can only find ways to find hidden business opportunities." Kong Jie changed his subject, "And this business opportunity lies in small-caliber artillery like the M1A1 75mm howitzer. "

"In addition, the rocket launcher for individual combat that I mentioned to you John is also a huge business opportunity."

Seeing that John's heart was moved, Kong Jie hit the rails while it was hot:
"As for what this business opportunity is."

"The reason is actually very simple. John, you are right. The military will indeed give priority to large-caliber artillery."

"But when war breaks out, the military will soon find out that large-caliber artillery, heavy tanks, and advanced fighter jets are necessary.

However, follow-up artillery that can flexibly accompany infantry in combat and fire support is also indispensable. "

"This is the same reason that no matter how advanced the development of artillery tanks is, the most basic guns for individual combat are always indispensable."

"In the production of large-caliber artillery, it is impossible for us to compare with those well-established arms companies. We should focus on this small-caliber follow-up howitzer."

John had a thoughtful face, obviously hesitating and struggling.

Right now, in other arms companies, a large number of small-caliber artillery have been piled up in warehouses like broken copper.

At this time, Kong Jie asked him to bet this opportunity on the small-caliber self-propelled artillery.

The risks in this are actually quite large, and it is also a great test for John's judgment.

In the end, John said, "Xu, this matter is too involved. I'm afraid I can't make the decision by myself. I still need to report the specific situation with the parent company before making any plans."

It is clear.

Being able to say this proves that John's determination is not firm.

Kong Jie was not in a hurry, and further said: "John, we have analyzed earlier that it is very likely that your country will go to war with Japan.

But right now, the Sino-Japanese war is still deepening.

If it comes to which army knows the Japanese army best, it is our Chinese army.

I also know the thinking of the Japanese army too well. As an island country, Japan is in danger of being destroyed by the sea at any time.

Their entire nation is based on unsteady fear, and they will not hesitate to launch an aggression against our China in order to seize resources.

The Japanese army's desire for war and survival resources is almost crazy. This kind of madness is enough to make the Japanese army put all their eggs in one basket and attack any target he thinks can benefit from it. "

"And how much do you know about the Japanese army?"

"Don't you want to conduct the most realistic experiments on the battlefield with the weapons that your troops will equip before your motherland goes to war with the Japanese army?"

John froze for a moment: "Xu, what do you mean?"

Kong Jie said: "As I said before, the M1A 75mm howitzer is definitely useful in the battlefield against Japan.

Once your country goes to war with Japan, if you lack this small-caliber self-propelled artillery that can follow the infantry in support operations, your military will definitely suffer in front of the Japanese troops.

And before the war broke out, if there are troops who are willing to use your weapons to confront the Japanese army, to test whether these equipment are effective against the Japanese army.

John, do you think you American military would be interested in this? "

This time, John didn't even hesitate, and nodded directly: "Of course, knowing your opponent is the key to winning a war. I also know that there is an old saying in your country, that is, if you know your enemy and know yourself, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles."

"It's just that where do we find such troops? Do you want the national army to test these equipment for us?"

Kong Jie sneered.

"The national army, has it been defeated from the three eastern provinces to Zhongtiao Mountain? Is it the same for your US military?"

When John heard this, he seemed to have been greatly humiliated, and he almost jumped to retort: ​​"Of course not, our US military has almost never lost a battle. How can these national troops be comparable?"

Kong Jie laughed, and in order to fool John, he did not hesitate to pat a rainbow fart: "So, in China, regardless of the equipment gap, the most similar to your US military should be our Chinese Eighth Route Army."

"They used the most crude weapons, even with only a few bullets in their pockets, but they were able to confront the well-equipped Japanese army with planes, cannons, machine guns, and tanks for many years."

"They have a will of steel, and they have the most heroic and fearless fighting spirit. I think it is undoubtedly the most suitable for such a force to help you, the United States, to experiment with the weapons that the US military will soon equip."

"Xu, what you said is very good." John's face was full of smiles.

"I've heard of the Eighth Route Army troops. They are brave, tenacious, and powerful. They have always been the most troublesome opponents of the Japanese army."

"With poor equipment and scarce ammunition, they can fight the Japanese army. If they are equipped with our American weapons, what kind of fighting power can they explode? This is really exciting!"

"More importantly, it is to prove to the military in actual combat that the small-caliber self-propelled artillery we have invested can play a huge role in war." Kong Jie added.

"If this M1A1 75mm howitzer is in the hands of the Eighth Route Army, even the simplest bean tank or the simplest armored vehicle can exert great power on this self-propelled artillery."

"And you, the United States, have more advanced conditions. It is absolutely possible to mount such artillery on vehicles, or attach it to tanks, as mobile support artillery."

"John, do you think your military will be moved?"

Seeing the silent John seemed to have the last hesitation.

Kong Jie explained again, "John, I know what you're worried about.

You are worried that if the US military does not buy it, you will lose everything.

You can rest assured about this.

Once the U.S. military enters the war, it will definitely take some time to train soldiers before they will officially enter the battlefield.

At that time you just need to show me some when the 75 howitzer and its self-propelled artillery model are produced.

I knew some commanders of the Eighth Route Army.

If we lend them such excellent equipment, I think they will be very welcome.

At that time, almost equip a regiment of the Eighth Route Army!
When the Eighth Route Army was fighting the Japanese army, there would be reporters accompanying the army to take pictures and record the actual combat.

There are actual combat cases and improvements after battlefield feedback, as well as actual training programs and other materials are placed in front of the US military.

They must have truly realized the importance of such follow-up artillery in infantry engagements. "

Following the narration, Kong Jie asserted confidently:
"It's like we used the best way of publicity to promote the small-caliber self-propelled artillery we produced to the US military."

"Once successful, John, I think what we should consider is not how to sell the artillery piled up in the warehouse, but whether the munitions production line can be supplied."

Finally, Kong Jie used his trump card again:

"We still have an old saying in China that if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs? If you don't want to take risks, do you still expect to earn huge wealth?"

"Of course, John, you and I are brothers, so naturally I can't put all these risks on you alone."

"In this way, I am willing to enter into a betting agreement with you!"

"Gambling Agreement!!!" John said with a look of surprise...

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