The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 806 The Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain Waiting for My American Equipment

In the Taihang, Taiyue and Jizhong base areas, the Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army fought continuously.

The battle situation around Zhongtiao Mountain is also quietly evolving.

The Central Army, which had already retreated to the south of the Yellow River, saw that the Japanese army did not continue to advance after the capture of Zhongtiao Mountain, but it gradually relaxed from the initial fear.

And the Japanese army did not intend to continue marching south of the Yellow River for the time being.

First, if the Japanese army continues to march south of the Yellow River, then this dangerous Yellow River will also become a north-south transportation channel that the devils must protect.

Ensure the follow-up of logistics resources.

However, there are obviously a large number of Eighth Route Army troops active in the Zhongtiao Mountain area. For the past six months, the tortured Japanese army has been both headache and helpless.

What the Japanese army is most worried about is in the continued southward operations.

The Eighth Route Army troops remaining in Zhongtiao Mountain will take the opportunity to cut off the Yellow River transportation line south of Zhongtiao Mountain.

At that time, the Japanese army will be attacked from the front and back, which will be disadvantageous in attacking.

And want to completely wipe out the Eight Routes of Zhongtiao Mountain.

"First of all, to completely wipe out the Eighth Route Army units in Taihang and Taiyue, at least completely cut off the connection between the Eighth Route Taihang and Taiyue base areas and the Zhongtiaoshan area."

"Otherwise, even if our Empire of Japan wipes out all the eight guerrilla forces in Zhongtiao Mountain for the time being, the Eighth Route Army of Taihang and Taiyue will still secretly move towards Zhongtiao Mountain."

"In this way, isn't our Great Japanese Empire caught in the endless harassment of the Eighth Route Army troops?"

The headquarters of the 47st Division of the Japanese Army in Yuncheng.

The devil's chief of staff expressed his views on the situation.

Participate in this meeting to discuss how to wipe out the guerrilla troops of the Eighth Route Army in Zhongtiao Mountain and protect the members of the North-South transportation channel.

In addition to the original officers of the No.40 Seventh Division of the Japanese Army, there is also Uchida Shinya, the captain of the Japanese Kwantung Army who reinforced Zhongtiao Mountain from the northeast region.

Nobuo Uchida also had a say in how to eliminate the guerrilla troops of the Eighth Route Army in the Zhongtiao Mountain area.

After he rushed to the Zhongtiao Mountain area with his Kwantung Army brigade.

Because he underestimated his opponent, he thought that he could use the infiltration of traitors to take the opportunity to wipe out the independent four groups.

As a result, Han Feng and Wang Huaibao fell into the trap of following their tricks.

The Uchida Brigade suffered heavy casualties as a result.

After that, Uchida Nobuya also asked the Kwantung Army headquarters for help, and then the Kwantung Army headquarters replenished Uchida Nobuya's strength.

In the ensuing confrontation, Uchida Shinobu, who realized that the Fourth Independent Regiment was difficult to deal with, also changed his strategy.

In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, Nobuo Uchida also stated in the meeting analyzing how to fight the guerrilla troops of the Eighth Route Army in Zhongtiao Mountain:
"Originally, the Eighth Route Army's equipment was backward and ammunition was scarce. Even with the advantages of terrain, mountainous areas as cover, and vast depth, it would never be an opponent of our Great Japanese Empire.

But right now the Eighth Route Army in the Zhongtiao Mountain area is obviously a well-equipped Eighth Route Army!

In the confrontation between our two sides, their excellent equipment and powerful firepower even surpassed our Imperial Japanese Army for a time.

Under such circumstances, if our army enters the mountainous area to carry out raids rashly, it is very easy to be ambushed by the Eighth Route Army troops. "

Uchida Nobuya also agreed with the rest of the Japanese military officers who said this.

In the past, the Eighth Route Army's equipment was backward, ammunition was scarce, and when it was still three guns and eight roads, it was able to continuously harass the Japanese army during the sweeping process, causing continuous trauma to the Japanese army.

The Eighth Route Army in Zhongtiaoshan was well equipped, which was completely beyond the expectations of the Japanese army.

According to the information about the Fourth Independent Regiment collected by the Japanese army around Zhongtiao Mountain:
The Anti-Japanese Fourth Regiment of the Eighth Route Army in Zhongtiaoshan was originally an old unit of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, and it was the old unit of Kong Jie, the head of the Independent Regiment.

The equipment is extremely well equipped, and there is a considerable amount of American equipment, including some semi-automatic rifles with an amazing rate of fire, and [-]-point mortars.

Therefore, in the confrontation between the two sides, often after the Japanese army opened up the sweeping net, this Eighth Route Army unit can often easily break through with strong firepower.

In the end, with the help of Dashan to deal with the Japanese army, the Japanese army's sweeping raids ended in failure again and again.

"Then, Uchida Army, the Eighth Route Army is hiding deep in the mountains. If you can't send troops to sweep them up, how will you destroy the Eighth Route Army?"

Some Japanese military officers raised doubts.

Uchida Shin also replied confidently: "It's actually very simple. Rather than spending time and effort searching for Eighth Route Army troops in this vast mountain for a decisive battle, we may be ambushed by them at any time."

"It's better to lure the Eighth Route Army troops out instead and start a confrontation in an area suitable for our Great Japanese Empire."

"How to seduce?"

Uchida Shinya said: "It's also very simple. The Eighth Route Army has always been closely connected with the local Chinese people. The Eighth Route Army relies most on the power of the people. Then we will destroy their people's power and use these people to put these Eighth Route Army to death."

After putting forward his point of view, Uchida Shinya immediately showed his own series of combat plans on how to wipe out the Fourth Independent Regiment of Zhongtiao Mountain:

First, similar to the Kwantung Army in the Northeast, it implemented a policy of consolidating the people in the Zhongtiao Mountain area.

To put it simply, it is to forcibly relocate all the villagers in some scattered small villages to a centralized large village for centralized management.

It can reduce the risk of being infiltrated by the Eighth Route Army and reduce the waste of Japanese security forces.

Second, the Baojia system and the Lianzao system are implemented in each village. Anyone who dares to engage in adultery will be punished by the whole village.

Third, some puppet government organizations controlled by the Japanese army were established in various villages.

The security chiefs and village chiefs of each village were all served by puppet soldiers dispatched by the Japanese army, and they kept reporting to the Japanese army about every move of the villagers.

Fourth, strengthen military defenses around the villages after Bingtun, build artillery towers and blockade ditches, and guard against surprise attacks by the Eighth Route Army troops.

Fifth, strengthen law and order, gradually spread the occupied areas outward, and gradually transform the guerrilla areas developed by the Eighth Route Army into stable law and order areas...


In the words of the old devil Uchida Nobuya:

It is to squeeze out all the survival foundation and living space of the Eighth Route Army.

This move is indeed more insidious than the original Japanese troops in the Zhongtiao Mountain area.

Especially now that the drought is severe and gradually spreading, even the Zhongtiao Mountain area has actually been affected to a certain extent.

To the south of the Yellow River, there are a large number of disaster victims in Henan every day. In order not to consume themselves to death on the long journey, they choose to take a shortcut and sneak across the Yellow River ferry south of Zhongtiao Mountain.

The arrival of these victims undoubtedly increased the burden on the farmers in the Zhongtiao Mountain area.

Coupled with the Japanese army's rapid implementation of the policy of merging villages.

The devils even forcibly plundered the last food reserves of the people, and then gathered the people together, regardless of their life or death.

The little devil's intentions are vicious. This is not to gather the villagers together to compress the living space of the eight roads and cut off the logistics supply of the eight roads.

This is clearly to force the common people to their death, so as to lure the Eighth Route Army to rescue the common people...

Somewhere deep in Zhongtiao Mountain.

Temporary headquarters of the Fourth Independent Regiment.

The recent actions of the Japanese army have naturally spread to the headquarters.

When Wang Huaibao, head of the Fourth Independent Regiment, discussed the matter with the cadres, he was so angry that the Japanese army was cruel and devoid of conscience.

"Where does this leave a little way for the people to survive? This is to force our people to a dead end!"

Han Feng, the commander of the fourth battalion, directly pointed out: "Regimental Commander, the devils have vicious intentions, if they are allowed to implement the strategy of joining the village, we, the people of Zhongtiao Mountain, will be completely destroyed by the devils.

These days, the military operations of the Japanese army are quite solid. They gradually encroach on our guerrilla areas, and continue to control the villages and people in the guerrilla areas.

Then the people were forcibly relocated together, and the policy of consolidating villages was implemented.

This is very similar to the cage policy implemented by the devils at the beginning. If the cage is not broken, the devil's alliance will not be broken.

Sooner or later, our mass base will be slowly eaten away by little devils. "

"Fight! There is no other way, commander, fight!"

Several other battalion commanders spoke one after another.

But Wang Huaibao, as the current supreme commander of the Eighth Route Army in Zhongtiaoshan, he can't be overheated.

Wang Huaibao, who had analyzed the situation, said helplessly: "I know everyone's feelings, this bastard is bullying too much, he just pulled all the shit on us.

But we can't be rash.

During this period of time, the little devil strengthened the blockade of the occupied area, as well as the artillery towers and strongholds.

Our fourth regiment has now left the detachment. First, there is no logistical supply, and second, there is no ammunition replenishment. In addition, during the battle with the Japanese army during this period, the ammunition has been consumed.

The devils tightly blocked the transportation channel from our detachment base to Zhongtiao Mountain.

As far as our remaining ammunition reserves are concerned, if we fight a tough battle, we won't be able to withstand such consumption at all.

After all, the army of the little devils is far greater than ours. We can take down one or two villages that the devils have gathered, and they can also merge more villages. What shall we do then? "


The cadres are silent, this is indeed the most troublesome problem right now.

"Commander, what are we going to do?"

Wang Huaibao was also at a loss, after thinking for a long time, Wang Huaibao came up with the most helpless idea: "I have no choice but to find a way to contact the old head.

This time, we came here specially to deal with our devil Kwantung Army, it's really not easy to deal with.

If we want to deal with this little devil, I'm afraid we have to ask our natal family for some equipment and ammunition. "

As for now...

"First reduce the troops to zero, with the main purpose of harassing the Japanese army, and try to delay the process of the devils' annexation in our guerrilla zone as much as possible."

"Didn't the devils set up a large number of maintenance associations in the village? Let's destroy the devil's maintenance associations first."

"Buy time for our follow-up preparations."



In the afternoon, Lao Zhou, who was in charge of contacting the counties in the enemy-occupied areas, rushed to the temporary headquarters of the Fourth Regiment and brought good news to Wang Huaibao:
"Captain, Mr. Shen recently hoarded another batch of grain, and disguised the grain transport team as a caravan, and sent it to our guerrilla zone without telling the kid.

It's already in the village now, let's send someone to take over as soon as possible! "

"Okay, Lao Zhou, I can't meet Mr. Shen for the time being. Next time you see Mr. Shen, you must thank Mr. Shen for our Eighth Route Army!"

Wang Huaibao spoke with some emotion.

During this period of time, the devils were vigorously pursuing the policy of annexation, coupled with the spread of the disaster, although the Fourth Independent Regiment was well equipped and had sufficient ammunition, the supply of supplies became a major problem.

After all, there are more than [-] horsemen in the whole group, and it is difficult to solve the problem of eating.

Fortunately, Shen Wenyue's father, Shen Yousan, Mr. Shen, even though he was the president of the devil's maintenance association on the surface, secretly supported the Eighth Route Army's resistance against Japan, and secretly delivered food to the Fourth Independent Regiment many times.

It was really a timely gift, and it solved the urgent problem of food for the soldiers of the Fourth Independent Regiment.

Old Zhou nodded emphatically: "Leader, don't worry, Mr. Shen bears the burden of humiliation, even if he is a traitor that everyone scolds, he never forgets the righteousness of the nation.

I, Lao Zhou, also admire such an old gentleman from the bottom of my heart. "

After chatting for a while, Lao Zhou left.

Wang Huaibao also sent a team to meet the grain caravan sent by Shen Yousan.

At this time, Han Feng, the commander of the Fourth Battalion, came to report: "Commander, I got news that reporter Shen crossed the Yellow River south two days ago and went to the territory of Henan."

When Wang Huaibao heard this, he was taken aback, "What is Reporter Shen doing there?"

Han Feng said: "I heard that the drought in Henan has become more and more serious recently, and the affected area has almost spread to the whole province, and a large number of people have been affected by the disaster and fled to various places.

A disaster victim who fled to southern Shanxi told reporter Shen that the disaster-stricken area south of the Yellow River has almost become a hell, where people are starved to death every day, and everyone is hungry like a scrawny old wolf. Take two bites.

However, the national army blocked the news, so the parties did not know the specific situation very well.

Reporter Shen probably wanted to go there in person to record in depth the current situation of the people in the disaster-stricken areas south of the Yellow River. "

"But she's a woman, and the war is in chaos, isn't this nonsense?" Wang Huaibao worried.

"Don't talk about the personal relationship between our old team leader and reporter Shen."

"Even for the large amount of food that Mr. Shen sent to our Independent Fourth Regiment, we should also protect reporter Shen comprehensively."

Han Feng agreed: "Yes! However, Captain, fortunately, Xiao Wu also went with him. I also specially equipped Xiao Wu with two pistols. With Xiao Wu protecting Reporter Shen along the way, there should be no problems. of."

Wang Huaibao breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good!"



A team command.

After Wang Huaibao's news came, Kong Jie called Chief of Staff Xu Guoan and Political Commissar Li Wenjie to discuss the matter.

During the in-depth discussions, all three of them realized the great crisis that the Fourth Independent Regiment was currently in.

"Old Kong, it seems that the devils have made up their minds this time. They want to wipe out the Fourth Regiment in one fell swoop. They first sent troops from the Kwantung Army, and now they are pursuing a policy of annexation."

"The Zhongtiaoshan base is not deep enough, and the devil's force is much larger than that of the fourth regiment."

"If we don't think about it anymore, these four groups will be dragged down step by step by the little devils sooner or later."

Xu Guoan put forward his own views.

The crisis that the Fourth Regiment fell into made Xu Guoan and Li Wenjie quite worried.

When the two looked at Kong Jie, waiting for Kong Jie to make an idea, Kong Jie only said one word: "Wait!"

"Wait?" Li Wenjie was stunned for a while, "Head, the situation is urgent now, what should we wait for?"

Kong Jie laughed and said, "Of course I'm waiting for the American equipment from my regiment.

As for how to deal with the devil's merger policy and blockade in the future, I have a plan in mind.

The only thing missing right now is this batch of American-style equipment. It can be said that everything is ready, and the only thing missing is the east wind. "


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