The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 826 The existence of Team 1 makes the Japanese invaders terrified!

Chapter 826 The existence of a team makes the Japanese invaders terrified! (seeking a monthly ticket)
The Fourth Independent Regiment of the First Anti-Japanese Independent Detachment of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi.

Under the leadership of the head of the regiment, Wang Huaibao, in the Zhongtiao Mountain area, after completing the anti-sweeping operation that attracted the attention of all parties.

The battle situation in Zhongtiao Mountain tended to be stable, and the Fourth Independent Regiment officially established a firm foothold in Zhongtiao Mountain, and further consolidated the anti-Japanese revolutionary base in Zhongtiao Mountain that the soldiers had worked so hard to open up.

It wasn't long after the devil's sweep was over.

Taking advantage of the day, they suffered a disastrous defeat in the sweep, and in addition, a large number of security officers in the occupied area were beheaded by the commando, and they are busy with the stability of the law and order in the counties and towns in the occupied area.

Kong Jie got in touch with the headquarters of the Fourth Regiment through the communications department of the detachment.

And issued new instructions to Wang Huaibao in the communication:

The Fourth Regiment and the detachment worked together to try to open up the secret transportation channel from the Zhongtiaoshan Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Base to the Taihang First Team base.

"Only by ensuring this secret transportation channel can the Fourth Regiment and our detachment be closely connected"

"In addition, the four regiments are all using American equipment, and the supply of ammunition will definitely be indispensable in the future."

"The caliber of the captured Japanese bullets does not match the caliber of the Garand rifle at all, so our detachment's logistics department has to send bullets of the corresponding caliber to the Fourth Regiment through this secret transportation channel from time to time."

When the detachment headquarters discussed the matter, Kong Jie put forward his own views.

Wang Huaibao responded quickly to this.

On the one hand, it is to support the general headquarters of the detachment, and open up the secret transportation channel leading to the base of a detachment.

On the other hand, Wang Huaibao clearly stipulated for each company stationed in the station:

"If it is not necessary, use Japanese equipment first. American equipment can only be used at will when the logistics supply is guaranteed."

But it is obvious that the Fourth Regiment does not have such logistical supply conditions at present
At this time, the battle situation between the Taihang base area and the Zhongtiaoshan base area has already quietly evolved.

In the Taihang base area, except for large-scale raids, the Japanese army was no longer capable of threatening the Eighth Route Army troops.

In particular, the Eighth Route Army, which is dominated by the First Independent Detachment of the Northwest Shanxi Anti-Japanese War of the Eighth Route Army.

That made Rijiu both headache and helpless.

The two sides are temporarily at a stalemate.

Large-scale conflicts will not break out in a short period of time.

The Japanese army obediently guarded the townships and county towns in the occupied areas and did not dare to rashly enter the base areas of the Eighth Route Army, or even some guerrilla areas on the periphery.

And in the Zhongtiao Mountain area, the situation is roughly the same.

The massacre a few days ago failed miserably, and even the elite Kwantung Army brigade of the Japanese army was wiped out by the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop.

The fighting power displayed by the Zhongtiaoshan Eighth Route Army in the anti-sweeping operation shocked the Japanese army.

In such a situation that is obviously beneficial to the Eighth Route Army and is relatively stable.

The plan issued by Kong Jie to open up the secret transportation channel from the Zhongtiaoshan base to the base of a team was successfully implemented.

Both sides acted quickly.

Wang Huaibao sent four elite regiments to use the powerful artillery on hand to destroy some Japanese strongholds that blocked the transportation channel along the way.

The Japanese army was forced to shrink its forces and retreat to counties and towns like a tortoise.

Kong Jie also ordered the troops to further stabilize the guerrilla areas, and even gradually develop the guerrilla areas into solid bases.

To ensure that the secret transportation channel will not be harassed by the Japanese army.

In this way, under the efficient cooperation of the soldiers.

In less than a week, the Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Base opened by the Zhongtiaoshan Fourth Independent Regiment successfully opened a secret passage with the base of a team.

This secret transportation channel is composed of various complex terrains such as mountain roads, dirt roads, highways, and dirt ditches.

In the process of transportation, various transportation methods are also diverse to adapt to more complex terrain.

When starting out, it was pulled by a car, then turned into a mule-drawn cart, pushed on the narrow mountain road, and finally even used a bicycle transport team, plus a wheelbarrow, and human transportation.

In order to ensure the speed of transporting materials through secret transport channels.

The transportation exchanges between the other four regiments and one team are two-way.

The headquarters of a team arranged transport troops to transport some military supplies, including some ammunition of the corresponding caliber, to the Independent Fourth Regiment in the Zhongtiaoshan base area.

The Fourth Independent Regiment will also take some Japanese equipment and ammunition seized, such as 6.5-style rifles and [-]mm bullets, etc.

Sent to a team base.

Although the Fourth Regiment used American-style equipment, after winning the battle, the captured guns and ammunition would never be wasted, leaving a batch for their own use, and sending all the excess to the first team.

Assignment will be made by the detachment headquarters.


As time passed, both sides developed rapidly.

In a flash, it was the autumn harvest time.

A team headquarters.

Recently, the defense of the base area has been relatively stable, and the military, economy, and even cultural studies have all developed relatively rapidly.

A year ago, Kong Jie set a requirement for the entire team to conduct a comprehensive summary meeting every month.

The meeting is now officially launched at the detachment headquarters.

All regiment heads and political commissars are all present.

Everyone talked about the recent development of a team and reported the relevant situation one after another.

Now is the period of the entire nation's war of resistance, and the first thing to talk about is naturally the military situation.

"Then let's start with the first group," Kong Jie said, without even opening the opening line.

Lei Dasheng, the former battalion commander of the independent regiment of the first detachment.

Because of the busy affairs of the detachment, Kong Jie, who was originally the head of a regiment, couldn't take care of it.

After being appointed by his superiors, Lei Dasheng, who had already served as the acting head of a regiment, took the lead in reporting:

"Reporting to the old regiment commander, in the past month, our regiment's military operations have progressed quite smoothly in all aspects.

The base area continued to develop steadily, and the fortifications of the base area were further strengthened.

In addition, in the past month, our regiment has expanded the scope of the guerrilla zone by more than ten miles.

There are 13 new villages included, with more than 3000 more villagers..."

As the words fell, the political commissars of the heads of the regiment applauded one after another. As a celebration, Lei Dasheng's face was also full of complacency.

Then, Wang Leihu, head of the Second Independent Regiment, and Shen Quan, head of the Third Independent Regiment, also reported the military progress of each regiment.

Many strongholds and artillery towers of the Japanese army were successfully removed.

In addition, the guerrilla zone was expanded outward, and the base area was stabilized.

"As for the current economic development of our team..."

After the reports from the heads of each regiment, Li Wenjie, the political commissar who made the final summary, said in a loud voice: "Comrades, I have benefited from the unity and joint efforts of all the officers and men of our detachment."

"Our team has officially overcome the difficulties. Not only has it received a large number of victims, it has gradually stabilized the normal operation of the base area."

"Following the original plan smoothly, a large number of people flooding into the base area will gradually develop in the direction of a demographic dividend."

"So far, we can pat ourselves on the chest and say without exaggeration that our team has become the well-deserved economic center of the Eighth Route Army base area and the economic center behind the enemy lines.

We even once surpassed the surrounding devil-occupied areas, some important counties that have always been the economic center of gravity! "

The voice fell, and there was thunderous applause.

The faces of the cadres all showed great joy, and their hearts were full of pride.

"As for the specifics, we will leave it to professionals, and our finance minister, Comrade Xu Qingnian, will report in detail for everyone!"

After Li Wenjie finished his speech with a smile, Xu Qingnian, head of the Finance Department of a team, immediately raised the information in his hand and reported to everyone in detail:
"Comrades, through the hard work of our whole team, in this new month, the gross production value of our base areas, not including the Fourth Independent Regiment, has exceeded one million.

The following is the detailed data, the total sales value of our tobacco factory this month...the total monthly sales of the chicken essence factory...and the tobacco factory winery..."

After Xu Qingnian reported this series of data, the cadres were happy to hear it, but after a long time, they obviously felt a little drowsy.

There is no way, most of the people present here are military cadres and political cadres, and not many people understand economics. Xu Qingnian's series of data, everyone can only listen to it.

In fact, it may not be understood.

Not interested at all.

In the end, Wang Leihu, the head of the second regiment who was the first to lose his temper, interrupted Xu Qingnian and said with a smile:

"Old Xu, you should go back and report to the political commissar and the old team leader alone for the economic reporting work!"

"If you let us big bosses listen to you talking about these economic development data, wouldn't that make us feel like listening to heavenly scriptures, making things difficult for everyone?"

"That's it!"

Finally, someone took the lead to speak, and the other regiment leaders quickly echoed with complaints.

Looking at the embarrassing faces of the group leaders, after a brief silence, the entire conference room burst into laughter.

In the end, Kong Jie mentioned the development status of various equipment that military cadres are most interested in:

"A few days ago, the third batch of American-style equipment was delivered, and there will be a steady stream of equipment coming in the future, and we will even contract an entire production line by ourselves.

Of course, in terms of guns, our technology and equipment have shortcomings, so it is not possible for the time being.

So what I initially considered was a whole bullet production line to supply the ammunition consumption of American equipment.

Our regiments are preparing to further adjust the equipment of the troops and strengthen the firepower configuration. "

Speaking of this, Kong Jie asked, "Shen Quan, what is the general firepower configuration of our regular main combat infantry squad?"

Shen Quan, the leader of the third regiment who was questioned, replied with a smile:
"Old commander, the current firepower configuration of our elite combat squad is something we couldn't have imagined a few years ago."

"Each squad is still equipped with 12 combatants as standard, equipped with a light machine gun, a [-]-point mortar, and sometimes a [-]-point small gun, two self-defense pistols, and a Jin-made submachine gun. The remaining infantry fighters are each equipped with a rifle."

"60 bullets are distributed per capita. Of course, we learn the combat mode of the Japanese army, and 30 of the bullets carried are prepared for our machine guns."

"In addition, each machine gun comes with a thousand rounds of ammunition."

Speaking of this, Shen Quan added a sentence without hesitation: "This is based on the average standard, old regiment leader, you know, our equipment was too poor in the past, ammunition was scarce, and most of the cadres had a fear of lack of firepower. "

"As long as the opportunity is seized, the soldiers must be armed to the teeth."

The soldiers couldn't help laughing when they heard it. The sad history of the War of Resistance in the past seems to be gone forever.

Kong Jie did scold with a smile: "Look at your achievements, where are you going?
Let me tell you, we haven't started yet regarding the configuration of firepower! "

Then, Kong Jie directly started to serve hard dishes: "I put it here for you, and there will definitely be no shortage of American equipment that will arrive one after another.

There will be Garand semi-automatic rifles, Browning light and heavy machine guns, six zero mortars, and seven-five mountain guns.

I'm not afraid to arm everyone to the teeth.

Three, or even five, Garand semi-automatic rifles per squad will do.

Each platoon is assigned an additional artillery squad, and it is also okay to assign three [-] mortars.

Even if you have a squad with twelve light machine guns, once the battle starts, you will be a little devil!

As long as the distribution is proper and the combat power can be brought out to me, if we also have this condition, I will still be unambiguous!
So in the future, in terms of the firepower configuration of your companies, if there is a need, direct management to the logistics department.

There is only one request from me, I will give you great and sophisticated equipment, if you can't display your combat effectiveness, you will end up being cheap little devils for nothing, and let the devils seize all the equipment and ammunition..."

Kong Jie paused: "Do you know what this is?

This is the behavior of the national army, a typical behavior of supporting the enemy!
I still say that no matter how good the equipment is, we cannot do without excellent fighters. We cannot put the cart before the horse. No matter how good the equipment is, the strict military training of our fighters is absolutely indispensable.

Tell the soldiers that only those with the most solid training can choose all kinds of equipment at will.

That sword is for a hero! "


The cadres responded in unison.

Of course, in the end, the equipment adjustment plan of each unit is naturally impossible to be as exaggerated as Kong Jie said.

The firepower configuration of combat troops is not always the more powerful the better.

All kinds of weapons, rifles, machine guns, and artillery have their advantages and disadvantages. Only by avoiding the disadvantages, making full use of their advantages, and learning from each other's strengths can all the firepower advantages of these equipment be integrated into one.

It's really like a squad holding twelve machine guns.

That must be inferior to the combat effectiveness of a combat squad equipped with machine guns, rifles, and artillery.

A single combat method cannot adapt to complex and diverse combat environments.

In the end, considering that one team has too many troops, it is naturally impossible to create another US Army Eighth Route Army detachment like the Independent Fourth Regiment.

Therefore, in addition to the previous firepower configuration, each combat squad is equipped with three Garand rifles and one M3 submachine gun.

In addition, each company strengthens an anti-tank combat team.

Comes with two anti-tank rocket launchers.

Iron bastard specially used to restrain devils.

Strengthen a mortar squad and assign three M2 [-] mortars as platoon-level support artillery.

As for the M1 75mm howitzer, it was combined with an armored corps built by Kong Jie.

Tanks, armored vehicles and even some military vehicles of the Armored Corps are all equipped with 75mm howitzers as follow-up artillery.

When all of this was completed, and looking back at the rapid development of a team's equipment in the past two years, the somewhat smug Captain Kong said to himself:
"So, is it more than enough to deal with the devil's May Day raid?"

Kong Jie, who was no longer worried about the May Day raids, even faintly looked forward to it.

When the little devil mobilized the troops that had been secretly prepared for a long time, and finally launched a sweep of the Taihang base area.

Devils will be dumbfounded.

The lambs they thought were ready to be slaughtered had already grown into ferocious tigers.

"The existence of a team will definitely make the Japanese invaders terrified!"

(End of this chapter)

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