The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 829 The main business is collecting food, and the side business is fighting devils!

Chapter 829 The main business is collecting food, and the side business is fighting devils!
The Japanese army wanted to devour China.

In addition, after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese army encountered stubborn resistance from the national army on the frontal battlefield in Songhu, Nanjing and other places.

From north to south, the arrogant plan to destroy China in three months was completely bankrupt.

With the continuous lengthening of the front lines between China and Japan, Japan's domestic supplies gradually became scarce, and the logistics supply became more and more difficult. The devils were gradually dragged and exhausted, and had to adopt a protracted strategy of fighting to support war.

For example, in the North China region, after the Japanese army captured a certain place.

For some remote villages, the Japanese army would not choose a place to station for a long time, but directly carried out armed plunder.

All the supplies and food of the farmers were robbed.

What's more, they even directly implemented the brutal and inhumane "three alls" policy, and carried out violent acts such as burning, killing, and looting all remote villages.

For the main counties and towns where they have been stationed for a long time, the attitude of the devils is completely opposite.

Mainly adopting a soft policy, the Japanese military government even formulated a series of land-related laws to encourage Chinese people to help the Japanese army grow crops and supply military rations.

Therefore, in the occupied areas under the relatively stable control of the Japanese army, under the management of the Japanese army, there are also a large amount of farmland planted by the common people.

of course.

After all the crops in these farmlands were harvested, the food obtained basically belonged to the Japanese army.

The exorbitant taxes imposed by the devils on the Chinese people in the occupied areas can be regarded as a disguised form of labor extraction and material plunder.

In a considerable number of occupied areas, the Japanese army quickly established agricultural groups and agricultural environments in a short period of time.

To stabilize the relative stability of the occupied area for a long time.

Even provide a relatively tolerant land policy.

It also came up with attractive conditions for farmers:

For example, one of them provides a loan of 30 yuan to each farmer for expenses such as purchasing seeds. After the loan is repaid within three years, the land will be completely owned by the farmer.

Therefore, many farmers who wanted to have enough to eat responded to the policy one after another.

But that was not the case when the policy was actually implemented.

Since the Japanese and puppet regimes had no intention of investing funds and materials, the so-called loan policy basically did nothing without thunder.

In the end, the people were fooled into reclaiming the wasteland, but they were unwilling to give the people the slightest loan assistance and material support.

The farmers who were looted by the Japanese army were already impoverished, and the wasteland opened up had no power to improve it.

Even crop seedlings, vegetable seeds and the like, farmers cannot afford to buy.

Under such a vicious cycle, not only the existing wasteland cannot be improved, but even a large amount of farmland and cultivated land gradually become abandoned due to the war.

The crops grown in this way are becoming less and less, and the burden on the people everywhere is becoming more and more serious, and the people are miserable.

The Japanese army could not get the expected food and supplies, and then came up with various ways to maintain the continuation of the war by continuously plundering the occupied areas.

One of the most typical is the devil's self-made monetary policy.

What do you mean?
In the Japanese-occupied area, the devils created a controlled currency.

Issuance and production by myself is limited to the currency in the occupied area, and formulate corresponding currency rules to force the people to circulate and use it.

The Japanese military government can print and mint at will, take the so-called daily tickets that have no real value, and use them as white wolves to "loot" the materials in the hands of the people.

Moreover, the devils are not afraid of the collapse of the monetary system at all by doing this.

Not to worry about affecting Japan's domestic currency system.

Because the kid doesn't use the same currency at all.

At worst, it will crash and start over!

This is also why, taking the enemy-occupied area around the team in front of us as an example, the credibility of border tickets is in the hearts of the people, which is much more reliable than daily tickets.

Through this series of means, the Japanese army actually turned the occupied area into a colony that continuously provided war energy for its aggression in a disguised form.

But as time goes by, the Japanese army will suffer the consequences.

In the occupied area, the supplies that could be provided to the Japanese troops continued to decrease sharply.

Coupled with the severe drought in recent years, the logistical supply of the Devil's First Army stationed in Shanxi has become increasingly scarce.

Because after learning that a team had reclaimed a large amount of farmland and planted a large number of crops, the Devil's First Army immediately turned its attention.

Taiyuan City.

The headquarters of the Japanese First Army in Shanxi.

The veteran commander Yoshio Shinozuka, who was staring at the farmland of the Eighth Route Army base area, was asking about the situation:

"Are the crops planted by the soldiers and civilians mobilized by the Eight Routes in the areas that the ministries are targeting, are they about to mature?"

Bei Chuan, the devil's chief of staff who knew the situation, replied with the map: "General, according to our intelligence investigation, recently, here, here, the crops such as millet, corn, sorghum and other crops planted on the eight roads have been harvested. when."

"And Balu is very experienced in farming. It seems that their farmland has not been greatly affected by the drought. The crops in the farmland are growing vigorously, and the harvest will definitely not be bad!"

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded, and when he heard the facts, he said with emotion: "The Eighth Route Army is really difficult to deal with.

Their will to fight is extremely tenacious. Under our army's military and economic double blockade, even though life is more difficult, they still insist on being an enemy of our Great Japanese Empire.

Now Balu reclaims wasteland by himself and planted farmland.

Once harvested smoothly, the problem of eating can basically be solved.

And once these eight roads are fed, will there be peace in the occupied area? "

Bei Chuan said: "So, General, it is imperative to attack the autumn harvest of the Eighth Route Army. Recently, our army's military supply is short, so we can take this opportunity to plunder the autumn harvest grain of the Eighth Route Army to make up for the shortage."

"That's exactly what I mean!" Shinozuka Yoshio said.

The two old devils then got to the point, planning how to plunder the eight-way autumn harvest this time.

The capabilities of the devil's intelligence department should not be underestimated either.

At this moment, the map presented in front of the two old devils marked the distribution of farmland in the base areas of the Eighth Route Army that the Japanese army had detected in large numbers during this period.

It is even detailed to some lands with only one or two acres.

"General, the above is the distribution of the crops planted by the Eighth Route Army in the entire Taihang area.

Among them, the troops of the Eighth Route Army have reclaimed the most wasteland, and the best growing crops this year are none other than the First Independent Detachment of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi Anti-Japanese War.

In addition, the area of ​​the guerrilla zone of this Eighth Route Army detachment is getting bigger and bigger, and it has even covered the entire northern gate of Taihang.

If our army wants to destroy the autumn harvest of the Eighth Route Army troops, the defense zone of this Eighth Route Army detachment will definitely not be able to bypass it. "

"Go around? Why go around?"

Shinozuka Yoshio's expression turned cold, "The Northwest Shanxi Anti-Japanese First Detachment led by Kong Jie was an inconspicuous Eighth Route Army ordinary combat regiment two years ago.

Kong Jie is also an ordinary general whose name has not changed.

But then, in less than two years, starting from the Battle of Cangyunling, the headquarters of the Sakata Regiment was destroyed with one shot, combined with multiple main regiments of the Eighth Route Army, and even involved the Jinsui Army, and finally defeated the Sakata Regiment.

This Kong Jie began to appear in the field of vision of our army.

Immediately, it was like a flood bursting a dike, and it was out of control!

I don't know how many times my First Army fell into the hands of Kong Jie.

Even Yamamoto-kun fell into the hands of this Kong Jie. The difficulty of this man is really a headache.

I also conducted many combat operations against Kong Jie's troops.

In the end, Kong Jie was not eradicated, not to mention him, but the independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army became stronger and stronger, until today's Northwest Shanxi Anti-Japanese First Detachment.

Even the Zhongtiao mountainous area was infringed upon by a unit of the Eighth Route Army. "

"The setbacks again and again confirmed my speculations.

If Kong Jie is not eradicated as soon as possible, sooner or later he will become a confidant of our Great Japanese Empire! "

Bei Chuan immediately understood Yoshio Shinozuka's words, "General, what do you mean this time not only to target Kong Jie's detachment and destroy the autumn harvest of a detachment of the Eighth Route Army, but also to use this opportunity to destroy a detachment in one fell swoop and eradicate Kong Jie?"

To this, Yoshio Shinozuka did not open his mouth to answer, but the firmness in his eyes had already indicated his answer.

The two quickly began to conspire on a battle plan against one of the teams.

In the end, Bei Chuan, the devil's chief of staff, proposed: "General, Kong Jie is extremely cunning.

This is not the first time that our army has destroyed the autumn harvest of the Eighth Route Army.

With Kong Jie's prudence and cunning, his team's farmland and crops, the Eighth Route Army must have deployed corresponding defenses to deal with our army's raids and looting.

In this operation, if you advance rashly and go straight to the crops in the farmland, you are very likely to fall into the trap set by Kong Jie, so you must guard against it! "

Shinozuka Yoshio let out a long sigh of relief.

Of course.

He even immediately thought of the battle at Dafengzhuang, and he was actually entrapped by that nasty Kong Jie twice in a row.

"In this way, this operation is divided into two parts. One is the harvesting troops. After quickly taking down the target farmland, the harvesting troops are responsible for quickly harvesting the crops and loading them into vehicles for transportation.

During the period, fortifications were built around the site on the spot to cover the looting operation.

The other is the combat unit, which is responsible for confronting the Eighth Route Army.

In addition, each combat unit uses tactics to lure the enemy, which is also divided into two parts: the unit that lures the enemy and the unit that destroys the enemy.

To lure the enemy troops to attack the farmland, after drawing out the defensive Eighth Route Army troops, try to hold the Eighth Route Army as far as possible, wait for the area where the enemy troops are wiped out, and destroy the entangled Eighth Route Army all the way. "

"In this way, the autumn harvest of the Eight Routes can be seized, and a team may also take the opportunity to destroy it, the general is wise!" Bei Chuan complimented.

Shinozuka Yoshio said: "Remember, although this time is to grab food, the focus can be on destroying a detachment of the Eighth Route Army.

Once the harvesting operation is unstoppable, you can directly destroy all the farmland and crops of the Eighth Route Army. What we can't get will never be left to the Eighth Route Army! "




the other side.

A team command.

Kong Jie, Xu Guoan, Li Wenjie, and the regiment leaders and political commissars who rushed over were also discussing how to fight the autumn harvest battle.

When Kong Jie proposed to "use offense as defense, when the Japanese army attacked the farmland in our base area, our army should attack the farmland managed by the Japanese army Jizhong in the enemy-occupied area at the same time."

This combat idea was put forward, and it was immediately echoed by the generals.

"Old leader, that's a good idea! It's a bit of a change of tactics. The devil beats us, and we beat him, the little devil.

Let's see if his little devil can take care of him! "

"That is, there are quite a lot of farmland in the area occupied by the devils. I heard that the little devils even planted big tobacco shells. The opium made from that has harmed many of our compatriots and robbed us of China's materials.

If we fight this time, we must completely destroy him! "

Xu Guoan said: "We want to grab the devil's crops, but we also need to protect our own crops.

This time, if we want to attack the farmland crops in the enemy-occupied area, plus harvest the crops, too few troops will definitely not be enough.

If it is only our main force, we will defend the base area, break into enemy-occupied areas to harvest crops, and defend the autumn harvest at the same time.

I am afraid it is not enough.

Old Kong, how do you plan on this? "

Kong Jie hadn't answered yet, but Shen Quan, Wang Leihu and other group leaders laughed.

Shen Quan said happily: "Chief of Staff, we are short of everything now, except for soldiers!

Do you know what happens most in our regiments these days?

That was the figures of the captains of the militia brigades, the comrades of the county brigades, district squadrons, and district squads, vying to be the first to fight.

Good guy, the threshold of my regiment is almost leveled. "

He continued: "Although it is a militia and local army, as we know, our surrounding militia and local army are developing rapidly.

Not to mention the equipment, two years back, even the main force of our independent regiment, the equipment is far inferior to our current militia and local army.

on military training.

With the guidance of the militia training manual, coupled with the fact that the soldiers had enough food and enough training, they did not miss a single day. "

In actual combat, Kong Jie has always deliberately trained the militia and local troops. In every battle, the independent regiment ate meat, and the militia and local troops followed suit.

Kong Jie even ordered that the main force should not be all-inclusive.

It is even necessary to deliberately set aside part of the enemy, and hand them over to the militia and local army units for practice within the range that the militia can deal with.

Therefore, a detachment of militia and local army does not lack actual combat experience at all.

"...With the addition of the militia and the local army, the team is absolutely sufficient."

Wang Leihu even smiled and said: "Old regiment leader, you just don't agree to let our militia and local army comrades participate in the war. Believe it or not, these comrades dare to take the initiative to fight to the devil county!"

Kong Jiele said: "Of course I have to agree, why didn't I agree?
Our large amount of equipment was not given to the surrounding main force, and it was left to our militia and local army.


Isn't it just thinking that our militia comrades can also be of great use at this critical time!
Today, our militia and local army are well-equipped and well-trained. If they are really pulled out to fight and mixed with our main force, even other little devils may not be able to distinguish them. "

Speaking of laughter.

The battle plan was set like this:
Each regiment left part of the main force, coordinated with the militia and local army units, and deployed them in echelons as the Japanese army approached the farmland in the base area, blocking them layer by layer, delaying the advance of the Japanese army.

The main force of each regiment is to follow the specific combat plan specified by the staff and the detailed intelligence information at hand, divide the troops into multiple routes, bring the transport troops, and raid the farmland in the area occupied by the devils in one fell swoop.

Grab the devil's crops.

For this reason, this battle was very special. In addition to the guns and ammunition they carried as usual, the soldiers also carried a farm tool on their backs.

Or a sickle, or a hoe, or a shovel, or a pickaxe...

At first glance, it doesn't look like a fighting team, but rather a team doing farm work.

In the words of the soldiers jokingly:
This time!Our main job is to collect food, and our side job is to fight devils!

(End of this chapter)

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