The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 831 The general attack begins

Chapter 831 The general attack begins

The little devil's abacus was bang bang.

It's a pity that it depends on who you meet.

As the famous sixth among the generals of the Eighth Route Army.

The head of the Kong University often said, "I, Kong Jie, am a real person, and I don't know how to play tricks at all!"

The other generals have always just rolled their eyes at this.

Yes, you, Commander Kong Da, are a real person.

As a result, no matter who deals with you, you have to take advantage of it, and the key is sold by you, and you count the money for you, with a face of willingness!
Yes, you, Commander Kong Da, don't know how to play tricks at all.

As a result, the little devil doesn't know how many troops were killed by you.

Takeo Nakahara, the captain of the Japanese army stationed in Yangquan who was eliminated by the commando beheading operation, once said: "If you talk about insidiousness, among the generals of the Eighth Route Army, the one who impressed me the most is this Kong Jie."

Chu Yunfei, head of the [-]th Regiment of the Jinsui Army, said: "Kong Jie is a fool on the outside and slippery on the inside. Into the soil, you thought he was a real person!"

Li Yunlong said: "I have never suffered in front of anyone in my life, except for this fool Kong Er, but it is because our Lao Li eats comfortably, so I can't find a place to scold my mother."

The brigade commander said: "Other regiment commanders, I'm going to Gong Xi Fa Cai to receive gifts.

Only Kong Jie took the initiative to give gifts, but he gave them away. They gave the independent regiment into a team.Sending off, the independent group, which was originally poor and clanging from top to bottom, has become utterly rich.

If you ask me, this is ability, Li Yunlong should learn a little bit! "

...And for these evaluations, the head of the Kong University did not recognize it.

In the aggrieved words of Captain Kong, "Who are they? From the womb of our mother Kong, we are a real person in our hearts. We only want to do our best for our comrades-in-arms, for our superiors, and for fighting devils.

In the end, it turned out to be wrong. How could there be such a reason in this world? "


Kong Da is actually at the headquarters of a team, using the military simulation sand table, to pay close attention to the whole battle situation surrounding this autumn harvest defense battle.

The news reported by the communicator made Chief of Staff Xu Guoan move the small paper flag that had been inserted somewhere in the simulated sand table with a round sun, representing the Japanese army flag, forward for a certain distance.

"Old Kong, the current battle situation is very clear."

"It seems that what you said is right! This little devil has quite a big appetite. On the one hand, he seems to be rushing to the farmland in our base area."

"On the other hand, the devils clearly divided the combat troops into two parts. The front part seems to be the troops to lure the enemy, and the rear part is used to surround our army."

"Yoshio Shinozuka, an old devil, is planning to steal our autumn harvest and take the opportunity to eliminate the main force of our detachment."

The disdain in Kong Jie's words was undisguised: "He's thinking about farting."

As soon as the subject changed, Kong Jie focused his eyes on another place on the sand table, which was some counties and towns behind the Japanese army. At this moment, small paper flags representing the troops of the Eighth Route Army were flying towards these counties and towns. Approaching quickly.

"The main forces of the three regiments are already approaching the combat area. According to the current speed, it will take at least an hour to get to the devil's rear farmland area without the Japanese army noticing it."

"It's only an hour, then let's use the mountain to play hide-and-seek with the little devil."

Xu Guoan said with a smile.

"According to the advance speed of the Japanese army, after an hour, the vanguard of the devils officially approached the large farmland area around us."

"When the devil's battle to snatch our autumn harvest food begins, we can also start the battle to detour to the main force behind the Japanese army and seize the crops from the devil's farmland."

Speaking of this, Xu Guoan couldn't help showing a smile on his face, "Old Kong, I can't wait to know now, when I know that the backyard is on fire, will this devil continue to snatch our autumn harvest food, or send troops back What about aiding the rear?"

Kong Jie laughed and said, "Then who knows? In short, inform the local army and the militia, and explain it to everyone.

The protagonists of this autumn harvest defense battle are their militia and local army units. As for whether to eat meat or drink soup, it all depends on one's own ability. "

As for the large number of cards hidden by a team.

Kong Jie was not prepared to use it.

One is not needed.

On the other hand, the early exposure of these hole cards may not be a good thing for the May Day raids in the near future.

Time continues to pass...

The vanguard of the Japanese army was ambushed by the Eighth Route Army troops along the way to the target farmland, which was not insignificant.

The Eight Routes in the ambush are well-equipped, with fierce firepower and even more sturdy combat effectiveness.

This made the Japanese army advancing along the way feel a lot of pressure, and at the same time, they said that they must have encountered the main force of the Eighth Route Army.

From the continuous blocking battle of the Eighth Route Army along the way, the Japanese army headquarters, the Japanese officers became more and more sure:
"The reason why the Eight Routes blocked it strongly is that they must have sensed our army's intentions and tried to stop our army's pace and protect the autumn harvest food."

This stimulated the Japanese army even more.

From the experience of fighting the Eighth Route Army in the past, the Japanese commander came to such a conclusion:
The Empire of Japan wanted to eliminate the Eighth Route Army in the occupied areas, but the most troublesome thing was that it was impossible to locate the main force of the Eighth Route Army and force the opponent to start a decisive battle.

And once the important target of the Eighth Route Army's base area is locked, it will surely force the Eighth Route Army to start a head-on confrontation with the Empire of Japan.

For example, in the later period of the Zhengtai Campaign, the Yamazaki Brigade discovered the location of the Eighth Route Army arsenal in Yixiantian, and attracted a large number of main forces of the Eighth Route Army to encircle it.

If it wasn't for the guard company of the independent regiment to obstruct it, the tactics of blooming in the middle of the Yamazaki Brigade might have succeeded.

"Now we have a set goal, which is a large piece of farmland that the Eighth Route Army cannot abandon. Once the crops are harvested, there will be a lot of food."

"As long as our department continues to rush to the farmland, Balu can only jump out and start a confrontation with our department."

"At that time, we can entangle the main force of the Eighth Route Army and wait for the rear reinforcements to encircle the Eighth Route Army."

The puppet army led by Yan Sanfu, commander of the [-]th Mixed Brigade of the puppet army, was part of the coordinated operation, the Japanese commander Kamechi said solemnly.

"Hi! Your Excellency the Lieutenant is wise!"

What else can Yan Sanfu say about this?I can only give a thumbs up and flatter him.

The old devil called the map soldiers, and after studying the map, he waved his hand and gave an order:

"Notify the forward troops, turn around, and turn west to the road area!"


Yan Sanfu was dumbfounded, "Your Excellency Zhong Zuo, the target farmland area is not far away. If we take the main road, wouldn't it be a detour for several kilometers? Why bother to look far away?"

When the old devil returned, he said confidently: "Yan Sanfu, you are so confused.

According to the established route, although the distance is the shortest, the mountains along the way are complicated, and there must be eight ambushes.

Our army's goal is set, and the farmland can't run away. Don't worry that the Eighth Route Army will not take the initiative to jump out and start a confrontation with our army.

That being the case, our army should seek an area with open terrain, suitable for taking advantage of artillery fire and confronting the Eighth Route Army.

The westbound road area is the best choice.

If the Eight Routes stop our army in the middle, they will start a confrontation with the Eight Routes and entangle the main force of the Eight Routes.

If the Eighth Route Army does not appear, our army can drive straight in, reach the target farmland area all the way, and snatch the autumn harvest grain of the Eighth Route Army.

This is the safest way to attack. "

It turned out to be the case.

Yan Sanfu nodded heavily, feeling deeply in his heart, this old devil is really difficult to deal with.

But after thinking about it, whether this devil can deal with it well is a matter for the Eighth Route Army, and has something to do with me, Yan?
Yan Sanfu only hoped that this time he would follow the devils to have a good time, and never fall into the hands of a team of the Eighth Route Army and Kong Jie again.


The scouts quickly passed on the news received from the front.

The little devil suddenly changed his course and set off in the direction of the west road.

Hearing this, Chen Ying, the captain of the county brigade, was also a little surprised, "It seems that this little son of a bitch is not in a hurry to attack our farmland. There is obviously the shortest route, so he has to go around the distance."

"Looking at it like this, it may not be that they came here for our farmland, maybe they want to take the opportunity to sneak attack on our team!"

The cadre on the side said worriedly: "Captain, should we report the news to the headquarters in time?"

Chen Yingle said: "You boy, we just need to fight our own battle well. We can see the little tricks of the devil. Who is our detachment leader? Can you not see the situation?"

"It is!"

"Okay, our mission this time is to disguise the main force and stop the little Japanese devils. Since the devils have changed their direction of travel, let's just follow them."

"Notify the teams, let's take a small path and intercept the devils one step ahead of time"


After the battle started as scheduled, with the help of the open terrain, the Japanese and puppet troops of the Guichi Brigade did gain the upper hand with their superior artillery fire.

But it is not the one-sided situation that Guichi imagined.

Even in the confrontation in the open field, it is almost a head-to-head battle.

The enemy's Eighth Route Army troops relied on their excellent equipment and a large number of light and heavy machine guns, including [-] small guns and [-] mortars, with all-round firepower.

Although it was not enough to defeat the Guichi Brigade, relying on the fortifications, it also forcibly blocked the progress of the Guichi Brigade, making it difficult for the more than two thousand Japanese puppet troops to move an inch for a while.

"Happy, damn it, so happy!"

With the help of a reverse slope as a fortification, the county brigade relied on the excellent equipment at hand to fight more with less and hold back the Japanese and puppet troops.

Seeing another wave of Japanese charges being forcibly repulsed, Chen Yinglang, captain of the county brigade, laughed loudly and exclaimed happily.

Facing the elite Japanese army four or five times their own.

Dare to start a face-to-face confrontation, a head-to-head duel.

In the past, not to mention local army units like the county brigade, even the field army of the Eighth Route Army would not dare to fight like this.

But at this moment, the county brigade led by Chen Ying did it.

The county brigade of nearly 300 people abruptly delayed the pace of the puppet army of more than 2000 days in the open battle.

For the comrades of the county brigade.

The glory of the soldiers arises spontaneously.

This kind of strong self-confidence is quite terrifying for the improvement of the morale of an army.

With this operation to stop the Japanese brigade, the entire county brigade will be sublimated, and its combat effectiveness will thus enter a new height.

This is a mysterious realm, but it is extremely real and reliable.

The two sides then confronted for more than 20 minutes, and the battle gradually became fierce. Both the Guichi Brigade and the County Brigade suffered casualties.

However, the Guichi Brigade relied on its superiority in strength, so its ability to withstand casualties was naturally stronger.

After Chen Ying had an insight into the situation, she no longer wanted to fight, seeing that the Japanese army mustered all their strength to launch a general offensive.

He issued an order to retreat in advance and voluntarily abandoned his position.

"The detachment leader said that he doesn't care about the gains and losses of a city or a place, but the final victory, comrades, withdraw—"

The defenders receded like the tide.

The Japanese army launched a fierce attack, and soon occupied the reverse slope fortification that the county brigade originally defended.

Wiping off his sweat, Yan Sanfu trotted up and flattered the old devil Guichi, "Your Excellency Zhongzuo is mighty, this Eighth Route Army knows that it is no match, and has already fled!"


The old devil, Guichi, shook his head: "It's not a flight, it's more like a strategic turn.

Their evacuation was decent and orderly, and we couldn't even find any corpses of the enemy's Eighth Route Army on the fortifications. It can be seen that the Eighth Route Army retreated calmly.

The commander of the opponent, whether it is the choice of the fortification on the reverse slope, or the construction of the defensive position and the deployment of blocking firepower, is a veteran..."

Speaking of the last point, the old devil let out a long sigh:
"The Eighth Route Army's Northwest Shanxi Anti-Japanese Independent First Detachment really deserves its reputation! The fighting power of its main force is really amazing."

How did the poor old devil know.

Where is the main force of the team he is facing?

It was just a county brigade, so he was sent away.

And similar battles are not uncommon in the guerrilla area outside the entire team at this time.

The local army units, including the militia units, that blocked the advance of the Japanese army to the farmland area showed strong combat effectiveness by virtue of their sophisticated equipment and solid training in peacetime.

It is quite difficult for the Japanese army to advance every step.

After the news of the strength of the Eighth Route Army troops blocked by all sides and the exchange of fire between the two sides quickly spread to the rear headquarters of the Japanese army, the devil officers immediately gave their judgment:
"According to the overall strength of a team of the Eighth Route Army, at least [-]% of a team's strength was used up by the opponent's deployment of blocking along the way."

... "Yaoxi, notify the forward troops to launch the final general offensive, and the rear reserve troops will immediately start a big encirclement!"

At this point, the Japanese army aimed at the Eighth Route Army's autumn harvest grain on the one hand, and on the other hand attempted to lure the Eighth Route Army into further plans for encirclement and annihilation operations.

From the perspective of the Japanese army, the general trend has come.

The Japanese army stationed in the headquarters of the Shanxi First Army in Taiyuan City.

The devil commander Yoshio Shinozuka, who thought he was sure of winning, gave the highest order to attack.

The Japanese army was divided into multiple directions, and the vanguard troops marching towards the main 12-yuan farmland area of ​​​​a team's base immediately advanced rapidly towards the target area.

The total battle situation between the two sides quickly turned into a white-hot... Broad bean

 What I wrote before was a one-month ticket episode, and it’s still too early to finish, so why bother haha!

(End of this chapter)

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