The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 842 A group of 1 people with one gas in collusion

Japanese-occupied area.

Yangquan, Shouyang, Tan County, Heyuan and other major counties.

Over time……

Due to the defeat of the Japanese army in the autumn harvest defense battle, and a team secretly mobilizing the main force to detour to the rear of the devil's major counties, they took the opportunity to snatch the devil's crops.

Knowing that this year's autumn harvest was basically robbed by the Eighth Route Army, the Japanese and puppet soldiers couldn't help worrying about whether they could fill their stomachs.

Coupled with the deliberate propaganda of a team's propaganda department.

It also pushed the Japanese and puppet troops to the peak of their fear that the Japanese army's shortage of food would even cause the soldiers to suffer from cold and starvation this winter.

Although Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the devils, immediately issued a number of countermeasures.

Stop the rumors spread by the propagandists of the Eighth Route Army.

In particular, the officers at all levels were instructed to do ideological work with the soldiers and not to worry about food shortages.

It's a pity that the Japanese military government's words are better than their songs.

In the end, the Japanese and puppet troops stationed in major counties did not get any real benefits.

What is it that can be seen instead?

The purchasing power of the military salary issued in hand - the daily ticket, is decreasing day by day.

I used to be able to buy a daily ticket for a catty of rice, but now I'm afraid I can't even buy half a meter.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, although the salaries of the soldiers of the Japanese and puppet troops have been raised several times in a row, they cannot keep up with the rapidly rising prices after all.

Some careful Japanese soldiers even discovered that canned beef turned into canned meat at some point, and now even the canned meat seems to be gone, and what they ate recently turned out to be canned grains!

Many Japanese soldiers used to spend part of the military salary they paid, and they could save part of it and send it back to their relatives in China after a while.

Now, the monthly military pay is not enough for himself, let alone sent back to his family.

The Japanese soldiers are still like this, let alone the puppet soldiers who follow the little devils just to make a living and get paid.

There are many complaints in private.

Yangquan County.

Inside a private room of a teahouse.

As November approaches, the weather in Shanxi gradually changes from precipitous to severe cold.

Many farmers with conditions have already started to burn hot kangs to resist the cold.

Those who are unconditional are suffering from shivering, hoping that this winter can pass sooner.

When the Japanese army commander Zuo Chuandao rubbed his hands and entered the private room, the devil squadron leader Miki Ichiro and the puppet company commander Qian Dekai had been waiting in the private room for a long time.

"Qian, Miki-kun!" Kawashima, who casually took the door of the private room, said hello.

These three are "outstanding representatives" of Kong Jie's business cooperation in the Japanese-occupied area.

Thanks to the various business cooperation with Kong Jie in private.

At present, the morale of the Japanese and puppet troops is gradually falling into a downturn, and the pockets of the soldiers are even more deflated due to the recent soaring prices.

The money has to be opened, and the pockets of Kawashima and Sanben Ichiro are still bulging.

After Kawashima sat down, the three officially entered the topic.

Qian Dekai was the first to speak. As an officer of the puppet army who was in direct contact with the connectors sent by Kong Jie, this kid made a lot of benefits from Kong Jie.

The so-called cannibalism is short-mouthed and soft-hearted.


The money has to be opened, but it is still a practical matter to take the money.

"Mr. Kawashima, Mr. Miki, recently I contacted the Eighth Route Army again. Na Kongjie expressed the hope that before this winter, we can conduct several more transactions with us."

"In the future, it will be completely winter, and the weather will get colder and colder. There will be fewer people coming and going, and it will be easy to be exposed. Caravans will not be easy to operate because of the severe cold."

"After these few trips are completed, we are going to spend this winter comfortably first, and wait until next spring."

Secretly remembering Kong Jie's explanation, Qian De opened his mouth to speak, and then asked again: "I don't know what the two princes think?"

It was Chuan Dao who spoke first, and he tightened his clothes. It was an expensive leather jacket that he had just bought recently.

"I agree, the Eighth Route Army is really not easy to mess with. A few days ago, they even snatched up all the crops grown by the Imperial Army in the suburbs of Yangquan.

You have also heard the rumors in the past two days. It is estimated that our army's military rations for the winter this year may be a problem.

In addition, the daily tickets in our hands are becoming less and less valuable, relying on the monthly military pay, we will starve to death sooner or later!

It's better to seize the time to earn a few pennies. "

When Kawashima said these words, he touched his comfortable leather jacket subconsciously.

If it wasn't for doing business with the Eighth Route Army, where would the leather jackets come from?

Miki Ichiro said: "Mr. Kawashima, prices have risen sharply recently. It's okay for us to say, Matsuyama-kun, Chang Yi-kun, Zuo Zhi-kun..."

Miki announced a series of names in one breath.

"They are having a hard time!

Relying on the military salary of three melons and two dates every month, I can't even support myself.

You also know the situation of their family, just waiting for the little military salary they send back to live! "

"In our team, there are still many officers in the same situation, and there are more soldiers. The family thinks that we will be able to pay a lot of subsidies and military pay as officers in the army."

"But in the current situation, we are just superficially glamorous, and we can't even compare with many farmers..."

Miki Ichiro didn't continue talking, his face was full of emotion.

At this time, Kawashima, who had a face full of the glory of the Virgin Mary, said with awe-inspiring righteousness: "Mr. Miki, both soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Empire, how can you and I see our comrades-in-arms live so sadly?

I think we should give a helping hand to these comrades in need.

At the very least, we should help those in need and help their relatives at home. "

As soon as these words came out, Miki Ichiro seemed to have found a glorious and sacred goal and direction.

He immediately agreed and said: "Mr. Kawashima, what you said is great, since we have the ability now, why don't we lend a helping hand to help our colleagues, comrades-in-arms and soldiers?
This is a great cause, including the private business dealings you and I have with the Eighth Route Army, and it's all for our comrades in arms who are in financial difficulties!
Shouldn't we be more active and hardworking? "

"Yuxi, Miki-kun, what you said is great!" Kawashima deeply agreed with this.

Then, the two old devils talked to each other, as if they had met a confidant in life, they almost embraced each other with tears in their eyes, and confessed their hearts to each other.


Next to him was a Chinese named Qian Dekai who kept silent.

It's just that ugly old face, which has been twitching uncontrollably.

He really watched meow...

Qian Dekai secretly cursed in his heart:
His grandma, I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such a shameless Japanese, secretly doing business with the Eighth Route Army, engaging in smuggling, and even secretly selling arms to the Eighth Route Army, so that the Eighth Route Army can attack you little devils in turn.

Coming to you two, it has become a sacred cause instead?
It is understandable that the money must be opened.

These two old devils probably also secretly smuggled with the Eighth Route Army, and they deliberately used the matter in front of them as an excuse to make themselves feel at ease.

He didn't bother to care about these things. Anyway, we have paid for the things that Captain Kong explained to him.

In this way, over a cup of tea, the three happily reached a plan to strengthen business cooperation with a team before winter.

And in the next time.

Qian Dekai has personally witnessed the truth that money can make little devils grind.

With the completion of several business cooperations with the detachment again, Kawashima and Miki Ichiro secretly purchased a large amount of living supplies in the occupied area, including military supplies, and secretly transported them to the base of the detachment.

What was exchanged was a large number of daily tickets, and some were even border area tickets issued by the Eighth Route Army.

This was not because of Kong Jie's intentional deceit, but because Kawashima and Miki Ichiro had specially requested it during the transaction.

The reason is simple. The purchasing power of the border ticket issued by the Eighth Route Army is stable. It is said that it is directly linked to food, and it is widely favored by the Eighth Route Army's base areas, even a large number of people in the occupied areas.

For example, in the current Yangquan County, some people who do business have even made it clear that they do not accept daily tickets, only border area tickets.

Who made the purchasing power of that day ticket unstable!

If you can buy a pig today, maybe you won't be able to buy a pig's trotter tomorrow.

Even the Japanese military government, due to the economic crisis and material pressure, simply turned a blind eye to the circulation of border tickets in the occupied areas.

After all, many Japanese military officers and soldiers secretly used border area tickets in private, and then secretly sighed: The tickets are so useful!
As for the private transactions, including the communication between the representatives of both parties and the contact with the follow-up transport team, it is definitely impossible to cover up all the traces of coming and going.

You have to hire someone for the team, right?
Transport team, you have to leave the city, right?

The direction you are going is still the base of a team of others, right?
A little investigation into these situations can easily be exposed.

But what surprised Qian Dekai was that the two old devils, Chuan Dao and Miki, were really clever in using money.

Along the way, there were inspections by the patrol team and guards by the city gate guards, including some Japanese officers who were in charge of market supervision in the county.

They all turned a blind eye to Kawashima and Miki Ichiro's secret smuggling operations.

Every time the transport team set off, the green light was given all the way.

What's more, they simply pulled a large number of transport carriages out of the city in broad daylight.

When returning to the camp and the gendarmerie, Qian Dekai was surprised to find out.


The Japanese soldiers they met along the way, whether they were soldiers or officers, whether they were members of the gendarmerie or field troops stationed in the county, treated Miki Ichiro and Kawashima with respect.

Seeing the respectful look on his face, it doesn't seem like a fake.

It didn't take long for the relevant Japanese military inspectors dispatched from Taiyuan City to visit secretly and noticed that Japanese military officers and businessmen outside the occupied area were secretly smuggling.

Then Kawashima and Miki Ichiro were interrogated, and when the Japanese officers and soldiers related to Yangquan were asked about the situation and evidence collection.

Surprisingly, a large number of Japanese military officers and soldiers came spontaneously and offered to guarantee Kawashima and Miki Ichiro.

Claiming that the two are loyal to the Great Japanese Empire and have never done anything criminal.

The so-called secret smuggling with the Eighth Route Army is even more fictitious.

In addition, there is indeed no real evidence at hand, and the inspection of Miki Ichiro and Kawashima by the supervisory department has just come to nothing.

When they met again at a teahouse, Qian Dekai couldn't bear it any longer and asked the specific reason.

"Mr. Kawashima, Mr. Miki, many of the officers and soldiers who were questioned clearly knew very well that we had a secret business smuggling with a detachment of the Eighth Route Army.

But when the inspectors came last time, why did everyone help us hide this matter?
There are even many soldiers who put their lives as guarantees for us? "

In this regard, Kawashima Shaozuo smiled calmly: "Some military officers protect us because they are with us. In your Chinese words, they are grasshoppers tied to a rope and people sitting in a boat.

They have all benefited from our business chain.

Such guys are not only in Yangquan, but almost everywhere in the surrounding counties.

As for those who want to jump out to testify against us, thinking about the fate of Takagi Yuichi and others, they can only swallow those words vividly. "

As for who Takagi Yuichi is.

That was the most clamorous idiot in Yangquan back then, clamoring every day to wipe out the Eighth Route Army and root out the idiots of the spies. As a result, not long after he took office, he was killed on the spot during a raid on a certain team.

Later, many similar Japanese officers died inexplicably.

In addition, there were quite a few opponents who jumped out, and some of them were entrapped in one fell swoop by a team of camouflage bureau Shi Dahu and others who deliberately leaked the list.

There were also some hardcore traitors who were wiped out by a team of anti-traitors sent by a team, and were hanged alive in their own homes.

Since then, there have been almost no Japanese and puppet army officers who dared to fight against the Eighth Route Army in the counties and towns around the detachment.

Kawashima continued: "There are still many soldiers whose families are poor and need to send back the military pay to subsidize their families. There are many such situations in our imperial army.

If it weren't for the poverty in the family, what parents would be willing to send their children to the front line?

To help these needy soldiers, we even sent a lot of money to their families in their names. "

Miki Ichiro added and explained to Qian Dekai: "Qian, you can imagine that if you are just a soldier at the bottom, you are penniless when your family urgently needs money.

And at this time, your officer helped you send a lot of money back to your home without your knowledge.

If you were informed of the situation, what would you do with a leader who loves and helps soldiers like this? "

Qian Dekai was stunned for a moment, and then replied in a sudden realization: "If there is such an officer, it will be like reborn parents. There is no soldier who does not love him."

"So, that's why there are so many officers and soldiers sheltering me and Kawashima-kun!" The smile on Miki Ichiro's face deepened.

Qian Dekai completely understood.

Good guy.

These two old devils can not only use money to trick ghosts, but also use money to play a hand of emotional cards!

Smart, really smart!

Admiringly, Qian Dekai gave Miki Ichiro and Kawashima a thumbs up, with an expression of admiration.

In the private room of the teahouse, the wanton laughter of the three-person group who are working together can be heard...

The father of the sword is Kong Jie

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