The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 857 Those who have gained the Tao will help more, but those who have lost the way will not!

Those who gain the way will be helped much, but those who have lost the way will be helped little. It comes from the book "Mencius".

This is an old saying in China.

Like to delve into Chinese culture, but the Japanese have always been interested in its form but not in its spirit. Probably they understand the truth behind it.

But it doesn't matter, the Eighth Route Army quickly taught the little devil a lesson with facts.

Four townships and three towns including Neixiang, Qingye Town, Xixiang, and Sanquan Township.

If we say that when the Japanese came over, when they attacked these villages and towns, the people were panicked and frightened.

So at this moment, when they heard that the Eighth Route Army troops were attacking these villages and towns, what appeared on the faces of the people was great surprise.

Everyone was overjoyed, lying at the door and waiting eagerly for the news of the battle coming from the direction of the city gate.

The more daring ones even ran all the way to the area where the Eighth Route Army was attacking the city at the risk of being affected by the flames of war, watching from a distance.

When the news came: the Eighth Route Army was in full swing, and the Japanese and puppet troops were wiped out.

The people immediately danced with their hands and feet, celebrating together, and even spontaneously gathered together, rushed to the direction of the city gate, and greeted each other along the way.

When the news came: the Eighth Route Army's attack was unfavorable, and many attacks were repelled.

Many old people who heard the news for the first time burst into tears and wept bitterly.

There are even Buddhist believers, put their hands together, praying to the Buddha to bless the Eighth Route Army to fight smoothly, regain lost ground in one fell swoop, and drive away the Japanese invaders.

After the four townships and three towns were captured, as soon as a group of soldiers entered the city gate, the common people had already lined up to greet them.

Then, there were the people backed by the people's soldiers.

Without saying a word, they stood up bravely and pulled out the traitors who maintained the association, the puppet soldiers, and the Japanese pro-Japanese who usually helped the devils to do evil, one by one from the township.

In addition, where are the warehouses of the devils, where are the arsenals, including some private enterprises occupied by the Japanese army in towns, banks, banks, shops and the like.

There is no common people who do not know.

Everyone is waiting for the troops of the People's Army to enter the city and regain the lost ground!
When an old man saw the commanders leading the team, he burst into tears for a while, and then he held the hands of the commanders in a daze, and he was more kind than seeing his own son. He asked eagerly, "Son, you won this town this time, are you going to leave?"

This is what worries the people the most.

Throughout North China, the Sino-Japanese war situation has always been that the enemy is strong and we are weak.

The Eighth Route Army lacked logistical supplies, poor equipment, and scarce ammunition. Sometimes they were able to capture towns and villages, but they were forced to evacuate after they were captured.

This situation is powerless for the Eighth Route Army.

For the common people, the Eighth Route Army broke through the villages and towns, bringing hope to everyone.

But with the withdrawal of the Eighth Route Army, everyone was disappointed again.

In this back and forth between disappointment and hope, the common people have had enough of the hard life of fear.

That's why there is a question from the bottom of my heart.

The company commander who led the team nodded heavily, and then said in relief: "Mother, don't worry!

No, this time we will not leave even if we are beaten to death. Our detachment leader has issued a death order. After the four townships and three towns are defeated, they will become the base of our detachment. The folks in our town Ladies and gentlemen, we will be guarded by our Eighth Route Army from now on! "

"That's great, God opened his eyes!" The aunt's tears became more violent, but this time they were tears of joy.

This kind of situation is not one place, and it happens frequently in the four townships and three towns.

After the soldiers broke through Neixiang, Qingye Town and other four townships and three towns, the common people lined up to greet each other, and cooperated with the Eighth Route Army troops to quickly take over the entire township.

Guided by the common people, the soldiers take the lead in destroying bullies, evil gentry, traitors, puppet soldiers, and various puppet regimes in the township.

Then quickly controlled all the military facilities that the Japanese army originally controlled when they were stationed in the township.

The last is to disperse the troops, station them in towns and towns, repair the fortifications, and prepare for the follow-up defensive operations.

With the help of the common people, after taking down the four townships and three towns, the soldiers quickly gained a foothold. They only need to send a minimum of troops, and with the help of a large number of enthusiastic people, they can efficiently complete all aspects of work.

Even when they were stationed at the city gate, many young and strong people spontaneously came to help.

He also begged the commanders, hoping to join the Eighth Route Army.

For such a situation, Kong Jie, Xu Guoan and other commanders had expected it, so they followed Kong Jie's explanation at the meeting.

The heads of the regiments issued orders one after another:
Folks who enthusiastically came to help and actively support the work of the Eighth Route Army are allowed to temporarily form a reserve team of the Eighth Route Army if they are voluntary, healthy, and of suitable age.

And distribute certain equipment. As for whether they can formally join the Eighth Route Army in the future, it depends on their performance.

Once this order came out, the young people who came to help became more active and involved.

Under such circumstances, when the Japanese Army Command mobilized the three armies, a large number of reinforcements rushed to the four towns and three towns in an attempt to break through the city gates again, wipe out the troops of the Eighth Route Army, and reoccupy the four towns and three towns.

Although the devil's reinforcements came very quickly, when the battle suddenly broke out, the Eighth Route Army soldiers guarding the city in the four towns and three towns had already been waiting for a long time in full battle.

One side is a long-distance raid, the exhausted army, coupled with the heavy snow, the cold is abnormal, and the little devil who came all the way, his hands holding the rifle are already red and swollen.

The other side is to recharge their batteries and prepare for battle.

As a team specially built this winter combat force.

The soldiers wore warm clothing and comfortable food.

After conquering the villages and towns, a large number of ordinary people enthusiastically brought all kinds of food from their homes.

I can't help but give it to the soldiers.

Some old people even boiled ginger soup from home to keep the soldiers away from the cold.

So much so that even in the twelfth lunar month of winter, when the cold wind was raging, many soldiers were guarding the top of the city gate, holding rifles, and before they saw the enemy, their palms were already sweating.

Really there is no gap without comparison.

As for the military quality of the troops, Kong Jie dispatched an absolutely elite team to attack the four townships and three towns this time.

What they were facing was nothing more than the troops of the second division of the Japanese army. To some extent, they were just the security forces.

Compared with the absolute field elites of the Devil A Division, these devils' security forces are still a lot worse.

Equipping a team is even more worthy of a little devil.

Equipped with a large number of American equipment, when the battle broke out, the little devils directly under the city gate screamed.

A few Browning heavy machine guns are not needed, just one on the crenel of the fortification on the top of the city.

Condescending strafing, even a brigade of little devils is not enough to watch.

The Japanese reinforcements who arrived launched several attacks on the fortifications of the town gates, but they were all easily defeated in a panic, and the casualties spread rapidly.

Only then did the little devils realize that the enemy they faced this time was far stronger than anything they had encountered before.

The Eighth Route Army was also determined to occupy the four townships and three towns, and they had no intention of giving up at all.

Thick snow, exaggerated places, even able to submerge knees.

At first they didn't feel anything, but when they marched and fought, the little devils realized the difficulty.

With every step, he would be plunged into the snow pit, and just after reaching the bottom of the city gate, he basically exhausted his physical energy.

Then he rushed into battle in a hurry, and even [-]% of his original combat power could not be displayed.

Coupled with the deep snow, the devil's transport vehicles could not pass at all.

The devils improvised some sleds and pulled a few cannons.

Due to the slow speed and the severe cold weather, the transport troops were complaining, and they only transported the artillery halfway.

It is simply impossible to support the siege ahead in time.

It was learned that the battles to attack the four townships and three towns were not going well, and the troops suffered heavy casualties.

Devil commander Yoshio Shinozuka is depressed.Had to continue to issue transfer orders.

It is attempted to mobilize more reinforcements from various counties to attack the four townships and three towns.

This old devil also made up his mind, saying that he would regain control of these four townships and three towns in the hands of the Great Japanese Empire.

If he just suffers the loss of dumbness for nothing and admits defeat at the hands of a detachment of the Eighth Route Army, it will greatly damage the military prestige of the Japanese army.

It will even give the Chinese soldiers and civilians throughout North China an illusion: the Japanese army is no longer enough to hold the occupied areas, and it is not even an opponent of the Eighth Route Army!

This kind of illusion is absolutely not allowed to exist by Yoshio Shinozuka.

This will inevitably have a huge impact on the security and stability of North China, and will trigger the rise of Chinese anti-Japanese sentiment.

"Fight, at all costs, and never sit back and watch the four townships and three towns fall into the hands of a team of the Eighth Route Army!"

In the devil headquarters, Yoshio Shinozuka gave the order firmly.

Then, the old devil quickly focused his attention on the map of the distribution of Japanese troops, trying to do everything possible to draw more reinforcements there.

"According to the intelligence investigation ahead, this time a team of the Eighth Route Army almost used all the main force of a team in order to take down the four townships and three towns of our empire in one fell swoop.

If our army reinforcements can besiege all four townships and three towns, it is very likely that the main force of a detachment of the Eighth Route Army will be wiped out in one fell swoop! "

Bei Chuan, the devil's chief of staff, said that he never gave up his dream of destroying a team.

Then the two old devils pondered over the map.

From which areas can reinforcements be dispatched to encircle the four townships and three towns under the premise of ensuring local law and order.

However, before the two old devils could make a decision, news came one after another:
"Report to Your Excellency, Commander, a large number of Eighth Route Army troops suddenly appeared near Zhangzhuang and are attacking Zhangzhuang."

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is an urgent message from the direction of Ping'an County, saying that two towns under its jurisdiction have been raided by troops from the Eighth Route Army!"

This is not finished.

Even in the vicinity of Heyuan County and Bianding Town, the Eighth Route Army troops appeared, and their targets went straight to some remote villages and towns of the devils.

The style of play is exactly the same as that of a team of the Eighth Route Army attacking four townships and three towns.

The entire northwest of Shanxi seems to have become a mess all of a sudden.

The Eighth Route Army troops from all sides are attacking the remote villages and towns of the devils. They really regard the little devils as fat meat on their lips, and they eat them whenever they want.

"What's going on with the Jinsui Army?" Yoshio Shinozuka asked again, frowning.

It's okay if you don't ask, but if you ask, it's like stabbing the ant's nest thoroughly.

"General, the 57th Regiment of the Jinsui Army captured Baiyang Town with the cooperation of the Eighth Route Army during the raid on our army's township first!"

"Then in Qi County, Nanxiang and other areas, according to the investigation of our army's reconnaissance troops, a large number of Jinsui Army troops appeared. After investigation, it was Chu Yunfei's troops from the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army."


Shinozuka Yoshio immediately cursed: "It's Chu Yunfei again, the 57th Regiment of the Jinsui Army first captured Baiyang Town.

Now the 358 regiment suddenly popped up again, what is it going to do?
Could it be that the Jinsui Army has joined forces with the Eighth Route Army to fight against Japan? "

These speculations made Yoshio Shinozuka feel a little heavy. What he worried most was that the Chinese would unite and fight against Japan.

Bei Chuan replied: "General, this is not necessarily the case.

The 57th Regiment of the Jinsui Army captured our army's Baiyang Town. After that, I have secretly contacted the senior officials of the Jinsui Army according to your instructions, General.

The person surnamed Yan said that there was absolutely no such thing as the Jinsui Army and the Eighth Route Army jointly capturing the township.

The 57th Regiment of the Jinsui Army attacked Baiyang Town, and it was definitely not the order of the chief of the Jinsui Army.

In addition, the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army led by Chu Yunfei did not directly march towards Qi County and Nanxiang, but conducted military exercises near there. "

"Military exercises?"

"Yes, General, they seem to be conducting field confrontation exercises. During the training, there was even the sound of shelling, but they did not attack the city."

Shinozuka Yoshio's face was extremely ugly, "Bastard, this damn Chu Yunfei, how can this be a military exercise? This is clearly a threat and intimidation!
Although the 358th regiment did not directly attack the area occupied by our army, this move vaguely threatened our army, meaning that our army dared to leave Qi County and Nanchang. His 358th regiment may turn military exercises into actual military combat at any time. Attack our army's villages and towns. "

"Damn Yan Laoxi, he is playing Tai Chi again, and he is obedient and obedient!"

Now, even Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the Devil's First Army, was in a complete embarrassment.

Originally wanted to use troops to encircle and annihilate the main force of a detachment of the Eighth Route Army in four townships and three towns in one fell swoop.

As a result, near Zhangzhuang, Ding Wei led the Xinyi regiment to attack.

Li Yunlong directly led the new regiment to attack the remote villages and towns around Ping'an County.

In the vicinity of Naqi County and Nanxiang, the damned Chu Yunfei led his team to conduct some threatening military exercises.

Coupled with the news from the four townships and three towns, it seems that the Chinese thugs in the city are actively cooperating with the Eighth Route Army to defend the city.

Suddenly, Yoshio Shinozuka felt extremely depressed.

It seems that the entire Sanjin army is helping a team of the Eighth Route Army to fight openly and secretly.

Everywhere is against his Great Japanese Empire.

So far, although Yoshio Shinozuka, an old devil, still can't understand the truth that those who have attained the Tao should help more.

But he has already deeply felt the depression of the helpless.

Until there was another news that even the Eighth Route Army troops in the direction of Zhongtiao Mountain suddenly launched a fierce attack on remote towns today, pinning down a large number of Japanese troops in the Zhongtiao Mountain area.

It seems that a detachment of the Eighth Route Army is fighting in the direction of Yinyangquan, Shouyang and Tanxian.

At this point, Yoshio Shinozuka had no choice but to give up his plan to destroy the main force of a detachment of the Eighth Route Army.

After all, he didn't have the courage.

It is impossible to wipe out a unit of the Eighth Route Army, causing the First Army to be stationed in Shanxi for many years, and the painstaking efforts in management and construction will be ruined at once...

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