The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 862 Guerrilla Tactics for Defending Grain Storage!

Chapter 862 Guerrilla Tactics for Defending Grain Storage!
On the 27th.

Shouyang, Yangquan, Tanxian and other Japanese and puppet defenders, after receiving orders from the Japanese headquarters, responded to the plight of the three cities being besieged by a detachment of the Eighth Route Army from the outside line, the granaries and material warehouses were burned down, and logistics shortages, and quickly responded. Take action.

Take Yangquan as an example.

A large number of devils from the gendarmerie in the county town, as well as the second devils from the puppet army garrison, including some traitors, were divided into multiple groups and dispatched quickly.

The target went straight to the households in the county.

According to the meaning conveyed by the Devil Command, these little devils are quite well prepared.

Devils are also cunning, worried that the news will be revealed in advance, and those Chinese people will hide food and supplies in advance, making it difficult to search.

So the Japanese and puppet troops launched a "raid war".

The notice to raise food for the defenders in the city was not posted in advance.

Instead, those hardcore traitors and puppet soldiers took the vanguard, leading a temporary grain requisition team, and directly broke into the homes of the people from door to door.

a household.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

The middle-aged man who spoke was the owner of this house, and he could be regarded as a big family in this area. In order to gain a foothold in the city, he often curry favor with the Japanese and the puppet army.

It's just that he never expected that at this critical moment, when the devil said to grab the food, no one would be spared.

"Master Qian, the situation is like this. Right now, the Eight Routes are besieging our Yangquan County, and they took the opportunity to send troops to burn down the food and supplies that were originally hoarded for our people in our county.

As a result, the imperial army's logistics supply is difficult, so I want to borrow some food from our people. "

"But please don't worry, the Taijun said that the food was borrowed by the Taijun, not to rob you.

Taijun is willing to issue IOUs, and when the food for the follow-up reinforcements arrives, the military food collected from you will still be returned to you! "

"Yaoxi!" The ghost lieutenant who accompanied the grain collection nodded.

"No, Majesty, you don't know me anymore? I'm Qian San'er! Usually I don't send food to our imperial army. You can't do this kind of thing like crossing rivers and tearing down bridges!"

Qian San was dumbfounded, he was not stupid.

What kind of IOU is this to collect food? If the food is taken by the little devil, how can there be any reason to return it?

After repeated prevarications, the ghost lieutenant became angry, "Baga!"

He kicked Qian San to the ground and shouted: "Everyone pays food, no food, dead work!"

Just like that, a group of Japanese and puppet troops forcibly snatched hundreds of catties of grain from Qiansan's family.

Now the devil has tasted the sweetness.

Good guy, this family has robbed hundreds of catties of grain. The entire Yangquan County is only in the central area of ​​the county, and there are tens of thousands of households. How much grain must be robbed?

In this way, wouldn't the problem of the food shortage of the entire Yangquan garrison be solved at once?

After leaving Qian San's house, the grain requisition team composed of Japanese and puppet troops continued to search from house to house.

It's just that the next action didn't seem to go as smoothly as the little devil imagined.

A big family like Qian San is another matter.

Ordinary people, once the door is pushed open, the house seems to be completely bare, not even a few pieces of furniture can be seen. Before the little devil and the puppet soldier did anything, the owner of the house was already crying and complaining:

"Grain collection? Your Majesty, we usually collect a lot of taxes, but we have paid them without missing a penny. This year, we have encountered a famine again. How can there be any food left at home? It's been a long time since we can't get rid of it!

We are still waiting for the imperial army to help our people and distribute some relief food! "

The old lady who took the lead cried tears of joy and sorrow.

The sudden scene made the devil lieutenant unable to deal with it.

The squad leader of the puppet army led people to search the dilapidated house for several times, but found no food, so he had to return with a bitter face, and said in the ear of the ghost lieutenant: "Taijun, let's change to another house?

This family is too poor and has no food! "

Lieutenant Guizi nodded and ordered to leave.

After the Japanese and puppet soldiers left, the old lady quickly stabbed the outer door to death, for fear that the little devils and the puppet soldiers would make a comeback.

The food collection team of the Japanese and puppet troops continued to collect food.

It's just that after entering seven or eight families in a row, the devils and the puppet soldiers were dumbfounded that, just like the old lady, the house was completely desolate, and there was not much food found in the house.

The so-called army rations were levied by seven or eight households, only less than half a catty of black beans were added, and there was nothing else.

The devil was dumbfounded.

"Bastard, how could this be?"

The squad leader of the puppet army comforted and said: "Taijun, it's no wonder they are. Many people are already poor. Didn't they just encounter a drought this year? They don't have any extra food."

Lieutenant Guizi cursed and cursed, so he had to be patient and continue to search from house to house.

But what he didn't expect was that during the next food requisition operation, the people in every household seemed to be infected by the disease of poverty.

Every household can't handle the pot!

Everyone is so poor!

In the morning, hundreds of households entered to collect military rations. In the end, only some pro-Japanese rich businessmen and wealthy households who usually walked closer to the devils found some food.

In addition, ordinary households basically did not collect any food.

The first food requisition team, led by the Japanese lieutenant, plus a squad of puppet troops, just returned home.

It took a whole day to collect less than 2000 catties of grain.

After Lieutenant Guizi returns, he will report to his superiors on the grain requisition situation.

Only then did I realize that all the other Japanese military officers who were in charge of collecting food were also frowning.

The reported situation seems to be similar to his first route.

"Sir, except for some big families, ordinary people live in poverty. We searched forcibly a few times, but we did not find any surplus food!"

The Japanese military officers in charge of collecting food reported one by one.

Nambu Lixiong, the captain of the Guizi Gendarmerie who was in charge of the grain collection, said with emotion after listening to the reports of the grain collection teams from all walks of life: "I don't know, have the people of our Yangquan been so impoverished?"

Some ghost officers were thinking quickly, "Sir, I wonder if these unscrupulous people deliberately hid the food at home and didn't want to hand it over to the imperial army?"

Lixiong in the south suddenly realized, and then his face turned cold, and he ordered: "Well, send me the plainclothes team and keep an eye on every household.

Especially at noon, when they smoked from the smoke, they broke into the house for me. I wanted to see if these unscrupulous people had anything to eat? "


At noon, as usual, many households had smoke rising from their chimneys.

The plainclothes team of the Japanese puppet army, who had been lurking in the dark early in the morning, immediately rushed to the house where the smoke was rising, then forcibly opened the door, and broke in.

"Boss, boss, what are you doing?"

"Stop talking nonsense, good old Zhang. When you came here in the morning, you told Taijun that there was no food at home. Now there is smoke coming out of the chimney. I want to see how old you are!" You have the guts to deceive the imperial army!"

A group of Japanese and puppet plainclothes troops broke into the kitchen without any explanation.

I thought these troublemakers hid the food and cooked it secretly by themselves.

As a result, the devils and puppet soldiers broke into the stove and took a closer look. How could there be any delicious food in the pot?

There was only a small half of the pot that was dark and mushy, and it seemed that the miscellaneous smell of sauerkraut and wild vegetables was still rolling out from time to time.

"Hey, what is this? Is this fucking human food?"

The old man who answered had a bitter expression on his face: "Boss, the imperial army has a lot of miscellaneous taxes, and it's not like you don't know the situation.

How can we ordinary people have any food?
Some black beans can be cooked into porridge with some wild vegetables and leaves, and it would be good if it can survive starvation for a few days! "

It turned out that there were only a small amount of black beans in the pot, plus some wild vegetables and edible leaves, and they were put together to make a messy porridge.

In the eyes of devils and puppet soldiers, this kind of food is not necessarily eaten by pigs.

The devils and puppet soldiers could only return in disappointment.

And the investigations from other sources are basically the same. I thought that under the rising smoke, these cunning people were secretly eating good food.

The results are mostly black beans, bran, wild vegetables, leaves and the like.

Unannounced inspections failed.

After the news was sent back to the gendarmerie, the devil officer, who originally thought that the troublemakers in Yangquan county had deliberately hidden the food, stopped talking.

Lixiong in the south is also helpless. This time, according to the ingenious plan given by His Excellency the Commander, if enough food can be collected from these ordinary people, it will definitely solve the problem of food shortage for the defenders.

But who would have thought that the people of Yangquan were so poor.

It would be nice not to expect their imperial army to help them. How can there be extra food?

In the end, there was nothing to do, the broken Nambu Lixiong gathered himself together, and ordered: "It's okay to make do with it!

Tomorrow, the collection of military rations will continue. Ordinary people are too poor, so they can collect as much as they can, and they will target those big households and wealthy businessmen. "

Officer Yougui expressed hesitation: "It's just...sir, most of these big families are close to the imperial army. If this is the case, won't they all be offended?"

Nanfang Lixiong snorted coldly: "In special times, I can't control so much, at worst, I will give them an IOU first!"


"In addition, post the notice to me, and put all the sins on Tubalu.

It was clearly stated in the notice that it was because the Eighth Route Army burned the food that the imperial army had hoarded for the people, so the imperial army had to collect military food from the people to defend the county and the land where the people lived. "


In the end, it was proposed by the Devil Command that most of the food collected in the massive food collection operations in Shouyang, Yangquan, and Tan County came from those pro-Japanese factions.

Ordinary people did not suffer too much disaster.

Night fell soon...

It was around twelve o'clock in the morning, and the entire Yangquan county fell into a dead silence.

Only the cold current surged in the dark.

The entire land covered by heavy snow seemed lifeless.

Suddenly there were some rustling noises in the room. Taking advantage of the night, the old lady skillfully took out a match from the worn-out drawer and struck it immediately. In a flash of light, she lit a kerosene lamp by the foot of the table.

"His lord, tell the children to wake up, and prepare to start a small stove!"


The old man responded, got up from the bed, quickly got dressed, and then went to the side room to wake up his grandson and granddaughter.

With the help of the faint light from a kerosene lamp, the family quietly touched the stove room without windows and lit the stove.

In the snow-covered night, cooking smoke rose slowly from the chimney.

The aunt took out half a scoop of millet from the food hidden in the cellar, and then made some millet porridge, with some pickles, to fill the children's stomachs again.

While drinking millet porridge, the old man was feeling emotional: "Old woman, thanks to the comrades of the Eighth Route Army who told us the news in advance, otherwise we managed to save some food all year round, and I am afraid that all of it will be snatched by the little devils!"

The aunt agreed: "That's right, these black-hearted little devils, they have no food to eat, so they come to rob us!
When I went to the market during the day, I saw notices posted everywhere in the alley!
Some gentlemen who can read have read it, and I have also heard some words. The little devil poured dirty water on the Eighth Route Army!

It's all because the Eighth Route Army burned down the food that their little devils stored for our people in the granary, so they asked us for food.

His father, listen, does this sound like human speech?
When will it be our common people's turn to eat the food that the little devil puts in the warehouse? "

"That's right, the little devil is fooling the fool!
Ghost letter!
Let's not talk about this, hurry up and eat a full stomach, so we can go back to bed and sleep.Tomorrow, continue to take out the black beans and rotten sweet potatoes, boil them in the pot, and fool the little devil, but don't let the devil know that we still have food! "

It turned out that the little devil's action to forcibly confiscate military rations was a step too late after all.

Guessing in advance that the devils are in a hurry to jump the wall, Kong Jie, who may rob the people's homes of food, let the comrades lurking in Shouyang, Yangquan, and Tan County secretly pass the news to the people.

It also gave the common people the "guerrilla" tactics to deal with the little devils:
Hide all the food and supplies at home in the most secluded place in advance.

There are hidden cellars in the hidden cellar. If it is not possible, dig a pit in the yard and bury it.

When the devils and the puppet army came, they called them poor, and what could not be uncovered, and the jingle of poverty... the more miserable the better.

Leave a little food at home, let the devils and puppet soldiers rob it, and then make trouble with them, howl with them!
The devils and the puppet army didn't grab the food, and they would probably have doubts after they left.

So at noon, I will get some wild vegetables, leaves and roots, to fool the little devil, and make the little devil completely believe that there is no extra food at home.

In the dead of night, when the devils lost their guard, the common people secretly took out the food and ate it.

So what happened at the old lady's house in the dead of night is just a microcosm of thousands of ordinary people in Shouyang, Yangquan and Tan counties.

Using this special guerrilla tactic, the common people managed to keep the precious food stored at home...

(End of this chapter)

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