Anyone can say such bragging words.

It's just that after bragging and airing, Li Yunlong and Zhang Dabiao soon faced the difficult problem.

Since you want to win the fat of the Huting stronghold, you have to calculate the specific strength of the Japanese and puppet troops in the Huting stronghold in advance.

As far as the Huting stronghold is concerned, the military significance of the Japanese army is very important. It has always been the core point for the Japanese army to defend against the Eighth Route Army and maintain the security and stability of a large area around Huting.

It not only serves as an important forward base, maintains the security and stability of the local area, and supports and consolidates the defense of Ping'an County.

At the same time, it is also used as a communication station and maintenance station for devils, as well as an important stable warehouse.

Speaking of it, this Huting stronghold is not too big, but although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

Inside, there are some communication stations, power supply stations, and small repair shops.

In addition, the place where the Huting stronghold is located is quite dangerous and peculiar, which can be seen from the name of the Huting stronghold "Huting".

There are many mountains in Jin, and the Huting guards all directions. It is shaped like a tiger's watch. The terrain is very dangerous, high in the middle and low in the four directions.

With the help of Huting's defensive terrain, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is completely possible to block the attack of several times the enemy with very few troops.

The Japanese army also saw the unique topography of the Huting stronghold, which can play a very high value in the military.

That's why Huting has been built into an extremely stable and significant stronghold.

Because the location of the Huting stronghold is dangerous, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Although for a long period of time, only some security forces of the Japanese puppet army were stationed in the stronghold, and they were also responsible for the security and stability of the local area.

There are only two or three hundred little devils in the entire stronghold, plus some puppet troops.

It's just that the equipment and development of the surrounding Eighth Route Army troops at that time were far from what they are now. Even Li Yunlong had long coveted the Huting stronghold.I have never dared to easily mobilize troops.

Lao Li tried to lure the snake out of the hole, trying to lure the Japanese and puppet troops out of the Huting stronghold to launch an ambush.

But the little devil is not fooled.

Especially after Li Yunlong ambushed the devil's battlefield observation group by surprise.

For Li Yunlong, an insidious swordsman who didn't follow the routine, the little devils were even more frightened. The devils in the entire Huting stronghold were mainly defensive forces and never moved lightly.

Then there seems to be only one way to take down the Huting stronghold and eat this oily fat in one bite.

——Attack the fortress!
Zhang Dabiao counted the defense situation of the Japanese and puppet troops in the Huting stronghold with his fingers: "Regimental Commander, since this period of time, starting with a team, we have launched a major winter counter-offensive.

Our New Second Regiment also launched an attack on remote villages and towns near Ping'an County, and successfully destroyed many communication lines of the Japanese army, paralyzing the traffic of the devils.

Therefore, the devils specially strengthened the defense force of this important stronghold, the Huting stronghold.

The Huting stronghold is also used as a stable warehouse for temporary hoarding of materials.

So although the meat in the Huting stronghold is fatter and more fragrant, correspondingly, it is much more difficult to take down the Huting stronghold. "

Zhang Dabiao felt a small wooden stick from nowhere in his hand.

Looking at the area where the Huting stronghold was marked on the military sand table in front of him, he first broke off one-fifth of the small wooden stick, and then placed it in the area where the Huting stronghold was located: "This is after the Huting stronghold was specially strengthened. The main garrison force.

Almost two squadrons of little devils, plus a battalion of guards.

The two full-staffed Japanese army squadrons have almost 400 people, and this hardcore traitor puppet army guard also has about 300 people, so there are about 700 Japanese and puppet troops. "

He then broke another wooden stick, put it on the sand table, and said: "Commander, this is a mechanized transport squadron of devils who have entered the Huting stronghold through our investigation recently. There are at least one hundred Five NO.60 little devil."

He continued to put down the broken sticks one after another: "This is an artillery squadron specially reinforced by the devils at the Huting stronghold.

According to investigations, it has been confirmed on the surface that there are four infantry cannons and two [-]-type mountain cannons. "

"Besides, we also found the Devil's motorized search team in the Huting stronghold. It is estimated that there are five or sixty little devils."

"There is a horse farm temporarily built by the Fourth Japanese Brigade near the stronghold of Huting, including a Japanese cavalry squadron stationed here.

According to conventional judgments, a cavalry squadron of the devils has a strength of around 130 at least."

"There are also tanks and armored vehicles. The Japanese have specially strengthened two tank squads around the Huting stronghold, with a total of four tanks and two armored vehicles."

In the end, based on the intelligence collected these days, after analyzing the elements of the Japanese army's garrison at Huting stronghold bit by bit.

Even Zhang Dabiao couldn't help saying with emotion:
"Based on a rough calculation, the Japanese army is almost the strength of a brigade."

Speaking of this, Zhang Dabiao couldn't help cursing: "This little devil really spent a lot of money to ensure the defense of the Huting stronghold.

More than 1000 Japanese and puppet troops were stationed in a small stronghold.

How many ghosts are stationed in Ping'an County?

These sons of bitches are not human!
Commander, this Huting stronghold is a tough one. We are going to attack Huting stronghold this time, but it is impossible to pull all the troops of the whole regiment there. Less than any advantage. "

"In addition, the terrain of the Huting stronghold is extremely easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The little devil only pulled two or three cordons on the outer line, and the devil's motorized search team even guarded and searched the surrounding area from time to time.

Our reconnaissance troops can't get closer to within one kilometer for reconnaissance. They can only observe the situation from a distance, and they have to be careful about exposure at all times. "

I really don’t know if I don’t analyze it, and I’m startled when I analyze it.

Although it was difficult to chew at the beginning, there was still a good chance to directly capture the Huting stronghold. Now it is almost armed to the teeth by the little devils, like a big hedgehog, it is difficult to approach.

Listening to Zhang Dabiao's analysis, Li Yunlong frowned unconsciously.

Zhang Dabiao began to re-build the approximate defensive deployment of the Huting stronghold on the sand table according to the collected information about the Huting stronghold.

Compared with the surrounding area with relatively gentle terrain, it looks like a raised tiger pavilion, and the entire stronghold has been built extremely tight fortifications by the little devil.

According to the terrain and terrain characteristics of the uplifted Huting stronghold.

The westward terrain of Huting is slow, so it is actually the most suitable direction for attack.

Of course, the four directions of east, west, north, south, strictly speaking, can be used as the direction of attack.

But the little devil also strengthened the fortifications especially in the four directions of east, west, north and south. One is to build multiple layers of fortifications on the outside line, which greatly enhances the strategic depth of defense.

Another little devil extended a large number of gun towers to assist defense in four directions.

These gun towers can not only act as condescending firepower reinforcement points, but also serve as guard posts, which can ensure that the little devils can detect any disturbances within a few kilometers of the surrounding area at any time.

So it is not realistic to engage in a sneak attack.

Even if Duan Peng came with the commando, he might not be able to infiltrate smoothly.

These brave little devils who seemed to be frightened by the Eighth Route Army were too cautious even in defense.

They even raised a lot of military dogs in the stronghold. Once there is a strange smell, it will arouse the alert of the military dogs at any time.

As for those built turrets.

Ever since the little devil knew that the New Second Regiment of the Eighth Route Army led by Li Yunlong had infantry cannons in his hands, he had long replaced the masonry ones with reinforced concrete ones.

Even some semi-underground machine gun fortifications, or bunker fortifications, the little devils directly use reinforced concrete to fight against Li Yunlong with the highest standard of defense.

Since the outbreak of the Pacific War, the little devils have realized through blood lessons that the so-called [-]-type infantry artillery they were complacent about, this type of assault artillery, is like scratching an itch in front of the reinforced concrete fortifications of the United States.

So the little devil is sure that there is nothing he can do about these reinforced concrete blockhouses.

In addition to the Huting stronghold, which is an important military base, the internal communication department can even contact the devil's air fire reinforcements at any time, as well as the headquarters of all parties.

Tactical guidance can be requested at any time.

It really has everything from aircraft, tanks and cannons.

It also looks like a particularly large ant's nest, and it will cause bad things if you poke it.

It's like a bastard with nothing to invade.

For a while, Li Yunlong also had a headache, "Damn it, this is really a tough nut to crack, what method do we need to pry this bastard's shell open?"

Zhao Gang said: "Since it is a bastard shell, the most notable feature is that the shell is very hard. If we forcefully fight a tough battle, the casualties of our troops will definitely be inevitable. This will definitely not work."

Li Yunlong took it seriously and said: "That's the truth, otherwise I would have taken down the Huting stronghold!"

In the end, the three of them racked their brains for more than an hour, but they still couldn't think of a suitable way to deal with the bastard who was the Huting stronghold.

at dusk.

Li Yunlong, who was still at a loss for what to do about it, suddenly felt thirsty and rushed to the cooking class, but when he opened the wooden lid covering the water tank, the water tank was already empty.

"Old Wang, old Wang, why is there no water?" Li Yunlong shouted towards the door.

Old Wang from the cooking team rushed in when he heard the words, and said bitterly: "Commander, the weather is really cold these days, and the nearby river where we usually fetch water is frozen, so it is a bit difficult to fetch water recently, so I will arrange for someone to fetch water go!"

Li Yunlong asked: "Does the cooking class need to fetch water every day?"

Lao Wang nodded: "Sometimes I have to call several times a day! For this matter, I applied to the logistics department and got a few extra large water tanks, but this is not enough."

"Why is the water used up so quickly? There are only these people in your cooking class, right?"

In the end, it was fine if Li Yunlong didn't say that, but when he said that, Old Wang seemed to be out of temper.

"Leader, since you said this, I have to complain to you. Our cooking team has few people, and we have to feed so many comrades in the regiment.

There are also many places to use water, not only for us comrades to drink water, but also for cooking, washing pots, washing dishes and so on.

As a result, some comrades came to our cooking squad to ask for water, especially the blacksmith shop of our regiment headquarters. Every time they made a big knife, they would come to our cooking squad to ask for water. Is this okay? "

Speaking of this, Lao Wang couldn't help but enviously said: "Head, I heard that the cooking teams of the other team have already used faucets. When the faucets are turned on, there is as much water as they need, which is comparable to our wooden kitchen. It is much more convenient to carry water by bucket and water truck!"

Lao Wang was still complaining, he was injured and retired from the front line, and he was not too young, but he was unwilling to retire.

This man loves to nag when he's older.

After all this nagging, Li Yunlong seems to have grasped some key point in a trance...

"Water! The water truck transports water!"

"Yes, this method will definitely work. Damn, I have an idea!"

Li Yunlong turned around and left as he said that, Lao Wang shouted from behind: "Head, what about our cooking team taking over the water pipe?"

"Make up your own mind!"

The words floated over, and Li Yunlong's figure had gradually drifted away.

Pharaoh: "..."

Well, let's carry water and drink honestly!

After returning to the headquarters of the regiment, Li Yunlong immediately called the platoon leader of the investigation platoon, and then ordered: "Take the team and continue to investigate the situation of the devil's Huting stronghold.

It's just that this time I won't let you investigate other things, let me investigate clearly, how did the little devils in the Huting stronghold solve the draft problem.

If water is used by the transport team, what tools do they use, when will the base need water every few days, let me figure it out! "

"Yes!" The reconnaissance platoon leader is also a smart man, Dang even realized the meaning of his team leader's words, and quickly responded.

The next morning, when Zhao Gang heard about this, he rushed to the headquarters and asked, "Lao Li, could it be that you are going to make a fuss about the Japanese army's water at Huting stronghold?"

Li Yunlong nodded heavily, and began to calculate: "Old Zhao, think about it, there are more than 1000 Japanese and puppet troops in the Huting stronghold, they need to drink water, right?

There is also a squadron of cavalry. That horse can drink water better than humans, right?
In addition, the devil's repair shop in the Huding stronghold needs water, and water is needed for washing and washing, including the maintenance of some of the devil's mechanical vehicles. He also needs water.

The Huting stronghold is so high, and there is no river passing by nearby. How did the little devil solve the problem of draft? "

Zhao Gang suddenly realized: "Good old Li, you want to completely cut off the water supply of the Japanese and puppet troops in the Huting stronghold, and use this method to take down the Huting stronghold?"

Li Yunlong laughed loudly and said: "That's the thing, since we can't hit the tortoise shrunk in its shell, we should cut off its water source, even if it is thirsty, we will die of thirst."

"That's a great idea!" Zhao Gang said with a smile, "According to the needs of the human body, you can go without food for several days, but with water, you will be thirsty within two or three days."

"Lao Li, this is indeed an excellent idea to break through the defense of the Huting stronghold!"

After making up their minds, the two waited eagerly at the regiment headquarters, waiting for the good news from the reconnaissance platoon.

in the afternoon.

The platoon leader of the reconnaissance sent back to report the situation in person, and he said with a smile on his face: "Head, political commissar, it has been confirmed, the little devil in the Huting stronghold really needs a water truck to deliver water every once in a while!"

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