The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 874 Unexpected situation bloody contest!

After the first company commander's order was issued, the flag soldiers quickly passed the news to the third company on the left wing of the hillside with flag language.

This time, the first company and the third company are the transportation units responsible for ambushing the devils at the same time.

After the commander of the third company received the news, he immediately led the soldiers of the third company, using the cover of the mountains, to quickly move towards the Japanese transport team that was fetching water from the bank of the big river.

Just after the little devils filled up a dozen water trucks.

The battle between the two sides broke out suddenly.

Huting stronghold.

Japanese Army Command.

When the news came that the transportation unit had been raided by the Eighth Route Army, the adjutant at the side spoke slowly, referring to the battle map in front of him.

There was no worry on his face, and he even had a faint smile.

"Your Excellency, Major, everything is according to your plan. The Eighth Route Army has launched an attack on our army's water supply troops!"

"Yaoxi!" Gu Chuan nodded, with a confident look on his face.

"Notify the cavalry squadron, mechanized combat squadron, and tank squadron that they can be reinforced in the established order. Remember, all these damned earth roads will be wiped out, leaving no one behind!"


On the right bank of the river, as the two sides exchanged fire, the battle quickly escalated and became intense.

According to the arrangement of the first battalion commander Zhang Dabiao, this time the first company and the third company are responsible for lurking near the right bank of the river and ambushing the main transportation force of the devils.

In addition, the Second Company was responsible for setting up an ambush on the way to block the combat troops that the Japanese army might reinforce from the Huting stronghold at any time.

With the development of the New Second Regiment over the years, Zhang Dabiao, as Li Yunlong's capable general, and the First Battalion as the veteran battalion of the New Second Regiment, naturally expanded to a certain extent.

The current first company and third company are all elites, and their strength is more than twice that of the devil transport team composed of more than 100 little devils.

The battle was another ambush that started suddenly.

In Zhang Dabiao's view, once this ambush starts, even if it will not wipe out the devil's transport team in a very short period of time.

At least it can quickly and severely damage this devil transport team.

The fire broke out suddenly, and it seemed to be the trend when the battle just started.

The soldiers of the first company and the third company had already lurked in the artillery position, and directly launched the bombardment of the area where the Japanese army was located on the right bank of the river.

Today's well-equipped New Second Regiment does not lose to the Japanese army in terms of artillery equipment.

I thought that in the reconnaissance field of view of the soldiers, only forty or fifty water trucks were pulled, and more soldiers were just carrying some new combat weapons. The devil's transport unit would be quickly defeated under the fierce firepower ambush .

But then, an abrupt scene appeared on the battlefield:
I saw the transportation team composed of more than 100 little devils, among which [-] to [-] water trucks seemed to be pulling river water.

Following the soldiers' attack, after the waterwheel was crushed, the river water full of waterwheels splashed directly to the ground.

Except for the more than 20 water trucks.

For the rest of the water trucks, the devils did not fetch water, and were suddenly attacked by the soldiers of the first company and the third company.

The devils who were originally pulling the waterwheel reacted surprisingly fast.

They quickly opened the hood of the waterwheel, and then one by one, the little devils directly took out a large number of hidden weapons inside the waterwheel:
That's a fair amount of machine guns and grenades.

After some waterwheels were smashed by the soldiers' bullets to shatter the outer thin wooden boards, there was a clanging sound immediately.

After the board was broken, the soldiers took a closer look and were all taken aback.

Good guy, it turns out that these little devils have been prepared for a long time.

Except for the dozen or so water trucks that were filled with water first, which were real water trucks, the rest of the water trucks had already been tampered with by little devils.

At this moment, the real face was revealed. It was actually a movable protective shield specially modified by the devil using a waterwheel.

That is the steel plate that the little devil uses the bottom wheel of the waterwheel as the foundation and is placed on the top of the frame.

At this time, after these steel plates were poured down by the little devils, they could be used as the shields of the devils' machine gunners to counter fire for a while.

In addition, these little devils are not like the devil's transport troops.

The reaction and execution ability they displayed at this moment is no less than that of the devil's field elite.

The devil infantry on the periphery quickly formed a defensive formation and launched firepower to cover the little devils behind and quickly built a large number of light machine guns and grenades hidden in the water tanker to build machine gun fortifications and artillery positions on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce fire counterattack was launched against the first company and the third company of the new second regiment.

"Damn it, the little devil is already prepared!"

The third company commander who charged from the left flank of the hillside couldn't help cursing.

"Company commander, we have been fooled, it seems that we are not the devil's transport team!"

The worried voice of the second platoon leader came.

The company commander scolded: "This son of a bitch is a bit cunning, but now he is on the verge of attacking, so he has to do it.

Whether it's a trick of the little devil or not, let's talk about it after hitting.

There are only more than 100 little devils in total, even if they are elite devils, we have to eat them down. "

"Comrades, pay attention to concealment, use each squad as a separate combat unit, disperse the team for me, seize the highest point, and beat me to death!"

The first company commander roared and gave the order.

Seeing Yilian's fighting posture, the commander of the third company didn't hesitate, and immediately called the soldiers to attack the little devil.

Not bad.

The old devil Gu Chuan is very cunning. The transport team he deliberately sent out as a bait this time is actually composed of field elites from the Huting stronghold.

In addition, the water wheel pulled is just to deceive people.

The devils actually hid a lot of equipment and ammunition in the waterwheel.

There are even two heavy machine guns, hidden in the specially modified waterwheel carriage.

Before the transport team departed, Furukawa repeatedly asked the devil captain Hidekazu Ichiro who led the team this time: "This time the plan to lure the enemy, you as bait are a crucial part.

I can almost conclude that you will be ambushed by Tuba Road on your way to the river to fetch water.

Once you encounter an ambush, remember that the troops of the Eighth Route Army will definitely be more powerful than yours. In addition, the equipment of the Eighth Route Army has become more and more sophisticated over the years. eight way.

We should immediately use our hidden equipment to launch a firepower counterattack, quickly gain a foothold, and then find a suitable terrain on the spot to hold on to the danger.

Wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and then cooperate inside and outside to wipe out the ambush Tubalu in one fell swoop! "

"Hi, please rest assured, Major!" Hideka Ichiro replied solemnly.

The right bank of the river.

The prudent Devil Captain Squadron Leader Hideo and Ichiro also acted according to Furukawa's instructions.

After being suddenly ambushed by the firepower of the first company and the third company.

The devil captain quickly made a command and counterattacked.

At the same time, use firepower to cover the main force's rapid transfer to the north on the right bank of the river.

The area where the Japanese army's transport team took water was on the relatively open river bank on the right bank of the river. However, after moving quickly to the north, there were some raised soil bumps on the right side of the river bank, which were very suitable as natural bunkers.

Hideo and Ichiro decided to station there, build machine guns and artillery fortifications, relying on the two heavy machine guns secretly carried this time, launched the most stable firepower blocking, constantly consuming the effective strength of Tuba Road, and persisted until the arrival of reinforcements.

Then wipe out these damned dirt roads in one fell swoop.

And that's it, as time goes by quickly.

After the devil transport team paid the casualty price of more than 30 people, the remaining little devils, under the command of Xiu Heichiro, quickly moved to the north-facing hillside on the right bank of the river.

The Devil's machine gunners occupied various slopes and highlands, built machine gun fortifications on the spot, and launched a firepower counterattack.

On the other side, seeing that the little devil was holding on to the danger, the first company commander and the third company commander did not dare to attack rashly in order to avoid casualties of the troops, but continued to use the bunker to confront the Japanese army.

The bullets from the two sides shot at each other under the time and space on the right bank of the river, interweaving dense and gorgeous large nets in midair.

More than a dozen [-]-type grenade launchers of the devil kept roaring.

A large number of shells exploded on the fortifications stationed by the first and third companies.

The two heavy machine guns, one on the left and the other on the right, occupy the absolute commanding heights, firing wildly with crossfire.

The soldiers of the first company and the third company built an artillery position behind the bunker. After correcting and shooting at the Yuan, they bombarded the Japanese army with a considerable number of small-caliber mortars.

for a while.

The ambush originally launched suddenly by the first company and the third company quickly turned into a positional warfare.

The two sides suffered casualties in the exchange of fire.

The first company commander and the third company commander were full of depression. They thought it was a smooth ambush, but who would have thought that they would be dragged into a positional battle by these little devils.

The devil actually hid his hand in advance.

Disguised as a transport team with the main force in the field, and hid a lot of equipment in the water tanker.

Even during the previous attack, the little devil had obviously camouflaged on the right bank of the big river, and only a small part of them were pushing more than a dozen water trucks to fetch water.

More devils have already prepared to fight back with the help of bunkers.


"Company commander, the little devils came prepared this time, their firepower is quite strong, we may not be able to attack with a hard attack.

It's just that it's impossible to destroy this group of devils in a short period of time by fighting in battle across the hill. "

Looking at the Japanese fortifications that could not be attacked for a long time, and the gradual casualties of the team, the cadres became more and more impatient.

The company commander roared: "Of course I know the situation.

It's just that we can't withdraw now. If we withdraw like this, the little devils will definitely press up. It's dangerous. "

"Commander, what should we do now?"

"There's no other way, let the soldiers bear it first, we must never let this group of little devils leave the area on the right bank, let the communication team contact the headquarters quickly, and see how the battalion commander arranges it?"


The temporary battalion headquarters of the first battalion of the new second regiment.

After the news came quickly, Zhang Dabiao was also stunned.

Hunting geese all day long, but was pecked by geese.

The little devil in the Huting stronghold is really capable.

While quickly discussing the countermeasures, the instructor said: "Da Biao, the ambush battles of the first company and the third company were not smooth. After the battle started, the little devils immediately took advantage of the danger, which shows that the devils have been prepared for a long time.

I think the devil reinforcements at the Huting stronghold are probably already close to the ambush area of ​​the second company.

Shall we continue fighting? "

Zhang Dabiao said: "Old Wu, what is the order our battalion received?"

The instructor, Old Wu, replied without hesitation: "The regiment headquarters ordered my first battalion to cut off the water supply line for the devils to the west, and wait for the opportunity to eat the devils going out from the Huting stronghold!"

"That's right!"

Zhang Dabiao's eyes revealed a frightening aura, "Back then on the Cangyun Ridge battlefield, our Old and New First Regiment was far inferior to our current New Second Regiment in terms of equipment and strength.

But what happened in the end?
Our regiment leader said, our new regiment is fighting elites!
Without further ado, the head of the regiment directly led the whole regiment to launch a counterattack against the Bantian United from the front. Our Xinyi regiment and the independent regiment led by Captain Kong directly broke through the encirclement from the front, and even wiped out the Bantian United with a single shot. Command.

Fight to fame.

If we were afraid of that battle from the very beginning, how could we have achieved such a record? "

"But this time, the enemy's strength may be very strong. There are a large number of elite devils in the Huting stronghold, and there are even tanks and armored vehicles!" the instructor reminded.

Zhang Dabiao really laughed, "Old Wu, when was our enemy not strong? Which battle we fought was not difficult?

If the battle is not fought because the enemy is strong and the battle is difficult, then what do we soldiers do?
The order of the regiment headquarters is to cut off the water supply line to the west of the Huting stronghold and destroy the combat troops going out from the Huting stronghold. We should fully implement this order! "

As Zhang Dabiao's old partner, the instructor Lao Wu has never contradicted Zhang Dabiao in terms of military command, especially at this critical juncture.

Old Wu didn't hesitate any longer, he nodded: "Okay, Da Biao, then let's beat his son of a bitch, and reproduce our prestige in the battle of Cangyun Ridge!"

He changed the subject: "It's just that we have to pass the news to the regiment headquarters in time, we don't fight reckless battles, but we can't fight unprepared battles either.

After the news is passed, the regiment leader will definitely make adjustments at any time according to the situation of the battle!
In this way, even if we didn't fight well, at least there were some people who helped us wipe our ass. "

"Haha, Old Wu, you are still thoughtful!" Zhang Dabiao said happily.

After the two quickly reached an agreement, the news from the battalion headquarters quickly spread to the second company, the first company, and the third company.

When the three company commanders received the news from the battalion headquarters, they seemed to have taken a reassurance, and without hesitation, they continued to fight according to the original combat plan.

Huting stronghold.

The corner of the old devil Gu Chuan's mouth was filled with a smile of sure victory. His order had been issued, and the combat troops to reinforce Dahe Youanxiu and the squadron had already set off.

They are cavalry units, tank squads, and mechanized combat squadrons.

In addition, according to Furukawa's order, it is divided into three battle sequences and advances sequentially.

Gu Chuan's analysis on this is quite clear: "We have fought against the Eighth Route Army for many years, and the Eighth Route Army has always been considerate in combat.

There were ambushes, and there were always reinforcements.

So our reinforcements are on the way to reinforce Xiuhe Squadron, I think they will definitely encounter blocking troops from the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, letting the more mobile cavalry go first can lure out the Eighth Route Army troops along the way first, revealing the strength of the Eighth Route Army troops and the configuration of firepower, so that the tank squads that follow up to reinforce the past can randomly launch attacks.

Then with a more powerful combat force, a comprehensive mechanized combat squadron.

Completely wiped out the blocked Tubalu, and finally reinforced Xiuhe Squadron. "

The devil's adjutants quickly flattered: "Your Excellency, Major, is wise!"

Gu Chuan said: "What also needs to be guarded is that Tuba Road is playing tricks to divert the tiger away from the mountain and attack the stronghold.

Therefore, after our army's reinforcements set off, we must guard against the east, west, north, south, and four directions, especially strengthen the defense, and we must not let the Tuba Road take advantage of it. "



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