The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 890 Surprise attack on the Japanese artillery test factory!

Chapter 890 Surprise attack on the Japanese artillery test factory!
... "Brother Zhongshan, please rest assured, I have always remembered the equipment!
Urging, of course I am urging, I have been urging Li Yunlong every three days, and I have already made a report and application with the headquarters, but now, it is being approved, and it may take a while.

You wait for me a little longer, don't worry, it will be almost a month or two at most. "

The headquarters of the 57 regiment of the Jinsui Army.

Pa, after hanging up the phone, Yang Chongshan, the head of the 57th Regiment, who was once again prevaricated by a few words, looked depressed.

When attacking the Huting stronghold, the unruly Li Yunlong took the opportunity to take away a battalion, plus half the equipment of the artillery battalion.

Yang Chongshan had already spoken to Kong Jie for the fourth or fifth time, but in the end he was shunned.

Lao Yang is not naive now.

I don't even talk about the fact that Captain Kong is really a real person.

I had no choice but to swear a few words when there were no outsiders, "Grandma, this black-hearted Li Yunlong!"

"Old Qian, I can see that Kong Jie is still helping Li Yunlong to cover up in the open and in the dark. I'm afraid the batch of equipment we lost will never come back!"

Qian Shoucai, the deputy head of the group, was smothering in his heart: my dear group member!Are you only now aware of the situation?What kind of cover? If I ask you, Kong Jie and Li Yunlong would have gone to share the spoils long ago!
On the surface, he was as steady as an old dog, with an idea, he smiled and comforted: "Tuan Zuo, let me tell you, everything about this matter is silent.

We want to get this batch of equipment back, but it seems really impossible now.

Then it's better not to ask for too much, and it's not good to annoy Kong Jie again.

Why don't we bring this up once in a while, as if he, Kong Jie, owed us, and there will always be a way to make up for this loss in the future.

In addition, when we took down the Huting stronghold this time, the Ministry of the Chiefs commended our 57th regiment a lot, especially for the losses of weapons and ammunition we reported, and the superiors also gave special supplements.

In this way, we have not lost anything. "

Yang Chongshan thought about it, so he nodded.

The matter of asking Kong Jie for equipment was put on hold for the time being.

On the other side, Kong Jie is spitting and nailing, since he promised Li Yunlong to help the new second regiment form a quick response force.

Action was immediately on the agenda.

In a few days, through the transportation passage from the base of the first team to the base of the new second regiment, Kong Jie sent Wang Shoucheng and the mechanized combat battalion led by Wang Shoucheng, and equipped with a hundred military armored vehicles, cars, motorcycles and other modified vehicles, All sent to the new second regiment.

At this time, Li Yunlong, who was completely seduced and attracted by the commander of the rapid reaction force directly under Taihang, started training and strengthening this mechanized combat force non-stop after receiving Kong Jie's support.

Lao Li carried out military reforms in the entire New Second Regiment.

Even the original cavalry company of his own regiment, including the tank company, was specially modified and merged into the mechanized combat unit.

In addition, in order to completely turn his entire regiment into a quick-response force, Li Yunlong also threw out his old face after asking Kong Jie for the mechanized combat vehicles.

Then he turned to Ding Wei and asked for 50 bicycles.

In Li Yunlong's bragging words:
"From the top to bottom of our new second regiment, every soldier must leave my feet off the ground, and this can be regarded as a complete mechanized combat force!"

I have been training like this for more than half a month.

Looking at the soldiers of the mechanized combat unit full of fighting spirit, Li Yunlong couldn't sit still. He decided to do something, do something in Northwest Shanxi, even beyond the border of Northwest Shanxi, he can still do something for him.

When the headquarters was studying how to fight the first battle of mechanized combat troops on the combat map.

Political commissar Zhao Gang said:

"Old Li, the rapid response force we built is strong in mobility, excellent equipment, and superior firepower.

However, there is a necessary prerequisite for the actions of mechanized combat troops, that is, to be supported by sufficient and accurate intelligence.

Otherwise, it is like a headless chicken, and it will even bring us greater combat risks.

In case our team is exposed in advance, if the Japanese army uses air power, once the devil's plane finds our mechanized combat unit, it is no joke! "

Li Yunlong took it seriously and said: "Old Zhao, don't worry, it's just intelligence. Over the years, the intelligence system of the Iron Triangle in Northwest Shanxi has developed very well.

I don't believe that useful information can't be obtained. "

In the past few days, Li Yunlong was actually waiting for information.

He has mobilized all the intelligence lines of the entire New Second Regiment.

Lao Li's plan this time is not small.

"I heard that the little devils stationed in the First Army in Shanxi have a fairly large artillery experiment factory and processing factory.

If our mechanized combat troops can take advantage of their maneuverability and firepower, they can destroy the devils' artillery testing grounds and processing plants by surprise.

I think the first battle of our team is enough to shake the entire North China! "

It's just that the intelligence aspect is not so easy to do.

For this reason, Li Yunlong also called Ding Wei and Kong Jie to inquire.

As a result, Ding Wei and Kong Jie also shook their heads helplessly, and did not get any information about the Japanese artillery testing ground and processing plant.

On the phone, Kong Jie came up with an idea for Li Yunlong: "Old Li, you said you were smart all your life, and you were confused for a while.

If you want information, what use is it to find other people?
If I want to find you, I want you to find the old brigade commander. Our brigade commander is a big guy with a background in intelligence. Does he have any information you want? "

After hanging up the phone, Li Yunlong thought about it, and what Kong Jie said was indeed reasonable.

Finally gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, Li Yunlong yelled at the communications department: "Correspondent, answer the call from the brigade department!"

"Hey, haha, it's me, old brigade commander, I'm Li Yunlong!"

On the other end of the phone, the brigade commander seemed to be in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Li Yunlong, it's rare that you can call me on your own initiative?"

"Old brigade commander, look at what you said. I miss you so much that I miss you after two days. No, I'll make a special phone call to catch up on the past. Otherwise, I sleep because I miss you. Can't sleep well!"

The brigade commander laughed and scolded: "Don't do this to me, Li Yunlong, it's been so many years, I don't know what you want to fart when your butt is pouted?
If there is nothing serious, are you willing to take the initiative to come to me? "

"Haha, old brigade commander, why don't you understand me!" Li Yunlong, who was directly pierced by a single word, honestly stated his request.

The brigade commander was silent for a moment, and then said: "Build a quick response force directly under our Taihang base.

Li Yunlong, your idea is quite advanced and quite good.

After you reported this matter half a month ago, I also told the boss about this matter in detail, and the boss also expressed his support for your new second regiment to build a rapid response force.

It's just that you kid can't mess with me.

It's only half a month, are you sure that the mechanized combat force you built has formed combat effectiveness?

Enough to deal with complex and severe combat situations? "

Li Yunlong vowed: "Please rest assured, the old brigade commander, there is absolutely no problem, we will not make fun of the lives of the soldiers!"

With Li Yunlong's guarantee, the brigade commander was relieved and said, "If you want to talk about the artillery testing ground and processing plant of the Devil's First Army, there is indeed some information!"


On the other end of the phone, Li Yunlong was overjoyed, and said cheerfully, "As expected of the old brigade commander, no wonder everyone said, old brigade commander, you are the clairvoyant and smooth ear in the myth.

That is, you will know what the devil emperor eats at noon and what tea he drinks.

I am completely convinced! "

"Li Yunlong, don't you brat put a high hat on me. I don't know about your pettiness? Let me tell you, I haven't forgotten about your brat taking down the Huting stronghold.

At the beginning you promised on the phone that you would send me the supplies, including the equipment captured from the artillery battalion of the 57th Regiment of the Jinsui Army, have you not sent them to me yet? "

Li Yunlong: "..."

Lao Li was depressed, well, I knew it would be like this.

That's why he never dared to call and ask the brigade commander for information.

Finally hung up the phone, looking at Li Yunlong with a gloomy face, Zhao Gang who rushed over asked doubtfully: "Why, Lao Li, doesn't the brigade commander have any information about the Devil's artillery testing ground and processing plant?"

"Yes, yes!" Li Yunlong said.

"Then why do you still look unhappy?" Zhao Gang asked.

Li Yunlong said with a bitter face: "This phone call, the intelligence problem of the Devil Artillery Experimental Factory has been solved, but our old Li turned around and lost a large amount of supplies, as well as the artillery seized from the 57th regiment!"

"Hey, can you keep procrastinating what the brigade commander wants? Think of it as buying information!" Zhao Gang laughed.

"Old Zhao, why didn't I find out before that you are so good at comforting people?"

A smile uglier than crying appeared on Lao Li's face.

I secretly held my breath in my heart: You are the one who killed the son of a bitch, this time, I have to make a lot of money by taking down your son's artillery experiment field and processing plant.

... This information is really expensive.

The brigade commander, who was extremely efficient in action, sent messengers two days later to send a piece of encrypted special information to the New Second Regiment and to Li Yunlong.

New Second Regiment Headquarters.

When the relevant intelligence documents sent by the brigade commander were opened, there was a map inside, and a detailed military deployment map, plus some special information described in words.

The map is obviously hand-drawn, and the brigade commander is surrounded by talents. This hand-drawn map is drawn quite accurately, and even the specific scale is clearly marked.

In the end, the core of the entire map is placed on the Sandai Township, which is especially sandwiched in the central area.

A small township.

It doesn't seem very eye-catching, but it is clearly stated in the information sent by the brigade commander.

The largest artillery testing and processing factory of the Devil's First Army is secretly located in Santai Township.

In addition, the brigade commander also specially sent a military defense map about the devils near Santai Township.

Including near Santai Township, in order to ensure the safety of this artillery processing factory and testing ground, the devils have a clear idea of ​​what strongholds they have built, how many troops are stationed, and even the firepower configuration of some strongholds.

Looking at such detailed information, Zhao Gang couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "As expected of one of the three heroes of Whampoa, the brigade commander's work in intelligence is simply amazing."

This also made Zhao Gang secretly make up his mind that he had to learn from the brigade commander and strive to help Lao Li in intelligence work.

She is indeed Lao Li's best virtuous wife!
After Li Yunlong thoroughly studied the information sent by the brigade commander, he was still a little depressed, so he immediately threw it out of the sky.

"Haha, we all know that there is nothing in this world that can be difficult to live with the Brigadier Commander! Although the old Brigadier Commander's information is a little expensive to sell, I have to say that he is worth the price!"

Li Yunlong was amazed. Old Li always admired the brigade commander.

If it weren't for Li Yunlong, who was fearless, why did he meet the brigade commander, just like a mouse meeting a cat!

This is called all-round suppression, willing to bow down.

In Li Yunlong's character, there is a pragmatic side.

"Those who are capable eat meat, and those who are incapable don't even think about soup."

This is Li Yunlong's best interpretation of pragmatism.

When Zhao Gang first joined the Independence Regiment as the political commissar, if it wasn't for his first-hand marksmanship, coupled with his military analysis, insight, and strategy, he would have been quite extraordinary.

According to Li Yunlong's rebellious temperament, how could he wish to wear a pair of pants with Zhao Gang?
"Old Li, what do you want to do next?" Zhao Gang asked.

"Now we have a mechanized combat unit for combat, and we also have this detailed information.

What is this called?
This is called everything is ready, only the east wind is owed! "

Old Li, who hadn't left behind cultural studies, said a word.

Zhao Gang asked curiously: "Then what is Dongfeng?"

Li Yunlong raised two fingers, then turned his head and searched around in the headquarters.

"Old Li, what are you looking for?"


"What are you looking for with a fan?"

"Why don't we call it the Feather Fan Lun Towel, or how can we learn from Zhuge Kongming?"

Zhao Gang: "..."

Zhao Gang had to admit that since he was severely stimulated by Kong Jie, who had been studying culture, and then slammed Lao Li, in the past half a year, his cultural studies have indeed improved a lot.

"There are two east winds that we are waiting for.

This first shareholding style was built by Lao Kong in the early years, which is the commando team led by Duan Peng.

This is a team similar to the Yamamoto Secret Service back then.

It is most suitable for carrying out such raids and sabotage operations with clear objectives.

Although our New Second Regiment has also built a similar sharp knife unit, due to the short training time, it is still not as good as Lao Kong's commando team, so this time we will borrow Duan Peng and the others.

Cooperate with our mechanized combat units. "

Li Yunlong continued: "As for the second shareholder wind!

The commotion that Lao Kong is going to make this time will definitely not be small, he is rushing to the devils' strongholds in the entire northwestern region of Shanxi.

As far as our Eighth Route Army is concerned, as far as I know, there are seven or eight regiments of the main force that are going to act together with a team this time.

When the battle starts, the entire northwestern Shanxi will definitely be in chaos.

The devils are going around to reinforce the big strongholds, and they are busy dealing with Lao Kong and the others, so our chance has come.

With these two shareholders, this time we take the opportunity to destroy the largest artillery testing ground and processing plant of the Devil's First Army, and our Lao Li is bound to win! "

Zhao Zhang listened in a daze, and then sighed in his heart:
No wonder the superiors have been demanding that the military cadres who lead the troops cannot stop learning cultural knowledge.

Ever since he read the book, read the characters, studied some military tactics, and learned about the theory of tactics, this old Li has become more and more comfortable and convincing in fighting.

In Li Yunlong's words: "Before studying, our old Li knew how to fight this battle, but if you ask us why we fought this battle, we really don't know.

But after reading the book, we fully understood.

The wisdom of this ancient man is amazing, damn it, every victorious battle that Lao Tzu has won, the whole **** clearly remembers it in the military book, it is just like what we thought at the time! "

This also stimulated Li Yunlong's desire for cultural knowledge and learning...

(End of this chapter)

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