The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 905 Li Yunlong's Dimensionality Reduction Strike Goes to the 385th Brigade for the New

Chapter 905 Li Yunlong's Dimensionality Reduction Strike Goes to the [-]th Brigade for the New Year


At this moment, how exaggerated is the shock that Li Yunlong said to the commanders of the Eighth Route Army?

Leaving aside, even Kong Jie and Ding Wei, who had originally planned how Li Yunlong would start the show, which triggered an in-depth discussion among the cadres on the future development of the Eighth Route Army's rapid response force, were a little dumbfounded.

I have to say that Lao Li performed really well.

First of all, in the command room of this regiment headquarters, the learning culture created and the personal design of generals who pursue progress are quite good.

Immediately afterwards, the momentum of this speech was quite well-measured.

Then introduce the topic with the war between Mongolia and Song Dynasty.

Everything just fell into place.

The two brigade commanders, including the dozen or so commanders who came this time, had to admit that at this moment, they were going to look at Li Yunlong with admiration.

Leader Cheng of the [-]nd Regiment muttered in his heart:
I haven't seen you for a few days, why did Li Yunlong suddenly become so powerful?I heard that Lao Li has been studying all this time, does this study really have such a great charm?

Originally, when Li Yunlong said that everyone came to visit the heavy artillery this time, he was actually putting the cart before the horse, and even said that it was a bit of a return of the pearl.

The old comrades who are familiar with Li Yunlong's character thought that this old Li was going to brag again.

Does his new second regiment have any more valuable equipment than the heavy artillery seized this time?

But following Li Yunlong's words, all the cadres who originally questioned this fell into deep thought.

The brigade commander was also full of surprise, and then he felt a little bit of joy.

This brat Li Yunlong will really surprise me!

cough cough-

The Brigadier coughed a few times, breaking the momentary silence in the room, and then looked at Brigadier Chen beside him: "Fatty, what do you think of what Li Yunlong said?"

Seeing the brigade commander's smug expression when he spoke, the implication seemed to be saying:

Have you seen it?

This is the head of my [-]th brigade, what kind of soldiers did this general bring out, now you, Fatty Chen, know that my brother and I are good at leading soldiers, right?

Brigadier Chen first turned towards his [-]th brigade, and looked at the several regiment leaders who followed him this time, and the several regiment leaders quickly avoided their eyes.

The two brigade commanders at this time are like two teachers, comparing each other how good the apprentices they brought out are.

"Li Yunlong's opinion and analysis on building the rapid response force of our Eighth Route Army is good!
Our Eighth Route Army troops confronted the Japanese army, and we have always lacked a more obvious combat advantage.

It's like a swordsman.

Now our Eighth Route Army is like a swordsman who lacks a sharp sword. How can a swordsman without a sword be called a swordsman?
If we can turn this rapid response force into the sharp sword of our Eighth Route Army.

Maybe this can turn our Eighth Route Army into a peerless swordsman who can destroy the Japanese invaders! "

The brigade commander echoed: "Old Chen said it very well...I heard that your [-]th Brigade has seized a lot of combat vehicles from the devils over the years, including some trucks, trucks and motorcycles.

If you can gather all these vehicles and put them in the hands of Li Yunlong, we will create this rapid response force directly under our Taihang.

Ahem, I think the sharp sword of our Eighth Route Army can be unsheathed faster! "

"..." Brigadier Chen.

At this time, the topic is completely on the right track. Following Li Yunlong's remarks, how to build a quick-reaction force for the Eighth Route Army seems to be the most important thing for the two brigade commanders and the political commissars of the regiment leaders to come to the Second Regiment. matter.

When I finally remembered, the purpose of this trip was to visit the heavy artillery, and the sky was completely dark.

Considering the time constraints, the brigade commanders could only go to the arsenal where the heavy artillery was stored in the dark with flashlights to visit the artillery.

So under the heavy shadows, the darker the time.

For the cadres, these things, which they have never really seen before, look more and more like giants standing in the dark night, which makes people feel shuddering from a long distance, and the oncoming artillery is getting more and more intense. The leaders were shocked.

Looking at the behemoth in front of them, the cadres became more and more excited. Many regiment leaders had already started touching the guns of those 105mm heavy howitzers.

Judging by the expression and posture, it is not as if he is groping for a cold cannon, but he is clearly like a gentle husband caressing his tender wife.

Then, an unknown cadre burst into sobbing.

Moreover, the voice was hard to suppress and gradually spread.

Because of the dark sky, for a while, everyone didn't know who it was.

Brigadier Chen's face turned dark immediately, but fortunately it was dark and he couldn't see the expression on his face.

No need to think about it, it must be the few regiment leaders from his 385th brigade who have no prospects. Since they have never seen a heavy artillery, this is the first time they have seen and touched it. When they were excited, they couldn't help crying.

"Damn it, who is worthless, why are you crying, isn't it just a few heavy artillery from the devil?" Brigadier Chen couldn't help but cursed.

One replied with a voice still mixed with sobs: "Brigade Commander, it's not that we want to cry, but we really can't help it. We have fought against the little devils all these years, how hard it is.

How many comrades have sacrificed their precious lives before and after this!

When I think of the little devils who used these heavy artillery to massacre our troops, I hate to grit my teeth, wishing I could eat those sons of bitch little devils alive.

But I turned my head and thought about it, we will also have these heavy artillery in the future, how many sacrifices of comrades can be avoided!

When I think of this, my heart feels like a needle is being pricked. Although we are regimental leaders, we bleed but do not shed tears. No matter how hard our hearts are, no matter how painful we are, we have to pretend and stand up in front of the soldiers. , hold on.

Because we know that the comrades in the whole regiment are watching us!
But we are also human beings, living beings, and we also have feelings!Seeing these heavy artillery suddenly right now, my tears, no matter what, they can't stop! "

The words that made people cry, the heads and political commissars who felt the same way, including the two brigade commanders, fell silent.

No one laughed at the head of the regiment who couldn't help crying because he touched the heavy cannon.

Even more cadres were infected and shed tears silently.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Captain Cheng of the [-]th Regiment hurriedly yelled at Li Yunlong: "I said, Lao Li, since you seized these heavy artillery pieces, your boy's tail is almost up to the sky.

It's just that you have a big head, and you don't have a few drops of ink in your stomach. Can you use this devil's heavy artillery? "

Li Yunlong suddenly seemed to have been greatly humiliated, and jumped up and cursed: "Damn it, Cheng Xiazi, who do you look down on?
Let me tell you how I taught you how to shoot a gun hand in hand.Now, how can I teach you how to shoot a cannon hand in hand. "

As Li Yunlong said, holding a flashlight, he directly introduced the operating parts and parts of the heavy artillery in front of him.

"Cheng Xiazi, show me your eyeballs wide open, this is the rear sight, and this is called the steering wheel, which is used to adjust the shooting range.

This is a high-low machine, which is used to adjust the pitch angle.

This is the artillery hoe, which is used to offset the recoil.

This is the artillery station retreat machine, used for reset.

This is the range finder, this is the artillery mirror, this is the secret disc..."

Li Yunlong introduced it like a cloud and flowing water. When he was halfway through, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the stunned Captain Cheng, who seemed to be listening to a scripture, and asked abruptly:


I understand what's wrong with me?
who I am?where am i?what am i doing?
Head Cheng's forehead was covered with a series of question marks.

Li Yunlong proudly patted Captain Cheng on the shoulder and laughed: "Old Cheng, old Cheng, I didn't say you, you don't know anything and you still want to learn how to shoot.

Looking back at the artillery regiment at our headquarters, Lao Wu wanted to give you artillery support, but in the end, you couldn't even report the azimuth coordinates.

How can you let the old Wu support you?
Aren't you a blind man lighting candles for nothing? "

Leader Cheng was so wronged by the scolding, but at this time he was hit by Li Yunlong's downgrading, but he couldn't find any words to refute.

Li Yunlong was overjoyed seeing Tuan Zhang Cheng's appearance as a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Kong Jie on the side couldn't stand it any longer, and said happily, "I said, Lao Li, I really can't stand it if this bragging can reach your level.

After these heavy artillery were seized and returned, you invited the two artillery battalion commanders of my first team, howitzers and Wang Chengzhu, to your new second regiment.

I was still wondering what you wanted to do.

Now I understand, you did your homework two days in advance.

It is estimated that those parts on the heavy artillery body just now took a lot of time in the assault, and they were memorized by rote, right? "

Indeed, in the past few years, the Eighth Route Army had poor equipment, backward equipment, and scarce ammunition, not to mention heavy artillery, and even many main combat regiments did not even have grenade launchers.

As Li Yunlong said.

At that time, the combat effectiveness of the troops had not been formed, and the equipment had not been improved. The whole regiment did not have a single heavy machine gun, but only a few light machine guns, and mortars were even more unthinkable. Two soldiers could not even carry a gun. Most of them are old sleeves, made in Hanyang, and the rifling is almost worn out.

It was not until these years that the equipment level of the regiments of the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang base area was greatly improved, driven by the rapid development of Kong Jie's detachment.

But even the main combat regiment, even the artillery regiment directly under the headquarters, has some artillery that are small-caliber battalion-level and regiment-level support artillery.

The great thing is some 70mm or 75mm mountain guns and field guns.

The cadres have basically heard of the 105mm heavy howitzer and the 150mm heavy mortar that Li Yunlong captured from the devil's artillery testing ground this time, but they have never seen it.

Not to mention making it happen.

In the entire Eighth Route Army, there are not many heavy howitzers with long range and high power, which are often used as independent artillery units to support artillery at long distances.

Even the howitzer, the battalion commander of an artillery battalion, although nicknamed the howitzer, often brags to the soldiers, saying that he has beaten the German-made heavy howitzer of the national army.

But in fact, I just dreamed of being able to personally operate some heavy howitzers.

Actually never touched it.

However, as an artillery expert, I still understand the theory of operation, as long as I see those heavy artillery.

In addition, although Kong Jie did not get heavy artillery, there are not a few related books on artillery for a team, and there are detailed explanations on some heavy artillery shooting theories and techniques.

Guys with artillery backgrounds like Wang Chengzhu and Howitzer can easily combine reality and master it.

After Li Yunlong's invitation, the howitzer rushed to the New Second Regiment without stopping, and introduced the heavy artillery he captured to Li Yunlong in detail.

There is also the scene where Li Yunlong can pretend to reduce dimensionality and attack Captain Cheng.

Li Yunlong, who was stepped on sore feet, cursed: "Damn it, old Kong, why did you become a traitor in the Iron Triangle? His elbows were all turned out."

The voice fell.

Everyone was laughing up and down.

Captain Cheng was in a depressed mood, which made him feel better.

Kong Jie said with a smile: "Old Li, you can't blame me, I like to see injustices and draw my sword to help.

In addition, the most annoying thing is that some people bully honest people.

I, Kong Jie, are honest, you bullied me a lot back then.

Lao Cheng is also a real person, and you bully Lao Cheng again, can I stand it? "

Li Yunlong scolded: "Fuck you, what you have done these years, old Kong, if you can be called an honest person, then I, Li Yunlong, would have been honest to heaven."

The two old comrades-in-arms exchanged a few words, and immediately destroyed the depressive atmosphere that some cadres couldn't help being excited due to the heavy artillery, mixed with sad tears, and turned into a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere.

"What a pair of treasures!" Brigadier Chen leaned in front of the brigade commander and said.

"Who says it's not? But our revolutionary road is hard, sometimes, and we really need such a lubricant!" The brigade commander said with a smile.

"Yeah, just like you!" Brigadier Chen said.

"Hey, fat man, don't you want to expose me?" The brigade commander shouted.

Brigadier Chen raised his voice: "Comrades of the [-]th Brigade, let me tell you an interesting story to let you know, you old brigade commander, how clever you are."

"Back then, the two of us went to work in the fields together, pushing a cart.

Later, on the road, your brigade commander suggested that it is too tiring for two people to walk together, so it is better for one person to push the cart and the other to take the cart.

When going here, and when coming back, take turns so that everyone can be more comfortable.

Then your brigade commander said that he was willing to suffer a little bit, so he used a car to pull me there when he went, and I would pull him when he came back. "

Head Cheng scratched his head: "Then isn't that fair?"

"Ah bah, fair shit!

Neither of us was working when we went, so he was relaxed, and he pulled me over with ease.

As a result, after working for a day, the bones of the whole person are about to fall apart. I have to pull the cart, and then pull your brigade commander. Think about it, is this fucking fair? "Brigade Commander Chen, who seemed to be reminded of the past, was quite sad and scolded.

The soldiers were all taken aback for a moment, then came back to their senses and couldn't help laughing.

The old brigade commander is really cunning enough!
Finally, in such a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

Under the leadership of Li Yunlong, the host, the cadres visited all kinds of artillery that Li Yunlong seized from the devil's artillery testing ground and processing factory.

From mountain guns and howitzers to anti-aircraft guns and rapid-fire cannons.

As for some equipment and parts of the Devil Artillery Factory, nothing was left behind.

The cadres who had been visiting until nearly ten o'clock at night, reluctant to leave, touched the heavy artillery and left from the arsenal.

Then under the arrangement of Li Yunlong, he temporarily stayed in the new second regiment.

In the evening, hold another urgent meeting.

In particular, it discusses Li Yunlong, Kong Jie, and Ding Wei's proposal to build a quick-reaction force for the Eighth Route Army, and use the quick-reaction force as a link, and even unite troops in various base areas to carry out large-scale mobile interspersed with infantry coordination.

Early the next morning.

The cadres of the 385 brigade, who were busy with business, bid farewell to Li Yunshou.

Before leaving, Brigadier Chen made a promise to integrate the resources of the troops after returning, and provided Li Yunlong with some captured combat vehicles and some equipment and materials suitable for building a rapid response force as much as possible.

The [-]th Brigade fully supported Li Yunlong in building this rapid response force directly under Taihang.

In addition, the brigade commander of the other new brigades, brigade commander Chen said, would also come forward to help Li Yunlong raise combat vehicles.

Coupled with the face of the old brigade commander, if these two old brigade commanders come forward, are they afraid that they will come with all kinds of combat vehicles seized by other new brigades from the devils?
Lao Li's goal was finally achieved, and his mouth was almost crooked.

In addition, at the meeting, Kong Jie also presented the information he had received about the sudden construction of a temporary airport by the Japanese army near Licheng County.

Because Licheng County is relatively close to the base of the [-]th Brigade.

Brigadier Chen said that after returning, he will strengthen vigilance and infiltration investigation.

To find out what conspiracy the 36th Division of the Japanese Army stationed in Changzhi is brewing.

The cadres of the [-]th Brigade were sent away.

Headquarters Artillery Corps Commander Wu TuanZhang also left with the cadres who came with him.

Before leaving, he patted Li Yunlong's shoulder with some gratitude and said: "Old Li, don't worry, these heavy artillery are handed over to our artillery regiment, and they will definitely not be humiliated. It won't take long. The heavy artillery regiment at our headquarters can be pulled up.

One day, we will also let the little devils have a taste of the power of their own heavy artillery. "

Li Yunlong said with a dark face: "Old Wu, what you said is nice, this time our old Li is at a loss.

Come on, you owe me a favor.

Whenever our old Li needs fire support from the artillery regiment, just for this kind of favor, you have to give me a few more rounds! "

"Haha, Lao Li, don't worry!" Captain Wu responded with a smile.

"Lao Li, take care!"

... Soon only the brigade commander, the political commissar, and Li Yunlong, Kong Jie, Ding Wei, and Zhao Gang were left in the room.

Then a few people talked about the news that the little devil suddenly built a machine near Licheng County.

The brigade commander said: "The Japanese army suddenly built an airport near Licheng County, which indeed reveals something unusual, and your worries are very reasonable.

Once the devil's temporary airport is located in Licheng County, it will be too close to our base area. Once a large-scale battle breaks out, the time for the little devil's air reinforcements will be greatly shortened.

This will greatly affect our normal confrontation with the devil's infantry. "

"Brigade Commander, after passing Licheng, go northward for another [-] to [-] kilometers. That's our most important Huangyadong arsenal!" Kong Jie said.


The brigade commander took it seriously, "Whether the devils have found out the location of our army's Huangyadong arsenal, we don't know yet.

But the devil's airport is located near Licheng County, which could threaten our arsenal at any time.

This matter seems to have been prepared long ago. "

Kong Jie simply proposed: "Brigade Commander, if, I mean, if something unfavorable to our Huangyadong Arsenal happens.

We can transfer the equipment of the Huangyadong Armory in advance, and I suggest transferring it to the fortifications of our stable base. "

However, as soon as this remark came out, the brigade commander looked at Kong Jie with some vigilance and said, "Kong Jie, I said, don't you still miss the equipment in the arsenal at the headquarters?"

Kong Jie replied: "Brigade Commander, you have wronged me too much, don't I, Kong Jie, even have this kind of pattern and awareness?
In fact, in the past two years, the corresponding military production and technology of our arsenal have developed fairly well.

However, due to the background of our team, this scale has always been stuck at the bottleneck and cannot be improved temporarily.

So I thought, is it possible to merge the arsenal of my team with the arsenal of the headquarters, so that resources can be shared, and perhaps the productivity of the military industry can be further improved. "

Li Yunlong on the side stared wide-eyed: "No way, Lao Kong, this is a loss-making business, this merger, how can your team have any arsenal?
How picky Zhang Wan and that kid are, it's not like you don't know..."

A murderous gaze seemed to look over.

Li Yunlong's words came to an abrupt end.

Only then did I remember that the brigade commander was still in front of me!
"Tell me what you think!" the brigade commander said.

"Yes!" Kong Jie explained: "Brigade Commander, in fact, in terms of military production, a clear division of labor can improve the final production efficiency, which is definitely unmistakable.

This is the same as fighting a war. There are engineers, artillery, and infantry. The troops must be divided into different arms to deal with different military fields, and then coordinated and united, so that they can exert the strongest combat effectiveness.

The same is true for the development of our military industry.

There should be those who specialize in the production of weapons on the assembly line, as well as the production of ammunition, and there should also be those who specialize in the research of new weapons and explosives.

Processes with higher technical requirements should be produced in a unified manner.

Some military parts with low technical requirements can be contracted by corresponding relatively simple arsenals.

In this way, different technological levels correspond to different production projects and production tasks, which can effectively improve the military production capacity of our army and stimulate the development of military industry. "

"And after the merger of our team and the headquarters arsenal, there is no question of who annexes whom, but a more reasonable use of resources, and then cooperate with each other.

The two arsenals learn from each other, promote each other, and make progress together.

Different production tasks are contracted separately to facilitate the final production.

This is the direction our Eighth Route Army's military industry development should have! "

Kong Jie has been thinking about this for a long time.

In the past, there were no such conditions. Due to the frequent military operations on the front line, coupled with the tight blockade of the little devils, large-scale raids were set off at every turn.

The base areas of the Eighth Route Army were even divided into pieces by the Japanese army, and it was difficult for the arsenal in the base areas to be closely connected with the front-line combat troops.

The equipment and ammunition produced by the arsenal also has difficulties in transporting to the front-line combat troops.

So at that time, the Eighth Route Army encouraged front-line combat troops to build some simple repair shops and even small ice factories with regiment-level combat units as individuals.

Produce some simple equipment and ammunition by yourself to supply the emergency needs of the troops.

But it's different now.

The bases of the Iron Triangle in Northwest Shanxi and the bases of Taihang and Taiyue have gradually stabilized. With the outbreak of the Pacific War and the Japanese army fighting on two fronts, the overall strength of the devils has declined significantly.

Coupled with the existence of the variable Kong Jie, the construction of the Eighth Route Army troops and the development of military industry around the Taihang area have made great progress.

It is also more convenient and easier to connect the headquarters arsenal with a team base.

Therefore, it is completely possible to carry out combined production, or cooperative production.

In this way, the utilization rate of resources can be further optimized.

This is a win-win cooperation.

The arsenal of a team with relatively few equipment can even take advantage of this cooperation.

Kong Jie can't afford to lose.

The brigade commander finally stated: "You have done a good analysis on the merger of the arsenal. I will seriously consider this matter and communicate with the boss.

The political commissar and I have already agreed, and we will see what the headquarters means later, just wait for the news! "

"Yes, thank you Brigadier!"

After sending off the brigade commander and the others.

Kong Jie and Ding Wei also returned to their bases.

This time, they won a lot of victories. First, they launched a major winter counter-offensive centered on a team, which achieved quite remarkable results.

In Northwest Shanxi, the Eighth Route Army with a detachment as the center attacked fiercely, and the Japanese army retreated steadily. Even the three large strongholds in Yangguan, Pingbei, and Hanoi that were originally used to block the Eighth Route Army's base areas were completely pulled out.

The area of ​​base areas and guerrilla areas under the jurisdiction of a detachment has once again been considerably expanded.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yunlong made a surprise attack on the devil's artillery testing ground and seized a considerable amount of equipment, artillery and ammunition.

Following a team, all units of the Eighth Route Army who took advantage of the winter to launch offensives against some towns, villages, and strongholds of the Japanese army also made gains.

It's almost New Year's Eve.

The Eighth Route Army troops with the spirit of revolutionary optimism, even in previous years when the situation of the Anti-Japanese War was extremely severe and the life of the troops was very difficult.

Soldiers will always find ways to celebrate the joy of the New Year.

The situation has improved this year, and the supplies are much richer.

This Spring Festival is naturally more and more lively.

...Unexpectedly, just before noon, the brigade commander suddenly called and said to Kong Jie on the phone: "Kong Jie, you are ready to go to the [-]th Brigade with Li Yunlong and Ding Wei a trip.

This year, the three of you will live with Lao Chen! "

It doesn't matter where to celebrate the New Year, Kong Jie just said in surprise: "Brigade Commander, what happened?"

The brigade commander smiled and said: "That's the thing. In our brigade these years, the three regiments of the Shanxi Northwest Iron Triangle have developed the best, especially the independent regiment led by you Kong Jie has grown the fastest.

When the New Second Regiment visited the artillery yesterday, Li Yunlong was still in the limelight.

So what Lao Chen meant was that I would like to invite the three of you to come over and take a look at his troops of the [-]th Brigade, and share your experience in fighting and developing in Northwest Shanxi.

In addition, if the experience sharing this time is really effective, you will have to go to the other new brigades in the future to make a few more trips! "

Word pause:
"Besides, I have always been a little worried about the little devil building an airport near Licheng County. This time when you, Li Yunlong, and Ding Wei went to the [-]th Brigade, they happened to inquire about it.

You three are smart, I think if the devil really has some conspiracy, you can also detect it, and you should take action early. "

"Yes! Please rest assured, the old brigade commander, we promise to complete the task!"

Kong Jie responded immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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