The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 930 The Most Awesome Family in the History of the 8th Route Army

Chapter 930 The most awesome family in the history of the Eighth Route Army
The afternoon after the headquarters meeting ended.

The deputy chief of staff responsible for the specific defense work of the entire Huangyadong took Li Yunlong, Kong Jie, Ding Wei, Wang TuanZhang, and Cheng TuanZhang to the interior of the Huangyadong base to check the specific fortification construction.

The group rode a few military motorcycles and passed through the narrow canyon passage smoothly. Just after entering the outer line of defense, they saw a middle-aged man with a thin face and workers from the labor group surveying the terrain.

Seeing Kong Jie and his party appearing from a distance, the thin-faced man immediately stopped what he was doing, and ran over quickly. After running in front of a group of people, he was the first to respect Kong Jie. A respectful military salute:
"Detachment Captain!"

Immediately afterwards, he saluted and greeted the deputy chief of staff and the regimental leaders.

Kong Jie smiled and said: "You are capable, Lao Xie, you have been involved in the construction of our headquarters arsenal, work hard, I am optimistic about you.

This time, it depends on your performance whether we can rely on the fortifications built by our migrant workers group in the Huangyadong area to severely injure the little devils! "

But who else could this thin-faced middle-aged man be, if not Xie Baoqing, the head of a team of migrant workers?

After Kong Jie's two words of praise, Xie Baoqing immediately closed his heels as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, saluted Kong Jie again, and replied solemnly: "Please don't worry, the detachment leader, I promise to complete the task, not me bragging. As for the meticulous fortifications of various lines that we built this time.

How many teams of little devils come over, it's not enough to watch! "

When Kong Jie heard this, he became interested. Before he came, he heard from the deputy chief of staff that the headquarters had adopted his proposal on the defense of Huangyadong's ordnance industry.

It's just that Kong Jie doesn't know how the specific fortifications in the entire Huangyadong area are built.

Xie Baoqing responded immediately. This was about infrastructure construction and his own professional field. This former bandit leader no longer has the slightest trace of banditry on his body. On the contrary, he said confidently:

"So far, from the core area of ​​our Huangyadong Arsenal to the outer line defense area, the fortifications of each line defense area have basically been completed.

Including Yongbei tunnel group, bunker group, and reverse slope fortifications, etc., to ensure that the entire Huangyadong arsenal is surrounded by traps at every step and defense at every step.

As long as the little devil dares to approach, it will be difficult for him to move an inch.

From the moment he entered the canyon passage of Yixiantian, the little devil has completely fallen into our trap.

Our overall defense construction emphasizes overall connectivity, single-point combat, blooming on all sides, and consistent offense and defense.

All defense areas and positions, from defensive highlands to horizontal fortifications, from foxholes to trench fortifications, all fortifications have basically reached a state of connectivity.

In addition, these connecting passages are all dug below the solid ground, and the inner walls have been reinforced to reach the level of anti-aircraft and artillery.

The fortifications everywhere are combined with the surrounding terrain, and the ground and underground fortifications are combined. Above the ground, we occupy the high ground for firepower. The fortifications built include gun towers, bunkers, etc., using reinforced concrete structures.Ensure that it can withstand the Japanese artillery attack to a great extent.

Under the ground, we have also built many tunnels, just like the connected passages opened by earthworms under the ground, it can even be said to be an underground battlefield.

It is even no exaggeration to say that even if the little devils break through and occupy all of our fortifications above the ground.

Our underground fortifications can still beat him to death! "

Speaking of this, Xie Baoqing then pointed to the narrow canyon passage that Kong Jie and his party had walked through before entering Huangya Cave.

"I don't know if everyone has noticed that canyon passage.

The terrain of Yixiantian is unique, with high peaks on both sides, and only the narrow passage in the middle is the only way to enter our Huangyadong and approach our Huangyadong Arsenal.

Once the devils launch an attack, this road is the road they must pass.

According to the requirements of the headquarters, we have made full blasting preparations for the mountain peaks on both sides of the entire Yixiantian Canyon.

Explosives were buried in three places on the peaks on both sides of the canyon passage. We dug out the rocks in advance and placed explosives. Even if it was a steep, almost vertical cliff face, we also hung people down by ropes and dug out the rocks. After the surface, bury the explosives inside.

Using a special remote detonation method, it was possible to ensure that the mountains on both sides collapsed three times, and then use a large number of falling rocks to completely block the entire canyon passage. "

Following Xie Baoqing's slow narration, the defensive constructions and trap structures in the entire Huangya Cave gradually came to everyone's minds.


Some group leaders couldn't help but swallowed their saliva. This is still a Huangyadong mountain group created by nature.

It is clearly an abyss in the world full of traps.

According to Xie Baoqing's introduction.

Once the Japanese army launched an attack on the Huangyadong Arsenal, they suddenly appeared behind the narrow canyon passage in the sky.Most of the devils will choose to advance directly from the canyon passage to the final core area of ​​the arsenal.

What the poor little devils didn't know was that when their team entered the narrow canyon passage, a large amount of explosives had been buried on the peaks on both sides, which was enough to completely wipe out all the little devils who entered the canyon after detonation. Buried alive.

The key is to bury it once, just when you little devil thought it was over.

According to the special blasting method set up by the troops led by Xie Baoqing, the mountains on both sides could explode a second or even a third time.

In addition, according to the battle plan of the deputy chief of staff, it is not expected to directly use this blasting method to bury the little devil alive in the canyon.

After all, the canyon passage is too narrow, and there may not be too many devils entering at one time.

Therefore, according to the combat plan of the deputy chief of staff, after putting all the devil's main combat troops into the first line of sky, the entire canyon passage will be completely sealed off by means of blasting.

Separate the troops that the Japanese army entered into the first-line sky from the follow-up main combat troops, and use a trick to close the door and beat the dog.

Xie Baoqing, who finally finished his explanation, went back to work under the gesture of the deputy chief of staff.

Looking at the former bandit leader who quickly put himself into work, some cadres who knew Xie Baoqing's details were all moved with emotion.

In the words of Captain Wang: "Old Kong, what Lao Li said is right, you are a fucking genius, a bandit leader like Xie Baoqing can be transformed into such a talent by you.

I can sort of understand why your independent group has grown so fast over the years! "

Kong Jie laughed and said, "Turn waste into treasure!

Our Eighth Route Army is an inclusive army, including comrades like Xie Baoqing who have been bandits. As long as they are not some criminal pests, it is not wrong to give them a chance to reform themselves.

Sometimes these guys with special experience may even bring us extra surprises. "

Everyone talked and laughed, and followed the deputy chief of staff all the way to the heavy artillery fortification area with the Huangyadong base school as the core.

Then a group of people saw a scene that surprised them:
An old man with a white beard was standing on a small dirt bag, spitting stars flying around, and gave some scolding lectures.

Four or fifty people stood under the soil bag.

It stands to reason that this is nothing, the key is the team of 50 people, who are honestly listening to the old man's lecture like a good grandson, and the faces standing at the front.

Li Yunlong, Kong Jie and his party are no strangers.

Especially seeing the two figures in the front, Li Yunlong's eyeballs almost fell to the ground in surprise.

"Hey, isn't that at the front the head of the artillery regiment of our headquarters, and the section chief of the artillery section of our headquarters? Who is the old man in front? How dare you shout in front of them?"

When the group got a little closer, they heard what the old man yelled at, which seemed to be related to artillery technology.

Kong Jie, head of the Dragon King Li Yun, and his party were even more astonished.

Could it be that in the Eighth Route Army, with artillery skills, there are still people who can stand in front of the head of the artillery regiment at the headquarters and the head of the artillery regiment, the veteran of the artillery?
The deputy chief of staff introduced with a smile: "Don't be surprised, even if Lao Wu is the head of the artillery regiment of the headquarters of our Eighth Route Army, he should be reprimanded by the old man in front of him.

I'm afraid you don't know how powerful the old man in front of you is.

This old man is called Lin Weiquan. He was born in Shandong in 1890. He is 62 this year. He comes from an artillery family. His grandfather was an artillery officer of the Qing Army, and his father was also an artillery officer.

He was also great, when Yuan Datou was training soldiers at Xiaozhan, he was an artillery officer, he had fought against the revolutionary army, and after the warlords fought in a melee, he was the chief artillery instructor under all the commanders.

Later, he also helped the 29th Route Army to fight the devils. Over the years, the warlords have fought in chaos, and the people are in dire straits. Especially the government has done nothing, and it is impossible to unite and fight against Japan.

In a fit of anger, the old man moved to the vicinity of the Taihang Mountains and set up a private school. He took his three sons and his wife with him. While farming by himself, he taught the children of the nearby villagers how to read and write.

Later, the headquarters accidentally inquired about the situation, and the division commander personally wrote a letter to invite Mr. Lin to participate in the Eighth Route Army's Anti-Japanese War. "

Li Yunlong was surprised and said: "It's amazing, then this old man is well-respected enough, even the teacher has to go to invite him several times before he invites him out!"

"It's just that this old comrade is really capable?" Li Yunlong squinted his eyes and expressed doubts.

The deputy chief of staff smiled and said, "I don't know how capable I am.

But what I can be sure of is, Li Yunlong, if you dare to cause trouble and get in front of this old man, he will dare to hammer you with a cane.

If your kid dares to fight back, do you believe it or not?
The boss can send you to the cooking class to take the blame the next day! "

Li Yunlong: "..."

I can't afford it, I can't afford it, it's too embarrassing.

The deputy chief of staff continued to introduce: "After deciding to join our Eighth Route Army in the Anti-Japanese War.

The old man sold all the family property, bought a few cows, 20 hens, [-] pigs, and bought a batch of white flour and millet. In addition, he also sent [-] small yellow croakers to the troops.

Then he took all three sons and wives to join the Eighth Route Army. "

Hearing the introduction of the deputy chief of staff, such a legendary figure really made everyone deeply moved. Kong Jie even sighed:

"One person decided to join the Eighth Route Army to fight against Japan, and the whole family followed in the footsteps of the old man. It is not an exaggeration to say that he destroyed the family and relieved the difficulties.

Such a family is indeed admirable! "

The deputy chief of staff said: "That's not all.

You see, the very burly man standing in front on the left is the eldest son of the old man, named Lin Luhui, who came from the British Artillery Officer School. He served in the Jinsui Army a few years ago, and was called back by the old man later.

The thinner next to him, the second son, Lin Jihui, graduated from the German Artillery Officer Academy, served in the Central Army a few years ago, was injured in the Battle of Songhu, and returned to the rear for training, and was taken home by Mr. Lin.

The last youngest son is Lin Jinhui. He majored in construction machinery in the United States, and he also took weapon maintenance as an elective. He can repair heavy artillery. He is a very remarkable talent.After graduation, he was called back by the old man when he had nowhere to serve the country! "

Such an awesome family.

"This is simply a family of artillery!" Li Yunlong blurted out.

Then, Lao Li was curious about another thing: "The four heroes in this old man's family are all great artillery talents.

It doesn't mean that even the old man's wife is a powerful person, right? "

The deputy general staff laughed and said: "You really hit the point.

As for Mrs. Lin's wife, she is also not a simple character, it can be said that women do not give way to men.

Mrs. Lin is a radio expert, and her father was one of the few talents in the Qing Dynasty who could send telegrams.

She taught radio at the university, and after joining the Eighth Route Army with her leader, she has been working in the Communications Department of our headquarters. "

Li Yunlong: "..."

Kong Jie: "..."

Leaders: "..."


Everyone gave a thumbs up in unison, full of admiration.

This is simply a fairy-like family, so awesome that it exploded!

On the soil bag, the voice of the old man's lecture floated over from a distance. Although he was already over sixty years old, he was full of energy and his voice was like a bell:
"Since you invited my old man here, you should understand why I asked you to come here.

In a word, when you get here, I don't care what your identities are before, you all have to listen to me.

Do what I tell you to do, and anyone who disobeys orders will get the hell out of me!

Starting today, I will teach artillery during the day and teach theory at night. You are all artillery talents at the Eighth Route Army Headquarters. You all have a certain theoretical basis for artillery and have practical experience in operation.

So the teaching for you won't take that long. The training for the past few days should be almost done. Tomorrow morning, we will conduct a live ammunition shooting training.

You have a total of 4 105 howitzer groups, 1 150 howitzer group, 4 150 mortar groups, 24 75 mountain artillery groups, 4 75 field artillery groups, and 12 anti-aircraft artillery groups.

Before I came, I asked your section chief to survey and map the map coordinates, elevation, wind direction, and distance. I will give you a week in advance to calibrate the target points on the spot, divide the shooting boundaries, and mark all the Huangyadong fortifications.

The requirement is that after the training begins, each artillery group must reach the level of unified and coordinated operations, and at any time according to the guidance of the observers, the artillery shells can be accurately sent to the entire fortification, and any target within the artillery fire range!



(End of this chapter)

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