The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 936 Came to us to find a place?

If the little devil took the lead in dispatching the mechanized combat squadron to launch a surprise attack on the villages in the base of the Eighth Route Army, it was an appetizer for the Japanese army.

Then, in the series of big explosions in front of us, the devil drove in first, and the three transport vehicles that had no time to brake.

In a few breaths, the tragic scene of being torn to pieces because he completely entered the densely laid minefield.

It can also be used as an appetizer for the Eighth Route Army to ambush the Japanese army.

This is the masterpiece left here by the engineering company specially arranged by the head of the regiment.

This minefield is very different from the minefields usually laid by the Eighth Route Army.

This is a high-density minefield, the entire area may be less than 50 meters, but the density of the mines is exaggerated, not to mention the little devils, even the engineers and soldiers who laid the mines at that time were a little bit numb .

All the landmines that the 769 regiment had accumulated for so many years were used.

Three or four landmines had to be planted almost every two steps, and they were distributed in a special triangular shape, almost like a triangular anti-tank minefield.

The entire mountain road with a distance of less than 200 meters and a width of more than two meters can be imagined how many landmines were buried in it.

These included a fair number of mortars and even a couple of American 75mm howitzers.

The villages that were successfully destroyed along the way continued to advance all the way, more like a lone army tempted step by step by the Eighth Route Army.

Do you think that Captain Kong is at a disadvantage?

After the troops have been replenished many times, the recruits are mixed, good and bad, and they are no longer elite.

This is a targeted ambush method, and it is even more targeted.

The battle here is not the only one. The Japanese army took the lead in advancing from three directions this time, and it was three mechanized combat squadrons.

The little devil drivers who followed up finally had time to slam on the brakes, and then in a sudden stop, mixed with panic, the entire convoy stopped.

Including some anti-tank individual bazookas.

As one of the few titans under Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the First Army stationed in Shanxi.

The terrain they are in is not like a series of ambush areas. The mountain roads are narrow and the mountains on both sides are steep, which greatly limits the flexibility of mechanized combat vehicles.

It is because the Fourth Brigade has lost to Kong Jie many times, and has long since lost much fighting power.

After paying for three military vehicles, all the 20 soldiers carried in the vehicles were killed.

"His grandma, these little devils are really good at acting. If we hadn't found out the news in advance, the devils might want to take advantage of the raid on our base area to sneak a shot at the Huangyadong Arsenal. I believe that the little devil is here for our 385 brigade!"

The situation of the mechanized combat units of the other two devils is slightly better.

As the general under Captain Wang, the first company commander commanded the ambush, which was quite subtle.

The news quickly spread to the headquarters behind the Japanese army.

After the battle broke out suddenly, it was worthy of being the first combat company of the 769 regiment. Under the leadership of the first company commander, the soldiers of the first company launched a rather violent attack.

Immediately afterwards, [-] and [-] mortars were used to assist the bombardment to cover the infantry's charge.

At the same time, the vanguard was sent to test the troops, trying to lure the hidden Eighth Route Army troops out to fight against them.

Looking at the three military vehicles that drove in first, they were even torn to pieces in a series of violent explosions, and the remaining little devils were all stunned.

The devil's military transport vehicles are more than two meters wide, and it is impossible to complete a U-turn on this narrow mountain road.


The entire mountain road is only two or three meters wide, and there are steep hills on both sides, which is difficult to get on.

"Here, brigade commander, I..." Nan Tian choked.

Once upon a time, the Fourth Mixed Brigade of the First Army stationed in Shanxi was also one of the field elite of the First Army.


Seeing that the open area where the target of pursuit is located is not far away, the devil must have lost his original guard.

Ishikawa's considerations are very clear: "No matter what the loss of the mechanized combat squadron as the vanguard is, the Commander personally made the arrangements this time, and even joined forces with the Mongolian Army to coordinate operations. How can it be defeated because of a little setback?
What our department has to do is to completely hold back the main combat troops of the Eighth Route Army in the base area of ​​the 385th Brigade, and try to attract the attention of the Eighth Route Army. "


A big sweep around the base of the 385 brigade officially kicked off.

The minefield densely planted by the Eighth Route Army ahead had completely torn the three cars into pieces.

Maybe he was really scared of being beaten by a team of the Eighth Route Army!

Therefore, this time the Japanese army secretly transferred the third, ninth, and sixteenth mixed brigades to the Changzhi area, but they did not mix them into the fourth brigade.

The leader of the invaders had so much innocent blood on his hands that it would be too much to write down.

On the contrary, this is called fishing for big fish with a long line.

"Damn it, people are more angry than others, don't care about that much, first kill this little devil, and seize these devil's cars!
Comrades, aim and hit me as much as possible, don't blow up our car! "

Arrogance and carelessness must not lead to final failure! "

How sad!

Willing to give up.

If this is a few main combat regiments of a team, I don't know how far the equipment level has reached! "

What's more, there was fierce fire from the Eighth Route Army troops on both sides of the mountain forest.

In the process of advancing all the way, the ghost captain was too confident that there was no flaw in the pursuit all the way. He even sat in the co-pilot of the military car that drove in first for the convenience of command.

In Kong Jie's words: "The old Wang's words are what we really exchanged for this batch of equipment. A batch of equipment is exchanged for one general, and the entire 769 regiment is firmly tied to our ship. This is the only way to make money. Lost deal!"

The old devil Ishikawa, with a cold and resolute face, slowly opened his mouth and analyzed:

But how can the speed of reversing be compared to the speed of going forward?

Your Excellency, head of the brigade, I suggest that the main force of our army advance rapidly, outflank and attack from the two flanks to the core area of ​​the 385 brigade base! "

The fighting power of the Eighth Route Army here may not be as good as that of that team, and I'm afraid it's not far behind, so we must keep our spirits up.


Captain Kong, who has always been labeled as an honest person and a kind person, is not stingy at all.

In such a high-density minefield, let alone a few devils' military transport vehicles, even if the devil's armored vehicles and tanks dare to enter this minefield, they can still blow him to pieces.

The time was not particularly uniform, and in almost sequential order, the three mechanized combat squadrons of the Devils were ambushed by the Eighth Route Army along the way.

The sudden attack, and the target they were chasing - those villagers seemed not far away.

Later, he was defeated by Kong Jie many times.

The only option for the Japanese army is to retreat.

Ishikawa, the head of the devil brigade, graduated from the Imperial Army University. After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, this little devil has repeatedly made military exploits. He has also commanded many battles on the frontal battlefield, defeating and eliminating many national army combat units.

Nearly 1/3 of the troops turned into fly ash in an instant.

Everything seems to be too late.

At this time, there was a Japanese lieutenant left, who was the deputy of the devil squadron leader. He shouted in panic: "Fight back and fight back, immediately cover the vehicle and try to transfer!"

"So, Mr. Nantian, you mean that the elite of the Japanese Empire will be able to defeat the Eighth Route Army in front of us now, and we also need to consider which army the Eighth Route Army is and what designation it is?"

The most important thing is that after the delivery of this batch of munitions and equipment, Commander Wang said:

This is the temporary headquarters of the Third Mixed Brigade of the Japanese First Army in Shanxi, which was in charge of launching a surprise attack on the base of the 385th Brigade this time.

The other two mechanized combat troops broke through most of the combat troops in time.

Shi Chuan shook his head, his brows were serious: "Mr. Nantian, don't underestimate the Eighth Route Army. Don't forget that the Fourth Mixed Brigade was defeated by the Eighth Route Army."

As a close neighbor of the 386 brigade, it has recently successfully completed a dual cooperation in economic and military production with a team of Kong Jie.

When the headquarters was analyzing the battle situation, Brigadier Chen couldn't help cursing:

Where can I get it?
At this moment, the ambush has started, the bullets are pouring, and the artillery is firing, feeling the power of the newly equipped mortars.

This last mountain road was chosen ingeniously.

The third mixed brigade of the Japanese army only advanced from the center line of the base of the 385th brigade.

Yes, the Empire of Japan needs to have so many worries if it wants to eliminate the Eighth Route Army?

The only option for the Japanese army was to drive these cars out of the narrow mountain road in front of them in one go, enter an open area not far away, make a U-turn, and return along the mountain road again.

The voice of Captain Guizi, who belonged to the supreme military commander of the entire mechanized combat squadron, could no longer appear.

Facing the news from the front line.

The sound of shouting spread throughout the forest.

The explosion of the grenade would not easily blow up the devil's car.

After being suddenly ambushed, the little devils of the mechanized combat unit who were the elite Japanese army quickly fought back.

If you encounter a large-scale ambush by the Eighth Route Army on the way, immediately carry out a strategic transfer to lure the Eighth Route Army to an area where the terrain is favorable to our army, and then start a battle with it. "

In this sweep, the scale of the devils is not small, and the momentum is huge.

Nantian was silent for a moment. What Shi Chuan said was an indisputable fact, but he still tried to explain: "Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, the Fourth Brigade was defeated by the First Division of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi, and was defeated by Kong Jie. Instead of being defeated by the 385 brigade!"

At this time, the little devil was directly torn to pieces because the first three cars were directly torn to pieces by the mines, and the devil broke five No. 60 soldiers in one breath.

The company commander leading the team couldn't help but be speechless:

This is the end.

It was left behind in the rear to maintain law and order in the local area.

At this point in the battle, there is no suspense!

Right now, although the three mechanized combat squadrons of our army are forced to retreat, the attention of the Eighth Route Army has basically been successfully attracted to the front-line combat area.

The devil's chief of staff at the side said: "Balu is good at surprise attacks and tricks. If it is a frontal battle, it will be vulnerable.

This batch of arms and equipment shows Kong Jie's generosity and sincerity in cooperating with the 769 regiment.

In addition, not far away, some ordinary people can be invited as bait.

The commander of the first combat company of the 769 regiment, the fierce general under the command of regimental commander Wang, gave the order without hesitation.

The company commander gave an order, and the flanking unit, which had been ambushing on both sides, descended like a tiger, attacking the little devils who were defending on both sides of the car before they could turn around in time.

It's just a grenade, thrown down with the help of the condescending terrain on both sides.

"As for the current situation..." Ishikawa said after contemplating, "Notify the various brigade headquarters, strengthen all vigilance, and continue to move forward steadily.

According to the combat plan of the Japanese army, the Ninth Mixed Brigade advanced from the left, and the No.16 Mixed Brigade advanced from the right, divided into three routes, and at the same time launched a comprehensive encirclement sweep against the base of the 385th Brigade.

The deputy company commander on the side suddenly said: "Company commander! This, I heard, is the most basic level of equipment in the troops led by Commander Kong!

The devil's mechanized combat squadron led by a company commander to ambush was basically unable to escape destruction because it fell directly into a minefield trap and was suddenly hit by fierce firepower.

Of course, not all three mechanized combat squadrons will suffer the fate of destruction.

"Hey, comrades in this team, the equipment is very generous!
With these new equipment, our continuous combat effectiveness can at least be doubled! "

"In the future, even if the sky falls, I will follow him, Lao Kong!"

The devil lieutenant who led the desperate resistance saw that the situation was over, and it was too late to evacuate. After shouting holy war and boosting the morale of the soldiers, he asked the signal soldier to use the short-wave radio to send a call for help to the main combat force of the Japanese army one kilometer away. .

Shi Chuan turned the topic back on track: "Even if we are facing the Eighth Route Army troops of the 385th Brigade, the 385th Brigade is not far from the 386th Brigade.

As soon as the cooperation between a team and the 769 regiment was concluded, Kong Jie directly sent a batch of arms and equipment over.

The Japanese army finally realized that in the face of their so-called surprise attack, the Eighth Route Army did not seem to be caught off guard as they thought.

Unfortunately, this is unlikely.

Just at this time, the ambush suddenly started.

"From this point of view, the surprise attack on the Eight Routes is not completely unprepared, and it seems that this surprise attack may not be as smooth as imagined!"

Brigadier Chen, who was in the headquarters of the 385th brigade, immediately dispatched troops and dispatched generals, calmly, arranging the anti-sweeping operations of the frontline troops.

So after the car entered the dense minefield laid by the Eighth Route Army without any warning, the devil captain went to meet the emperor with the car.

First of all, the selected location is just right at the end of the open land, and the mountain road surrounded by this mountain forest is the narrowest area of ​​the whole mountain road.

"...Immediately notify the front-line combat regiments. According to the original plan, continue to show the enemy weak, launch a disguised attack, and find a way to lure the little devil into our ambush circle."

"Isn't this devil just trying to trap our 385 brigade in the base area?

We are not going to go out yet, so we are in our base area, and let this little devil taste our power.

It can't be that the devil was beaten at the 386th brigade and came to us to find a place, right?

Is it true that our 385 brigade is a soft persimmon? "...

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