The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 945 The best time to lay down the 1st line

Chapter 945

As time passed quickly, Shao Zuo, the devil, repeatedly ordered the communications soldiers to get in touch with the main combat elite in the rear.

Knowing that the main elite troops were rapidly approaching Huangyadong, the Major was excited but also anxious.

Right now, the main target of the surprise attack - the largest Huangyadong arsenal of the Eighth Route Army is within easy reach, just behind this narrow canyon passage.

Changes later.

But the devil Shao Zuo also knows the cunning of the Eighth Route Army troops.

The terrain in this area is steep, and it is very easy to set up an ambush. If you fall into the trap of the Eighth Route Army, you will be doomed.

In the secret lurking, after waiting for more than 20 minutes, the devil Shao Zuo learned that the main combat elite was getting closer, so he finally stopped hesitating.

He ordered to send a reconnaissance team first to approach Yixiantian Canyon.

On the other side, when the Devil's reconnaissance team sneakily appeared from the empty reconnaissance area outside the Yixiantian Canyon, the Eighth Route Army soldiers who had been lurking on the hillsides on both sides of the canyon immediately discovered the situation.

This is also a small group of Eighth Route Army scouts, probably only one or two squads in strength.

Not long after these eight-way scouts discovered the devil's scouting team.

The devil scouts also discovered the Eighth Route Army scouts lurking in the mountains on both sides of the canyon.

The gazes of the two sides crossed across this time and space, and both seemed to be taken aback.

The ghost scouts who were the first to advance forward and test whether there were any traps by the Eighth Route Army along the way couldn't help but feel a sinking heart, for fear that there really was an ambush set by the Eighth Route Army here.

But the faces of the scouts of the Eighth Route Army who were guarding here seemed to change drastically in an instant.

After the distance between the two sides approached, a small-scale firepower confrontation soon started.

The devil reconnaissance team that was the first to move forward was all elite and carried a considerable number of Type [-] grenades.

The devil grenadiers immediately set up their battles, and after quickly adjusting five or six grenadiers, they directly bombarded the Eighth Route Army lurking on both sides of the mountain.

The equipment of the Eighth Route Army scouts on the opposite side is much simpler.

There appeared to be only sporadic rifle fire in return.

The cautious Major Guizi held up his binoculars and observed the situation in the rear. He noticed that the Eighth Route Army who used the mountain to stop them had very few troops and looked a little flustered.

In addition, the opponent's equipment was poor. During the confrontation between the two sides, the Eighth Route Army was almost suppressed and beaten by the imperial squad.

This confrontation lasted less than 10 minutes.

The Eighth Route Army reconnaissance unit, which was not an opponent at all, withdrew hastily under heavy artillery fire from the Japanese reconnaissance unit.

Major Guizi, who witnessed all this, quickly analyzed it.

The adjutant at the side was the first to express his opinion: "Your Majesty, it seems that the eighth route army's security force here was suddenly attacked by us. The troops were insufficient and the equipment was poor, so they were forced to evacuate.

I suggest that we seize the time to attack immediately, enter the first-line sky channel, consolidate the defensive positions on both sides of the first-line sky, prepare in advance for the arrival of the follow-up main combat troops, and consolidate the forward channel. "

After a moment of silence, Major Guizi finally nodded.

He was also aware of the urgency of the situation at the moment. As soon as the guns fired here, the Eighth Route Army troops in Huangya Cave would definitely receive the news as soon as possible.

Soldiers are expensive, and the delay has been long. The Eighth Route Army may have moved their arsenal ahead of time.

After thinking of this, Major Guizi no longer hesitated, he immediately issued an order: "Immediately convey the news to the headquarters, our department has decided to rush through the sky and launch an assault on the core of the Eighth Route Army's arsenal.

Request the main combat troops to follow up quickly.

In addition, convey to the headquarters that our department may find the important military building of the Eighth Route Army in Huangya Cave at any time, and request the aviation department to mobilize air firepower reinforcements at any time. "

This is exactly the cunning of the little devil. At present, the mobile combat force led by the devil's major and approaching the direction of Huangyadong, in addition to the regular infantry, there are also artillery observers specially arranged by the headquarters to accompany them.

Then configure the corresponding communication system, which can be used as a guide at any time to guide the devil's aviation firepower to carry out fixed-point bombing of the inner area of ​​Huangya Cave.

After the order from Major Guizi was issued, the scouts of Guizi confirmed that all the Eighth Route Army on both sides of the canyon had fled.

Then the reconnaissance team assigned two military vehicles, and amidst the roar of the engine, they took the lead in advancing through the Yixiantian Canyon to the inside of Huangya Cave.

The rest of the mobile main force was led by Shao Zuo, the devil, in dozens of military vehicles hoisted more than 200 meters behind, and slowly drove in.

The rest of the journey was smooth and calm, and the process of advancing to the inside of Huangya Cave went so smoothly that even Major Guizi found it a little inconceivable.

The operation of the vehicle did not encounter those buried mines that worried the Japanese army most.

There was a dead silence along the way, and there was no attack by half of the Eighth Route Army.

But even so, out of the awareness of the Eighth Route Army's cunning, the devil's reconnaissance team at the forefront still moved slowly.

It took nearly 10 minutes to walk this long and narrow canyon passage before the entire mobile unit passed through the canyon passage.

Looking back, I looked at the narrow and precipitous line of sky that had appeared behind me.

Feeling the ingenious workmanship of nature in his heart, Shao Zuo couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no ambush by the Eighth Route Army.

"Your Excellency, Major, it seems that our guess is correct. The Eighth Route Army was unprepared for this surprise attack. That's why we were able to enter Huangya Cave so smoothly!"


Major Guizi nodded, and there was probably only one explanation for the current situation.

Then, the next action seems to become easier.

The devil Shao Zuo immediately ordered that a certain amount of defensive troops be left behind on both sides of the canyon passage to consolidate the safety of the entire canyon passage and ensure that when the subsequent main combat troops pass through this canyon passage, they will not encounter the Eighth Route Army. The ambush trap launched by the Lord with the help of the terrain.

Even on the mountains on both sides of the entire narrow canyon passage, the major also dispatched a certain number of scouts for surveillance and investigation to ensure the smooth flow of the entire canyon passage.

At first glance, the entire canyon passage in Huangyadong seems to have fallen under the control of the Japanese army so easily.

When the mobile troops successfully captured and controlled the first-line sky canyon channel, the news spread to the rear headquarters.

The devil officers in the headquarters were also a little surprised.

According to the deduction of the staff department before the start of this battle, the Japanese military officers believed that at least one fairly fierce confrontation would break out in the Yixiantian area, the only entrance to Huangya Cave.

One of the devil's staff officers directly pointed out: "The terrain of the entire Huangya Cave is very strange. This line of sky canyon passage is almost the only entrance. The Eighth Route Army also took a fancy to the characteristics of this terrain, so they hid the arsenal. Within the mountains of Huangyadong.

Therefore, this one-line sky canyon passage is definitely the top priority for the defense of the Eighth Route Army's Huangyadong Arsenal.

Maybe the Eighth Route Army will arrange heavy defense here, and our army wants to enter Huangyadong smoothly.

The fierce battle in Yixiantian may be unavoidable. We must attack fiercely, break through the passage of Yixiantian Canyon in the shortest time, and completely trap the Eighth Route Army in Huangya Cave! "

Therefore, the mobile combat unit dispatched by the Japanese Army Command took the lead.

The original purpose of the battle was to take the lead in attacking the first-line sky canyon, and drag down the Eighth Route Army defenders defending the first-line sky.

The news that came now made the devil officers a little dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that the Yiyitian Canyon Passage, which they thought the Eighth Route Army was focusing on defending, would be knocked down so easily?
For this reason, after hearing the news, in the headquarters, a staff officer of the devil even boldly proposed:

Could this be a trap deliberately set by the Eighth Route Army?
But if it's really a trap, it's such an important line.How could God throw it to you, little devil, so easily?

The devil officers also hesitated a little, and then felt a little humiliated.

As one of the officers said: "Since when have we been so afraid of the Eighth Route Army?
Haven't we seen much of the corruption and incompetence of these Chinese troops?

Since the beginning of the war against China, we have sacked cities and plundered land on the frontal battlefield, and sang along the way. Those Chinese troops who tried to resist all tried to block the traffic with their arms, and soon lost their helmets and armor, and were defeated.

Do we easily defeat those incompetent Chinese troops, but still worry about whether they are deliberately setting traps? "


Everyone was speechless for a moment, and what they said was true.

It is also true that the Japanese army suffered too much at the hands of the Eighth Route Army on the battlefield behind the enemy these years, and was deceived too much, so that they won the battle easily now, but they questioned its authenticity.

The command's order came quickly.

The main force to reinforce Huangyadong will advance quickly. After the mobile force controls the sky, they can take the lead in trying to attack the core arsenal area of ​​the Eighth Route Army.

The purpose of the little devil is also very clear, it is to catch the Eighth Route Army by surprise with this mobile unit that is the first to rush, and it is best to completely disrupt the defense inside the entire Huangya Cave.

In this way, when the main combat troops arrive, they will have an opportunity to take advantage of.

Coupled with the cooperation of aviation units, air fire reinforcements can arrive at any time.

As long as there is the precise guidance of artillery scouts, it is completely possible to complete the targeted destruction of various important military facilities of the Eighth Route Army inside Huangyadong.

In this way, it is just around the corner to destroy the Huangyadong Arsenal of the Eighth Route Army and the reinforcements of the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang base area in one fell swoop.

What a wonderful wish!

But all this soon became more and more questionable...

After successfully leading the mobile troops through the canyon passage and entering the interior of Huangya Cave, they looked at the complex terrain of Huangya Cave with endless mountains, ravines, and interlaced mountain roads.

The devil who led the team was somewhat confused.

I'm not here for tourism right now. If I go the wrong way, I can go back and slowly find another way.

If you step on the wrong road, you will fall into the trap of the Eighth Route Army.

Or if it is staggered from the location of the Eighth Route Army Arsenal, that would be embarrassing.

At this time, the Guizi Shaozuo began to feel lucky. He was lucky that he had won over Chen Yongchun, a traitor of the Eighth Route Army, in advance before the surprise attack on the Huangyadong Arsenal of the Eighth Route Army.

He immediately called the map soldiers and asked which mountain road to take next in order to advance to the core of the Eighth Route Army's arsenal as quickly as possible.

As a result, the map soldier standing in front of Major Devil was also in a daze, he hesitated for a long time but couldn't tell why.


Shao Zuo angrily reprimanded that there are such unprofessional guys in the Little Japan team, it is really unforgivable.

The young devil who was carrying the marching map in his pouch hurriedly explained: "Sir, it's really the map that Chen Yongchun drew for me, which is completely different from the terrain inside this place."

Speaking of this, fearing that the major would not believe it, the little devil quickly unfolded the map Chen Yongchun had drawn for him, and then pointed out several mountain roads on the map.

"Sir, please see, according to the map given by Chen Yongchun, these mountain roads could all lead to the area where the Eighth Route Army's arsenal is located.

But in the current situation, you see, these mountain roads are obviously blocked by mountains, and there is no passage at all!

I wonder if this map was scribbled by Chen Yongchun? "

"Bastard, call me Chen Yongchun immediately!"


After a while, Chen Yongchun arrived, but the paper did not cover the fire after all.

Looking at Chen Yongchun who was hesitating and fumbling in front of him, Shao Zuo, the devil, was furious, and he slammed his bow left and right. Soon, two palm prints appeared on Chen Yongchun's face with two crisp sounds.

"You, dare to deceive the imperial army, work hard!"

The terrified Chen Yongchun covered his face, knowing that the Dongchuang incident had happened, but in order to survive, he tried his best to argue:
"Taijun, there are some errors in my map drawing, but I know the road here, and I can show you the way!"

This Chen Yongchun is completely a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

One dares to speak, and the other dares to believe.

The devil Shaozuo endured the anger in his heart, but he finally realized that he needed a guide familiar with the situation to enter Huangya Cave. If he really killed Chen Yongchun, there would be no one to lead the way.

So it is like the blind leading the blind.

Chen Yongchun took hundreds of little devils and wandered around in the mountains inside Huangya Cave...

Outside the Huangya Cave.

The elite troops drawn by the Japanese army from the 16rd, [-]th, and No.[-] mixed brigades are rapidly advancing towards the Huangyadong area.

Naturally, the Eighth Route Army would not just sit idly by, and immediately mobilized the main combat troops, including local troops and even militia troops, to rely on the large guerrilla area outside Huangyadong to launch guerrilla operations and constantly block the Japanese army.

In addition, several Eighth Route Army troops quickly approached the Huangyadong area in an attempt to reinforce the defense of Huangyadong.

In the eyes of the little devil, this is the war response that the Eighth Route Army should have.

There is no particular suspicion.

In the base area of ​​the 385th brigade, the Japanese and puppet combat troops, mainly the third brigade of the Japanese army, moved some of their elites to move closer to the Huangyadong area, but the remaining troops still advanced to the central area of ​​the base area of ​​the 385th brigade in an attempt to seize the opportunity Complete the sweep of the base of the 385th brigade.

Brigadier Chen, like an experienced fisherman, continued to show the enemy his weakness, gradually lured the enemy deeper, and waited for the best time to make a move with absolute patience...

(End of this chapter)

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