Chapter 949

At this time, as the mountain collapsed in the Yiyitian Canyon Passage, the elite troops of the 36th Division of the Japanese Army who took the lead in rushing into the Huangya Cave were in a rather embarrassing situation.

The cunning Eighth Route Army used hidden blasting methods to sneak attack and blow up the mountains on both sides of the canyon, causing the entire passage to be completely blocked.

The fallen gravel and mud piled up in the central area of ​​the entire canyon passage.

As for Huangya Cave, which has a peculiar terrain, if you want to enter the interior, this canyon passage is almost the only and the most convenient way.

In addition, the Japanese army can also try to cross mountains and mountains, from the peaks on both sides of the sky.

It's just that if you want to go over the mountains, let alone the main force with a large force, it is extremely difficult.

Even if people can cross the mountains and ridges, the various tanks carried by the supply troops, including the artillery carried by the artillery troops, are difficult to transport through the rugged and difficult mountains.

But it was only light infantry, and under the premise of losing the advantage of artillery fire, even if they climbed over the mountain and entered the interior of Huangya Cave, they could not be the opponents of the well-equipped and prepared Eighth Route Army.

At this time, the head of the devil brigade at the external temporary headquarters in the first line of the sky was also quite anxious.

There was shock and horror in his expression.

Over the mountains, more than a dozen planes of the devil circled by, and the bombing of the military buildings and artillery groups hidden by the Eighth Route Army in the mountains was temporarily over.

With the help of aerial firepower reinforcements, the vanguard of the devils entering the interior of Huangya Cave temporarily confronted the Eighth Route Army.

Divide into shares and eat all these little devils.

The Japanese army's carefully prepared ambush turned into a positional battle between the two sides relying on the terrain.

On the one hand, they immediately got in touch with the command headquarters that had entered the interior of Huangya Cave, and ordered their troops to hold fast inside Huangya Cave, hold back the Eighth Route Army troops, and try to launch an assault in the direction of the Eighth Route Army arsenal.

Captain Cheng and Captain Jiang didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately directed the soldiers to carry out outflanking and annihilating tactics with ease.

Inside the headquarters of the Devil's First Army.

In such a situation of being pressed and beaten all the way, the two devil captains who were shocked shouted hell.

There is no bunker in the entrance area of ​​the canyon passage, and the artillery fire from the Eighth Route Army is fierce again. The leader of the devil team did not dare to hesitate, and quickly led the troops to fight and retreat under the attack of Cheng Tuanchang and his party. The mountains approached.

Such a confrontation lasted only ten minutes.


However, the troops of the Eighth Route Army did not confront the Japanese army head-on at all, and fought head-to-head.

Surrounding the Huangyadong area and surrounding the 386 brigade's base area, the Japanese army did not have a clear upper hand.

From the overall level, although the Japanese army has a certain advantage in equipment, as an elite mixed brigade, the military quality is also not low.

Hit the little devil by surprise.

Then, Commander Cheng also dispatched troops, and the soldiers followed the path up the mountain to the ridge line of the mountains on both sides of the sky, seized the high ground, and built fortifications. The Japanese troops outside the Yadong launched an offensive.

The leader of the devil brigade outside Huangya Cave was also taken aback.

As Captain Cheng speculated, Commander Xu of the 771st Regiment, who was in charge of guarding the center line defense zone, had already led his troops to attack the first main force of the Japanese army that was close to the center line defense zone.

The air defense force hidden by the Eighth Route Army also took action at the same time, confronting the Japanese air force.

After successfully dividing the devils who had gathered together.

The two regiment leaders sighed in their hearts at the same time: the comrades of the Artillery Regiment are really powerful, and the concealed artillery group offensives built in advance seem to have already calculated where the little devil will hide.

The only effective means for the Japanese army is probably air fire reinforcements.

It's almost like there are a few bombers hanging on the top of the head.

Local army units and even militia units have assisted in the battle, also showing considerable combat effectiveness.

The sudden change in the situation made the two devil captains who led the team aware of the crisis of the situation, and they quickly sent a message to the headquarters requesting tactical guidance.

The first batch of more than 2000 elite troops of the 36th Division of the Japanese Army who entered the interior of Huangya Cave were forced to break up under the bombardment of artillery fire, and with the help of the cover of mountains, they avoided artillery fire everywhere.

Completely wipe out the Eighth Route Army that may be lurking in the mountains on both sides.

The Tuba Road of the 385th Brigade has been compressed in the base area by the [-]rd Mixed Brigade.

Whenever a confrontation broke out between the two sides, the position of the Japanese army was exposed, and the Eighth Route Army seemed to be able to attract precise artillery strikes immediately.

In the Taihang Mountain area, these damned Eighth Route Army have grown to such a powerful level without knowing it!

Take the initiative to expose some fake factories, fake military bases and fake artillery fortifications to lure the devil's planes to bomb.

If it can't be done, at least you can stick to the danger and wait for the reinforcement of the main force.

Chief of Staff Bei Chuan made a sound in a daze.

It's just that the confrontation between the two sides that followed was not as smooth as the Japanese army expected.

The fighting between the two sides intensified.

Soon, the Eighth Route Army, which did not follow the routine, turned positional warfare into mobile warfare.

Facing the offensive of the Eighth Route Army's artillery group that hardly knew where it was hidden, under the sudden artillery fire, the Japanese army quickly dispersed the troops in order to prevent the troops from being killed by concentrated firepower.

It counts as one to shoot down a plane.

Surrounding the base area of ​​the 385th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army, some troops, mainly the 385rd Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army, continued to fight fiercely against the base area of ​​the [-]th Brigade.

Destroy that damned Iron Triangle in Northwest Shanxi, eliminate Kong Jie, kill Li Yunlong, and completely open the door to invade the Taihang base of the Eighth Route Army.

As they advanced to the hinterland of the 385th Brigade's base, the Eighth Route Army troops they encountered seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and their equipment was getting better and better, which even gradually made them feel strenuous and shocked.

The most urgent task right now is to re-open the canyon channel in front of him.

"Around the battle in the Huangyadong area, several mixed brigades of our army and some elites from the 36th Division have already attracted a considerable part of the main combat troops in the Taihang base area.

These were originally just beggar-like teams behind the enemy lines, which were considered unattractive in the Empire of Japan, with backward equipment and scarce ammunition.

Eliminate the most powerful main brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army-the 386th Brigade.

"Just wait for the Mongolian army to arrive, join the three major mixed brigades, and attack from both sides!"

Commander Cheng immediately ordered the construction of anti-slope fortifications, relying on the mountain to block.

The strength of the Eighth Route Army overturned his cognition once again.

At this time, the first line of sky was completely cut off, and the only thing that the devils could pose a threat to the interior of Huangya Cave were these fighter jets and bombers.

The only change at the moment is the rapid southward garrison of Mongolian troops.

The bombers of the devils arrived and bombed some of the exposed artillery fortifications of the Eighth Route Army.

Inside Huangya Cave, the center line defense zone.

Inside Huangya Cave.

The first batch of more than 2000 elite soldiers who entered the interior of Huangya Cave suffered from heavy artillery fire and the casualties spread rapidly.

In order to effectively avoid the devil's direct artillery fire and fierce offensive.

The speed of the whizzing Japanese plane seems to have dropped a lot, and the flying altitude has also dropped greatly, almost flying close to the top of the mountain.

All parties are fighting.

The poor little devil who was outside Huangya cave at this time was also in a hurry, but he couldn't help the vanguard inside Huangya cave at all.

After the artillery scouts reported the devil's coordinates, shells would drop precisely on them soon.

In one fell swoop, a large amount of land occupied by the Eighth Route Army's 386 Brigade since its winter offensive was recovered.

However, no matter how their scattered troops shifted and evaded, the shells smashed in mid-air seemed to have eyes, and hit wherever they went.

The winter offensive launched by the Eighth Route Army of the damn 386 brigade was approaching its peak not long ago, and it has not had time to withdraw its troops.

In the bragging words of the commander of the Artillery Regiment of the headquarters:
A sparrow got into this Huangya Cave, and we can shoot it down with shells.

Facing the devil's superiority in air firepower, the deputy chief of staff at the command headquarters had to issue orders to let the artillery groups around the fortifications be concealed in time to avoid losses, and at the same time to launch a counterattack with the air defense force as the main force.

This is the perfect time for our army to join forces with the garrisoned Mongolian troops going south, and at the same time cooperate with the 16rd, 386th, and No.[-] mixed brigades to go north, attacking from both sides, destroying the [-]th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop, and eradicating the Iron Triangle in Northwest Shanxi. "

The Japanese army also fell into helplessness for a while.


The reinforcements from the Eighth Route Army did rush towards Huangya Cave, but these Eighth Route Army were quite cunning and did not fall into the trap foolishly.

The entire interior of Huangya Cave relies on three lines of defense, perfectly combined with the characteristics of the terrain, the range of artillery fire can almost cover all lines of defense.

It's still the old rule, first a surprise attack with artillery fire.

The ghost knows what happened to the vanguard troops inside Huangya Cave.

And as they went deeper, the devil officers of the third mixed brigade discovered to their horror that the raid in front of them seemed not as simple as they imagined.

A considerable part of the main force of the Eighth Route was completely contained in the Huangyadong area.

So the head of the devil brigade made two-handed preparations.

It would be great if we could directly defeat the Eighth Route Army troops inside Huangya Cave and destroy the Eighth Route Army's arsenal.

According to the speed of the cavalry group of the Mongolian Army and the mobile combat unit, it can reach the northern part of the Taihang Mountains from time to time, near the defense area where the 386th Brigade is located.


On the contrary, they detected the Japanese army's conspiracy in advance.

"General, sure enough, as you speculate, if we want to completely destroy the Huangyadong Armory of the Eighth Route Army and destroy the main force of the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang base area, it is only the troops that our First Army has mobilized with all its strength this time.

The main force attacked from all directions, acting completely out of order.

I haven't laid down the ridge line occupied by the Eighth Route Army yet, and the emergency call for help from the vanguard troops inside has been conveyed.

A considerable number of Eighth Route Army units are even in the security area that belonged to our First Army not long ago.

The key nodes quickly gathered in the 386 brigade's base area.

In the end, he can only hope that nearly half of the elite imperial troops that have entered Huangya Cave can rely on the terrain to hold back the Eighth Route Army inside Huangya Cave.

This time, if the general hadn't been far-sighted and contacted the headquarters of the Mongolian Army in advance to obtain the joint operations of the two armies, it would have been difficult to defeat these Eighth Route Army! "

Outside the Huangya Cave.

Shi Dahu, who stayed inside Huangya Cave to help, was not idle, and quickly led the soldiers to camouflage in various places.

Relying on the advantage that Licheng Temporary Airport is closer to Huangya Cave.

But I have to say that the devil's only method is really effective.


Sitting in command, the devil commander Yoshio Shinozuka, who is in charge of the overall situation, has a panoramic view of the gradually changing situation on the military map in front of him.

How could these damned bastards be unprepared and caught off guard?
Commander Xu, who led the team to fight on the center line, and Commander Jiang, the 17th regiment, enjoyed the fight.

The Japanese flying troops came very quickly. After the devil's plane arrived, with the help of bombers and fighter jets to reinforce the battlefield, the devil's vanguard force inside Huangya Cave barely managed to win the game and temporarily set foot on their heels.

It's a pity, how could Tuan Zhang Cheng and Tuan Zhang Feng, who had long been guarding the outer line of Huangya Cave, sit back and watch the devil's attack and ignore it?
At the entrance of the Yixiantian Canyon passage, the sudden bombardment came to an end, and Tuan Zhang Cheng and Tuan Zhang Feng led the main force to detour from the two wings and attack the Japanese army who had not had time to gain a firm foothold.

The canyon passage area was quickly occupied by Captain Cheng and his party.

I have never fought such an intense battle in my life, it was completely crushed by one-sided firepower, and it also gave the little devil a good taste of the grievance of being crushed by artillery fire.

At the same time, they also realized that they had definitely been fooled by the Eighth Route Army this time and fell into a trap. The inside of Huangya Cave was a trap that the Eighth Route Army had built in advance.

And in the remote places in the mountains, even the scouts of the Eighth Route Army couldn't find it.

Thanks to the precipitousness and peculiarity of the mountains on both sides of Yixiantian, the passage of Yixiantian Canyon was completely blocked at present, and the Japanese army was unable to take down the ridgeline fortifications of the mountain for a while.

At the same time, light-armed infantry were sent up the mountain in an attempt to seize the ridgelines of the peaks on both sides of the line of sky, and to guard against opening the canyon passage.

Before the start of this battle, the Japanese army made a plan. While attacking and raiding the Huangyadong Arsenal, they would use the Huangyadong Arsenal as a bait to lure reinforcements from the Eighth Route Army, and then conduct an ambush midway.

The Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army opened up a new situation of confrontation.

At this moment, the little devil has a deep understanding of this.

Such as some light forklifts.

As far as the little devil's surprise attack on the Huangyadong Armory this time, he was relatively well-prepared. The supply unit accompanying the elite troops of the 36th Division also had some special combat vehicles to clear roadblocks.

Right now, this situation seems to be proceeding according to the pre-plan of the Japanese army.

Bei Chuan spoke slowly, this was the final plan of him and Yoshio Shinozuka.

Destroy the largest arsenal of the Eighth Route Army in Taihang Mountains-Huangyadong arsenal.

Now it has become a serious problem for the imperial army.

Below the dozens of lonely planes, suddenly a series of small black spots suddenly fell towards the mountains.

Because of the destruction of the Yamamoto Secret Service, the devil who harbored hatred for the Eighth Route Army, and hated Kong Jie even more, was a retired veteran member of the Yamamoto Secret Service, and the re-demobilized devil Nakashimata Shozo finally brought his China Destroyer Airborne Troops with him. Come on stage.

Seized the opportunity to launch an airborne operation in the Huangyadong area.

The small black dots gradually sprinkled, and after the parachutes were all opened, more than 100 parachutes fluttered and slid down towards the mountains. The situation was quite spectacular...

(End of this chapter)

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