The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 960 Blowing up the 8th Route Army Base

Shinozuka Yoshio knew exactly what the current retreat meant.

This not only means that this time he has planned for a long time, but also united with the Mongolian army going south to deal with the Huangyadong arsenal of the Eighth Route Army and the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang base.

It also means that after this battle is over, the international situation will be extremely unfavorable to his Great Japanese Empire.

It also means that this battle has not achieved results.

As the commander who led the First Army stationed in Shanxi these years, Yoshio Shinozuka's official career will also be affected.

No one knows how long he will remain in command of the First Army.

Perhaps because of the fiasco of this battle, he will be transferred soon.

After taking a long breath of relief, Shinozuka Yoshio leaned back on the chair a little slumped, and after deciding to give up for a while, he let out a long sigh of relief.

For such a difficult opponent, I have tried my best, but there is nothing I can do.

Then wait for the next more intelligent commander to take over!
I don't want to admit defeat, but that's the way it is.

And just when Yoshio Shinozuka started thinking about quitting...

Fighting on all sides is still going on.

In Huangya Cave, among the complex terrain surrounded by mountains, more than 36 elites of the 3000th Division, who were completely trapped in the mountains of Huangya Cave, are still fighting hard.

In order to ensure that the troops that penetrated into the Huangyadong of the Eighth Route Army and were most likely to complete the task of destroying the Huangyadong Arsenal of the Eighth Route Army, a task of high military value, survived.

The devils temporarily built an airport in Licheng, and the main direction of reinforcements for the flying troops dispatched at any time has always been here.

At this time, Shinozuka Yoshio still has one last extravagant wish.

In any case, this time his first army united with the Mongolian army to launch an operation against the Eighth Route Army troops in the Taihang base.

If this military goal can be achieved, even if the First Army retreats completely.

It can still be counted as a victory in this battle to a certain extent.

Maybe he can modify the propaganda and publicize it to the outside world. This is a victory for his Great Japanese Empire.

Reverse the unfavorable side of the Great Japanese Empire in the international form.

Two days ago, the Japanese army trapped inside Huangya Cave sent out a communication saying that they were getting closer to the hinterland of Huangya Cave.

It is even very likely to be near the core area of ​​the Eighth Route Army's Huangyadong Arsenal.

This made Shinozuka Yoshio who heard the news even more full of expectations.

Maybe, just maybe, they could.

The flying troops for reinforcements at any time, as well as the anti-China airborne troops who have successfully entered Huangyadong by airborne.

And the imperial elite of the 36th Division that is constantly advancing towards the core area of ​​Huangyadong.

Three forces, even if one party succeeds, can destroy the Huangyadong Arsenal of the Eighth Route Army, that is victory.

For this reason, Shinozuka Yoshio directly issued a supreme command order through the headquarters, ordering the combat troops that penetrated into Huangyadong to destroy the Eighth Route Army Huangyadong Arsenal at all costs.

However, is it really as simple as the old devil Yoshio Shinozuka imagined?

At this moment in Huangya Cave...

Since the more than 36 elites of the 3000th Division of the Japanese Army entered the interior of Huangya Cave, the only escape route behind them was completely blocked by the blasted gravel.

Their nightmare has officially begun.

As soon as the head poked out from the entrance of the Yixiantian Canyon passage, it was greeted with fierce bombardment by the Eighth Route Army troops.

It was too late to marvel at the powerful artillery fire of the Eighth Route Army troops.

The devil officer leading the team quickly led the troops into the mountains, trying to use the cover of the terrain to avoid the shelling of the Eighth Route Army.

But then, the nightmare intensified.

In the entire Huangya Cave, there are endless mountains, vast terrain, and complicated terrain at a glance, but no matter where this little devil hides, it seems that the Eighth Route Army can always easily detect it, and then launch a surprise attack.

After a surprise attack, there was another artillery attack.

Just like this over and over again, more than 3000 elite devils were blown up in disgrace, and there was not much room for fighting back.

It was even forced to disperse the main force.

This is completely the home field of the Eighth Route Army. The right time, place and people are harmonious, and the Eighth Route Army occupies the whole area. How can this battle be fought?
Whether it is military strength, equipment, or tactics, nothing is an opponent of the Eighth Route Army.

The only thing the little devils rely on is probably the flying troops that may be reinforced at any time in mid-air.

After some bombing, looking at the smoke left by the bombs covering the hills attacked by the Eighth Route Army, the little devils relying on the terrain to fight were full of anticipation.

The bottom of my heart is rejoicing that the air combat troops of the Empire of Japan are strong and mighty, and the artillery of the Eighth Route Army must have been completely destroyed.

Unexpectedly, as the mountain wind blew past and the gunpowder smoke cleared, the little devils had just launched an attack, and the artillery fire from the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side struck again.

"Damn it, didn't the bombing just now destroy the Eighth Route's artillery?"

The devil officer who led the team cursed angrily. At this time, with the confrontation between the two sides, the distance between the Japanese army advanced again. He looked through the binoculars and found out in a look of shock:

The Eighth Route Army actually hid almost the entire cannon body in the mountain. He only saw the exposed muzzle and the specially reinforced bunker around the muzzle, which seemed to be a reinforced concrete building.

In addition, these artillery fortifications are built on the slope of the mountain.

The bombs dropped vertically by the Japanese aircraft had to hit these artillery bunkers at a rather tricky angle.

Even so, if the bombs did not fall on the same blasting point every time, it would be difficult to directly destroy these extremely strong bunker fortifications.

In addition, compared to the infantry artillery carried by the Japanese army at the moment.

Taking advantage of the condescending terrain of the mountain, the Eighth Route Army can easily project shells to the low-lying area where the devils are.

However, the devil's infantry artillery has a very limited elevation angle, and it is very difficult to find the angle of the Eighth Route Army's artillery fortifications to attack the opponent, let alone how to counterattack.


The devil officer who led the team cursed angrily: "These cunning fellows, have they hollowed out this mountain?
Hiding the artillery offensive in the mountains of this mountain? "

Congratulations to this little devil, he really got it right!
When it was suggested how to build the entire Huangyadong mountain fortifications and use permanent fortifications to protect the safety of the Huangyadong Arsenal.

In addition to considering the multi-line fortifications and surrounding arches for the entire Huangya Cave, Kong Jie considered.

At the same time, how to take advantage of the topography of the Huangyadong Mountains is also taken into consideration.

This reminded Kong Jie of the film and television dramas he had watched in his previous life, my group leader and my group.

At that time, the cunning little devils that the regiment leader and the others were facing had almost hollowed out the mountains on the other side of the river, and built a very exaggerated number of bunkers as a series of fortifications.

The whole mountain is the fortification of the little devil, how to fight this battle?
In this regard, although the defense of the Huangyadong Mountains is not so exaggerated, it also has applications in this regard.

When he suggested how to take advantage of the topography of the Huangyadong Mountains for defense and place artillery groups, Kong Jie once jokingly said:
"If it weren't for the urgency of time, the mountains inside Huangya Cave might have been used as defenses for our Eighth Route Army.

In order to achieve the purpose of solid defense, we just learn from the pangolin, and it may not be impossible to hollow out the entire mountain. "

The cadres present at the meeting were all a little dazed.

Good guy, can this fortification be deployed like this?

Kong Jie laughed and said to everyone: "Don't look at me that way, the production capacity of our arsenal has improved a lot now, and we still have the equipment and tools for digging caves.

Can any fortification be stronger than the mass of the mountain itself?
Even if the devil's plane came, I'm afraid he could only stare blankly. "

Later, in the construction of the artillery fortifications inside Huangya Cave, the soldiers did borrow Kong Jie's suggestion, and everyone built a channel-propelled artillery fortification with the help of the mountain.

What do you mean?

It is to dig caves on the sloping mountain body of the mountain, and use them to store artillery for combat. The number does not need to be too many, just one or two.

Such small artillery fortifications can be set up at all angles to ensure that once the Japanese army appears, there will be almost no dead spots to avoid the bombardment of artillery fire.

Then, at the entrance of the cave, a horizontal cannon protruding channel was created extending out of the cave.

When the little devil appeared, he pushed the artillery out, and then bombarded the target condescendingly. If the devil's bomber arrived, he would drag the artillery back into the cave in time.

It was not so easy for Japanese planes to destroy these artillery pieces.

If the devil infantry wanted to come up, they would have to leave a certain distance, and there would be so many fortifications along the way.

Even if the devils rushed up at all costs, they tried to destroy the artillery fire of the Eighth Route Army and occupy the high ground at the same time.

With the obstruction of the fortifications along the way, when the devils attacked, the artillery positions had already moved in advance.

In addition, most of the infantry fortifications set up along the way are very concealed with the help of mountains.

The front line is civil engineering plus sleepers, stone-reinforced shooting points, light and heavy machine guns, and mortar fortifications all have bunkers, and all trenches have been reinforced.

The devils rushed up, and the soldiers didn't even have to lean out and shoot.

There are so many shooting positions for machine gun nests, the devils don't know where to hit them if they want to.

The infantry cannons and mountain cannons pulled up by the devils, if they want to destroy these solid fortifications, they must bear the artillery fire from the Eighth Route Army on their heads and send the shells accurately to the fortifications.

After the Japanese army paid a heavy price and occupied a fortification, they would then find that there were countless such fortifications waiting for them.

After charging so many times, these 3000 devils were elite.

Soon there were only 2000 people left.

The devil officer who led the team finally realized that if they ran into the fortifications of the Eighth Route Army, they must not forcibly attack and occupy them. It is the most sensible move to immediately turn around and take a detour.

Anyway, their task is to destroy the core arsenal of the Eighth Route Army.

There is no need to waste energy in entanglement with the Eighth Route Army troops on the outside.

So the little devil who thought he was smart, whenever he encountered an attack from the Eighth Route Army, he immediately turned around and evacuated from another direction.

Anyway, the Huangyadong Mountains are very strange to them. They are headless chickens, so why would they care which direction they hit?
Chen Yongchun, the traitor of the Eighth Route Army who led the team, was directly shot dead as early as the day before.

The devil, Shao Zuo, saw it through.

This traitor has made everyone miserable.

This bastard has absolutely no idea about the topography of the interior of Huangya Cave.

Since entering Huangya Cave, they have been running aimlessly with the imperial troops.

Some devil officers even believed that Chen Yongchun was responsible for the heavy casualties of the imperial troops until now.

This Chen Yongchun must be the dead man of the Eighth Route Army, deliberately luring everyone into the trap of the Eighth Route Army.

The unlucky Chen Yongchun died just like that. As a dog's leg, he should have the consciousness to be beaten to death by the dog's owner at any time.

In such a stumbling, the Japanese army encountered the attack of the Eighth Route Army and the fortifications of the Eighth Route Army, and immediately turned around and continued to advance.

The little devil didn't realize it.

In a daze, they were actually advancing in the direction deliberately guided by the Eighth Route Army.

The Eighth Route Army's use of fixed-point attacks is like drawing a predetermined route for ants with mothballs, and let the ants keep moving along this route.

When witnessing the devils completely leave the last area, Captain Cheng, who was watching with a telescope at the fortification not far away, had a smile on his mouth:

"It's done. Our combat mission in the outer line defense zone has been successfully completed. The little devil will soon enter the center line. Our established artillery coverage area."

"Haha, let's take a good look at the excitement this time, look at our heavy artillery fortifications, the shocking scene brought by the shelling of the little devil."

"Looking back, Li Yunlong is back, I have to give him a good bragging."

Central Line Temporary Headquarters.

Just after the devil was driven from the outer line defense zone to the center line defense zone by Captain Cheng and his party, the scouts reported the news in time.

"Reporting to the commander, the little devil has come in from the east and has entered our second line of defense on the center line. The 17th regiment has rushed over and continues to lure the devil into our final shelling area."

Head Xu nodded, and there was a lot of anticipation in his eyes.

"The next step is for our 771 regiment to enter the field. We must ensure communication with the artillery regiment. Once all the devils enter the bombardment area, we will send news to the artillery regiment at any time!"




Shimada Masamune led his fire-fighting airborne troops who had successfully parachuted to the mountains of Huangyadong, walking through the forest.

Several times he heard the sound of intense gunfire that seemed to be coming from not far away.

"Let's fight, let's fight hard. The more fiercely you fight, the more we will be able to find a loophole and destroy the Eighth Route Army's command organization! Destroy the Eighth Route Army's arsenal!"

Shimada Masamune thought secretly.

After more than 3000 elite Japanese soldiers entered the interior of Huangya Cave, they continued to fight with the Eighth Route Army and caused a lot of noise.

This is a side cover for the secret infiltration and sneak attack of this small group of devil special operations troops in front of them.

Not long ago, guided by the coordinates of Shimada Shozo's airborne troops, the flying troops sent by the devils successfully destroyed two military bases of the Eighth Route Army in the mountains.

This made Shimada Masao Mitsukoshi feel more deeply about the brilliance of his former captain Yamamoto Osamu in building special operations forces.

Infiltrate and lurk with a small group of surprise soldiers, and guide shelling or air bombing.

This is truly a great tactic.

Then add the airborne surprise attack mode.

Shimada Shozo confidently believes that no Chinese army can withstand such an attack.

While daydreaming, the scouts in front hurried back to report:

"Reporting sir, a military base of the Eighth Route Army was found again one kilometer away. According to preliminary judgment, it seems to be a processing factory of the Eighth Route Army."

"Nani? Discovered again?"

Shimada is a very cautious and suspicious guy, his character is almost in the same line as Yamamoto Kazuki.

Walking through the mountains and forests, they discovered many military bases of the Eighth Route Army with such ease, and successfully guided air fire reinforcements to destroy two bases of the Eighth Route Army.

But there was another place in front of my eyes.

Is the Eighth Route Army really stupid to deploy these military bases so densely and be so easily detected?

In addition, in the previous two bombings, the Eighth Route Army did not seem to have any special countermeasures.

what on earth is it?

Out of hesitation in his heart, this time, Shimada Shozo did not order and immediately reported the specific coordinates of the found processing plant to the flight team.

Instead, he issued an order to send a small group of scouts to secretly lurk and touch the found Eighth Route Army processing factory.

He wants to see with his own eyes, what's the trick here.

Until ten minutes later...

"Look, sir, this is the situation!"

According to what the scouts said, as far as Shimada could see, Nuo Da's so-called processing plant seemed to be just an empty shell, and the processing plant built with an ordinary earth and stone structure really seemed like that at first glance.

Take a closer look but it's not bullshit.

"Bastards, these cunning bastards!"

Masamune Shimada was furious. On the one hand, he was angry at the cunning of the Eighth Route Army, and on the other hand, he was angry at being deceived earlier.

The reason why these empty shell sub-buildings exist is simple.

It is clear that these cunning Tuba roads are deliberately set up in these mountains to mislead the Japanese army's falsely disguised targets for attack.

And not so long ago.

The deputy chief of staff who sits in the rear headquarters also received the news.

The hinterland of the mountains was bombarded twice by the Japanese army, and the bombing location seemed to be some camouflaged military bases built by Shi Dahu and the others.

"Interesting, it seems that Kong Jie's guess is right, it should be a small army of devils who came in!"

A staff officer looked surprised: "We have laid out so many lines of fortifications, and there are light and dark posts along the way to be on guard at any time for investigation. How did this little devil get in?"

The deputy chief of staff thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Perhaps, as Kong Jie speculated, the devil really dropped down by plane."

The cadres nodded, feeling a little scared.

Fortunately, there are these disguised military bases, which exposed these little devils in advance.

Fortunately, the defensive deployment this time also has the means to attack these small Japanese combat troops.

Otherwise, once this devil gets close to the core arsenal or headquarters, and then guides the plane to bomb, the consequences will be really unimaginable...

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