... "Bastards, you bloody bastards, you can only use these tricks, what are you really capable of? If you have the ability, you can compete with my Imperial Japanese Army face to face!"

In Xiaonanzhuang, Baode County and Guzhen area, the Eighth Route Army called on the people to come and hold a public trial of the Japanese executioner Suzuki who led the troops to massacre Baode.

When a few little soldiers pushed the heavily bound old Suzuki devil to the vegetable market.

The old devil was still yelling curses in Japanese.

He was very unconvinced, thinking that the reason why he lost to the Eighth Route Army was only because the Eighth Route Army used conspiracy and tricks, rather than defeating him openly.

At first, the old devil was still very rampant, and he didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner at all.

Until he was escorted all the way to Caishikou by the soldiers, seeing the common people along the way, they all looked at him with hatred, gnashing their teeth.

Many people even held hoes, kitchen knives, and sickles in their hands. If the soldiers along the way didn't stop him, they might have come up and hacked him to death on the spot.

Realizing what fate he was about to face, Old Devil Suzuki's psychological defense was finally defeated.

The original arrogance no longer exists, instead, he kept begging for mercy amidst the panic on his face.

Evil does not disappear with time.

When the Baode County Massacre was created, as the ordered executioner, Suzuki's heart was also trembling. He also dreamed countless days and nights of those innocent souls who turned into evil spirits and came to him to demand their lives.

Then I was awakened by a nightmare in my sleep.

A great sense of guilt has always enveloped him.

In the past, he still had troops, and he was still the high-ranking Colonel Suzuki, the captain of the Suzuki Regiment, facing these unarmed civilians, he could kill them at any time.

Of course, it's different now, he's gone.

His entire regiment was basically wiped out by the Eighth Route Army, and now he was reduced to a prisoner and tied up, and he had to die in the most humiliating way for the soldiers of the empire, amidst endless humiliation and endless regret.

When the soldiers pushed the heavily bound Suzuki onto the high platform of the vegetable market, they immediately kicked Suzuki's knee joints unceremoniously, causing the old devil to kneel down with a thud.

There are huge crowds of people in the audience.

Suzuki, the old devil, knelt on the ground in humiliation. He wanted to stand up, even if he died, he didn't want to lose the dignity of the warriors of the Great Japanese Empire, but he was pressed tightly on his shoulders by the two soldiers around him, and he couldn't move at all.

There were still some flashes of light constantly appearing on the side, and Suzuki saw from the corner of his eye that there was actually a reporter there, who was holding up the camera and taking pictures.

This scene made him feel even more humiliated and terrified, if the photos of him kneeling in front of these Chinese people were completely published and publicized.

The shame brought to the Great Japanese Empire is completely conceivable.

Not to mention that Suzuki himself will die, even his family members in China will be particularly harshly punished.

Suzuki tried desperately to resist, but couldn't resist at all.

He even wanted to commit suicide at this moment, the humiliation in front of him seemed more terrifying than death.

The soldiers of the Propaganda Department took dozens of crimes that had been listed about the Japanese executioner in front of them, and read them out to the people one by one.

"Kill this bastard!"

"This damned animal should be hacked into pieces!"

"Give me back my baby, you devoid of conscience..."

The common people shouted and cursed under the stage, and all of them grabbed mud and dirt from no one knew where, and even pig manure and cow manure in bags, and threw them hard at Suzuki on the stage.

There was an old lady under the stage who shouted vigorously: "Folks, let's stand closer and aim at the point to smash, don't implicate our comrades of the Eighth Route Army!"

The two little warriors on the stage who were holding on to Suzuki gave a grateful look to the aunt, they were really afraid that all kinds of excrement and dirt would accidentally hurt themselves again.

The military reporters arranged by Kong Jie in advance kept filming this scene with cameras.

In the midst of endless humiliation, the old devil Suzuki screamed in collapse, so anxious that his suffocated Chinese jumped out of his mouth:
"Didn't your Eighth Route Army treat prisoners preferentially? Do you still have humanitarianism when you abuse prisoners like this?"

It's okay if Suzuki didn't say this, but when he heard this, Captain Liu, who didn't get angry, rushed forward, kicked the old devil down, and then cursed:
"You son of a bitch, a bastard who is not as good as a beast, you are the only one worthy of being a prisoner?"

The propaganda cadres took the opportunity to explain loudly to the common people:
"Folks, our Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially and does not abuse them. This is the most basic humanitarian spirit, because we are human beings, and we Chinese have always upheld the good character of "no one offends me, I don't offend others."

But this does not mean that our kindness can be regarded as weak and incompetent by these aggressors.

We treat captives favorably, but we will never forgive an executioner with blood on his hands like this.

Now I declare that, after a public trial, the Japanese Army Chief Suzuki Jiro was found guilty of all crimes and sentenced to execution by shooting! "

A delightful public trial.

If the Eighth Route Army treated prisoners preferentially, even some Japanese soldiers who surrendered would not be mistreated. This is the kindness of the Eighth Route Army and the embodiment of humanitarian spirit.

Then, the current public trial is the prestige shown by the Eighth Route Army.

A heinous aggressor like Suzuki.

Even the tolerant Eighth Route Army will never forgive.


Both grace and power were used so that the Japanese and puppet soldiers could know the fate of these heinous executioners and invaders.

At this time, Suzuki was already covered in feces and dirt, his body and mind were filled with humiliation, and he no longer wanted to live.

But it is not so easy for him to want to die.

Facing the angry crowd, the soldiers didn't mind letting the villagers who had been tortured by the Japanese invaders vent their anger before executing Suzuki.

The violent head Liu even grabbed the old devil Suzuki's hair, knocked his head on the ground continuously, and knelt down on his knees to confess to the people.


In the end, the public trial was over, and the common people vented their anger. A gunshot completely ended the criminal life of the old devil Suzuki Jiro, the invader.

The civilians who survived the massacre of the Suzuki Regiment were rewarded with revenge. They are all grateful to Date for the Eighth Route Army troops.

The Eighth Route Army, which the people wanted, once again won the support of the people.

Then, the cadres made propaganda again, telling the people that the Eighth Route Army troops will stick to the anti-Japanese revolutionary base areas and continue to fight the Japanese army to the death. One day, all these Japanese invaders will be driven out of China, and everyone will have no more wars. Peace and prosperity.

Amidst the applause from the villagers, the Eighth Route Army cadres said that they would strengthen the defense of the base areas in the future.

The troops temporarily rested for three days.

Afterwards, some cadres came forward and invited some people to stay and help, and offered to pay wages to help the troops transport some supplies.

Then, the action was carried out according to the empty city plan planned by Li Yunlong, Kong Jie and his party.

A large number of troops entered the city with torches at night, and then set out to the east of Baode County during the day, even pulling large carts and small carts of supplies, and the people helped transport them to the base area.

When the team walked halfway, they turned back secretly.

That's it, two or three nights in a row.

With the Eighth Route Army making such great fanfare, the Japanese army's intelligence agencies were not good for nothing. In these villages, there were inevitably some devils lurking secretly among the people, and the news quickly spread to the headquarters of the Japanese army stationed in Mongolia.

Upon hearing this news, the devil officers stationed in the Mongolian Army were indeed taken aback.

In the past few days, the commander of the garrison in Mongolia is full of anger.

The destruction of the Suzuki Regiment, the loss of Baode County and Guzhen, plus the Eighth Route Army’s propaganda, about the old devil Suzuki kneeling on the public trial platform, accepting the public trial of the Chinese people, and kowtowing and begging for mercy. .

There are even clear photos on it.

It was the situation where he, His Excellency the Commander's beloved General Suzuki, knelt and kowtowed on the high platform.

It simply lost the face of the Great Japanese Empire.

The Propaganda Department of the Eighth Route Army even stepped up its propaganda offensive. Taking advantage of the old devil Suzuki's public trial and kowtow to repent, he vigorously publicized that the Japanese army is already in decline, and grasshoppers after autumn will not be able to jump for a few days.

The little devil will soon be defeated, and sooner or later the Chinese people will win the great victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

After this propaganda broke out completely, it attracted the entire northern Shanxi and Inner Mongolia area's anti-Japanese armed forces to spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

The security and stability of the occupied areas have been severely impacted and become precarious.

The commander of the devil's garrison in Mongolia was already very busy with this matter, and then he got the news that the Eighth Route Army troops dispatched from Yan'an were constantly advancing eastward through the Baode County Passage.

"Damn it, what on earth are these Eight Routes trying to do?"

In the direction of the eastern part of Baode County, the Devil Commander knew exactly whose territory it was.

That was another opponent that gave him a headache, the territory of the 35th Route Army of the National Army.

Among them, the commander of the 35th Route Army, the deputy commander of the Eighth Theater of the National Revolutionary Army, and the commander-in-chief of the North Route Army in the World War II area, Fu Yisheng is not easy to deal with.

Over the years, the troops stationed in Mongolia have been guarding Baotou and Datong, not daring to move lightly.

Do you think the little devil wants to?

In addition to being wary of the Eighth Route Army, the main thing the Japanese army was afraid of was Fu Yisheng, who liked to steal chickens, and then took the opportunity to take their lair.

You must know that in the entire National Revolutionary Army, except for the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, there are not many officers in the other units who dare to really fight against Japan, and often fight against Japan, and have many victories. Fu Yisheng is one of them.

The main defense area of ​​the 35th Route Army led by Fu Yisheng, the area around the Hetao Plain, has been very important since ancient times. And the safety of the rear of Yan'an.

Therefore, the Eighth Route Army spared no effort in supporting the 35th Route Army in the anti-Japanese war.

In addition, it is different from the regular Jiang army troops.

Fu Yisheng was nicknamed the Seven and a Half Route Army, except that his combat tactics were somewhat similar to those of the Eighth Route Army.

The main reason is that the relationship between this kid and the Eighth Route Army is not like that of the ordinary national army. Even if they are not enemies on the surface, they are wary of each other in private, intrigue, and the differences are clear.

On the contrary, Fu Yisheng has maintained a very close relationship with the Eighth Route Army of the Northwest Military Region.

Fu Yisheng himself and the generals of the Eighth Route Army in Yan'an, as well as the division commander of the 120th Division, often communicated by letter, which can be regarded as mutual communication, and there was also mutual assistance and cooperation in the military.

This aspect is related to Fu Yisheng's own national righteousness and broad mind.

On the other hand, Fu Yisheng led the 35th Route Army and stationed in Hetao to resist the Japanese army, and the support of the Eighth Route Army was also indispensable.

As a result, the Japanese army was even more troubled.

According to the news sent back by the eyeliner, the Eighth Route Army on the Yan'an side may have more than a dozen regiments advancing from the direction of Baode County in the past few nights.

There is quite a feeling of heavy troops.

This is a force that should not be underestimated. In addition, the Eighth Route Army showed far more combat power than usual in the battle that nearly wiped out the Suzuki Brigade a few days ago. This is like a blow to the Japanese troops stationed in Mongolia.

And what does this Japanese army, which suddenly came in a large number of reinforcements from Yan'an, want to do?
If they join forces with the 35th Route Army in the Hetao area...the consequences will be unimaginable.

And then, with the development of the current situation, there is not much time left for the devil commander stationed in Mongolia to think.

Then the Xiye Regiment, which retreated to the defense line on the east side of Baode County, was the first to be attacked by the Eighth Route Army troops.

The intelligence detected by the intelligence department of the Japanese army shows that the eight offensive forces are likely to be reinforcements from Yan'an.

The old devil Nishino who was in charge of the defense was crying without tears.

When he was stationed in Baode County, he was nearly wiped out by these brutal Eighth Route Army in the county seat. If he hadn't had the foresight to see that the situation was not going well, and ran away in advance, maybe Suzuki's fate would be his own fate.

As the saying goes, your Eighth Route Army is powerful, can I afford to provoke or hide?
The results are so unbiased.

The first attack launched by the Eighth Route Army happened to be directed at his West Field Regiment.

And what's different this time is that the reinforcements and war supervisors are watching from behind, and the old devil Nishino can't just repeat his tricks and play tricks of getting out of the shell and running away in advance.

There's no other way, so I can only bite the bullet honestly.

The result was that Nishino Dazuo was overjoyed.

Eight Routes launched several attacks in a company, but they were easily repelled by their own defensive troops.

Dasaku Nishino, who watched this scene, was a little dazed.

When did the Eighth Route Army become so vulnerable?

But how did he know that this was just a deliberate upward attack by the Eighth Route Army.

It was just for the sake of setting up doubts, and made a false attack, so in the afternoon after the feint ended, the defense lines of the Mongolian Army stationed in other directions were violently attacked by the Eighth Route Army troops.

According to the news from the Japanese reconnaissance troops, there are even a large number of main forces of the Eighth Route Army, which are rapidly approaching the direction where Fu Yisheng's 35th Route Army is stationed...

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