The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 983 This battle is famous all over the world!

Chapter 983 This battle is famous all over the world!


The commander of the ghost was astonished, and suddenly said angrily: "This is absolutely impossible, the Eighth Route Army in northern Shanxi is one or two hundred kilometers away from Datong.

Just before dark, these damn Eight Routes were still near Baode County.

How did they transfer the strength of a division to my city of Datong in such a short period of time? "

This is a doubt that the little devil can't figure out even if he breaks his head.

Actually, this is a very simple question.

If there are more than 200 mechanized vehicles of various types, nearly 3000 troops can be transported at one time.

In addition, the route along the way has already been completely opened up by the soldiers and stationed.

Driving in at full speed, spending more than ten hours and running three or four times, isn't it enough to quickly transfer the strength of a division to the city of Datong?

This was a plan designed by Li Yunlong and Kong Jie to transfer troops at night.

At night, using mechanized transport vehicles, several waves of troops were quickly transported to the city of Datong and attacked alternately.

At this time, Datong has already been empty of troops due to its repeated deployment of troops.

Under such a strong attack by the main combat force without stopping at all, it is like a flat boat on the turbulent waves, which may be completely swallowed by the offensive wave of the Eighth Route Army at any time.

That's why, after the quick reaction force launched an attack, according to Li Yunlong's and Kong Jie's combat plan, it was necessary to use armored vehicles to completely open a breakthrough to the Japanese defense line, and quickly consolidate the breakthrough, and completely control a fast transportation channel.

For the night troop transfer plan.

All this seems simple, but there are too many uncertainties in actual operation.

Based on the current battlefield environment, the strength of nearly a division can be quickly transferred from the North Shanxi Military Region to the city of Datong through various tanks overnight.

It can be said that it is a great miracle in the history of the Eighth Route Army's war against Japan.

First of all, you must have a sufficient number of trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, cars, etc. that can transport troops.

In addition, you have to have enough fuel to ensure that these vehicles can run non-stop throughout the night.

The entire transportation channel must be unimpeded, and it is best to paralyze the judgment of the Japanese army in a short period of time, so that the Japanese army can not understand the real combat intention of the Eighth Route Army, and finally achieve the purpose of deceiving the sky and hiding the old warehouse.

In one night, more than 26 main forces of the Eighth Route Army were transferred to the vicinity of Datong, the home of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army.

And in order to successfully implement this troop transport plan.

The Eighth Route Army has made considerable preparations.

Even the battles between the Eighth Route Army troops of the 129th Division and the Japanese First Army on various battlefields in the Taihang base area are also counted as one of the links.

In addition, the Eighth Route Army of the 120th Division of the Northwest Military Region was quickly mobilized, including the 35th Route Army in the Hetao area that was indirectly mobilized.

The same is counted as a factor.

The combination of these factors led to the military miracle that the Eighth Route Army used mechanized combat vehicles to quickly transport troops to the city of Datong tonight.

In addition, this raid by the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army made full use of the characteristics of short days and long nights in winter.

Everyone uses sleds to transport troops and materials, or drags snow shovels behind the vehicles to pull materials, which greatly increases the ability of vehicles to transport materials.

The base areas along the way were also quickly mobilized for logistical support, which greatly reduced the pressure on the troops to carry supplies.

In the process of advancing all the way, the main force was quickly transported to the vicinity of Datong through mechanized combat vehicles.

The local army troops used snow shovels to transport materials, helped to consolidate the route along the way, consolidated the breakthrough, and blocked the Japanese and puppet troops who dared to destroy the transportation route.

With the concerted efforts of the soldiers from all walks of life, an unimpeded transportation channel was opened even for one night.

The judgment made by the Japanese military on this was outrageously wrong.

How could they have imagined that the Eighth Route Army had secretly developed such a large-scale rapid response force under their noses.

They regarded the Eighth Route Army that raided Datong as ordinary infantry.

The speed is inferred from the infantry's foot strength.

As a result, the mobility of the Eighth Route Army troops was seriously misestimated.

The Japanese army was almost hit by dimensionality reduction.

Once the battle to attack Datong broke out, the soldiers mustered all their strength and spared no effort. Everyone knew that this battle was a race against time.

Right now, the whole of northern Shanxi, including the Taihang base area, all the battlefields are in a mess, which created the perfect opportunity for the short-term surprise attack on Datong.

As the base camp of the 26th Division, Datong has a very important military position. Once it is attacked, the Japanese army will definitely go crazy and send reinforcements to Datong.

Timing is everything in this moment.

As soon as the attack begins, the battle is decisive.

During the night transportation under the cover of night, most of the cars were equipped with headlights, which could dispel the darkness and perfectly transport the troops to the city of Datong.

But after arriving at the bottom of the city gate, the darkness of the night will also affect the offensive launched by the Eighth Route Army soldiers.

The devil officers guarding the city also hoped for this, hoping that with the cover of night and the solidity of the city wall, they would hold out until reinforcements arrived.

However, all of this is man-made.

After the battle to attack Datong broke out, Kong Jie had already thought of a solution to how to solve the problem of darkness at night.

In the dim night, the soldiers were attacking the outer fortifications set up by the Japanese army in Datong.

The Audio-Technica Air Defense Force used the captured long-distance searchlights, coupled with reflective lenses, to hide the searchlights as light sources in the fortifications, and use the lenses to reflect the light in the direction of the city gate.

A considerable number of generators were also transported along with it.

As soon as a large number of searchlights were turned on, the vast darkness was immediately dispelled, almost turning the entire battlefield into daylight.

The dazzling light that suddenly lit up in the darkness almost blinded the devil's eyes.

The little devils guarding the city panicked, and hurriedly deployed artillery, trying to use shells to directly destroy the searchlights of the Eighth Route Army.

It's a pity that even if the shell hit the target, it only shattered the refracted fragments that reflected the light.

As soon as the little devil fired such a dozen shells, the artillery soldiers on the Audio-Technica side immediately calculated the location of the devil's artillery position through the reverse trajectory of the ballistic.

Dozens of artillery pieces of caliber lined up directly, launched a firepower counterattack, and used searchlights as bait to destroy several artillery positions of the devils.

But the searchlights of the Eighth Route Army that the devils wanted to destroy were still intact.

The soldiers continued to attack the fortifications of the Japanese army with the help of lights, but the little devil was pierced by the strong light when he opened his eyes, and his vision was greatly affected. Basically can't see clearly.

no way.

It's dark under the lights!

The soldiers turned their backs to the light, so they were naturally not affected, and they could use the light to see clearly the situation on the devil's position.

Little devils are just the opposite.

This new tactic of attacking the city with the help of searchlights at night really amazed the soldiers of the 120th Division who also participated in the battle.

Everyone sighed in their hearts, it turns out that the battle can still be fought like this!
At this time, although Datong was a fortress that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, due to the fact that the Eighth Route Army troops in northern Shanxi had been attacking everywhere for many days, the defenders originally stationed in Datong were continuously transferred for reinforcements.

How can it withstand the repeated attacks of the Eighth Route Army troops under the city.

The two sides fought for less than two hours, and the outer fortifications outside the devil city all collapsed.

The defenders of the Japanese and puppet troops retreated into the city in embarrassment, sticking to the last fortifications of the city gate.

Under the heavy bombardment of the Eighth Route Army soldiers, almost all the towers of the main city gates in Datong were blown down.

The main force attacked the city frantically from all directions, regardless of priority, and the small elite combat troops were not idle.

Although the commando led by Duan Peng did not follow this time, but stayed near Licheng to fight.

However, select some experts from the 120th Division and practice rock climbing training these days. At night, when the main forces are fighting, they use rock climbing ropes to climb over the city wall and launch a surprise attack on the Japanese troops from the inside. things.

Still in winter.

What a long night!It was really a torment for the Japanese and puppet defenders.

Under the dark night, some old Japanese planes at Wuchagou Airport arrived, but they couldn't play any role, and they might be directly destroyed by the air defense troops concealed by the Eighth Route Army.

Licheng Airport was destroyed in one fell swoop by the commandos of the Eighth Route Army.

The devils defending the city can only pin their hopes on the reinforcements coming from all directions.

On the battlefield, the two sides had a fierce confrontation, and in a corner of the battlefield, some reporters who accompanied the army this time were even more excited and shocked, holding cameras and video cameras in their hands, and constantly filming the surprise attack of the Eighth Route Army troops on Datong, The magnificent scene of the siege at night.

The large number of searchlights illuminated the entire battlefield as if it were daytime.

Even if the camera is used to shoot at night, it will not affect the presentation of the photo content in the slightest.

The reporters who took the pictures even had countless thoughts in their hearts.

After the shooting of the battlefield, what kind of content and title will be used to spread the explosive military news that I saw with my own eyes to the outside world.

"Xiao Song, after the photos you took this time, will they be published?"

Inside a certain artillery fortification temporarily built by the forward command post, as Li Yunlong's temporary headquarters at this time, he turned his head and asked the accompanying reporters.

"Yes, Captain Li, and I can guarantee that once such a big scene is released, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

At that time, not to mention the whole of Shanxi, the whole of North China, even our whole of China, and even the international side will pay attention! "


Li Yunlong's expression became more and more excited, he thought for a while, and quickly shouted at Xiao Song:

"Such a good opportunity can't be wasted, if this battle is over, our old Li will be famous all over the country, even the whole world!
Hurry up, hurry up and take a few pictures for me alone, the lighting effect must be adjusted, and you will take pictures when I shout to kill in a while! "



Li Yunlong stared wide-eyed, holding the ghost head knife high.


Reporter Xiao Song took pictures of this scene, which was later admired by the world.

Before he finished taking pictures, Li Yunlong then shouted not far away: "Old Kong, come quickly and take two pictures!"

Kong Jie replied: "Don't, Lao Li, I'm not good at this, I'll leave all those photos of mine to you!"

"Haha, that's a good relationship!" Li Yunlong was not polite at all.

Compared with Li Yunlong and Kong Jie's full-scale attack on Datong, there is still an unforgetable leisurely mood.

On the other side, in the headquarters of the Japanese army stationed in Mongolia and the headquarters of the First Army, the devil officers were completely blown up in a panic.

Especially Yoshio Shinozuka, commander of the Devil's First Army, who has a better understanding of the Eighth Route Army units in the Taihang base area.

After the information about the Eighth Route Army troops attacking under the city of Datong was reported, Yoshio Shinozuka and Chief of Staff Beichuan looked at each other, their eyes full of horror.

The two immediately realized that the Eighth Route Army that was attacking Datong was by no means the Eighth Route Army in northern Shanxi.

From the opponent's equipment and strong tactics, it can be fully inferred that it may be the Eighth Route Army troops in the Taihang base.

"Could it be that damn Eighth Route Army Iron Triangle again?"

Bei Chuan, the devil's chief of staff, said in amazement after the analysis.

"Except for the Iron Triangle, it is absolutely impossible for any Eighth Route Army to have such a large number of mechanized combat troops."

Then a ghost staff officer said: "Just, general, judging from the reported situation, the attacking Eighth Route Army has a considerable number of mechanized combat vehicles, probably no less than an armored corps."

"Could it be... Could it be that the news released by that team a long time ago that they built an armored corps turned out to be true?"

As soon as this remark came out, the devil officers present at the meeting were immediately depressed.

They are also aware of the problem.

The point is that more than half a year ago, when a team spread the news that an armored corps had been built, the devil officers present at that time basically laughed at it, thinking that the Eighth Route Army was bluffing, which was absolutely impossible.

Didn't even bother to investigate.

If the Eight Routes really formed an armored corps, would they dare to say so swaggeringly?

Now he was slapped loudly in the face.

Is what people say about love always true?
As the commander of the First Army, Shinozuka Yoshio felt deeply frustrated, especially when this frustration came from a small Eighth Route Army detachment leader.

He has commanded the First Army all these years, and due to ineffective combat, he is about to step down. He originally wanted to shine in the end, and maybe he could turn things around.

Only then did they plot the battle against the Eighth Route Army's Huangyadong Arsenal and against Taihang's main force based on the Eighth Route Army.

As a result, in the end, the Eighth Route Army’s arsenal was not destroyed, not to mention that they were defeated in a disastrous defeat. These Eighth Route Army actually took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and plot Datong!

This really didn't take his first army seriously.

However, Yoshio Shinozuka had just experienced a disastrous defeat at this time, and he didn't have any extra vigor and troops to send his army north to reinforce Datong.

The First Army has basically been gutted. The 11th Regiment and the two cavalry troops stationed in the south of the Mongolian Army are still trapped in the siege of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army.

In desperation, the commander of the garrison in Mongolia and Yoshio Shinozuka, the two old devils, had no choice but to put down their faces, and even asked for help from the Japanese troops in Central China, South China, and Northeast China...

(End of this chapter)

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