The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 998 Our 8th Route Army is definitely not like that...

Chapter 998 Our Eighth Route Army is definitely not like that...

A large-scale battle involving Jin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Inner Mongolia, and even Beijing, involving the armed forces of both sides, including the Eighth Route Army, the Japanese Army, the Jinsui Army, the local National Army, and the Jiang Army. gradually came to an end.

The Eighth Route Army has become a well-deserved big winner.

The majesty of the Japanese army was completely lost, and the morale of the three armies weakened a lot.

After the battle, the Japanese army was like a wounded beast, even if it still had a lingering power, it just licked and wiped its wounds.

The loss of human and material resources needs to be filled everywhere.

The stability of the public security districts is in turmoil, and the quasi-public security districts are even more precarious.

For the time being, the Japanese army did not have the mind, nor did they have the energy to take larger military actions against the Eighth Route Army troops.

For the troops of the Eighth Route Army after the great victory, it is an excellent time to end the battle, to repair, supplement, learn, and grow rapidly in the war, and to rise rapidly through post-war summary and learning.

The various base areas took the opportunity to open up connections with each other and completely broke the Japanese blockade.

Further expand the influence and results of this battle in the local struggle.

On the other side, there are some people who are mixed.

For example, our chairman, following the large-scale confrontation between the Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army, after he really pulled his wrists.

When the battle came to an end, the Eighth Route Army became the victor.

Our chairman's heart is quite complicated.

On the one hand, I am happy that the Eighth Route Army once again defeated the Japanese army, and it was such a large-scale victory that was superimposed by multiple battles. This will inevitably form a greater containment of the Japanese army in the enemy's rear, making it impossible for the Japanese army to shift its focus to the frontal battlefield.

This will greatly reduce the combat pressure of his Jiang army troops on the frontal battlefield.

On the one hand, it is depressing. Since the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, many patriotic officers and soldiers of Jiang Jun have fought desperately with the Japanese invaders on the frontal battlefield.

In this regard, Your Excellency the Chairman can attribute these to the strong industrial strength of the Japanese army. The Japanese army is well-equipped and has amazing combat effectiveness.

But it was the Japanese army that made the Jiang army's troops on the frontal battlefield pale when they heard about it, but lost to those mere Eighth Route Army troops in the enemy's rear.

There is no harm without comparison.

With the end of this battle, as the battles spread across many provinces, images of the Eighth Route Army bravely resisting the Japanese and beating up the Japanese invaders emerged. Under the spread of propaganda in various provinces and places, more and more ordinary people expressed their dissatisfaction with the Eighth Route Army's anti-Japanese actions. The heroic deeds are becoming more and more popular, and it is indeed what the people want.

So depression quickly turned into worry and fear.

Your Excellency the chairman is very worried!He was worried that the growing strength of the Eighth Route Army would threaten his absolute position sooner or later.

With the shift of people's hearts, if this continues, the anti-Japanese armed forces in the entire land of China, the people may only know the Eighth Route Army, but not Jiang Jun!

What should I do?


During the meeting of the Jiang Jun Military Committee, the chairman slapped the table fiercely, and said very clearly: "Niang Xipi, since the outbreak of the Pacific War, we have declared war on Japan in an all-round way. The Japanese army is present on two or more fronts. The Pacific battlefield , Southeast Asian battlefields have their presence.

The quality of the Japanese army in China has obviously declined seriously.

Right now, even the mere Eighth Route Army in the enemy's rear can turn the Japanese army upside down.

You are all Huangpu elites, battle-tested generals.

Could it be that the Eighth Route Army can win battles, but our Central Army can only lose one defeat after another? "

The chairman who became more and more angry looked at the generals in front of him who looked a little dodgy, and even lowered their heads, and then thought about what the Eighth Route Army troops were doing.

The Li Yunlong and Kong Jie who came back, just the team leader and detachment leader, can win a big victory.

He felt more and more pity, why did so many generals and elites capable of fighting all go to the camp of the Eighth Route Army?

Of course, there are also long faces in the national army.

For example, Commander Fu, the commander of the 35th Route Army, took advantage of the battle between the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese army to surprise attack Baotou, the base camp of the Mongolian Army, and won a lot of victories.

The chairman is naturally exaggerating about this.

It's just that these records are not enough compared to the victories won by the Eighth Route Army, and the light is completely covered.

"Mother Xipi, fight! Take the opportunity to launch an active attack on the frontal battlefield, and catch the Japanese army by surprise!"

To the chairman who thought he was a military expert, he issued an order in a rage.

So...perhaps because of the victorious battles fought by the Eighth Route Army, the Central Army on the frontal battlefield launched an attack on the Japanese defense area.

So... the little devil was very happy. Originally, he lost all face because of his disastrous defeat at the hands of the Eighth Route Army. He was planning to fight a few victories to re-consolidate the military prestige of the empire!The Central Army is here, and if you really doze off, someone will send you a pillow!
So... in just three days, there were three battlefields and six battles. The Central Army used more than three divisions successively, but they were defeated and lost more than 3000 troops.

So...Jiang Jun, who had been defeated repeatedly, was beaten honestly now.

Obviously, even if the Japanese army is already a skinny camel, they are not something they can bully.

The publicity as a fig leaf spread quickly:
The good name is:
In order to cooperate with the Eighth Route Army in the enemy's rear, our Central Army launched an active attack on the Japanese army on the frontal battlefield. The emptiness of troops greatly supported the advancement of the enemy's rear battlefield.

Listening to the meaning of this, it is short of saying that the Eighth Route Army can win battles behind the enemy lines, all relying on the heroic fighting of our Central Army on the frontal battlefield.

The former enemy headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

When the deputy chief of staff slowly read out the report issued by Jiang Jun, the cadres were speechless for a moment.

What else can you say?

People Jiang Jun said that the offensive launched on the frontal battlefield contained the Japanese army's strength and covered the battle behind the enemy's battlefield, so it is also a credit for him!


"Mother Hippie!!!"

After the disastrous defeat of the multi-party attack, the chairman scolded fiercely, and he finally realized that the Eighth Route Army was able to win the battle not because the Japanese army was too weak.

At least the Japanese army they were facing was still too strong for them to attack.

From this point of view, this frontal offensive will not work, so we can only find another way.

what way?Soon someone spoke to the Chairman:

"After the Hundred Regiments War ended, the Japanese army has shifted a large part of its focus to the battlefield against the Eighth Route Army troops behind the enemy.

It's just that although the Japanese army began to pay attention to dealing with the Eighth Route Army, they still didn't shift all their focus. They still didn't give up fighting on the frontal battlefield.

This time the Japanese army suffered a disastrous defeat at the hands of the Eighth Route Army. They should fully wake up. For their Japanese troops, the greatest threat is no longer our Central Army troops on the frontal battlefield, but those who are behind the enemy. the Eighth Route Army.

To this end, Chairman, we might as well add another fire! "

"What fire?"

"Hold and kill!"

"Help publicize the heroic achievements of the Eighth Route Army in defeating the Japanese army, especially the rapid development of the Eighth Route Army troops, excellent equipment, and strong combat effectiveness, and further acknowledge and even publicly state that the Eighth Route Army is an indelible backbone against the Japanese army.

We can even arrange for all the international reporters to go there, and through further interviews, more and more hidden strengths of the Eighth Route Army will be exposed, so as to arouse the Japanese army's growing fear.

In this way, sooner or later the Japanese army will put all its focus on the Eighth Route Army! "

In deep thought, the chairman touched his head, which was gradually bald due to worrying about state affairs and starved of food and clothing. His face, which had been gloomy for several days, finally turned into a smile.

That's how things settled.


At this time, the farce that Jiang Jun took the initiative to attack the Japanese army came to an end.

The large-scale battle between the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese army has all ended, and only some local exchanges of fire have not stopped.

So far, the winter counterattack launched by the Shanxi Northwest Anti-Japanese Independent First Team led by Kong Jie has completely entered the final stage.

As the most dazzling protagonist in this entire battle.

There are not a few reporters who want to punch Kong Jie's idea. Fortunately, Kong Jie's brain turned quickly, and he found reporter Shen to help him publish a report, deliberately emphasizing that after the surprise attack of Datong by the mechanized combat troops, they penetrated long distances, and even penetrated the entire Luzhong area. fight.

It was under the unified command of the wise old brigade commander, the new first regiment, the new second regiment, the first team, and the former Iron Triangle's concerted efforts, and under the overall layout of the general headquarters, this victory was won.

No matter who is responsible for it, it is always the leader's credit. This is absolutely true!

The fact is also true, whether it is Kong Jie and Li Yunlong's combat plan to surprise Datong with a quick response force, or the interspersed combat plan that the follow-up troops will split into two groups and join forces in Luzhong.

Without the decisive judgment and strong support of the wise commanders of the Eighth Route Army headquarters, as well as the overall arrangements and cooperation, it would have been impossible to achieve the final results.

This is called up and down!
Then, with the help of reporters from various countries in the reporter circle of reporter Shen, when receiving those international reporters.

Kong Jie didn't change his face, he almost patted his chest, and said repeatedly:

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! This is Chi Luoluo's slander, and the Japanese invaders, as invaders, have no good intentions.

How can the Japanese army say it is so exaggerated?

At most we killed a few captains, and there was quite a commotion, but in fact not many devils were killed, and the little devils deliberately screamed miserably and falsely reported the battle damage.

How can there be any results, the Japanese army ran too fast, and the supplies and equipment left early in the morning. Datong was the Japanese army who voluntarily gave up defense. When we attacked the city, the devils didn't see a few.

Of course, for so many years, who doesn't know that our Eighth Route Army is behind the enemy, surrounded by enemies in all directions, there is no reinforcement at all, and the government cut off our military pay many years ago.

Life is hard, and sometimes I don't even have to eat grass roots.

When it comes to winter, there are far more soldiers who freeze to death and suffer from frostbite than war casualties.

Our Eighth Route Army is mainly based on guerrilla warfare.

The soil in the base area is barren, there is not even enough food to eat, and there is no military industry foundation at all.

There is absolutely no ability to engage in large-scale combat with the Japanese army, and it is absolutely impossible to have a large number of cars, tanks, armored vehicles, and heavy artillery as the devils said.

Yes, our Eighth Route Army is definitely not like that! ! !

This time we were able to win this battle, all thanks to all our soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who sacrificed their lives and united as one.

As the saying goes, those who are in a daze are afraid of dying. Our Eighth Route Army is this kind of team that is willing to die for the sake of the nation.

... It is clear that the Japanese army is making excuses for their incompetence! "

As the saying goes, seeing is believing.

Kong Jie was afraid that the reporters would not believe it, so he took the reporters to the camps and base areas of some newly formed brigades of the 129th Division to conduct on-the-spot interviews.

When I saw with my own eyes the hardships of these Eighth Route Army troops, even the military uniforms could not be unified, and the old sleeves made in Hanyang were all backward.

The reporters really became suspicious of recent rumors about the national army and the Japanese army.

In this regard, Brigadier Zhao of the new brigade was aggrieved, and went to the boss to complain:
"Boss, look, what does that kid Kong Jie think of our brigade! Is it a poor household who is specially used to fool those reporters?"

In this regard, the boss coughed twice and said: "I can't thank you, Kong Jie said that I can send a batch of supplies to your brigade."

"Haha, Boss, why don't everyone say that old Kong is real, and he has become richer, and he doesn't forget us old comrades in arms!" Brigadier Zhao left happily after getting such a guarantee, wishing that Kong Jie would take the reporter with him Let's come a few more times.

Subsequently, the reporter interviewed some ordinary people in the base areas.

The common people even talked about how difficult the life of the troops of the Eighth Route Army was, and sometimes they even relied on the help of the common people to barely survive, and they talked a lot vividly.

So far, the reporters have no doubts about Kong Jie's words.

In addition, Reporter Shen cooperated with Kong Jie to produce a special report.

"On the Eighth Route Army's Magic Weapon to Fight Against the Japanese in Absolute Adversity——Absolute Faith and Will!" "

In this report, the two start from a special perspective on the huge influence that belief has on a person, an army, and even a party.

Quoting extensively, constantly demonstrating, and since the Anti-Japanese War, many battles between China and Japan have been used as materials and conclusions.

In the end, it is concluded that the belief and firm belief that will win is the magic weapon for ultimate victory and the most important core conclusion in the anti-aggression war.

However, the troops of the Eighth Route Army were in a severe and difficult situation, so they were able to walk out of the final road to victory in overcoming obstacles.

Relying on such a steely will and unwavering belief.

After this report was released, it was supported by the propaganda department of the Eighth Route Army.

Soon, the focus of all forces was successfully shifted from the equipment development and strength enhancement of the Eighth Route Army to the analysis and attention of the Eighth Route Army's absolute belief and willpower.

After thorough publicity, it became an excellent stage for the Eighth Route Army to publicize its beliefs and further expand its national and even international influence.

After the poor chairman learned of this, he realized that he would not be able to reciprocate by stealing chickens, so he scolded his mother Xipi in a daze...

(End of this chapter)

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