StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 172 The Revolutionary Upsurge in the Frontier Town

Chapter 172 The Revolutionary Upsurge in the Frontier Town

In late October 2489, the change of seasons and the alternation of warm and cold on the main star of Mar Sara were not obvious.The weather was still scorching hot, but fortunately, it had just rained in Echo Town half an hour ago, and there was an arched rainbow in the sky.

Compared with the past, the sheriff's office of the Echo Township Police Station has a set of log tables, chairs and bookshelves. Augustus is leaning on his bench, holding a cup of military-style instant espresso in his hand.For more than a month, Augustus basically spent in the police office, which has actually become the command center of the Revolutionary Army in Mar Sara, and Echo Town is their actual back garden.

It has been more than three months since the battle called the Siege of Tarsonis by UNN Cosmos News Network and several colonial TV stations. The revolutionary army fleet and the terrorist organization "Sons of Keha" that only appeared once have disappeared.The politicians in Tarsonis breathed a sigh of relief, saying in public many times that the rebels had been wiped out.

Fearing that the core world would be raided again by the remnants of the revolutionary fleet, many fleets had already returned to their bases.Only the Alpha Squadron is still persistently searching for the traces of the Revolutionary Army fleet. Colonel Edmund Duke, who thinks he has been played by Augustus, is full of anger and has nowhere to vent.

There was a large stack of documents in front of Augustus. Although he did not put both hands on the table, the stack of documents was still moving without wind, as if an invisible hand was flipping through them.

"Judge Ada of the Echo Town Court has written a letter asking you to investigate in detail the revolutionary pamphlets that have been circulated in the town recently. Arrest those reactionary and fearful The Korha rebels and their despicable accomplices, he wants you to immediately silence those discordant voices and arrest one or two masterminds."

After the words fell, a pair of tight long legs dressed in black combat boots appeared in front of Augustus, followed by a curvy waist and hips and iconic fiery red long hair.Ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan was standing next to Augustus reading the file, and asked Augustus as she flipped through it: "How are you going to reply to him?"

"I will deal with it as soon as possible." Augustus took a sip of coffee: "If he urges me again, then reply that he will deal with it immediately."

"The sheriff of Hiero Autonomous State, Rod Fowles Slater, wrote to praise you as the most outstanding sheriff in Hilo, because you not only eradicated the drug trafficking problem in Echo Town, but also cracked down on the towns including Echo Town, Redstone Town, Briarwood, and Psalm Station, the crime rate in these four areas has dropped to the lowest in ten years." Kerrigan turned to the next document.

"He has approved your establishment of the Ridge Plains Civil Defense Force equivalent to two full militia companies with 320 people." Kerrigan said: "He will provide you with a matching structure within two months. Kinetic armor, Gauss rifles, grenades and other military supplies."

With the end of the four-year Kailian War, the Tyrann Federation's military industry is still producing kinetic energy armor, guns and weapons, and multi-functional vehicles, and is working hard to expand sales.Arms dealers are used to making a fortune through war, and cannot bear the sudden drop in profits due to diminishing sales. They have already earned enough reputation and money, but they still feel that it is not enough.

A group of founding family companies headed by the Brubaker family of arms dealers and the Bennett family, the leader of the shipbuilding industry, began to advocate the threat theory of the Keha rebels. The dignitaries and anyone else who could afford them sold obsolete arms.

In this year, weapons and vehicles such as CMC-200 power armor, E-series Gauss rifles, and vulture vehicles, which were originally prohibited from being sold to the outside world, began to flow into the arms market on a large scale—of course, due to the "initial opening of purchase restrictions", the selling price Of course quite expensive.

It is possible for private armed forces and mercenaries to hold power armor and Gauss rifles on a large scale.With the widespread popularity of CMC-300 in the military, the planetary defense forces and regional militias on colonial planets such as Mar Sara have also received a large number of eliminated CMC-200 power armor.

However, these armors will not be replenished in large quantities after they are damaged, and the militia must be repaired to survive the next equipment replacement that may be more than ten years away.

"Judge Slater is a good man, I hope I can have a chance to buy him a drink." Augustus put down his coffee cup and smiled.He knew very well that this Judge Slater had nothing to do with good people, but he always acted neatly.As long as Augustus can get the grades, then there will be people and money.

Agents of the Keha August Security Committee under Augustus have investigated the backgrounds and preferences of almost all officials in the Hiero Autonomous Prefecture in detail. Small problems.

For example, Rod Fowles Slater, the magistrate of Hero State, is quite a money-grubbing person, and his penchant for female sex is also beyond ordinary people.

Greedy and lustful, but very capable.

The Slater family is a branch of the founding family, the Flanders family. Most of the colonial governors or judicial officers are related to a certain founding family, because these positions are not elected, but by Tarsonis. Appointed directly by the federal government.

Few of these people can resist corruption. They are used to the prosperous life of Tarsonis, and coming to the wild wasteland of Mar Sara is a kind of exile in a sense.

"Is there anyone else looking for me?" Augustus sat up straight, picked up the file and began to read it.

A sheriff in a small town is pretty much at ease in a world where crime rates have plummeted.Usually, the cases are handed over to the following sheriffs, and when the police are called out, Tychus is allowed to do it.

"The residents of the town jointly wrote you a letter of thanks." Kerrigan handed Augustus a paper letter sealed in an envelope.

"It's in the box where I keep my letters. I'll read it tonight." Augustus looked at the light yellow paper letter and suddenly felt sad. His mother often wrote him letters, and he slowly developed the habit of reading them in the evenings after training.

"Is there any progress in the Purgatory Corridor mining area?" Augustus asked again.

"The chief engineer, Swan, led people to dig out tons and tons of crystal mines. The rich ore layer is almost all Ardion crystals, but the signal source that emits a lot of interference electromagnetic waves is still not dug out." Kerrigan pulled a A chair sat down beside Augustus.

"It's almost November, and we've been digging in the Purgatory Corridor for a month." Augustus organized the files and put them in the filing cabinet.

"What did Swann say, how long before he can dig that thing?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssesses-pass me my toolbox, man." Kerrigan imitating Swann's characteristic thick voice."

"I already have his voice in my head. But even if the signal source is not discovered, the crystals we collect are equivalent to a week's production of the Arcturus Peak mining area." Augustus said: "Add On the ones that Arcturus transferred into my Umoyan account, I now have about 550 billion Umoyan citizen points in my hand, and I can buy one or two Kemerian Hercules battlecruisers .”

Augustus also received news that his elder brother, Arcturus Mengsk, the eldest son of Mengsk, resolutely led a huge mining fleet of tens of thousands of people to the Sectors other than the Koprulu sector.At the same time, an organization called the Sons of Keha also took root on the colonial planets of the Tyrann Federation.

In order to revive Korhal, Arcturus Mengsk resolutely went further and further on the road of the mine boss.With the financial support of his elder brother, it is impossible for Augustus to be too short of money.

"The only thing I worry about is whether the Camerian Federation still has sovereignty over its home planet, Moria, after the defeat." After speaking, Augustus stood up, pushed open the door of the office and walked out of the police station. Sarah Kerrigan followed her invisibly.

"The news is that many of the inhabitants of the Ky Morian mining planets were deported back to Moria, and only a few planets are still under the control of the Ky Morian fleet. Due to the return of the colony population, the population of Moria has now broken through Four billion—a horrific number, and the barren lands of Moria are already overwhelmed," Kerrigan said as Augustus walked out of his office.

"However, the government of Moria sternly rejected the Federation's agreement to establish outposts and military bases in Moria. They would rather block all interstellar ports and close the country than allow the Federation's troops to enter Moria."

There were more than a dozen second-level police officers in the outer office of the police station. After seeing Augustus, these police officers immediately stood up and saluted Augustus with a straight posture.

These police officers are the backbone officers of the Revolutionary Army and the political commissars of the Pan-Taylon Party who are responsible for the ideological work of the army. It is firmly in the hands of Augustus and the Angus government.

In name, the Echo Town Police Department also draws wages from the federal central government, but in fact, all of them are members of the rebel army that the federal government hates deeply.

The Tarsonis Federation Council and the founding families have never imagined that the rebels are hiding under their noses. They did not become weak because of their constant wandering in the universe, but hid in Mar Sara to recuperate.

"Keep working. There is still a long way to go to overthrow the tyranny of the Federation." Augustus looked at these energetic soldiers and nodded with satisfaction.

"For freedom, for Keha, for the New Republic!" These revolutionary soldiers in the police uniforms of the colonial police shouted loudly.

Then Augustus walked out of the gate of the police station, showing that in front of him was a swept bluestone road. On both sides of the road were colonial huts with reddish-brown roofs. The dark orange sky was cloudless. The patrolling police officer pulling the pony was passing the police station.

After living here for a period of time, Augustus actually felt that Mar Sara was a good place—in the rare weather when there was no sandstorm that blocked the sky.

Since Augustus came to Echo Town to clean up the town's gangs and criminal groups and use the power of the sheriff to formulate new regulations, the changes in this frontier town are obvious.

The most intuitive feeling is that the streets of Echo Town have become cleaner and tidier, because people who litter will be fined if they are caught by the police station, and the gangsters who randomly graffiti on the walls have never returned to him after being arrested. at home...

A small town in the middle of the desert has suddenly changed since then, since almost all criminals have been caught, even at night there are police patrols, the residents of Echo Town now dare to go out at night without carrying guns up.

And because the generation of the three religions and nine streams were sent to the mining area by Augustus, the local folk industry was also hit hard. Only the support of the two strip clubs Intexus has been able to support it until now.

At the same time, the advanced ideas brought by the revolutionary army have completely infiltrated the streets and alleys of Echo Town.Because the people of Mar Sara originally had a spirit of resistance not inferior to that of the Keha people, after the destruction of Keha IV, there were more Keha sympathizers here than on any other colonial planet.

The reason why Augustus chose to settle in Mar Sara temporarily after evacuating Tarsonis was that, in addition to the remote location of Mar Sara, the abundance of rich mines, and the possession of a fragment of the Sarnaga artifact, it was also because this place also nourished the revolution. Fertile soil.

Spreading revolutionary ideas to the Mar Sara did not cause any unexpected backlash, and what happened was exactly what Augustus had expected: as the Revolutionary Army fighters began to infiltrate the surrounding towns in scattered numbers, The revolutionary trend of thought has gradually affected more than a dozen small towns, which is close to one-third of the population of Hiero Autonomous Prefecture.

Just across from the gate of the police station where Augustus was standing, the LED billboards on the original street were blatantly printed with caricatures and jokes against federal tyranny. Residents of Echo Town began to talk about politics loudly in public, expressing Dissatisfied with the Tyrannian Federation, the Pan-Talonian Party began to try to develop party members in Mar Sara, and a huge underground party network consisting of thousands of people gradually took shape.

This is also the reason why Judge Ada asked Augustus to thoroughly investigate this matter, not only in Echo Town, but also in all the police stations where members of the Pan-Tayran underground party are stationed.

It can be said that as long as Augustus wants, he can launch an uprising in Hiero Autonomous Prefecture.But this is not the goal of Augustus. He is used to making plans before taking action. He will only consider launching the next plan after the underground party organizations of the Pantelun Party spread throughout Mar Sara.

Step by step, spreading revolutionary ideas from planet to planet, these influences will eventually accumulate until the rule of the Tyranid Federation is overthrown.

And now Augustus has fourteen battlecruisers in his hands, six of which are moored in Umoyan and eight in the Sara galaxy.

The strength is much weaker than the federal fleet, but it is enough to compete with a naval squadron or the armed forces of a colony.

The closest friendly army to Augustus is the two colonial fleets led by Kidd, the demon of heaven, with about 100 million kha civilians and revolutionary soldiers. It is more than 1000 light-years away from Mar Sara and has already left Koprulu Sector.

"Will this attract the attention of the Tyranid Federation?" Looking at the billboard opposite, Kerrigan asked Augustus worriedly.

"That's for sure." Augustus spread his hands: "It would be a joke if they didn't respond."

"But by the time they react, the Revolutionary Party has already taken root in Ma Saraza, and our fleet can also withdraw." He said: "According to common sense, they will first send the militia and the Planetary Defense Force to investigate, and then Then came the Union Marine Corps.

"After a while, we will jump away before their fleet arrives."

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  I tried the Interstellar Tavern today, and it feels okay.I hope that the half-dead interstellar will gradually get better.

(End of this chapter)

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