Great Sui Storyteller

Chapter 238 237. Paradox

Chapter 238 237. Paradox
Zhang Dasheng blinked...

As if he didn't hear Li Zhen's words clearly, he said:
"What did you say?"

"I said, I will help you."

Wearing a somewhat dirty Taoist robe, the young Taoist showed a trace of... In Zhang Dasheng's view, a very inexplicable emotion.

This kind of emotion made Zhang Dasheng feel a little dazed for a while.

He helps us?

help us... what?
Help... help us find a baby?
Did he believe our poor excuse?
Zhang Dasheng was really confused.

But what Li Zhen thought was actually quite simple.

As the saying goes, don't say that others are kind without others suffering.

If there is no such incident, "monster race" is just an unscientific biological classification for him.

But after experiencing those monster cubs who were locked in an iron cage with Wu Zizi's sons, when all thoughts were lost, they saw the look in their eyes full of desire to survive...

Li Zhen understood.

In fact, everyone is the same.

Everyone wants to survive.

Although it is full of the paradox of "the murderer's child grows up to be a murderer", but also, in his opinion, what is the biggest difference between humans and animals?
How to differentiate?




Ethnic consciousness?


From this direction, there are people, and there are monsters.

We are all creatures with social civilization ideology.

Although everyone has been fighting from ancient times to the present... Logically speaking, the relationship between the human race and the monster race should be a relationship that ebbs and flows...

The weaker the Yaozu, the better.

But the problem... At least, as a modern person, or as a Taoist priest who knows what "emergency avoidance" is.

Li Zhen felt that at some point, unless there was an existential crisis.

Otherwise, things like you eat me and I eat you... always make people feel a little uncomfortable.

Yes, the Yaozu cubs are also Yaozu.

Yes, when they grow up, they may avenge their kindness and start a war to hit you.

Some "children" can be caught to make alchemy, just for the sake of "great tonic" or "longevity".

At least on this point, no matter what others call hypocrisy or hypocrisy.

Li Zhen couldn't accept it.

What's more, he is very familiar with the scene in front of him.

The Yaozu lost their child.

The Yaozu came to find him, a Taoist priest.

The demon clan came to attack him...

No matter how you look at the script, no matter how you use it, it is the sequel to Qiemo City.

Obviously, there is more than one Qiu Cunfeng in this world.

It seems that there are still many Qiu Cunfeng in unknown corners.

It's okay if you can't see it.

But now that we have met... having fewer scumbags is always good for the world.

The young Taoist didn't seem to think it was a lie at all, or what, he expressed his perception according to his own heart.

Zhang Dasheng was completely speechless.

However, speechless is speechless, looking at the Taoist priest in front of him at this moment, there is a different kind of doubt and emotion in his heart.

Is he really a Taoist priest?
This is doubt.

I saved him for nothing.

This is touching.

But immediately these emotions and doubts, as Zhang Ersheng stood up behind him, all of them were suppressed by reason.

Sensing that Zhang Ersheng's breath had calmed down, he shook his head directly:
"We don't need your help."

After speaking, he waved his hand forward.

A puff of smoke and mist mixed with an inexplicable fragrance rushed towards Li Zhen.

As soon as the breath arrived, Li Zhen felt his head was a little blurry.Subconsciously held his breath and retreated quickly.And the fragrant wind did not spread after the master's qi was gone.

When the wind blows, there is nothing left.

He didn't chase.

The smoke cleared, and the two of them climbed up the wall and left.


Li Zhen stood there for a moment...

Finally there was a sigh.



"Sister, what should we do? Why is this Taoist priest again? Is he some evil spirit that lingers?"

"Go back first and tell the clan brother about this matter. If it doesn't work, let's find another house. This Taoist priest is not bad, and we have exposed our identities again... we need to stay away from him."

"He won't tell the government?"

Hearing this, Zhang Dasheng rubbed his face and tore off a jelly like human skin.

"He didn't recognize us by our appearance. We couldn't even find out... Are you okay?"

"'s just that the mist figure is weird. Unlike the one who launched the concealed weapon last time, this time, as soon as I came into contact with him, I felt that my power was sucked away..."


Zhang Dasheng stopped talking and supported him, and the two brothers returned to the servant area of ​​the Zhenshen Pen under the cover of the dark night.

It was quiet in the servants' quarters.

The restlessness that happened to them tonight did not affect this side in the slightest.

And just when the two returned to their respective houses, Zhang Ersheng suddenly asked:
"elder sister."


"The Taoist said... er... If our relatives are really caught, he will help us. Is it true?"

"have a rest."

Zhang Dasheng didn't answer, and after explaining, he quietly disappeared into the dark wooden door.


The sky is bright.

Li Zhen got up.

Last night, after the two "acquaintances" left, he didn't sleep much.

After washing up, he led the old horse out the door.

After going out, he didn't go to Dongshi, but walked along the frozen Luoshui River, came to the bridge leading to Beicheng, crossed the bridge, and came all the way to this piece of Beicheng, which looked clean and elegant compared to the bustle of Nancheng.

The early court time of this era, according to later generations, is six to seven o'clock.

The time when Li Zhenlai came was the time when he went to court, and it was also the time when every household replenished their food and clothing expenses.So there were no ministers to be seen along the way, but there were more traffickers and pawns pushing carts and driving horses.

There is some meat in the car.

Green vegetables in winter are scarce and not so popular yet.

You have to come inside the palace first.

And these vendors are all dressed in clean clothes.

Only a sloppy contestant like Li Laodao, because his clothes were not ready, unwashed, with a dirty Taoist robe, and an old horse with a bad coat, it looks like an old horse has entered the CBD of the city. beggar...

That's an eye-catcher.

Whoever sees who dislikes it.

But because he only walks, he didn't say where to visit for alms.

So the soldiers guarding the door ignored him.

Most people dare not come here.And those who dare to come here, no matter how badly dressed they are, it is difficult to speculate about something wrong.

In a word, don't look for trouble for nothing.

Li Zhen stopped and stopped all the way in the Fangshi houses in the northern city, stopping the traffickers and pawns to ask for directions.

Finally, he came to the gate of a mansion with no soldiers guarding it and no servants guarding the gate.

"Lee Mansion"

Looking at the two characters of Zhongzheng and Dignity on the plaque, Li Zhen nodded.

This should be it.

 The second Christmas that a family of three spent together, Hei Hei.Although it is too late for you to read this chapter, I still want to say to everyone: Merry Christmas.In addition... there are only two chapters today, and the festival is over.ok~
(End of this chapter)

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