Chapter 384.

The whole army is assembled and ready to meet the enemy.

This is an order from the Grand Commander.

From the panic of the sudden collapse of the two strong city walls at the beginning, to now seeing that the Sui army retreated, they gradually calmed down.

Wu Duan'er's order was like a shot in the arm for these soldiers.

Completely set their hearts.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

This... started from the discovery of a small group of Sui troops who were intercepted and killed by the commander's personal soldiers while patrolling, until the Sui army got the news that the army was under pressure...

Although the sudden battle disrupted the rhythm of the beginning of spring, but also in this battle, these "insurgents" who were originally either gathering crowds to steal or bent down to work in agriculture, almost every day during this month Everyone had a face-to-face meeting with Sui Jun.

Everyone saw blood.

Although there are victories and defeats, but... many people still find that Qiu Ba and the others who were originally synonymous with "untouchable" in their eyes... seem to be the only thing about fighting power.

Although the strength of a single player is inferior...but it can't stand their many people.Those Sui troops were only 2 at full count, and now there are at most [-] left?
Ants kill elephants.

They bleed too, and they die too.

It will also lose its armor and armor and be defeated.

In the rebel army, there are their friends and their enemies.But no matter how you say it, everyone is a brother who stirs the spoon in the pot.

This month, nearly [-] brothers died, and they also had a fire in their hearts.

Now that the city wall is broken, the Sui army in the distance seems to be overwhelming.

Come on then.

Good man, with blood!
Dance with pride.

Who is afraid of who?

It's just...why does my general look so strange...

but it does not matter.

This doubt was quickly replaced by another surge of pride and ambition.

Commander, here we come!

Wearing an armored military uniform, the armor is shiny and shiny, and in the brilliance without a trace of stain, the commander-in-chief riding on an extremely handsome tall horse is looking over!

Fanatic looks appeared on everyone's faces.

It is the Grand Commander who led us to where we are today!
He once personally promised us to create a world "without corvee and war", where everyone has enough food and clothing!
So, I and others followed the commander, step by step to today!

In a battle formation with a great commander, we have never been defeated!
The Great Commander is the most dazzling sun that stabilizes the morale of the army!


I don't know how many people's breathing became heavy. When the commander passed by him, he tried his best to tense up, showing his murderous intent and bravery!
Gradually... more than 6 soldiers fought one by one, as if they had been infected, and there was no timidity in the air, replaced by enthusiasm and a slight excitement that couldn't wait.

To create a world without corvee and war! ! !
Let's start with... turning these Sui troops into stepping stones for our meritorious deeds... let's start!

Tens of thousands of rebels couldn't help looking in the direction of the Sui army.

Killing intent is full!

"Desire is the soil that breeds ambition."

In a trance, Wu Duaner, who was riding a horse, looked at the Sui army that was beginning to gather in the distance, and a calm and cold voice rang in his ears.

That was the advice given to me by the servant before I came out of Guanzhong.

But at that time, as a miserable person who had just killed someone and was in constant panic, he couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

Not to mention desires... His only desire at the time was to be able to fly far away without dragging his wife and children down, hoping that they would live a good life.


If this desire to survive can be considered ambition.

Then he also admitted.

However, when he came to Hedong, relying on those unreasonable soldiers, he quickly changed from an unknown person to a well-known bandit in the Taihang generation...

Thinking of this, Wu Duan'er couldn't help but a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

Since when did I become what I am now?
He wants to live.

I want to live well.

I want to walk in the world openly and aboveboard with a lot of money.

Returning home in fine clothes, to pick up his wife and children.

And the tens of thousands of soldiers under him are his confidence!

These soldiers are like his reminders at the same time.

When every soldier joins the newcomer, a certain voice will remind him invisibly...

His chess piece... is getting closer to the day of being eliminated.





The stronger the strength, the more desperate he is.

The more you want, the more fear you feel.

Why...why I already have [-] troops.


Facing that mysterious lord servant, why didn't I have the courage to face him?
Could it be, one hundred thousand sergeants.

One hundred thousand children.

In his eyes, are they all just chickens and dogs?

How dare he treat me like this! ?
Don't accept it.



Every time he wanted to do something out of the ordinary, there would be a chill behind him.

And this chill is the sense of oppression brought by the three thousand "personal soldiers" who will not leave him even if he transfers orders.

These soldiers are the capital of their own fame.


These pawns are also tokens that force him to die.

The man is seven feet long, and his stalwart body pierces the sky.

But... no matter how hard she struggles, she still can't escape the worldly love, hatred, hatred, hatred, and ignorance.


From the moment I "disobeyed", there are some things that have no room for recovery, right?

Thinking of this, a trace of self-mockery flashed in his eyes.

Turning his head to look to the left and right, he found that the soldiers who were still behind him just now had turned into a phalanx at some point. Except for the blankness in front, the retreat route behind had been completely blocked.

Even, relying on years of familiarity, he also discovered... a lot of personal soldiers, about a thousand of them have not come.

They disappeared.

Wu Duan'er was not surprised.

Come to think of it, these disappearing people have already used their own methods to stare at the group of people who must be killed on their list in the dark?
At the same time, it also cut off its own back road.

The faces of the silent two thousand soldiers were calm.

There was a chill in the calm eyes.

From the perspective of others, it was the calm that elites should have.

But Wuduaner understands.

There is only one meaning in their eyes.

"Don't back off. Back off, die!"

At this time, the sound of horseshoes sounded.

Hearing the movement, Wu Duan'er instinctively looked over.

It's Zhang Da.

At some point, his old subordinate came to him.

Wu Duan'er could not see any timidity before the coming of the war on his face, but only an uncontrollable excitement and hatred.

He knew what Zhang Da hated again.

Hate the Sui army.I also hate those Sui troops who are clearly Jianghu gangs, but colluded with officers and soldiers to force their companions to betray themselves.

In order to track him down, the Sui army forced his mother to death.

And after he and himself became bandits in the Taihang generation, the clansmen in the village whipped his old father for "sight and hearing".

And those gangs also arrested his original wife in order to force him back.

Three fingers were cut off and sent to Hedong.

Zhang Da hated the Sui army, the Jianghu, and the whole world.


Wu Duan'er watched him come in front of her.

"In a while, let me take the lead! Those Sui troops are vulnerable, I am willing to be the vanguard! I will kill them all!"

The firm words uttered from Zhang Da's mouth showed the fearlessness of a moth to a flame.

He knew that he must die, but he couldn't see the slightest fear in his eyes.

Staring at the faces of his subordinates, Wu Duan'er couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Zhang Da... Is he hating the world?

Are you still regretting that you are alive?

Obviously he has more than a dozen beautiful wives here, regardless of age, and several children call him "Father".

Why couldn't he, like the others, leave a way out for himself?

Obviously I don't have military talent, and I can't control the discipline of my subordinates.

Why did Zhang Da still follow him with all his heart?

Or...why does he want to be the vanguard every time he fights, rushing to one dangerous battle after another?

Is he fearless?

Or... Want a death worth remembering?

why is that?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say:


Amidst the man's raised chest and boiling killing intent, Wu Duan'er said:

"This battle is different from usual..."

In an instant, Wu Duan'er noticed the eyes of the soldiers around him.

There was warning in those eyes.

But he didn't care anymore, and continued:
"Without Huozhou's natural danger, this battle is extremely dangerous. Are you sure you want to be the vanguard?"


Zhang Da was taken aback.

It seemed that he was stopped by the question of the leader.

Stared blankly at each other.

Look into Wu Duan'er's eyes.


Suddenly, a...very strange expression appeared on the man's face.

It seems to be satisfied.

It seemed to be so relieved.

It's also like a kind of timidity that is about to be fulfilled but suddenly revealed.


Mixed into a wry smile.

And the moment that wry smile appeared, Wu Duan'er was taken aback...

Just when there was a kind of belated realization in my mind, I saw the man cup his hands:

"If so, then I should be the vanguard of this battle!"


As he said that, his eyes fell on the soldiers staring at him for no reason.

He didn't speak, just glanced around, and finally set his gaze on Wu Duan'er's face again:

"However... the commander is right. This battle... is indeed a bit dangerous. My child is not strong enough, and it is the first time to be a personal soldier on the battlefield... This time, let him learn to look up at the rear! Commander, please forgive me!"


At this moment, Wu Duan'er, who seemed to have a connection with his subordinates, understood what Zhang Da meant.

Without any hesitation, he nodded:
"it is good."

Then, the breath sank to the dantian, and the voice resounded through the front line:

"In this battle, Zhang Da is the vanguard!"


With a contented smile, Zhang Da suddenly turned over and got off the horse after a shout.

Kneeling on one knee, looking up at Wu Duan'er:
"The grace of the commander, Zhang Da will never forget it! When this battle is over..."

Speaking of this, he was silent for a while...

Arch your hands and hold them high.

Head drooping:

"We must have a drink with the commander!"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and got on the horse.

returned to his front.

And the whole time, Wu Duan'er was silent.

In silence, he saw two people carrying Zhang Da's unrelated baby back to Huozhou City.

Still faintly heard shouts, shouting:

"Father, I'm not leaving! I want to fight the Sui army! I want to earn military merit..."

Until the sound disappeared, suddenly...


Among the Sui army, drums sounded.

That was the signal that the army was assembled.

This battle is about to begin!

And when the drum rang, an old voice suddenly appeared in Wu Duan'er's ear:

"Commander, please proceed according to the plan. In addition, the Commander has a letter on his waist, please read it."


Wu Duan'er clenched his fists subconsciously.

Riding on a horse, when the Sui army's second drum sounded, he looked at the enemies who started to move forward steadily, and then he touched his waist.

A man in armor is his own soldier.

And this armor, which represents the status of the general in the court, is the last clothes he wears before stepping into the grave.

Originally, as long as it was neat.

So he didn't check anything.

And now...

Pulling out a note from his waist, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

I'm afraid it's the words of comfort from the Minister's lord again?

With this in mind, he unfolded the folded letterhead.

But the next moment...he suddenly froze.

First he was in a daze, and then the disbelief gushed out of his eyes.

Then there is ecstasy.

And after the ecstasy, with the trembling paper, there was a wipe of red eyes tears.

There are only three words on the letterhead.

"Send it to daddy."

The writing is distorted.

When he left home, Da Lang had just learned to speak, and Er Lang had not yet been weaned.

But now...

Looking at the crooked handwriting on it, it must have been written by Da Lang!
send daddy...

Only three words.

Wu Duan'er even thought of various meanings.

Why send it?
Why did you only write these three words?
This delivery... Is it sending the letterhead to myself to see?

Or... give yourself a ride?
And when Da Lang writes this word...will he know the meaning of these three words?
Holding the letter, the commander of the Hedong Uprising Army, who looked like a treasure, had tears in his eyes.

How sad he is.

How I wish...I can return to my hometown in good clothes, teach my son to read and write in person, and get a fame in the future...

But... no amount of endless nostalgia can't match the cold facts brought by these three words.

Son, he can already practice calligraphy.

No end.

You father... to die, or not to die?
If he does not die, then these three words are very likely to be the last last words of his eldest son in this life.

If dead... Before leaving, I saw this word.

Seeing words as faces, you should also... have no regrets?

Is it your last kindness, Mr. Minister?




The sound of the drums became more and more rapid.

That was the signal to send troops.


Unable to bear it, the leader of the rebel army let out a wild laughter mixed with ecstasy and complex emotions in front of tens of thousands of people.

That smile heard in the ears of other soldiers represented absolute confidence in winning the victory.

Their momentum is more prosperous three points.


Do not know why.

After Zhang Da heard the laughter, he also laughed.

Laugh calmly.

In peace, he tidied up his mottled but equally neat armor, looked at the enemy in front of him, and in his eyes was the expectation that his long-cherished wish was about to be fulfilled.

Then, when the series of fragmented drums fell silent.


The heaviest drum so far resounded through the sky.

All in one go!
Two drums and decline.

Three drums and exhausted!

The middle-aged general on the side of the Sui army pointed the sword in his hand forward:

Calm and steady words, accompanied by the fall of the command flag.

It's a monstrous shout of killing:

Sui army, send troops! ! ! !

Wu Duan'er stopped laughing, looked at the group of wolves and tigers, and rolled the paper into a ball.

In an instant, his thoughts became clear.

"Pro-barracks, form an army of your own, block the cavalry in the north! The rest...follow me to charge!!"

He left behind the soldiers who did not belong to him from the beginning to the end.

That was the request of the grown-up.

These people are his confidants.

Wu Duan'er seemed to have forgotten his order to appoint Zhang Da as the vanguard, drew the sword on his back, and galloped forward.

The soldiers in the rear were taken aback...

But looking at the commander who charged forward alone, the cavalry on the two wings and the infantry in the rear didn't care too much about it:

"Come on!!!"


Compared with the neat and chaotic formation of the Sui army, they began to charge forward.

Wu Duan'er was crying, laughing wildly, raised his long knife high, and rushed to the enemy!
At this time...

"Da da da……"

"Leader without fear! Zhang Dalai too!!!"

With the sound of hoofbeats, a man with a spear came clapping his horse.

One ride becomes two rides.

Two riders, thousands of troops and horses behind!

I am speechless.

Weeping and laughing wildly, he exchanged glances with his subordinates.

Zhang Da also looked at him again.

It was only then that I realized...

Zhang Da is not stupid.

Not a fool either.

My own companion, my brother... from the very beginning, he knew everything.

He understands why an ordinary person like himself has three thousand soldiers with inhuman combat power.

And I finally understood my brother.

It turns out...he regretted it a long time ago.

Every time I feel pain because of regret.

Now, he wants a death.A death that is memorable enough to be remembered like the promise that "I will be a great general in the future, and I will die on the battlefield against thousands of troops" when I bragged with a group of green skins on the street!

Die like a hero.

Both sides are silent.

That's enough.

come on.

Looking at the approaching and ferocious Sui army...


Let you and I run towards this grand death together!


Tens of thousands of people began to rush forward.

Standing on the side of a low city wall, Li Zhong, who looked ordinary, kept staring at the two people who were charging at the front.

When he saw a wave of arrow rain suddenly rising from the side of the Sui army, it shot up into the sky like black flies.

A sigh flashed across his eyes.

A man who should have died long ago.

No end.

you just...

Had a dream.

A dream of prosperity and wealth, a man of high status, turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain.

And now...

this dream...

Time to wake up.

Wake up time.

It's okay to be reluctant,

Nostalgia worth mentioning.

Love is also good.

hate worth mentioning.

Hope, after waking up from this dream...

In that silent night that sinks into eternity.

You can sleep soundly.

Very stable.


Later generations, "Old Tang Book" Volume 12 "The First Emperor Gaozu" contains: In the [-]th year of Daye, Emperor Yang ordered Gaozu to go to Shanxi and Hedong to arrest him.The master of Longmen, the thief commander Wu Duaner, the commander of thousands of people, is inferior to Huozhou City.Gao Zu rode more than ten riders to attack the Dragon Gate thief Wu Duan'er, and hit seventy shots.In short, the thieves were defeated.

 5K big chapter, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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