Great Sui Storyteller

Chapter 401. Chapter 400.

Chapter 401. Chapter 400.

Li Zhen understood what Hongying said.

But can he tell?The answer is no.

Strictly speaking, although there are "immortals" and demons in this world, in the same way, he found that everything is moving according to the original historical laws.

It is said that it is unreasonable for a traveler not to change history, but at least in Li Zhen's view, this is pure fart.

Especially after finishing the practice of "Like the Light and the Dust".

When jumping into the long river of time, whether it is the past, present, or future, he has a very vague feeling in his heart.

The past is immutable.

Not available now.

The future cannot be moved.

He didn't have the ability of his teacher to make the enemy "hit me" by repeatedly jumping horizontally in time with one hand.There is no reason to know a thousand years at a glance.

But in time, the future is changed by the past and the present.

Once any action is taken to deviate from the future path that Li Zhen knows, the future may change with time.

If the Tang Dynasty does not come out, then he is a sinner in history.

And the emergence of a Tang Dynasty that actually died in his hands in the end is much better than an unknown existence.

This is what he believes to be an unwavering truth both before and after he learned to live in harmony with the light.

Therefore, even if there was no information about Hongying, Li Zhen only dared to send a note of "Be safe with the situation", but did not dare to do anything more.

People should protect the righteousness without losing the small details.

At best, he is a storyteller, at best he is a little bit cheap, full of sympathy and likes to cause trouble.But if it really made him develop ambitions that shouldn't appear, he wondered if he didn't have the ability.

Having died once, people who have not experienced the mental journey at the time of dying struggle may not understand it in their entire lives.He has seen a lot of things, and he has seen it much more thoroughly than others.

And it is precisely because of this thoroughness that he understands that history is a road.A very wide road.It will not deviate due to anyone's will. Based on the established cognition, what he, a "intruder" who does not belong here, should do is to make this road smoother.

Since we can't see people dying, let's make less tragedies.

But the damned person is like firewood, when he burns for that future, he will not stop him.

Because blocking them is equivalent to denying yourself.

Denied everything that had been done by the ancestors who gave birth, nurtured, and conceived themselves as a person with Yanhuang blood.

Perhaps if this matter is viewed by others, it is contradictory and hypocritical.But Li Zhen always feels that denying history is like denying what the predecessors did in this world. It is good to have ambition or heroism or generosity and great dignity.

is an injustice.

Face history squarely, forge ahead, live in the present, inherit the past and usher in the future, and leave the future to the present who owns the future.

Of course, words cannot be too absolute.

Li Laodao asked himself, if he really threw himself decades before the beginning of modern times, if he had the ability, he would definitely have to go east...

In short, brother Shubao's history should be written by himself.

Instead of becoming a puppet in the hands of a Taoist like him.

So he shook his head directly and said:

"Do you know what happened in Hedong?"

"I already know."

Hongying nodded first, and couldn't help but glance at the Taoist priest's body, which was much darker and thinner than before leaving, and his lips moved slightly... Thousands of words turned into one voice:
"You've worked hard."

In the "swish, swish, swish" movement of wiping the table, Li Zhen, who was not surprised that she had guessed her behavior, nodded in response, and asked again:
"Master Shi Lang and Mr. Jing Chan agreed to save the urgent matter of Hedong, do you know?"

"...the emergency in the east of the river?"

Hongying was taken aback.

Seeing this, Li Zhen was not surprised either.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it's Hongying, or it doesn't matter if it's a descendant of the Pegasus three sects.

They are loyal, loyal, and affectionate... yes.However, the class gap in that city is there.

The peoples are the soil from which they can draw nourishment at any time.

And their feedback is to use their roots to grab the soil when the rain comes, so that they will not be submerged in the torrent.

To be swept away by the water, to go with the flow.

But you want to say that when they take root and bury the soil, a reminder to pay attention to the idea of ​​​​the soil...

That's being funny.

Soil can be found everywhere.

How many people are there in the world if you are willing to use the roots to hold you together so that you will not be submerged in the flood and turn into nameless muddy soup?
They are not bad people.

Just kindness is limited.

So he shook his head and didn't intend to say much.

But Hongying was not happy anymore.

Frowning and pouting, dissatisfaction is evident:
"What's going on? Hasn't the east side been pacified?... What did you find?...Do you need my help?"

But dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction, and in the end, she still quietly put her thoughtfulness and gentleness on the man.

As long as you ask, I will do it.

But Li Zhen shook her head again:

"It's nothing more than recuperating. I'm just worried about what the imperial court will do to those rogues who surrendered."

Taoist people can't talk about the clumsy excuse of lying, but it seems reasonable on Hongying's side.

She didn't even think about where the rogues got their food from at all, she just felt that the people in front of her were still so compassionate.

But the problem is... There are specializations in the art industry.

Let her serve others, all right.It's okay to let her care about people.

There is no problem in collecting money or sharing worries for the lady.

But about recuperation and stuff like that...

Obviously, it's a bit over the top.

In the end, there was only one sentence, "I'll go back and talk to the head of the sect, and I'll ask the lady for you when she comes, so don't worry."


The two of them worked together, and before noon, Chunyou Club had been cleaned up.

But there is really nothing in the house. Li Laodao, who wanted to open in the afternoon, looked at the sky, and simply suggested that he go to a nearby wine shop to eat something at noon, and then he will go to the dental shop to find another boy, and then go to Nanshi to buy some dried fruit. Tea, opened the business.

Hongying is as good as others.

What to eat, she doesn't care.

I came to the restaurant with Li Zhen, and when Li Laodao subconsciously wanted to go to the empty table and ordered two bowls of noodles to be eaten, the woman next to him said:
"Arrange a high-class private room, take a jug of your best wine, and serve some meat and vegetables first."


The diners, the greeters, and the shopkeepers behind the counter looked at this man in palace attire, with an official's badge on his waist, and he looked very expensive... let's not talk about weak legs one by one. , but I dare not breathe.

Not to mention...the tone of voice.

These days, private rooms have to be paid separately.

You need a private room, but you also need good wine... Although this is Nancheng, it is next to the Luohe River, and it belongs to the best area with beautiful scenery in Nancheng.

Which restaurant doesn't have some good wine in stock?
A pot of several taels of silver, or even dozens of taels.

Not even asking about the price.

This kind of rich still an official, so if you can run away, run away as soon as possible.

Don't disturb people's interest in eating and cause trouble.

That's not worth it.

But they were thinking about it, who would have thought that the poor-looking Taoist next to him would stare:

"Why bother, two bowls of soup cakes, leave after eating, I have to work in the afternoon!"

ho! !

Good guy!
Who is this Taoist priest?
So not afraid of death?
Mistress, is he still here?
Kill him quickly.

But who would have thought... the female officer nodded when she saw it.

Nod your head and answer:
"Okay. Then...two bowls of soup, would you like some wine? What about the food? Serve four or five first?"

"No, no, leave after eating."

"……it is good."

Ho! !

These two...

There is a story! ! !

what's the situation?
Seeing the lady officer pouring water for the Taoist herself after taking their seats, gossip appeared in the eyes of the group of people.

And at this moment, someone tentatively shouted:
"Shou... Shouchu Taoist priest?"

"Ah, it's me."

Li Zhen, who had just taken a sip of hot water, nodded, and cupped his hands with a smile:
"Hi, ladies and gentlemen."

He looked at him and shouted that the person looked familiar.

It seems to be the guest who listened to the book before.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the name "Shou Chu" appeared...everyone in the room immediately recognized him.

Keep... keep the beginning?
The Daoist Shouchu who descended to earth with true martial arts! ?

Good guy!
No wonder it makes this lady official look like a little daughter-in-law...

OK... have the ability!
A group of people were boasting in their hearts, when Li Zhen cupped his hands with a smile:

"Oh, if Pindao remembers correctly, the layman has heard of Pindao's books?"

"That's right, that's right, I've heard that when the Taoist priest was telling the story on the last day of last year, I was thinking of coming to listen to it as soon as it opened at the beginning of the year. Who would have imagined that...the Taoist priest is closed every day..."

"Hey, I've been delayed by some mundane matters. Layman, don't blame me. I'll start the book this afternoon. If you have friends who want to listen to it later, you can bring them along."

Li Laodao, who climbed along the pole, began to advertise.

But Hongying remained silent.

How do these two people look in the eyes of the big guy? There is a story...

Just as Li Laodao chatted with this person, two bowls of soup cakes were served.

This topic is over.

After taking the chopsticks from Hongying, she politely greeted the others, and the two began to eat.

It can be seen that Hongying is not used to the taste of this noodle soup.

It may be rough, or it may be unappetizing.

Not much to eat.

Li Laodao was like a starving ghost. After eating a large bowl of grunting, he couldn't see the woman wasting food. After saying a few words, he took the bowl again under the appearance of the woman blushing. come over.

A bowl and a half of noodles was eaten clean. After not wasting a bit, he took out the copper plate and put it on the table, stood up and clasped his hands together:

"Everyone, eat slowly, and the poor are going ahead. In the afternoon, at the Chunyou Club outside the Zhen Beast Pen, if you want to listen to a gossip or have a cup of rough tea, you might as well sit there and say goodbye."

After finishing the advertisement, the Taoist priest cupped his hands, opened the curtain and left with the lady official who looked really exciting.

The remaining guests looked at each other...


This shouchu Taoist priest who has descended from the real martial arts... and this lady officer who looks really good...

These two...

There is a story wow!

(End of this chapter)

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