Great Sui Storyteller

Chapter 592 591. Let's Separate

Chapter 592 591. Let's Separate

"Go! Call me the Secretary of Agriculture! Quick!"

After regaining her senses, Cui Wanrong ordered the coachman to enter the city non-stop to call Sinon to estimate the yield per mu.

Du Ruhui walked to the green wheat field, and pressed the ears of wheat "gentlely" with his fingers, wanting to pinch but not daring to use force.

It seems that he is more careful than pinching his own son's face.

very drumming.

Not empty.

Even this skin can feel the vitality inside...

He thought for a while, then cautiously put his fingers into the soil under the wheat seedlings, dug out a hole gently, and saw the flourishing roots directly.

After reading it, carefully re-bury it.

Standing up again, I looked at the green swaying with the breeze...

For no reason, there was an inexplicable ringing in his ears.

He even heard the sound of his own blood rushing.

These voices were deafening and made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

But the discomfort quickly turned into a voice.

"Old Du, let's start with one person."

The Taoist priest's voice was like a grand bell, rippling in his mind, forcing him to turn his head and look at the Taoist who was sitting on the ridge of the field, staring at the green wheat and smiling in a daze.

It's not too late to come to Hedong and save the refugees.

One by one, saving everyone is the end. you mean that?

He wanted to ask, but he couldn't ask.

do not know why.

Suddenly, I felt a little panic in my heart.

After thinking for a while, he walked up to Li Zhen:

"Are you okay?"

"It's alright."

Faced with Lao Du's concern, Li Zhenyi grinned:

"I'm having a good time."

"...Are you sure you're okay?"

Du Ruhui's face was full of disbelief.

He had heard from Xuanzang that when he was in Xiangxian County, the Taoist priest had created that piece of sorghum field, which almost bled from his orifices.

Although he didn't know how big the land in Xiang County was...but the green in front of him was shocking enough.

really all right?

But Li Zhen still nodded, eyes full of joy:
"It's all right."

He didn't lie.

Because it is true that the impact from the countercurrent is being guarded...forget it, let's not name it for now.Otherwise, if someone doesn't like a certain name, what can I do if I wear small shoes for myself?
Facial paralysis should not be messed with, this is the iron law.

In short, after the other party helped him bear all the impact from the countercurrent, although the use of the Light and Dust is not essentially enhanced, at least for the current situation, there is no better result than this.

So, he's really fine.

At best, it's just too much consumption of divine sense.

But divine sense can be recovered, the current wear and tear...give him a long time to work, or get a good night's sleep, and he will definitely be able to recover as before.

And Du Ruhui carefully observed the expression on his face, he really used the interrogation methods of the Prison Officer, and after confirming that the Taoist priest really didn't seem to be lying, the worry in his heart subsided a little.

At this time, Cui Wanrong came over.

She no longer had the image of a gentle and graceful young lady in the past. She raised the corner of her skirt and squatted beside Li Zhen:

Her tone is gentle:
"Do you need to rest for a while?"

"Need not."

Li Zhen shook his head, then asked her:

"Cui Jushi invited the Secretary of Agriculture to come over to see the harvest?"


Seeing his pale lips, Cui Wanrong actually wanted him to rest.But she would not force him to do anything, so she squatted down and chatted with him:

"I'm not proficient in farming, so I can only give a rough estimate. For details, I still need to let the Secretary of Agriculture come over to investigate."


Upon hearing this, Li Zhen hurriedly asked:

"Then according to Layman Cui's observation, how much can this mu yield... be?"

"...about two to one and a half stones."

The woman who stood up again took a closer look and came to a conclusion.

A stone is a stone.

The translation of these words is 1.2 to 1.5 shi per mu.

One hundred fifty and sixty catties.

According to later generations, a catty here in the Sui Dynasty was about 650 grams.

Then according to later generations, it is calculated based on the yield of 150 catties per mu, which is almost [-] catties per mu in future generations?

Although it is not as exaggerated as the six or seven hundred catties per mu of later generations... After all, the gap in productivity lies here.

But one mu is calculated based on the ideal 200 catties of grain, and on average, one catty of grain is enough for one person per day. This one mu of land is enough for one person to eat for 200 days...

Of course, this is the ideal state...

Can you live with half a catty of grain per day and save money on food and clothing?Sure can.

The next year's wheat seeds will definitely be saved!

In addition to the means of preserving food brought by myself and Lao Du, as well as the water in the surging Yellow River... I dare not say it is inexhaustible, but at least the fish in several rivers can always make the common people open every few days. Have a meat meal?
Eating fish can also prevent night blindness...

High in protein, good for the body...

Li Zhen suddenly realized that...he seemed to have gone astray.

Isn't it obviously to keep the people from freezing and starving to death?Why did he even start thinking about eating meat for a few days?

Oh, is it too ostentatious?

No, you have to keep a low profile...Standing up Flag is easy to be struck by lightning.

But if he thinks so... his mouth grows wider and wider.

Unconsciously looked at Lao Du, but found that Du Ruhui was also looking at him.

Although I don't know if I and Lao Du are thinking the same thing, the two brothers at this moment laughed at the same time:

"Hey hey hey..."

The feeling of finally seeing the sun, at this moment, probably only the two of them can understand it in their hearts.

But... After all, Li Zhen still thought a little further.

He heard him suddenly say:
"Should we be separated?... Well, indeed, we should separate."


Du Ruhui was taken aback.

But in the next second, he understood what the Taoist priest meant, and frowned.

Cui Wanrong, who was on the side, was also puzzled at first when she heard this, but after she realized it, she nodded:

"According to the Taoist chief's idea, it is indeed better to separate... The Taoist chief does not need to worry, as long as the Taoist chief speaks, I... Cui will naturally share the responsibility of growing food for the Taoist chief. And as long as it is carried out properly, There will never be any hunger or cold in this year's Hedong, maybe... a bumper harvest year! And if it is true, the Taoist chief should take the lead, and be enshrined in the ancestral hall by the people of Hedong, leaving his name in history!"



To be honest, Cui Wanrong was able to guess what the Taoist priest meant, Du Ruhui... including Li Zhen was not surprised.

Don't forget, the brothers and sisters also owe a lot to the things that happened in Hedong to become what they are now.

If they hadn't come up with a way to stabilize the refugees, I'm afraid Li Zhen and Du Ruhui would still be wandering around the Manhe River, looking for river ditches to catch fish and bacon.

Therefore, it can almost be said that, including Xuanzang who led his disciples to point to the wheat seeds and tell what he was teaching, these people have made indelible contributions to laying the foundation for the brighter and brighter future of Hedong today. !

No one is bad, they are all good!

Thus, Du Ruhui began to think.

For a moment, he nodded:
"That's true. If...there are no more disturbances in this river, then it is only a matter of time before those refugees are recruited. I was still thinking last night. According to the situation on the distribution map of the refugees we saw, from the supply along the way , to transportation, to recruitment and return... It is expected to be completed within two months."

And as Li Zhen, who walked through every inch of land in Shangluo and Hongnong counties together, he answered naturally:
"Two months, I can also take the monks through the east of the river! But... you have to find a guide who is familiar with the terrain. There are still a few days until May, and there are still three months when the wheat is ripe. There is still time. On the contrary, When tens of thousands of refugees come to Yuqiang, I will guarantee that you will see the golden color all over the mountains, how about it?"


Du Ruhui didn't answer directly, but because of the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers depicted in the Taoist priest's words, his breath trembled unconsciously.

Then I heard Li Zhen say again:
"So, guide, is the most important thing!"

But just as the words fell, suddenly, the woman next to me said:
"Then how about letting the little girl take charge?"



Both of them turned their heads together, and saw the woman with a gentle smile:
"You two don't need to be like this. Although the little girl doesn't know much about the topography and mountains and rivers of the river east, my Cui family has many relatives and friends. No matter whether it is a powerful local or a powerful family, no one is allowed to give the little girl the surname. What's more, this is an act of leaving a name in history. Now that I know it, I can't contribute my own strength. Could it be that when the Taoist priest and his brother's name go down in history, the little girl can only sigh with sorrow and regret? So, I will leave it to Mrs. Cui as a guide, what do you two think?"


"Second teacher, teacher, what are they talking about?"

Xiaodaotong, who was learning from Xuanzang how to care for green wheat and the knowledge that grains are closely related to people, looked at Li Zhen and asked curiously.

Xuanzang also glanced over there, and the smile in his brows and eyes was full of kindness and tenderness:

"It doesn't matter what you are talking about. The important thing is that Xuanying must remember that as long as people do the right thing, it is compassion. If the matter only concerns themselves, it is compassion for themselves. And if you have the world in mind... then It is the luck of the world and the greatest mercy in the world."


Daotong tilted his head, thinking about what the second teacher said.

For a moment, a look of approval appeared on his face:
"Xuanying understands."

(End of this chapter)

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