Light and Shadow Entertainment

Chapter 1259 An Embarrassing Thing

"The Three-Body Problem" must have attracted investment at the beginning. This is the first film, and there are not as many big scenes as later ones.

However, if the investment is large, there will definitely be pressure to pay back.

Casting and the like are also troublesome, and it is necessary to increase the director for big scenes.

No matter how much you like a work, it is impossible not to consider the cost, and you don't like it that much.

With a big director, at least the publicity can save a lot, and there is also a guarantee.

To be honest, if Wang Zheng hadn't really wanted to play Luo Ji, he would have taken the first part straight away.

However, the protagonist of "Once Upon a Time on Earth" is Ye Wenjie, and everyone else is his foil.

Even Wang Miao is a tool to draw out the plot. He is not suitable for this role, not because he has burdens, but because this character is really meaningless.

He can't learn from "Huangquan", it is inappropriate to directly change the heroine to the hero.

Regarding Ye Wenjie's candidate, Wang Zheng thought about it carefully. In his heart, the one who sticks to him is actually International Zhang, his senior sister.

According to Wang Zheng's estimation, after filming the entire series, it is enough to invest directly according to the investment quota of several "Avengers".

Even if it is the cheapest "Once Upon a Time on Earth", if it does not enter the pre-red bank plot, it will have to go to [-] million, of course, including the promotion fee.

As for the plot that started to use special effects, [-] to [-] million yuan won't be enough.

Anyway, "Once Upon a Time on Earth" can't be finished filming, and what science fiction works need is meticulousness.

Otherwise, there will be so many concepts behind you, without the foreshadowing in front, it will be difficult to understand.

In fact, Wang Zheng has always disliked this kind of work with a threshold, but there is no way, no matter what the reason is, it is at least slightly famous in the world, and its acceptance is better.

"I won an award, it must be popular, how is it, where are the preparations?" Tianxian asked.

"I'm not prepared." Wang Zheng said honestly.

"Really, I saw you reading this book every day two days ago, and at the beginning you said why you don't read online novels. I'm not surprised to know it's this book."

"Haha, I'm really not prepared."

"I remember that both Rebus and Zhou Hongyi liked the novel, and it won another prize, so I'll pick it up and read it," Wang Zheng said.

"You have the copyright, right?" Tianxian said.


"I just knew, how much copyright did you buy at that time?" Tianxian wondered, but she knew that many of the IPs that Xia Tong invested in were invested through copyright.

"It's a lot, and it's still being collected." Wang Zheng said.

Of course, copyright fees are skyrocketing now. If the fees are too exaggerated, no matter how big the IP is, they won’t be able to make money for a family.

"The copyright of this book is definitely sold out." Tianxian affirmed.

"Sure, I won an award after all."

"You really don't plan to shoot?" Tianxian still asked.

"No, I'm planning to make a second film. Each film has a different protagonist." Wang Zheng explained that Tianxian doesn't like to read science fiction, and most of the people who like science fiction are men.

"Is there any suitable role for me?" Tianxian asked curiously.

"I don't know either. I don't intend to be a director. You can take a look at it when you have time." Wang Zheng didn't say anything.

Neither Ye Wenjie nor Cheng Xin is suitable. Ye Wenjie may still have a choice. In Wang Zheng's mind, the role of Cheng Xin is most suitable for her, not one of them.

Having said that, if the film is started too late, by the time the third film is filmed, there is a high probability that Da Meiyuan will pass the age, which is quite difficult.

Tianxian didn't care either, she was simply curious as an actress.

"Okay, your luggage is finished, start packing mine." It didn't take long, Wang Zheng's luggage was basically completed, and there wasn't much in the first place.

"Are you sure you are going to France?" Wang Zheng asked curiously.

"That's right, take over the winery and hide for two days, you have to have something of your own."

"Just don't go out and keep videoing with your child," Wang Zheng said.

There is no need to worry about the child crying, there are a bunch of people waiting for it, and the child also eats and sleeps, and sleeps and eats.

"Sissy, promise me that we won't live long, so don't move." Wang Zheng suddenly became serious, and after Tianxian realized it, he chased and hit her.

After all, she is a girl, even if she only goes out for a day or two, she will still have things.

"I hate it. If you talk too much, you will be witty."

"Have you noticed that after giving birth, you still have a clip sound when you speak." Wang Zheng found that now Tianxian always speaks coquettishly.

"Get out, I used to say that I am a baby voice, but now I am a clip voice, look at it."

Tianxian was also helpless with Wang Zheng, he loved teasing himself too much.

In his words, his usual appearance made him dare not blaspheme, so he wanted to make himself look like a little woman.

Tianxian didn't believe a word of Wang Zheng's words.

"Stop making trouble, stop making trouble, the child is watching you." Wang Zheng said.

Tianxian found out that he was already in front of the child's cradle, thanks to the fact that the child is still young and can't understand, otherwise I would be really embarrassed.


"Go and come back quickly, the child doesn't care how old he is." Liu Xiaoli was nagging.

"I've been watching it for more than a month, I have to relax, I'm still a child." Tianxian said while looking at the phone.

Liu Xiaoli was helping her check her luggage, which is a habit. As for Wang Zheng, he went to the study again, and got caught in the battle.

"You have to show some face, you're still a child, how dare you say that." Liu Xiaoli said angrily, and the mother and daughter also wanted to be angry when they spoke.

"Hmph, I'm just a baby of three years and two hundred and forty months old, and I'm two years older than them, why not a baby." Tianxian said casually.

"Oh, where did you come up with so many strange words? Xiao Zheng taught you." Liu Xiaoli was speechless.

"I don't need him to teach me, I am self-taught. What can he teach me as an old man." She remembered what Wang Zheng said when she was told by her mother. Wang Zheng's many words are actually quite interesting. Maybe she listened to them too much and didn't care too much. Others People are still surprised to hear it.

"He's just a month older than you, so he's an old man?"

"That's not a few months, it's more than two hundred and three hundred days, how terrible."

"Stop talking weird, that's enough. I took a look, and you have everything." Liu Xiaoli said.

"No, it's all over, what are you stuffing for me?" Tianxian discovered the blind spot.

"You'll understand when the time comes." Liu Xiaoli didn't feel ashamed to say, she planned to wait for the fairy to leave, but she called to talk about it, some things are hard to talk about face to face.

"This is medicine? For something, Yougui Pill." Tianxian said.

"To prevent kidney deficiency, you should be more restrained." After all, Liu Xiaoli was a mother, and she choked the angel with a single sentence.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Tianxian threw the medicine aside.

"Don't pretend, you got pregnant last year and checked your body, I knew it, pay more attention, don't take too much medicine, it's for prevention."

Liu Xiaoli was too embarrassed to talk about Tianxian, but Liu Xiaoli was also emotional.

When she first found out last year, she was also surprised.

It's not that women can't have kidney deficiency, but Tianxian was very healthy before, so there is no such thing.

After getting acquainted with Wang Zheng, this happened to her. Of course, it was at the stage when Tianxian was madly planning to get pregnant.

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