Light and Shadow Entertainment

Chapter 1287 Hot Pot Memory

Chapter 1287 Hot Pot Memory
In Ugly Country, superheroes themselves are very famous, such as Spiderman, Batman, etc., which accompanied the comics during the growth process.

Now they are playing these roles, in the final analysis, to catch the popularity of the roles, whoever plays who will become famous, it's just to see if they stick to their faces.

Unlike Iron Man, who was originally a second-tier hero, because the movie directly became the responsibility of the Marvel Universe.

In a horizontal comparison, it is a mythical figure like Monkey King, you can play him, but he has his own heat.

Brother Hou has always been top-notch in China, for how many years.

Wang Zheng is a bit more difficult than Iron Man, and New Superman has not cultivated any readers at all.

The reason why this comic is published is also to fit into a DC hero.

The public can only say that New Superman is a comic character known to the public, and it will depend on Wang Zheng whether it is popular or not.

In other words, the hero feels that he needs to bring it up, and the help that DC can give is to give you a worldview.

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Zheng's salary exceeds that of these hero actors.

Otherwise, because of the popularity of superhero movies, DC would go crazy and give Wang Zheng such generous conditions.

It is also a share of the movie, and it is a high salary, and this character is directly attached to him, because this comic character is not important.

It can be said that the new Superman is DC's non-staff superhero. It is good to succeed, but the impact of failure is not great.

But for the Asian market, this decision must be made.

Dc's filmization is farther than Marvel's.

At this moment, several people are communicating, among other things, the other heroes are also envious of Wang Zheng.

No matter how popular the characters of Superman and Batman are, the characters are separated from the actors, and they are chosen.

Unlike Wang Zheng, his superhero characters are exclusively customized.

But the responsibility is also great, and one person shoulders a hero.

They envied Wang Zheng's income, but they also knew his difficulty.

In addition, they are also very happy to make friends with Wang Zheng.

In DC Movies and TV, Wang Zheng is a newcomer, but outside of DC, Wang Zheng has his own "John Wick", but they don't.

"You go to my country when the time comes, and I invite you to eat our specialties."

Wang Zheng and a few people are being courteous. Gal Gadot is familiar with them. After all, they have filmed together, and the rest of them should be more cautious when communicating.

Speaking of which, after the Chinese New Year, "Batman v Superman" will be released, and these people will go to the mainland to promote it. After all, it is the second largest box office outside of North America, and it is already in the work plan.

But Wang Zheng doesn't need to help promote it, even if he is in the easter egg, of course, DC must hope that he can do his best to promote it, and his influence in the mainland will definitely be able to beat these people.

But the company didn't agree, it was a bit too exhausting for Wang Zheng, and that's what he meant. He only had easter eggs for a few seconds, so it seemed like he had a lot of roles in the show.

There is no problem with the promotion. The fans who went to him saw that you were lying. Of course, ordinary stars don't care about this, and they wish it was so. After all, it is a Hollywood movie.

But Wang Zheng can't. He has relatively strong credibility. It doesn't matter if he simply attends the premiere. If it is the same as DC's publicity plan, many people will be confused.

DC's publicity plan was a bit too much, almost made Wang Zheng travel all over Asia, busier than himself promoting "John Wick", and he is not stupid.

Another one, this movie has little to do with me, there is no need to be too platform, let alone "New Superman" rubbing off on the popularity of DC, everyone gets what they need.

"I remembered the hot pot you lied to me last time. I was weak for a day." Gal Gadot said.

"I advised you at the time. It's quite spicy. If you insist that you have eaten it, it's fine." Wang Zheng laughed.

When filming "New Superman", there was a dinner party, and Wang Zheng invited her and the director to eat hot pot.

Originally, it was a side stove. Wang Zheng likes spicy hot pot when he eats hot pot. He ordered a single one. Some people think that clear soup is tasteless and want spicy hot pot, including Gal Gadot.

Wang Zheng tried to persuade her several times, but she had no choice but to leave it to her. In her words, she can eat a lot of Mexican food. In her mind, Mexican food is very spicy.

The problem is that hot pot is different. It is made of butter and chili peppers. People who have never tried it can't accept it, especially people from abroad.

Wang Zheng has seen foreigners eating hot pot, which is probably different from domestic ones. They are chocolate fondue, cheese fondue, cheese fondue and so on.

Of course, this is a matter of taste. Although Wang Zheng thinks that domestic food is better than foreign food, he does not think that Chinese food is particularly delicious like some foreigners who can speak Mandarin.

Food culture is something that every region has its own characteristics, and it is impossible to change the tastes of most people on the other side, just like people in the south just like rice, while people in the north still eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year.

Europeans like to eat bread, sausage and cheese for breakfast. So many domestic breakfasts are not attractive to them.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some individuals have different preferences, but these people are still a minority. I believe that there are many Chinese people who like baguettes, pasta, etc., but most people still like traditional diets.After Wagner came, he said that the Asian diet is too special, and I still like the traditional German diet.

You can find answers everywhere on the Internet that you have to eat instant noodles if you are not used to local dishes when traveling abroad, but the so-called local dishes that these tourists are not used to are the dishes that the locals have eaten all their lives. When Italians come to China, they will only feel that the domestic dishes are greasy.

Ugly people think the food is too sweet. Ugly people think the food is too salty when they come to China. They think there is no chili in French cuisine. The French also think why there are so many chili in Chinese food.

Chinese people can’t accept foreign characteristics, so why do foreigners think Chinese food is delicious? Regarding high-end western food, Michelin restaurant’s restaurant exploration videos, the most popped up bullet screens are always “not full”, “tasteless” and “not as good as Hot and sour potato shreds", but these restaurants are already the top products most recognized by the locals.

There seem to be many foreign Chinese restaurants, but except for Chinatown, in most countries and regions, the number of Japanese food stores is no less than that of Chinese restaurants, because the cooking method of Japanese food pays more attention to the original taste and freshness of the ingredients, and tends to Western dining habits.

Even for foreigners living in the local area, they say that our food is delicious, but most of them only cater to the locals. You go to the restaurants in the foreigner gathering area in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou at noon. Almost no one will go to Lanzhou Ramen if there is Burger King. In the afternoon, when I was hungry, I ordered spicy sausage pizza instead of Cantonese-style refreshments. I usually bring my own meals and use ingredients delivered directly from imported supermarkets.

Chinese restaurants abroad also do as the Romans do, and they are all improved to suit the tastes of the locals.

Talking about the hot pot, the final result is obvious. I ordered the spicy hot pot, and I enjoyed it at the beginning. I lay down when I returned to the hotel. My stomach is not used to it, and the spicyness is painful.

In fact, it is very normal, not to mention that I haven’t eaten it much, even if I don’t eat it for a while, and suddenly have a spicy hot pot, I am not used to it.

Wang Zheng is in good health in this life and never gets sick. In his previous life, he would have had diarrhea after eating hot pot. Hot pot is more irritating to the intestines and stomach.

Gal Gadot also lay down for a day at the time, and she was able to talk without talking back.

Now when Wang Zheng mentioned it again, Gal Gadot remembered that the experience was not good at all, and the memory was deep.

It is said that it was lying down for a day, but in fact it was collapsed, so I can't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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