Light and Shadow Entertainment

Chapter 394 See Tangtang Again

Chapter 394 Seeing Tangtang Again (300 Monthly Pass Plus Changes)
Sister Mi is upset here, do you really take me to heart?

Sister Mi has had a hard time during this period, not to mention filming, but she has to keep in touch with her godmother very diligently.

There's no way, it's good that the TV series didn't become popular, but after it became popular, it caused too much public opinion.

She wanted to be angry, but she didn't really want to have sex with the male protagonist. If the godmother thought it was true, she and Wang Zheng really had no hope.

She knows these things very well, even though she was raised by her godmother, in terms of importance, she is nothing compared to her own son.

To be honest, Sister Mi is much more sober in this life than in her previous life, there is no other way, Wang Zheng is too good.

Whether personally or as a family, Wang Zheng is really the ceiling.

She is the one closest to the goal, and of course she will not destroy her future.

Of course, she also wants to make money, so she can only clarify it immediately every time there is a scandal.

She has nothing to do with Wang Zheng, but she can't be misunderstood with the godmother.

Not to mention, this is quite popular, don't think that fans are all CP, they wish you were single for the rest of your life.

"I don't mean anything else, just don't make you think too much."

"The Era of Naked Marriage will be published in a few days, and my scandals will also be inevitable. I definitely understand, so don't think too much about it," Wang Zheng said.

"That's right, what you are promoting now is Xu Changqing and Zixuan's past and present lives, when the time comes, I will promote it for you on Weibo.

Also, what am I thinking about, we have nothing to do with each other anymore. "

Sister Mi finished speaking bluntly, stayed for a while and left, saying that it took half a day, and two hours would be good if it was serious.


The era of naked marriages has already begun to be promoted, and now it is not like the future, with non-stop broadcasts.

Now the publicity is very simple, just put a clip, whichever station broadcasts the program, just go to that station to do some publicity.

Unexpectedly, Sister Mi's Gong and Sisi's startling step by step both participated in the Happy Camp before the show, and the rest of the show was only invited after it became popular.

The publicity for the naked marriage era is about to start, because it is impossible for Wang Zheng to leave a bunch of people and run for two days.

He is the center of the whole crew, after he left, he couldn't shoot a single scene, so the publicity is that Jiangsu Satellite TV will come to an location, and Tangtang will bring the naked wedding crew to promote.

"Xiaozheng, when will you be here?" He was in contact with Tangtang.

"That day, I'm too busy here to leave."

"Okay, I still want to treat you in advance."

"The recording is over."

"That's fine, but I really didn't expect that you would make an exception to be on the show."

"Don't make me sound so cold, okay? I just don't go to unnecessary shows. I have to ask for normal TV promotion."

"Where's the fairy sword?"

"Too many of you went there, and I'm not the main character, so I'm afraid you'll be embarrassed if you go, and you feel uncomfortable all interviewing me."

"Fuck you, it's okay, I will go on the same day too, participate in activities in the morning, and meet in the afternoon."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Zheng smiled.

Speaking of it, he gave people the impression that he didn't participate in the show, but that was the previous show, it didn't matter if he was there or not, they were all supporting roles.

This time he is the leading actor, so it's not publicized, it's a bit too pretentious.

He doesn't have the ability in the music industry in the film and television industry, so he should promote it.

Besides, it's just a talk show, not a variety show or a reality show.

Having said that, BJ station supported him so much that they accepted the TV series as soon as they were filmed, and didn't say much about the price. Of course, because it selected the first round, the price was relatively expensive.

I'm quite confident about Wang Zheng's first fully starring role, especially after the film selection department has seen it.

Thirty episodes, one hundred and 500,000, the yield is particularly high, of course, the first round is only broadcast on BJ station.

There is a 1.5 round in Chengdu in the middle, which is a little later than BJ Satellite TV, and the price is only more than [-] yuan.

For the second round, it depends on how well the work is doing. If it is popular, it can sell tens of millions of episodes, which is quite a lot.

The Legend of Zhen Huan only sold 95 for one episode. Of course, it is not exclusive, but there are not many channels.

There is also Bubu Jingxin, who has already been exclusive to Hunan in the first round, 5 million.

This is a purely small cost for Wang Zheng. The BJ station alone can recover more than [-] million yuan, which includes the money for his appearance on the show.

After all, this is not a music album, and his appeal is not that strong. If it weren't for his own identity, it would be his first time to lead a leading role, and the price halved would be considered a face for him.

You must know that it is an unspoken rule that costume dramas are more expensive than modern dramas.

Whether Wang Zheng's next TV can be sold at a high price depends on the effect this time.

For example, Lao Wu in the previous life was almost confused before every step of the way. After filming Xianyu, he turned around and a new white-haired witch was directly bought by Mango for 3 million episodes.

Of course, it doesn’t matter what the first round or second round is. Selling the second round is Mango Channel’s money, all copyrights, and the network also accepts it.

Speaking of which, Mango also bought it this time, but the price was not as expensive as BJ Taiwan, so it was directly repelled.

"I'll just leave for half the afternoon, and I'll be back in the evening or tomorrow morning. The shooting tasks follow this process."

After Wang Zheng explained to the executive director, he left and filmed interviews in the afternoon.

After he left, the production team was also very happy. It was a good thing to rest for half a day.

"Is there anyone who plays cards, come to my place?" This is Zhang Xiaofei, not to mention, he is quite familiar with it.

Wang Zheng is resting his eyes with his eyes closed. He has a driver.


"Tangtang, I haven't seen you for a while."

Wang Zheng saw Tangtang putting on makeup in the dressing room and said.

"Tch, you old man is so busy, you don't care about contacting me."

"It's not good for you. I'm not as busy as you. There are constant activities and TV."

"Then tell me, what am I doing now?"

"I really know, the sequel of the Xia family's three daughters, don't you?"

Wang Zheng checked it out before he came, and after a while, he also understood Tangtang's personality a little bit, and he loves acting like a baby, and he's pretty good at it.

"It counts as you passed the test, alas, how about your grades."

"Who knows if it's not released? I don't know. I'm satisfied with half of your Xia family's three thousand gold."

"Fuck you, you should think about surpassing, how good it is to surpass Mi Mi's palace."

"Tangtang, why don't you think about surpassing "The Temptation of Going Home" in ratings? How dare you think about it."

"Work hard, your first show, add my bonus, have confidence." Tangtang encouraged.

Regarding the temptation to go home, she didn't answer, it was too foul, broke the third, the ratings in this era are terrible.

But it's normal for Tangtang to have confidence. Even though her character's follow-up influence is not as great as Sisi and Sister Mi, but her current ratings are high.

Unexpectedly, in the past few years, she has been the guarantee of ratings, much more stable than Sister Mi and Sisi, but she just doesn't have the bonus of a leading heroine.

The same is true for Lao Hu. Regardless of the fact that his presence in the past few years was not high, the ratings are much higher than the dramas made by Sister Mi and Sisi. It is probably signed by marketing.

(End of this chapter)

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