Light and Shadow Entertainment

Chapter 957 Chapter Drama

Chapter 957
"Xiao Zheng, eat these." Tianxian handed Wang Zheng a bunch of snacks.

"Oh, why do you have this? Didn't you not eat these during pregnancy, and you secretly ate them again?" Wang Zheng said.

"No way, I told them to buy it when you came back. It's not like you don't know, I have to control these things."


"Hurry up and eat." Tianxian said.

"Oh, no, Liu Yifei, you're too obvious." Wang Zheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I hate it, people care about you and you still say that, I can't eat it, otherwise I won't give it to you." Tianxian said.

"I don't know you yet. You tried every means to make me eat snacks, just to make me gain weight." Wang Zheng directly exposed Tianxian.

"No way, you slandered me." Tianxian was a little embarrassed, but he was still stubborn.

"You have evolved. You used to let me eat the staple food, but now I eat snacks. Don't you think I am greedy for eating?"

"Hmph, it's not your fault, it's all your fault that I'm so fat." Wang Zheng felt that Tianxian was quite naive.

Looking at Tianxian's obviously fat face, Wang Zheng squeezed it. In fact, he wasn't too fat, at most it was similar to the appearance in Meng Hualu. Of course, he couldn't look at his stomach.

But if it is on the screen, it might become fat if it is widened. Wang Zheng looks good.

Gaining weight during pregnancy is quite normal, even for celebrities.

No matter how confident Tianxian is, he is also a little dissatisfied with his image, and wants to drag Wang Zheng into the water.

But she was a little disappointed. It didn't matter how much Wang Zheng ate. It wasn't that he didn't gain weight, but that his weight loss efficiency was too high.

Tianxian has a little low self-esteem, yes, low self-esteem, don't forget, Wang Zheng is still very handsome, but she thinks she is ugly.

She was too demanding of herself, and Wang Zheng had no other ideas at all.

But I still have to comfort Tianxian, she was easy to get angry during pregnancy.

"Okay, which one to eat first?" Wang Zheng smiled, the fairy is acting like a baby, so it is impossible to specifically trick Wang Zheng.

"Hate it." Tianxian turned her head.

"What's the matter, I'm having palpitations." Wang Zheng quickly comforted her.

"I'll hit you, laugh at me." It's okay not to say it, but when he said it, Tianxian slapped him on the arm.

Fortunately, this is also a communication.

"Can you stop laughing at me, my song was very popular at the time, okay?" Tianxian said.

"No, it's just a joke."

A noisy day passed, and Wang Zheng was so unpretentious at home.

Of course, he said that he was accompanying Tianxian, but he also had to be busy with work, but he could work from home.


"Xiao Zheng, look, there are three movie kings this time?" Tianxian greeted Wang Zheng again.

"Three yellow eggs, it's pretty good, why are you looking at your phone again?"

"I didn't read it, but your phone turned on just now, and I thought someone contacted you, but it was news." Tianxian made amends to herself.

"Okay, it's really unexpected." Wang Zheng said duplicity.

He actually knew that there were three actor winners this year, and he hadn't paid so much attention to who won the award in his previous life.

But this life knew it after learning about the movie "Scorching Sun" they participated in.

"There are so many things you can't think of. Let's see who is presenting the award." Tianxian was particularly gossip.

Wang Zheng also knew this, and it could even be said that it was because of this gossip that he knew who the Three Yellow Eggs belonged to.

Hao Li presented the award to Deng Chao, and I don't know who did it, anyway, the topic has gained popularity.

"This is too much. How could the organizer do this? Where did they put Brother Chao and his daughter-in-law?" Tianxian smiled and felt that something was wrong, and quickly added a sentence.

The smile on Wang Zheng's face remained unchanged, he has this acting skill.

But my heart is also very tired, Tianxian probably thinks of Sisi again, this is a joke.

She can't be blamed either. She felt that her appearance had declined during her pregnancy. After all, she had gained weight, but her husband was still the same as before, so naturally she was a little unconfident.

In fact, she is worrying unfoundedly, which is too exaggerated.

"It's pretty good. It's a smile to wipe away all grievances. Don't you think they still give blessings?" Wang Zheng changed the subject.

This year's award presentation is indeed a mess, Hao Li must know the result, she is one of the judges.

Tianxian didn't get to the bottom of it either, she still had a sense of propriety, and being entangled in this kind of thing would only make Wang Zheng miss others.


"Xiaozheng, I see that Sister Li said that she invited you to "Peach Blossom Spring", how did you reply?" Wang Zheng was reading the script, Tianxian called.

"Oh, I'll be back later. What's the matter? Do you want to go?" Wang Zheng was also curious.

But seeing Tianxian's appearance, she knew that she wanted to go.

Wang Zheng was also very curious, Tianxian felt that he had gained weight now, why would he still want to go to such a public place.

"You forgot, I already speak Mandarin." Tianxian said.

"Oh, all right, then I'll reply and let you keep two tickets." Wang Zheng said.

There is no need to ask Tianxian why he wants to go, he also plans to go in and really act in a drama.

Wang Zheng's original intention was to let her have a system, learn something like Shou Bing.

Tianxian plans to really study it.

"Then let's go see one, Sissy, drama is different from filming."

"Well, let's study. Sister Li has acted in dramas for seven or eight years, so I just need to study." Tianxian said.

She also had a whim when she saw the news, and she happened to think of herself.

Sun Lei is also polite. She had a meal during this film festival and said that she has time to watch a drama. Isn't this the start of "Secret Love in Peach Blossom Spring"? Please invite me.

On Sun Lei's side, just after rehearsal, she saw Wang Zheng's WeChat message.

"Sister Li, can I leave two tickets for you, your drama is too popular, I can't get it."

"You want to come?" Sun Lei was also puzzled, she was just being polite and didn't expect Wang Zheng to come.

"Yes, it just so happens that Sissy also wants to watch a play."

"Okay, I'll leave you two tickets, just come back and come directly."

Sun Lei would not refuse. For ordinary people, there is a high probability of grabbing tickets, but for them, it is easy to reserve. Although there are not many, Wang Zheng is definitely qualified to get it.

Her husband is also a big boss in this drama, capable.

"Sister Li, what's the matter?" Huang Li called Sun Lei also Sister Li.

"Didn't I meet Wang Zheng when I went to Shanghai this time, and said that I have time to watch dramas.

He came back just now and asked for two tickets. He came with her wife. "

"Wow, that's fine. I've invited him for so many years, and he's finally coming. Okay, leave it to me."

Sun Lei was a little speechless. Her husband was okay before, but now he is really a bit overbearing and a little lost.

But at home, she can't control the other party, and all the family property belongs to his sister.

It's very sad to think about it, Sun Lei knows everything, but unfortunately she has no courage, now the one who earns money is Huang Li, the housewife is very sad.

You talk about dramas, how much money you can make in dramas, isn't that a joke?

After Wang Zheng received Sun Lei's news, he didn't pay attention to it, so he just went there.

He is just modest. To him, getting a ticket is quite easy. Do you really think that rich people can be the same as ordinary people?
(End of this chapter)

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