Chapter 232 The Holy Son Relying on Power to Bully Others
"His Royal Highness, with all due respect. This is the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, not the Hall of Spirits."

Mengshenji only replied lightly to Yan's words. These words sounded calm, but in fact, she couldn't help but want to tear her face apart.His face darkened, presumably he was already extremely dissatisfied with this Holy Son of the Spirit Hall.


Yan said lightly, as if he didn't take Meng Shenji's words to heart at all, a coercion that shocked the audience instantly swept over Meng Shenji's body, and this Contra powerhouse was really angry.

"Mengshenji, you are quite courageous."

A voice sounded at this moment, and two figures suddenly appeared in front of Yan.They obviously just appeared, but they give people a strange feeling that they have been here for a long time.

The moment they appeared, the temperature inside and outside the private room of the entire tea house seemed to suddenly drop a bit, and with the sound, two pairs of eyes fell on the head of Tiandou Imperial Academy Meng Shenji, who trembled , with a look of horror on his face, he subconsciously took two steps back.

"Boom bang bang..."

The students of Tiandou Imperial Academy are not even cannon fodder in this level of strongman's hedging, each and every one of them is trembling and about to fall down, the one who is slightly stronger is Qin Ming, who can still lean on the table Barely standing in place.

As for the few people around Yan, they didn't feel any pressure at all, including the youngest Ning Rongrong and Ning Yi and Wu Mei who were pushed aside, they didn't feel any pressure at all.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Strands of cyan long vines protruded out like lightning, wrapped around the waists of a group of students who couldn't hold on, pulled them back forcibly and placed them on the corridor outside the private room, but they were the three seats of Tiandou Royal Academy, Tian Ivy Contra Luo Zhilin made a move.

Bai Baoshan supported Zhilin, and complained angrily, "Your Highness Shengzi, Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, don't go too far."

Yan stayed behind the two Douluo, just smiled and said indifferently: "How could I go too far? Chief Mengshenji, I have always treated the three seniors with courtesy, if it wasn't for your misbehavior that threatened my safety , the two elders will not appear."


Meng Shenji was so angry that his beard and hair were all stretched out, what else could he say, saying that his outburst of momentum was just to let the Holy Son retreat?The point is that people deliberately don't believe what they say, and it's not clear at all about the imposing coercion.

After Zhilin put all the students in a safe place, he also came to Mengshenji and Baibaoshan, the green light of the sky green vine shone, and the soft soul power entered Mengshenji's body, and the latter recovered some status.

Originally, with the soul power of Mengshenji as high as level 85 or above, even if he faced the weaker Title Douluo, he would not be so embarrassed.

But on the one hand, he was caught off guard, and Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo became more tacit after being promoted. The aura of the two was on Meng Shenji at the same time, and the difference in soul power between the two was more than ten levels. Mengshenji suffered a big loss.

At the moment when the combined aura of the two swept across the oppression just now, Meng Shenji just felt his whole body become cold, and he had no chance to resist at all.If it weren't for the two helpers beside him, maybe it would be so cold.

Standing behind the two titled Douluo, Yan said calmly: "Three education committee members, there is no precedent for transferring from Tiandou Royal Academy, this is actually not a reason, as long as the conditions are right, you can set a precedent for anything.

If you feel that what I said is not pleasing to the ear, and you still don’t want to agree, that’s fine too. Please ask the three elders who persuaded me of Wuhundian to prove to them that you have the strength to reject Wuhundian.As long as you can survive a hundred tricks, I will pretend that I have never been here. "

While Yan was speaking, Chrysanthemum Douluo Luo Yueguan stepped forward, a layer of strong golden light suddenly released from his body, and immediately after that, circles of halos rose from his feet one after another, but his own body did not appear Nothing has changed.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black.A total of nine soul rings circled upwards, and finally danced around his body. The dazzling light made the entire space inside and outside the teahouse dazzling.

All the students of Tiandou Royal Academy who hadn't passed out all changed their faces, and the faces of the three education committee members also became sinking.

No one expected that Yan would be so careless and directly send Titled Douluo as a thug. What is even more unacceptable is that this Titled Douluo, who is one of the top powerhouses in the mainland, is actually under the influence of the Wuhun Palace. The driving force of the Son.

This is one of the top peerless powerhouses on the mainland today, a Titled Douluo with a spirit power of over ninety ranks, has he become so unqualified?

"Don't say that I am bullying the small with the big. Offending His Royal Highness is a capital offense. Now I will give you a chance. If the old ghost doesn't make a move, the three of you will fight together. As long as you can survive a hundred moves, you will win the battle." bureau."

Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan walked slowly. At this moment, everyone in Tiandou Royal Academy, even the three Contra education committees above level [-], felt extremely pressured and had no confidence to fight against it.

Although the difference between Contra and Title Douluo is only one level in title, their strength is far apart.The higher the soul master's level, the greater the gap between the first level and the first level.

Especially the six-ring Soul Emperor to the Seven-ring Soul Sage, the eight-ring Soul Douluo to the Nine-ring Title Douluo, the two levels are very different, maybe there is only a difference of one or two levels of soul power, but the difference in strength But it is even more obvious than a large level in the early stage.

Although the last five spirit rings on Ju Douluo's body are all black, everyone knows that the later the spirit rings, the closer to 10 years.His last spirit rings were at least produced by spirit beasts over 7 years old, and they were plant-type spirit beasts over 7 years old.

The aura on Ju Douluo's body gradually released. Although he released his martial soul, there was no abnormality in his body. This further proved his terror. He controlled the martial soul to such an extent that only the top soul of Title Douluo's level Only teachers can do it.

At this moment, the three education committees of the Royal Academy responded at the same time. Mengshenji's eyes shone brightly, staring at Ju Douluo with the shining nine rings on his body, "Chrysanthemum Pass, let us three old guys come and learn your skills."

Tianxinglu Contra Baibaoshan and Tianqingteng Contra Luo Zhilin moved at the same time, and they came to the back of Mengshenji respectively, and the three of them connected with each other, releasing a tyrannical might to confront Ju Douluo.

"Meng Shen Ji, you are so courageous."

Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan hates being called Juhuaguan the most. If the title Douluo is called twice, he will bear it. Now even the little Contra Mengshenji dares to do this. He really treats him as a 96-level Is Super Douluo vegetarian?

Ju Douluo Yue closed his mouth and showed his might, but he didn't despise him in his heart. Although his strength was unparalleled, he didn't dare to be too careless when faced with the situation of three Contras teaming up, his eyes showed a bit of solemnity, Then he completely released his martial soul.

Yueguan slowly spread out his right palm, and a layer of faint yellow air appeared in his palm. With the release of the light of the martial soul, the yellow light gradually turned into purple, and in the center of that purple, there was still A little golden glow.

Purple light filled the air, and a huge chrysanthemum grew out. The chrysanthemum was a magnificent purple. Strangely, every petal of the chrysanthemum looked furry and cute. .

As soon as the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum appeared, the atmosphere inside and outside the private room suddenly changed.This chrysanthemum is one piece, but it doesn't have any fragrance. The stamen in the center is more than half a foot higher than the petals, and the top of the stamen is shining with a faint golden brilliance.

Mengshenji sensed the changes in the scene, and immediately responded. His body instantly became unreal, and his whole body turned into a pitch-black phantom. Thick black mist rose from his feet. Two yellows, three purples, three Hei, eight soul rings bloomed at the same time.

The gap between the two powerhouses is vividly revealed at this moment. The gap between the two sides can be seen from the soul rings. The fifth soul ring of Ju Douluo Yueguan is already at the ten thousand year level, while the fifth soul ring of Mengshenji The ring is still a millennium.

This shows that Meng Shenji's talent was not enough when he was young, and he couldn't even maintain the best soul ring ratio. This also means that his potential has basically come to an end, and it may be very small to break through and become a title Douluo again.

After Mengshenji released the martial spirit, Baibaoshan and Zhilin also completed the martial spirit possession immediately, and the four auras collided fiercely in the teahouse.

In the palm of Luo Baibaoshan's palm, there was a glittering golden cauldron, and there were seven silver stars on it, shining brightly.Eight spirit rings of the same quality as Mengshenji shone, and a solid and heavy aura spread all over his body.

Only a section of Skygreen Vine appeared on Luo Zhilin's body, the color of the vine was as bright as emerald, and a faint green energy was released from his body, and then permeated his whole body.

The confrontation between the three Contras and one Titled Douluo made the atmosphere inside and outside the teahouse extremely solemn.

"Oh, you are still ready to do it."

Yueguan laughed softly, as if he was laughing at their overreaching. He really didn't think highly of the three education committees of Tiandou Royal Academy.

His eyes suddenly flickered, and then his aura suddenly changed and he locked on Zhilin, not only because Zhilin was the weakest of the three seats, but also because his Sky Ivy Martial Soul was also a plant type, so against Qirong Tongtianju Duo Xianpin will be restrained to death.

Yueguan's figure moved, and when the afterimage was still in place, he came to Zhilin, lightly waved his right hand, a surge of energy fluctuations made the air violently twisted, and the nine soul rings on his body flashed and then darkened. Under the action of that huge soul power.


In the next moment, Zhi Lin, one of the three major education committees, burst out like a sandbag being beaten into the air.Mengshenji and Baibaoshan reacted and shot at the same time, while Yueguan just

He raised his right hand again, and the air suddenly became frozen.

All the students of Tiandou Imperial Academy immediately felt an incomparable sense of oppression, and no one could move lightly under the huge pressure.

Immediately after the screaming sound, the Dream God Machine went berserk, the seventh spirit ring flickered, and a large black mist swept out. The black demon martial soul avatar was released instantly, and a pair of pitch-black sharp claws shone a little coldly in the black mist.

Ju Douluo Yueguan's eyes froze, and he did not dare to be careless in the face of Mengshenji's full attack. After all, this is Contra's avatar, capable of hurting Title Douluo.

Mengshen made a move, and Bai Baoshan didn't care to watch, his fat body was extremely flexible at this moment, he flashed to the other side of the moon gate and released his Wuhun Tianxing Furnace, holding it up like a shield rushed over.

Yueguan didn't panic in the face of the two men's attack. He waved the velvet Babel chrysanthemum in his hand, and the large purple flower fluttered in the wind. Three of the nine spirit rings on his body flashed quietly. The speed was so fast that it was impossible to catch it. Which soul ring played a role.

The next moment, the huge purple flower had formed a huge barrier in the air, abruptly sending Mengshenji's Wuhun avatar flying out, while the Tianxing furnace on Baibaoshan was slapped away by his palm. Didn't do any damage at all.

Just as Zhilin adjusted his state, he saw the purple-gold divine flower flickering, and his sky green vine was stunned at this moment, and it couldn't have the slightest effect at all.

"The Tiandou Imperial Academy's education committee is nothing more than that. Emperor Xue Ye has misjudged the person."

Yue Guan calmly stopped his hands and stood there, suffocatingly powerful, even with the strength of the three major education committees, he couldn't resist his random attacks. In the current situation, let alone a hundred moves, I'm afraid even ten moves won't last let's go.

The three of Mengshenji looked at each other, and they all felt the fear in each other's eyes. This was an enemy they could not fight against.

PS: Weeping Blood Explosive Update, everyone won’t care about the word “water” at the end, right? Save 1 and sign in.

(End of this chapter)

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