Douluo: Long Live the Hall of Souls

Chapter 244 Practice Against Big Waves

Chapter 244 Practice Against Big Waves (Please Subscribe and Vote)

Three days later, at the back mountain of Tianshui College, Yan looked at the snow-capped mountain in the distance, with a different kind of brilliance in his eyes.

Yan spent three days leisurely and leisurely in Tianshui College. During these three days, of course he lived quite comfortably.

Although there is no plot such as Yan, a boy student in a girls' high school, it feels quite good to be surrounded by a group of passionate beauties.

During these three days, he also had a clearer understanding of Tianshui Academy.The principal and vice presidents of Tianshui College are all soul sage-level powerhouses. Although the number is a little small, this is not all.

According to the information that Yan got from a few little beauties, it is said that there are many soul saints and even Contras in the sect's hidden cultivation place in the back mountain, and they occasionally come to the college to give lectures. She is a 30-year-old young woman, but she is actually an old aunt who is over [-] years old.

Under the positive and negative dean, there are various teachers at the level of Soul Emperor, Soul King, and Soul Sect. In terms of the strength of teachers, they are not very top-notch in the entire Douluo Dalu Senior Academy, but they are all beauties, and the teachers they teach are also good. They are all beauties, pleasing to the eye.

There are [-] students in the elementary and advanced classes of Tianshui Academy, which is about a third less than the average advanced soul master academy. After all, their standards are stricter and there are no male students.

The various infrastructures in Tianshui College are also quite complete.Training ground, swimming pool, dance room, music room, after all, many of the past generations of Tianshui College students are young ladies who are good at singing and dancing. Every time the team is dispatched, there will be countless fans to welcome them.

Among these facilities, Yan likes the swimming pool and dance hall the most.The exquisite and beautiful front of the car, the white and big headlights, the streamlined body and the rear of the car... Cough cough, I understand everything, man, why don't you take it easy.

After these general personnel situation, it is the things that Yan really cares about, the mimetic practice field that is necessary for the advanced soul master academy, and the environment that assists Gao Shenbing and water attribute soul masters to practice. These are the reasons why Yan came to Tianshui Academy The essential.

He is going to go to Sea God Island on the west side of the sea, and there are not too many water attribute soul masters in the coastal area, although with the quality of his current fire attribute soul power, he will not be restrained by ordinary ice water attribute soul masters, But that place is Sea God Island, it cannot be judged by common sense.

As far as Yan knows, Tianshui College is the place where the study of ice and water properties is the most advanced in the mainland, so he came here, planning to use their special training environment to improve his ice and water resistance, integrate his own advantages, and cultivate a key flame.

During Yan's three days of wandering around Tianshui College, although he spent most of the time learning dance and swimming skills with the girls in the swimming pool and dance hall, he also wandered around most places in Tianshui College.

And the mountain behind the college is where he is eyeing. After all, he has been relaxing for three days, so it's time to start practicing, right?

"Brother Shengzi."

As Yan thought about it, a lively voice came from behind. A pair of flawless, white and soft long legs came into view. The blue-haired girl was walking gracefully, with a younger , as if the doll girl came along.

"Xiao Bing'er, Xiao Yue'er, why are you here looking for Brother Shengzi?"

Yan looked at the two sisters who were flying towards him, and the smile on his face became even brighter. When they came to his side, each hand was light and fluffy, which felt very good.

The two girls in front of him, Shui Bing'er, are 11 years old. They are still three years away from the maximum deadline of three years. They walk in a delicate and cute style, with a bit of aloofness and cuteness. But after getting to know each other... As for the other girl, One or two years younger than Shui Binger, she is her half-sister Shui Yueer.

Shuiyue'er has blue-green hair, and her temperament and appearance are slightly inferior to her sister's, but she has the gentle temperament of Xiaojiabiyu, and she is also a bit of a nymphomaniac. She is easy to deceive, don't ask Yan how someone knows Yes, he just used a lollipop...

It's not that a certain holy son wants to be a gentleman, but that the two little sisters are too cute, he can't help but want to get close, everything is for cultivation, I believe the Pope teacher will forgive him.

Thinking this way in his heart, Yan asked about the mimetic venue of the two sisters, Bing'er and Yue'er. After learning that his request was approved by the Tianshui College, he hugged the two girls happily and circled around in circles.

In order to thank them, His Royal Highness Shengzi also invited them and the other young ladies of the Xintianshui team to go swimming in Crystal Lake or something, absolutely not intending to give himself any benefits°°.

The Crystal Lake outside Tianshui College is a clear lake like a mirror. The Crystal Lake is not a stagnant lake, but a lake with flowing water. snow water.

Snow mountains, waterfalls, and lakes, these three kinds of snow and water scenery are connected together by a meandering small river. The small river runs around the entire Tianshui College, and finally pours into the Crystal Lake and disperses into the [-] mu of fertile land outside the college.

At this time, in the crystal lake, countless beauties in swimsuits surrounded a young boy who was full of masculinity. The tone of the beauty is particularly eye-catching.

"Your Highness, you have to be careful."

Yan was soaking in the crystal lake and walking slowly. The beauties mobilized their soul power to continuously urge the water waves to attack him, and even set up big waves to try to submerge him.

This is one of the methods Yan came up with by asking the senior management of Tianshui Academy to cooperate with his cultivation.The next thing he was going to was the Sea God's territory, the waves of the sea were unpredictable, and it was the most basic requirement to be familiar with the water waves.

The inland areas do not have such similar conditions, and if they go to seaside cities to practice, the conditions are somewhat insufficient. After all, he is not just training his ability to fight against big waves.So after much deliberation, only Tianshui College is the most suitable.

Waves of big waves came mercilessly, and at the beginning Yan fell down and was submerged again and again. However, after going through many times, the golden-red soul power in his body was condensed a lot, and his figure became more stable. Walk out of the crystal lake and go upstream along the source of the lake.

On both sides of the small river that surrounds the college, there are still many beautiful students who continue to set off big waves. In addition, the river has nine bends and eighteen bends, and there are many torrents and undercurrents. If one is not good, it is easy to be involved.

It was quite difficult for Yan to move forward, but after falling down again and again, he was able to steadily move forward in the river, and the wind and waves could no longer be his resistance.

In this way, he came to the back mountain of Tianshui College step by step. Before he really got close to the depth of the back mountain, the sound of the waterfall, which was as loud as thunder, came to his ears, which was deafening.

Behind Tianshui College is a stretch of rolling mountains. It is impossible to see all of this mountain range from within the college, but even the outermost mountains, the high places have penetrated into the clouds.The most towering place is white and bitterly cold, and it is also the target that Yan is going to conquer this time.

Yan continued to move forward, and came to a deep and secluded pool of deep water, with rumbling thunder in his ears, he finally saw one of his most critical checkpoints in the back mountain, the Great Waterfall.

The waterfall in the back mountain of Tianshui College is extremely spectacular.

The more than 20-meter waterfall is like a jade belt across the mountain wall with a height of nearly several hundred meters. The rumbling sound is exactly the sound released by him flying down.

However, the water flow of the more than 20-meter waterfall is quite amazing. The jade belt hangs in the air, and it is magnificent to fly into the air.

The waterfall poured down and splashed countless water splashes. Under the sunlight, a colorful long rainbow spanned the two banks, which was indescribably dazzling.

This waterfall is also called Longmen Waterfall by many students of Tianshui College, which means carp leaping over the dragon's gate, which roughly means that if a water attribute soul master crosses the waterfall upstream with his own strength, he can gain great benefits.

Yan has already obtained proof of this point from several beautiful teachers of Tianshui College. As for how to prove it, it is not enough for outsiders to know.Maybe it's the mysterious nature, or some ancient creatures buried on top of the snow mountain, who knows exactly.

Yan this time is also going to challenge this big waterfall, and not just jumping over the dragon gate, he wants to continue to go up, go straight to the top of the snow mountain, and walk the road of transforming a dragon that few students of Tianshui Academy have been able to complete since the past generations. Attributes, metamorphosis and integration of their own flames.

Thinking so in Yan's heart, his figure continued to move forward, and soon came to the waterfall like the Milky Way. A stream of water separated and splashed from the Milky Way, and it happened to hit Yan's head.

A chill suddenly swept over his head, and then he staggered and fell into the bitingly cold pool.


Yan quickly broke out of the water, found a smooth bluestone while swimming, and was just about to stand on it to find a foothold, when a certain student on the bank made a move again. Was knocked into the pool once.

"Boom bang bang bang..."

Failed again and again, and Yan fell into the water again and again. It was also in this confrontation that his movements became more flexible and his breath became deeper. A slight change in nature has occurred vaguely.

Yan kept trying as if he didn't know about failure. The sun hanging high in the sky continued to provide him with continuous support. It finally paid off.

He judged the smoothness of the stone, the impact of the water and how to deal with it, and then successfully stood on it, and then faced the raging waterfall, just trying to directly fight against the upstream.


Yan still overestimated himself too much. After all, the turbulent waterfall was not comparable to some separate water flows. Facing the impact of this waterfall, he had no power to resist, and was directly crushed by the huge force and flew out. It shot nearly a hundred meters like a cannonball.

"Brother Shengzi."

"His Royal Highness the Son."

"Your Highness."

Countless beautiful students around watched Yan being thrown directly into the water, and they were all a little anxious. This time, after all, he didn't fall into the water like just now, but was directly thrown out.

But the guy they were worried about was really tough, and he rushed out of the water not long after, but seeing that the sun in the sky had begun to move westward, he had no choice but to give up his plan to continue practicing.

 Chapter 2 is updated, so don't keep the tickets in your hands.

(End of this chapter)

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