Douluo: Long Live the Hall of Souls

Chapter 423 Desire to go north

Chapter 423 Want to go north (please subscribe and vote)
The inner prison of the Imperial City is nicknamed the "Royal Sanatorium" in the aristocratic circle. According to the rules of the Heaven Dou Empire, this place is generally used to imprison members of the royal family who have made mistakes.

Because the members of the royal family have special identities and most of them are super-level existences, in this inner prison cell, the prisoners held here are actually treated extremely preferentially. Except for the poor living conditions, other aspects are Top.

Yan is not very unfamiliar with Tiandou Imperial Palace, but he is not very familiar with the prison in the imperial city. The main reason is that he will not run to the prison at all times. This time, he will come here mainly to accompany our empress to visit the prison. of.

That's right, the original Princess Xue Ke has become the new emperor of the empire, at least the name has been changed in the decree. As for the coronation ceremony, it still needs to wait until the Pope personally comes to preside over it.

As for why Her Majesty the Princess has gone through the entire process from Crown Prince to His Majesty so quickly, I can only say that Her Majesty the Princess is willing to learn and can put down her body to seek a child. Her Majesty the Son has been working hard for many days. After working hard for a long time, I feel more That conscience sank.

The inner prison of the Imperial City is located in a shaded place in the center of the imperial palace, at the end of a small road that is not spacious, and there is not enough sunlight. The green pine trees on both sides make this environment a bit more gloomy.

The construction of the inner prison is not magnificent, on the contrary, it has a bit of old and decayed taste, especially the open space next to the gate, which is specially used for parking carriages, but the dilapidated one is almost shabby.

To be honest, there is no place in the imperial palace that is not magnificent, and even most of the official offices in the imperial capital are built in a dignified and dignified manner. As the face of the empire, how could one not be careless.

But the prison in the imperial city is indeed very dilapidated. There are many reasons. The key one is that it has not been used for a long time.

Although the Tiandou imperial family did not artificially control the royal population like the Xingluo imperial family, they were not that good in terms of offspring.

There are not many brothers in Emperor Xue Ye's generation. After the fight for the throne, only Prince Xue Xing remained active in the political arena of the imperial capital.

Emperor Xue Ye's four sons and one daughter are now only three, and they are basically well-behaved and not contradictory. Prince Xue Xing has no descendants, and he is trusted by Emperor Xue Ye on weekdays.

Therefore, this prisoner in the imperial city probably has not been imprisoned for 30 to [-] years.Just this time, the three of them happened to be locked together, so they had a companion.

It is precisely because of the reopening of the imperial city's inner prison that it has become more popular. The soldiers standing guard at the gate are all elite warriors drawn from the Wuhun Temple. They have already been ordered. The imperial ticket was torn up, and it wouldn't be of much use to keep it anyway.

The three people behind bars also knew about this order, so these people's lives were not very good. Although Prince Xue Xing got Dugu Bo's approval letter, he couldn't go out for a day, and his heart was not at ease.

Moreover, the people who guarded them were all from the Wuhun Palace, and they didn't dare to inquire about the news outside, not to mention how anxious they were every day.

From a distance, the prison of the Imperial City Inner Prison looks like a shrunken castle made of boulders, only about three stories high.It is said that the origin of this castle is also very interesting, but it has nothing to do with Yan, he just came here with others today.

The castle built of gray boulders immediately felt a bit of shade when you walked in. The thick and hard boulders completely blocked the heat of the sun. The interior of the castle was full of eerie feeling, and the oil lamps on both sides added a third of the coldness.

Yan is holding the timid Princess Xue Ke in one arm. The new Empress of the Empire is still so timid, especially when he is on the bed, a certain holy son obediently bows his head to serve him with a few words, which greatly satisfies his evil taste .

Xue Ke held Yan's arms with both hands, and her heavy conscience embedded his right arm. She looked at the surrounding environment and whispered: "The environment here is too bad, the emperor and the two emperors You must be very uncomfortable here."

"His Royal Highness the Son."

When Yan came to the cell in the deep part of the inner prison, there were already elite warriors from the Wuhun Temple waiting here. When they heard the noise outside, the three people inside also made a movement immediately.

Yan took Princess Xueke by the arm and walked through the end of the corridor to the stone prison where three members of the royal family were imprisoned.Objectively speaking, this is still a very clean room.

The floor, walls and ceiling are all made of huge and solid stones. It is said that in order to prevent the prisoners from escaping, this looks like a wall made of stones, with a layer of steel plates embedded inside.

However, this kind of prison is only for ordinary mortals, soul masters with extraordinary existence, not to mention high-level soul masters, but middle and low-level soul masters. As long as there is enough time, it is not difficult to break out of this prison.

However, the three members of the royal family here are not so stupid as to seek death. Not to mention the prison in the imperial city, the entire imperial palace is now basically filled with people from the Wuhun Palace. There are thousands of soul masters. His appearance and breath have already been collected, and if he dares to act rashly, it must be a feast for the whole family.

"Xue Ke."

"Ke Er."

"Xiao Ke."

When Princess Xue Ke and Yan appeared together, the three people in the cell immediately came to the fence. Yan was still looking around at this time, but she let Xue Ke go to meet the three relatives. Reminiscing about the past.

There is only one palm-sized iron window in this cramped room, and only a little sunlight comes in from the outside.Although with the cultivation base of these three people, it is enough to observe the outside by leaning on this window, but it seems that they will not mess around.

Although Yan has already taken Xue Ke's body, but it is not too spoiled, business and private affairs can still be distinguished, although it is better to give a few people a private space at this time, but Yan did not really arrange it this way.

He and a group of warriors from the Wuhun Palace were watching and listening to Xue Ke and the three relatives. In fact, Xue Ke met the Emperor Xue Ye several times, and the people from the Wuhun Palace were always there Watch to prevent accidents in series.

Although Spirit Hall has already controlled Heaven Dou City, and is constantly radiating influence, quickly bringing the entire Heaven Dou Empire under control, but for now, this process has not been completely completed, before that, no matter how careful it is, it is necessary.

Soon, Xue Ke completed the communication with the three of them. After learning about the outside situation, Xue Xing, Xue Qinghe, and Xue Beng had different reactions.

Xue Qinghe showed some relief, Xue Xing's face was painful and heavy, while Xue Beng looked a little excited, especially when he heard that Xue Ke and Yan had already had sex.

"I have seen His Royal Highness the Son."

The three saluted Yan at the same time, Yan just waved his hands casually and didn't care.

"In the current situation, you should have heard what Xue Ke said. In a few days, His Majesty the Pope will come to Tiandou City to crown Xue Ke in person. If everything goes well, the situation should stabilize soon."

Yan's eyes slid across the faces of the three of them one by one, and he said unhurriedly, "The next period of time is more critical, I hope you stay here honestly, and when the right time comes, you will naturally Give you a chance to choose.

Whether to go out and be a wealthy idler, or stay here for a few years until the mainland is unified. "

Xue Beng said with an apologetic smile, "Your Highness, you also know that I used to be a dandy, I didn't have much in mind, I just wanted to go out early, and just eat, drink and have fun in the future."

Yan's eyelids moved slightly, and he said lightly: "Have you thought about it clearly? If you go out early, your cultivation will be abolished, and you will never come back after practicing."

Xue Beng waved his hands and said meaninglessly, "It's all right, my cultivation is not high anyway, so I don't care."

"what about you."

Yan's gaze didn't linger on him, but looked at Xue Qinghe and Xue Xing, who were a little hesitant and didn't make a decision right away.

"Forget it, think about it again, it's still early anyway."

Yan's expression seemed to change for a moment, and then he said another sentence. For the next time, he left Xue Ke and a few of them. About an hour later, he and Xue Ke left the prison.

"Xue Beng, I haven't given up yet, the decision is too straightforward."

Under the warm sunshine, Yan and Xue Ke were walking arm in arm, when suddenly such a sentence came.Beside him, Xue Ke's delicate body paused for a moment, and then leaned her head on his shoulder again.

"If people know about it, they won't let Xue Beng destroy the matter of the Holy Son."

Xue Ke spoke in a low voice, it seemed to be just a sentence, and it seemed to be making an oath.

Yan stretched out his hand and pinched that moist face, then smiled lightly and said: "Get ready, I will help you open up your meridians tonight, so that you can become a soul master."


Xue Ke's face was full of surprises. Although she didn't like to fight, it was her dream to become a soul master.

Yan leaned over and kissed her, and teased, "You will know in the evening, hehe, Your Majesty the Empress, you have to work hard."


Xue Ke uttered a soft whine, clearly she had already entangled him before it was dark, she was obviously planning to give him an appetizer and sweetness first, but this girl didn't know that after someone tasted the sweetness, she would only read more .


In the brand-new bedroom of the Imperial City, Yan was lying on the wide dragon bed dripping with sweat, and what was nestled in his arms was the newly succeeded Empress.

Xue Ke was wearing a small coat at this time, and her semi-obscure posture was even more attractive. She wrapped her arms around his bear's waist, and licked him like a cat, "It's great that Xue Ke can follow the Holy Son."

The girl just got her wish and got through her meridians, and with the help of His Royal Highness, she has been injected with soul power for a long time. She has never been so happy, and of course she is more active.

Yan didn't know how sincere she was, but she didn't care, the more Xue Ke got, the more she couldn't do without herself anyway.

He enjoyed the empress's service, and slapped her buttocks with his backhand, "You will only get more good things in the future, and the days of gratitude will still be long."


Xue Ke just bowed her head obediently, and didn't say much.

"The death of those two guys, Xing Luo, cannot be concealed. The news from Tian Dou City is about to spread."

After being silent for a while, Yan talked about the business, "Those kingdoms, principalities and Xingluo, Wuhundian will cause trouble for them and make them too busy to take care of themselves, you just need to follow what I said to stabilize the basic foundation of the empire.

In addition, I will go north in a while, you are looking after the house in Tiandou City..."


Yan said every word, Xue Ke just responded gently like a kitten, but this cute appearance is the most heart-warming.After talking for a long time, Shengzi felt a little parched, so he lowered his head to quench his thirst, but the two of them were infatuated for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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