Douluo: Long Live the Hall of Souls

Chapter 444 Ice and Snow Follow

Chapter 444 Ice and Snow Follow You (Please Subscribe and Vote)
"So that's it. The soul system you call is really extraordinary."

In the depths of the extreme northern ice sheet, after listening to Yan's words, Snow Emperor subconsciously detected Jialin's situation with her mental power. Naturally, her behavior made Jialin disliked, but because of Yan's instructions, Jialin still prefers With the cooperation, Snow Empress also saw a lot of good things.

The soul system deduced by Yan can be said to be extremely perfect. After the contract between soul beasts and humans, the body will still be preserved, and they can continue to practice and become stronger. This is the biggest difference from the original soul system.

And this difference brings great benefits to soul beasts.Contracting with humans, soul beasts and human beings are complementary to each other, and can share part of human talents. It is easier to upgrade the level, and can be promoted to the limit of bloodlines or even break through the limit faster. This is of great significance to soul beasts. of.

"Xuedi, I think you should be able to rest assured now."

Yan smiled at Xue Di, and tried to continue to persuade her, "I think you should have felt it a long time ago. After the soul beast has reached the cultivation level of 10 years, if you want to continue to practice and become a million-year soul beast, it is only theoretically possible to succeed." , is practically a dead end.

It is a very helpless fact that soul beasts are restricted, and it is not an advisable path to continue to pursue the achievement of million-year soul beasts or even break through to become divine beasts.

And human beings also need soul beasts, soul masters cannot do without soul rings, and soul rings are derived from soul beasts, but blindly killing will only make soul beasts less and less.If this continues, sooner or later, the soul master will be finished.

Therefore, only the cooperation between soul beasts and humans is the real way out.The soul system is the real future.Snow Emperor, I need your help. The promotion of the soul system requires not only the efforts of humans, but also the cooperation of soul beasts, especially the strong soul beasts. "

"What do you need me to do!"

After thinking for a while, Xuedi said in a deep voice, after checking Jialin's situation, she was already moved by Yan's words.

Because she knew very well that what Yan said was completely correct, her cultivation was at the top of the current soul beasts, but after going through many catastrophes, she already felt powerless.

In 1 years at most, she may have to face the next catastrophe, but she doesn't have that much confidence.Now, Yan let her see new hope, the hope of breaking through to a higher level.

"There are currently two great empires on the Douluo Continent. The Spirit Hall where I am located has completely controlled the Heaven Dou Empire in the north. In a few years at most, the unification of the human world can be completed, and then the soul can be promoted. system, ushering in the era of new soul masters."

Yan organized his words, and then continued: "However, there are also some problems, and the problem on the side of the Star Dou Forest is the most critical.

In the Lake of Life deep in the Star Dou Great Forest, there are many powerful existences above 10-year-old soul beasts dormant. They were probably dormant by themselves before, and we have never come into contact with them. We may need your help in this regard. helped.

Also, I hope you can start mobilizing in the extreme north now, so that more soul beasts understand and accept the soul system. The completion of the soul contract requires neither the soul beasts nor the soul masters to resist. If you are willing, it will be difficult to complete the contract..."

Xuedi nodded, "There are not many problems with what you said. Although I haven't been to the Star Dou Forest, I have come into contact with the powerful king from the Star Dou. As for the soul beasts in the extreme north, you don't know about this." Need to worry, I will arrange it."

Seeing Xuedi cooperate like this, Yan also smiled happily, and then extended his palm to her, "Then, help us to cooperate happily."

"Pleasant to work with."

Xue Di didn't really resist the contact with Yan. Seeing that Yan stretched out his palm, after a little hesitation, he also handed over his right hand.

Snow Emperor's palm was very soft, like cold jade, and the temperature was very low. Yan held it quite well, but in order not to let the other party misunderstand, he didn't hold it for too long, and soon let go.

Xue Di looked at the human being who had been smiling at her in front of her, and felt an inexplicable fluctuation in her heart, an inexplicable feeling, but she didn't care too much.She is not Xiaobai who doesn't know anything. It is said that the Titan Snow Demon King wooed her back then and was beaten up violently.

"Xiaobai, go and summon your clansmen, and then inform Binger and Artest..."

Xuedi didn't spend much time on this aspect, just a little mood swings, although she was rare in her long years of experience, but not without it, after confirming the cooperation with Yan, she ordered her to act stupid The Ice Bear King started to work.


Half a month later, in front of a flat snow field outside the center of the extreme northern ice field, countless powerful soul beasts gathered to bid farewell to their king.

Snow Emperor stood beside Yan, and beside her was the Ice Emperor who had turned into a human, and the Ice Bear Wang Xiaobai who was kneeling at her feet and hugging her thigh.

"Xuedi, take me and leave together, I will be obedient."

Ice Bear Wang Xiaobai rubbed against Xuedi's thigh with tears streaming down his face, his pink nose sprayed white air, his face was full of anticipation.

"Xiaobai, you still have a group to take care of. You are the king of the Ice Bear Clan. You must settle your group first."

Xue Di stroked Xiao Bai's nose with one hand, and said softly, "It's not like I won't come back when I go out this time, so you don't have to be so sad."

"Me, I just want to be with Snow Emperor."

The ice bear king Xiaobai lowered his head, his mood seemed a little depressed. As Snow Emperor's pet, he had a deep affection for Snow Emperor. This time he heard that Snow Emperor was going to leave the ice field and go south.

"Xiaobai, you should be sensible. The emergence of the soul system is a great benefit to our soul beasts. As the leader of the extreme north soul beast, I must ensure that it develops in a good way, so this trip to the south Brigade, Binger and I must go."

Xue Di continued: "But the extreme north cannot be guarded by strong men, so I asked you and Artest to stay. When we are away, you must cooperate well."

Ice Bear King Xiaobai didn't know if he had listened to Xuedi's words, but his mood was still very low. After thinking for a while, he said again: "Then Xuedi, why, let him be the master..."

Xiaobai raised his huge bear mouth to the side where Artest, the Titan Snow Demon King, just now, after Snow Emperor announced that she and Ice Emperor were leaving, he also said that Artest would be the leader of the Extreme North for the next period of time. This made Ice Bear Wang Xiaobai very dissatisfied.

Although the three legendary kings of the extreme north are Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor and Titan Snow Demon King, in fact, Titan Snow Demon King cannot be compared with the first two at all.

And his Ice Bear King Xiaobai is not inferior to the Titan Snow Demon King Artest in terms of strength. The image appears, so the prestige is not obvious.

Xuedi touched Xiaobai's head, and said lightly: "Xiaobai, in the next period of time, I hope you and Artest will cooperate well.

If Ice Emperor and I are gone, you and Artest will be the strongest on this extreme northern ice sheet.But in terms of overall strength, Artest is stronger and has a more stable personality, so I chose him.

But in terms of closeness, he can't compare to you anyway.In my heart, you, like Binger, are my family.Binger is my sister, and you are my child.

And it's not like you don't have a chance to surpass Artest. Remember, I fed you the Wanzai Xuan Ice Essence before. With that baby's ability to change, you will have the potential to surpass Artest.

So I hope you can practice hard and strive for an early breakthrough, so that next time I can choose you..."

"Yeah, I understand Snow Empress."

Ice Bear Wang Xiaobai's eyes instantly softened when he heard her say this, and he rubbed his huge nose against Xue Di, "Whatever Xue Di says, I will listen to you, anyway, you won't harm me .

I thought you were partial to Artest, but sure enough you still favor me.I will practice hard and will not let you down. "

Yan watched the interaction between the man and the bear, and secretly complained in his heart that Xuedi chose Artest instead of Xiaobai, there really was a reason.

The Ice Bear King Xiaobai's IQ and bold lines are too easy to be deceived. Let him rule the Extreme North, even if it's only temporarily, I'm afraid it's easy to cause trouble.

"Okay, we can go."

After Xuedi comforted Xiaobai, he turned his head and nodded to Bingdi and Yan again. The three of them had already communicated before, so of course there was no need to say anything more.

"Huo'er, Jialin, let's go."

Yan called out to the sky, two rainbow shadows, one big and one small, crossed the sky, and the little phoenix Huo'er and the gigantic Jialin fell down.

Huo'er still likes to use Yan's shoulders as a foothold. Although she can also become huge and can barely carry a person, she still prefers to maintain the reduced bird-like form, which makes it easier to interact with Yan.

"Karin, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Yan spoke softly to Jialin, and reached out to touch the huge faucet. Jialin squinted her eyes and yelled softly to indicate that it was nothing.

Generally speaking, dragons are quite large in size, not to mention Jialin of the Dragon King species, and she grew extremely fast after birth. Now the length has exceeded 20 meters, and it is not a problem to sit three or four people.

This time they were planning to go south. Although Yan and the other soul beast mothers were not low in cultivation and basically had the ability to fly, they were not as convenient as riding a dragon for long distance travel.

Yan took Xuedi and Bingdifei onto the dragon's back, and of course there were two pets, Qiu'er and Fenghuang Huo'er, beside them. After they all got up, Jialin let out a clear dragon chant, and then walked away. The stature leaps straight up into the air.


Accompanied by the long-lasting dragon's chant echoing in the sky, a golden-red rainbow shadow crossed the sky and quickly moved away to the southwest, before disappearing from the sight of all the soul beasts.

 There are a lot of things today, and the two chapters will have to be put in 12 years, sorry everyone

(End of this chapter)

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