In the cold and lonely cosmic starry sky, a piece of red light rapidly expanded, and it poured into a certain star field as a whole.The war is about to break out again.

In the barren land between Douluo and the universe, the sky above a certain planet is boundless and crimson. It is a boundless red sky.

The entire sky of this planet has turned dark red, and the red light covers the sky and the sun, and the strong sense of oppression can be clearly felt from a distance.The crimson light hovered high in the sky like dark clouds, and huge crimson vortices were rapidly forming.

The entire sky has turned dark red, completely obscuring the light of the stars that the Tianhe clan used to rely on.The earth was dark, and the huge oppressive force seemed to cast a shadow over the slightly barren red planet.

This planet at the edge of the universe is quite barren. Although it has its own life, the history of development is not too long, and it is still in the wild era of competition among beasts.

The universe is vast, but there are only a few planets with life. The reasons for this are complicated. If you want to become a planet with life, you must first have a planet with a suitable position. It is not good if it is too close or too far away from the star.The other thing is the water element.

Water is the source of life, the top might live without water, but the vast majority of creatures cannot do this, water is very important to them.

At present, the water on this planet basically comes from outside the sky, and the meteorite carried a large amount of ice and dissipated on the planet.But because the amount of water is too small, the planet appears barren and difficult to develop.

Due to the scarcity of water sources and the barrenness of the planet, the creatures on the entire planet are limited, and even the local civilization is far away.

If it continues to develop like this, this planet may one day be transformed by a civilization with interstellar colonization methods, or develop its own civilization after countless years.But now everything is impossible. Crimson descends on the planet, and the whole universe is about to be involved in a big war.

In the sky above the barren planet, a crimson fire tornado shot straight into the sky, and on the ground, a savage ancient beast similar to an earth dragon stood on the ground with four legs.


It is one of the most ancient and powerful creatures on this planet. It can only roar when it is not very intelligent, but at this time, it can express its firm will just by roaring. Neither it nor the world will succumb.

It looked up at the sky and roared again and again, and its powerful and wild breath impacted all directions.And above the sky, a huge dark red light group is covering the sky and covering the sky.

This mass of dark red twisted continuously, like a giant beast, opened its mouth and took the entire planet into its mouth.Although this is just a trend, it makes people feel a strong palpitation.

In the sky at this time, the dark red vortices formed rapidly, and the terrifying energy fluctuations became more and more intense.

On the barren land, a large number of native creatures rushed out to deal with them, and they were ready to start the war again.

The sky became more and more red, and at this moment, a majestic voice sounded, "Hand over the life core of the planet, and you can forgive your capital crimes."

The terrifying consciousness oppressed all things, and the space of the entire barren planet began to vibrate violently for a while, and the meaning of that short sentence also instantly made those in power understand their great ambitions.


The roar of the wild ancient beast collided with that voice, which was a collision between the general trend of the world and the level of spiritual consciousness.The sky twisted violently, making the dark red light and shadow a bit bizarre.

"Stubborn. Then you go to die."

The voice in the sky disappeared after expressing anger, and the dark red clouds in the sky became thicker.Small black dots began to burst out from the dark clouds, flying straight towards the ground.

Countless figures surged out from the ground, and went straight to the sky.For a moment, the entire planet seemed to have turned into a hedgehog, and countless native creatures frantically collided with unknown creatures falling from the sky.

After the crimson creature carried by crimson is killed, it will turn into streaks of gray air and be sucked back into the crimson cloud.

But when those pursuers rushed into the dark red cloud, they disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea, and did not cause any harm to the dark red cloud.

The powerhouses on both sides continued to output crazily, and the violent energy fluctuations made the space above the entire planet seem to be trembling violently.

When the counterattack started, the movement of the Crimson Realm, which was enveloping the entire planet, had already stopped.

They continue to release those unknown creatures, the dead energy is withdrawn, and the released creatures continue to die.However, the attacks that rushed into the Crimson Realm disappeared and disintegrated without a sound.

There are more and more creatures falling into the ground, and some unknown creatures with a large number and size are rampant, causing many native creatures on the planet to lose their initiative.

The battlefield has fallen into a stalemate, and the first wave of attacks from the Crimson Realm was blocked by this planet.The violent energy fluctuations almost spread to half of the planet. At this time, the planet is like a giant hedgehog, showing its fangs outward.

Some creatures from the Crimson Realm rushed in all directions, among which the Crimson Bats performed brilliantly.Although the Crimson Bat Clan and the Abyss Demon Bat are somewhat related, they are not directly related.

This kind of crimson bat has six claws under its belly and a huge bat with a wingspan of more than ten meters.Its speed is extremely fast, and various attacks are flashing in the air like a prophet.Only the kind of artillery fire that attacks in a large area can't resist them.

There are a lot of bats like this, and after being defeated, they will immediately turn into a gray-black mist and return to the Crimson Realm.

These gray-black mist are very strange. Even if the mist is hit by an attack again, it will only continue to dissipate, but it will not disappear, and after they dissipate, they will still send out temptations in the direction of the crimson domain.

Soon, other creatures appeared.The whole body is as black as ink, and there is a big ant with four wings on the back.The defensive power of this thing is extremely astonishing, and it usually needs to be hit by many attacks before it dies completely.

Bats, ants, dragonflies, creatures like these emerged endlessly, and there were as many as a dozen kinds at once.Overwhelming, and seemingly endless.An incomparably huge number swooped down and swept over.

The crimson sky at this moment feels like a huge brood, constantly hatching all kinds of horrible creatures.

On the land of the barren planet, countless creatures fell down.The isolated and helpless ancient life star is very vulnerable to this type of plane invasion, and even the awakening of the planet's consciousness will basically not change the overall situation.

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