Ming Zuo

Chapter 1125 East China Sea War

On the battlefield, powerful firepower is king.

Despite being attacked from all sides, the four warships of the East China Sea Fleet still demonstrated the power to sweep everything.

Zheng Shi occupied the right time and place, but he was still beaten terribly.

The artillery on the islands on both sides was overturned one by one, the loss of personnel was heavy, and the effect of interception was greatly reduced.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the East China Sea Fleet crossed the strait between the Da and Xiao Liangmen Mountains and rushed into the Luotou Waterway.

This is the most important waterway in the waters of Zhoushan, with well-developed four-way connections.

From here, turn around and head north, you can rush out of the waters of Zhoushan; sail south, pass through a row of large and small islands, and you can also run out of the encirclement of Zheng's.

"Commander, there are a large number of Zheng's warships rushing from behind."

Zuo Hua was on the flagship at the front and couldn't see the situation behind.He didn't know that Zheng Zhilong had already bypassed Daxie Mountain and completed the interception.

However, he was already prepared for Zheng's arrangement.

"Keep going south and take them around in circles."

"I'm afraid the Zheng family in the south has also laid a net, and it will be difficult for us to rush out."

Shang Kexi is very cautious and does not think that sailing south is a good way out.

Zuo Hua Zhizhu is holding it.

"The Zheng family must have made all the preparations in the south, but the sea area in this area is wide, which is suitable for us to make a fuss about. Let Zheng Zhilong see what a real naval battle is like."

The four battleships continued to move south, and Zheng Zhilong received information continuously.

"Zuo Hua still wanted to struggle desperately, but he didn't know that he was powerless. Tell all the ships to besiege the past, and don't give him a chance to calmly arrange it."

The pursuit speed of Zheng's warship has increased a lot.

It's a pity that this kind of old-fashioned warship can't compare with the steamer on the wide sea.

Even if both sides are against the wind, the Galen ship can maintain a certain speed by adjusting the sails, while the old ship can only paddle with manpower, watching the shadows of the four battleships becoming more and more blurred.

Although it was noon, it was naturally impossible to light a fire and cook because it was wartime.Xia Jun's soldiers simply ate some dry food and chocolate, which greatly replenished their physical strength.

Compared with them, Zheng's people are even worse.

If you have the conditions, you can eat two bites of fried rice. If you don’t, you can just go hungry and persevere.

The East China Sea Fleet circled the Changshanzui peninsula, swept away the Zheng family's artillery above it, knocked out Zheng's eyes, and turned into the Fodu waterway.

As long as you follow this waterway all the way and pass through the strait between Meishan Island and Hengdao, you are equivalent to rushing out of the waters of Zhoushan.

This waterway is very regular, and it is how most merchant ships usually go.

It is impossible for Zheng Shi to be unprepared.

"Commander, there are ships ahead, countless ships, the channel is blocked."

Zuo Hua seemed to have expected it a long time ago and ordered immediately.

"The whole army turned to the left and went to Fanzhan Island."

Knowing that the East China Sea Fleet was turning again, Zheng Zhilong was also a little confused.

"The area around Fanzhan Island is densely covered with hidden reefs and the sea water is very shallow. How dare Zuo Hua drive a big boat into it? Isn't he seeking his own death?"

There are dozens of large and small islands and hidden reefs dotted around Fanzhan Island, so the waterways in the middle are intricate.Even Zheng's veterans would not dare to get involved easily.

Zuo Hua's actions made Zheng Zhilong think that he was taking a risk.

"Tell the third master to block the passage to the east and not let Zuo Hua rush out."

When Zheng Zhilong was chasing after him, Zheng Zhibao and Shi Daxuan were not idle either.The two of them led the fleet to the south, and they had already arrived in the area of ​​Xiaomo Mountain.

Here is another channel out of the waters of Zhoushan.

If this place is blocked, the East China Sea Fleet will have nowhere to go.

Zheng has deployed eyeliners on various islands, so every move of the East China Sea Fleet is watched.

Zheng Zhilong wasn't afraid at all that Zuo Hua might play tricks.

However, he overlooked one point.

During the voyage of the East China Sea Fleet, it has been projecting artillery shells to various islands.

Not only hit Zheng's artillery, but also focused on the beacon towers on the islands.

Although the beacon towers on some islands are too far away, the artillery can't hit them.However, some small islands were completely within the coverage of the Xia army's artillery, and the beacon towers on them were completely destroyed.

As a result, some defects appeared in Zheng Zhilong's dense surveillance network.

Zuo Hua seized this opportunity.

"what time is it?"

"Report, it's 1:45 p.m. and the tide is starting to rise."

Xia Jun once again showed what the Zheng family didn't have.

That is to accurately grasp the sea tide in the combat area.

Although the water around Iizhan Island is very shallow and full of reefs, it seems that large ships cannot pass through.But when the tide rises, many places become unimpeded waterways.

The four warships of the East China Sea Fleet lined up in a long snake, taking advantage of the timing of the high tide, carefully walked between the chaotic islands, and came out unscathed.

"Turn around and head north, and return the same way."

When he came to the west side of Xiaomo Mountain, Zuo Hua knew that his plan had succeeded.

In terms of the situation on the battlefield at this time, the fleet led by Zheng Zhilong was on the west side of Meishan Island and was searching; the fleets led by Zheng Zhibao and Shi Daxuan were on the east side of Xiaomo Mountain, far apart.

There was a huge vacancy in the north that was originally blocked.With the help of the south wind, the East China Sea Fleet was able to get rid of Zheng's siege.

Sure enough, when he heard that the East China Sea Fleet did not go all the way south, but came out of the complicated waters and planned to break through to the north, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being surprised.

"Immediately send an order to the third master to follow me to pursue, Zuo Hua wants to run, it's not that easy."

All of a sudden, the sea became a situation of you chasing me and fleeing again.

But it was the complete opposite.

Now the East China Sea Fleet is in the north, and Zheng's fleet is in the south.

After some mobilization, Zheng's arrangement in the north has been completely empty, and it seems that the escape of the East China Sea Fleet has become possible.

Is this really the case?

"How many of Zheng's warships have appeared?"

The combat staff officer reported immediately.

"About one hundred and eighty ships."

Zuo Hua sneered.

"This is only half, and the other half must be waiting for us in the north."

Shang Kexi also knew that the situation of the battle was getting better.

"When will our reinforcements arrive?"

Zuo Hua raised his left wrist and looked at his watch.

"They'll be there on time."

These words made Xia Jun's morale high, and there was no sorrow of being in trouble at all.

Returning to the Luotou waterway, the fireboat led by Zheng Hongkui rushed over from the east, obviously trying to prevent the East China Sea Fleet from getting out of trouble.

"rocket missile!"

The four battleships fired all the rockets.

Regardless of the hit rate, a raging fire ignited on the sea between the two sides, and it lasted for a long time.

Zheng Hongkui really wanted to use fireboats to attack the East China Sea Fleet, but at this time, facing the fire on the sea, he had nowhere to start.

He could only order the fireboat to turn around and paddle hard to the north, hoping to bypass the burning sea.

But the East China Sea Fleet has fully taken advantage of the wind and is very fast.These small fireboats are paddled by manpower, and on the rough sea, it is really not a little bit worse.

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