Ming Zuo

Chapter 1129 East China Sea War

From morning till night, they fought for almost a whole day, lost [-] to [-] warships, and still could not do anything to the East China Sea Fleet.

Now there are six third-tier battleships joining the battlefield, which immediately turned the entire battle situation upside down.

E Honglue stood upright on the podium of the flagship, carefully and carefully arranging his general uniform.

"Boys, this is the last battle in my life. Do you have the confidence to let me retire gloriously? Let me smile happily when I think of this moment before I die?"

His speech inspired the fighting spirit of all officers and soldiers.

"General, please rest assured. It is my duty to forge the glory of Xia's navy!"

After the Tsushima Sea Battle, E Honglue planned to retire.

He was born in a village near the sea in Portugal.

Because the village is rich in shipbuilding craftsmen and sailors, when he grew up, he naturally walked into the ocean and started wandering for half his life.

Because of being annexed by Spain, the Portuguese were full of anger.

They think about returning to the country all the time.

However, Portugal's strength was too weak, and all resistance was wiped out by the Spaniards.

In desperation, the Portuguese had no choice but to travel around the world, hoping to find a way to get rid of the Spanish rule.

E Honglue spent the first half of his life in poverty, and if nothing happened, he would be silently annihilated in the long river of history.

Later, Sun Yuanhua planned to build firearms in Dengzhou to fight against Houjin. With the dream of getting rich, he followed the rest of the Portuguese to Daming.

Although life has improved a bit, the occurrence of the Wuqiao Mutiny pushed him to the brink of life and death again.

Fortunately, Zuo Menggeng's shot saved his life.

Since then, E Honglue's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He never thought that he, who was penniless, could become a general with outstanding military exploits one day.

It can be said that the current life has made him extremely satisfied.

He desperately wanted to settle down and enjoy the rest of his life.

He is even more grateful to Zuo Menggeng and treats him like a god.

Therefore, when Zuo Menggeng wanted him to go to the battlefield for the last time and lead six brand new battleships into battle, he agreed without hesitation.

It's a fight without suspense.

Victory will surely belong to Xia Guo.

There is no doubt that it would be wonderful to end one's military career with such a battle.

At this time, Zheng Zhifeng's troops had already fought with the East China Sea Fleet, and the sequence had long been chaotic.Even if the danger in the rear is discovered, it is too late to regroup.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Zheng Zhifeng was full of despair, roaring crazily, only hoping to seize the chance in case.

But it's a pity that it's hard for the undisciplined Zheng's pirates to use their arms and fingers.And the backward information transmission technology made his response efficiency even worse.

E Honglue didn't intend to give him a chance to tidy up calmly.

"Order Xu Jianzhong to lead Qingzhou and Dongchang to outflank the left flank, and the rest of the warships will follow me."

The six newly arrived battleships were divided into two parts.

Two of them formed a separate team and moved northeast of Zheng Zhifeng's headquarters.

E Honglue personally led the remaining four warships to turn around from the other side.

Obviously this is not going to give Zheng Zhifeng any way out.

On the wide sea, the covered ship with full sails was speeding like lightning, and soon reached the attacking position.

But at this moment, the Zheng's warship that landed at the rear has not yet completed its U-turn.

The overwhelming shells tilted over, covering them all.

On the spot, seven warships were shot and collapsed.

There were also three warships colliding with each other due to the surging waves, which caused the bilge to flood and gradually began to tilt.

Zheng's fleet was in chaos and completely lost command.

Everyone desperately wanted to avoid the attack, and began to flee blindly on the sea.

As a result, situations of mutual obstruction occurred frequently, and mutual collisions continued in an endless stream.

Zheng Zhifeng was sweating profusely.

"Go up and block them."

His flagship is the new warship bought from Xia Guo, and it is also the ship with the most powerful combat effectiveness in the Zheng family.

In desperation, Zheng Zhifeng could only use his body as a shield, hoping to give his subordinates a chance to relax.

Seeing the same battleship rushing towards him, E Hong slightly shook his head and sighed.

"It's such a waste of such a good ship to fall into the hands of these pirates. Look, they can't even do basic operations. Guys, teach them what a real sea knight is."

E Honglue's ship Yanzhou and another battleship Huaian rushed towards Zheng Zhifeng.

Although it was the same warship, Xia Guo didn't play any tricks in the construction, but the artillery of the two sides was not at the same level at all.

Five hundred meters away, the Yanzhou and Huai'an began to bombard wildly.

Although Zheng Zhifeng ordered to fight back, the bronze artillery was far from accurate and powerful.

Occasionally, a few shells hit Xia Guo's warships, only splashing some sawdust.But once Xia Jun's shell hit, it immediately exploded violently.

In just one stick of incense, Zheng Zhifeng's boat was hit by six shells.

The entire bow of the ship was blown to pieces, and the ropes pulling the sails snapped, causing the sails to lose control and flap wildly in the sea wind.

The speed of the warship was stagnant, and even turning became difficult.

Zheng Zhifeng was even more desperate, like a wounded wild animal stubbornly resisting.

"Fire the cannon, you won't lose if you kill one, and you'll earn if you kill two."

At this moment, a Xia army's heavy artillery shell hit the middle of the warship straight.The warhead not only penetrated the sideboard, but also detonated the gunpowder in the cabin.

In an instant, a large group of black and red flames accompanied by a strong shock wave caused the sea water within a few hundred meters around to boil.

Zheng Zhifeng only felt that she had become a piece of paper in the strong wind, and she couldn't help but fly upside down.After flipping in the air for a long time, he fell heavily into the water and completely lost consciousness.

The remaining Zheng's pirates saw their flagship completely destroyed and completely lost their will to fight.

They began to flee in all directions, trying to stay away from this terrible area.

But it is a pity that the encirclement network of the East China Sea Fleet has been completely formed.There are ten Tier [-] battleships with more than [-] artillery pieces of various types.

Moreover, the speed of the third-tier battleship is faster, and it can easily catch up.

Any Zheng's warship that wanted to break out was baptized by artillery fire and then wiped out.

After fighting like this for half an hour, less than one-tenth of Zheng's warship escaped.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, and fearful of death, the rest had no choice but to raise white flags and gave up resistance.

The ambush that Zheng Zhilong planted with painstaking efforts was completely buried.

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