Ming Zuo

Chapter 1154 Virtue and Talent

Chapter 1154 Virtue and Talent

Lu Xiangsheng didn't know Xia Guo's assessment of the situation, and he didn't want to know either.

The situation in front of him was enough to upset him.

After coming out of the palace, in order to relieve the pressure from Chongzhen, Lu Xiangsheng took the initiative to attack.

On October 10, he personally led 15 elite soldiers to launch a night attack on the Qing army in Tongzhou.

Under his leadership, the Ming army fought very bravely, but the results were very few.

The combat effectiveness of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

According to some messy historical records, Lu Xiangsheng once sent an invitation to Gao Qiqian, hoping that Gao Qiqian could launch a night attack with him.

Gao Qiqian not only refused to agree, but also taunted him with the allusion of "Going to Caizhou on a snowy night".

But Zuo Menggeng can testify that this matter is absolutely nonsense.

Because when Lu Xiangsheng launched the night attack, Gao Qiqian was still on defense at Shanhaiguan, not nearby.

The well-prepared night attack did not work, which made Lu Xiangsheng full of worries.

The fighting power of the Qing army completely exceeded his estimate, and the next battle might be difficult.

Ten days later, the news came that the Qing army had divided into two groups and went south to loot everywhere.

Seeing the flames of war in the Gyeonggi area and the destruction of the city walls, Lu Xiangsheng could only lead his troops south to find the main force of the Qing army, intending to stop them.

But only after he really went south did he realize that the situation was extremely bad.

"Why hasn't there been any movement of the military rations that were originally scheduled to be delivered today?"

Facing his accusation, the grain and grass officer was innocent.

"The villain has been urging for several days, but there is no response from the surrounding towns, and the servants sent by the villain have also been beaten back."

Hearing that the nearby places would not provide food and grass, Lu Xiangsheng's heart became even more clouded.

The soldiers and horses did not move, but the food and grass went first.

If he doesn't have enough to eat, the soldiers and horses in his hands will be in danger.

Just when he was thinking about what to do, an angry person appeared in front of him.

"Boxiang, why are you here?"

"Hmph, treacherous ministers are in power, and evil rebels bring disaster to the country. How can we, loyal people, have a foothold?"

The person who came sat next to him started shouting and cursing on the spot.

This person's name is Yang Tinglin, who is an editor of Hanlin in the court. He is very famous and has a good personal relationship with Lu Xiangsheng.

"What happened?"

Yang Tinglin angrily explained the whole story.

"I heard that Yang Sichang secretly wanted to make peace with the Eastern captives, so he couldn't bear it, so he scolded him severely. Who would have thought that he deliberately retaliated, and even falsely accused me of being proficient in military affairs, and sent me to you .”

Lu Xiangsheng's head hurts.

For this friend, he is still very clear.

People, it's not bad.But like all Qingliu civil servants, they can only play tricks.

Guessing that he wrote too much impeachment memorial, Yang Sichang had no time to talk to him when he was in a state of desperation.Simply send him out, so that he can find peace.

"You are wrong to blame Yang Ge for being old."

When Lu Xiangsheng told the hidden story, Yang Tinglin was surprised and embarrassed.

"Oh, this is a good man's fault."

Lu Xiangsheng waved his hand, and at this moment he was not in the mood to pay attention to these bad things.

"Since you're here, help me sort out the military supplies and supplies. I've decided to shift the blame. As for the lack of food and supplies for the army, would you like to go?"

Since he had something to do, Yang Tinglin didn't think too much about it.

"It must be done immediately."

Seeing Yang Tinglin coming and going in a hurry, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but laugh.Facing the current situation again, I feel powerless again.

On November 11, Lu Xiangsheng was really frightened when he heard that the Qing army had broken through Gaoyang.

Of course he knew that it was Sun Chengzong's hometown.

If Sun Chengzong had an accident, he must be blamed.

But unlike the original history, Sun Chengzong is now far away in Shandong, and even his family members have been taken over, so they are intact.

Lu Xiangsheng waited and waited, but he was more or less at ease when he didn't hear the sad news of Sun Chengzong.

However, the Qing army must attack every city and destroy every stronghold, completely destroying the entire western part of Gyeonggi, which he can no longer bear.

Just as he was about to leave to fight the Qing army, people from Xia Kingdom arrived.

"Here is a letter from Mr. Sun Ge, please read it by Lu Bingxian."

Lu Xiangsheng took the letter from Zheng Jiada, and after reading it carefully, he realized that Sun Chengzong had gone to Shandong.

Although Sun Chengzong did not stay in his hometown and died at the hands of the Qing army, he was very lucky.However, Lu Xiangsheng still frowned when the emperor of the two dynasties went to the rebellious territory.

As for what Sun Chengzong told him in the letter, he didn't take it to heart at all if the situation was not good and he retreated to Qinghe.

"I have read the books of sages and sages since I was a child, and I understand the way of loyal ministers and righteousness. Even if the family is destroyed, I will never regret it. Sun Ge's kindness, this official appreciates it."

Seeing that even Sun Chengzong dismissed his words, Zheng Jiada couldn't help being a little angry.

Originally, Zuo Menggeng also told him to tell Lu Xiangsheng that dividing troops is not a good strategy.Seeing that Lu Xiangsheng was so self-willed, Zheng Jiada left without telling him.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng was in a more difficult situation.

There are no friendly troops around him.

After Gao Qi dived to Tianjin, facing Dorgon's left-wing army, he didn't dare to go out of the city to fight in the field.

The Zhending area where he is located is hundreds of miles away from Tianjin, and they cannot cooperate with each other at all.

The most unacceptable thing is that Lu Xiangsheng's intelligence ability at this time is appallingly poor.

Lu Xiangsheng stationed his troops calmly, waiting for the arrival of follow-up food and grass, while looking for the main force of the Qing army.

On November 11, a student, Wei Zhice, came to see him.

"Master Bingxian, the tens of thousands of troops from the East are now besieging the deer. There are no soldiers in the city, only the wives and concubines of Mr. Li Jiuhua are recruiting the townspeople to defend the city. The time when the city is broken is not far away. Please also send the heavenly soldiers quickly, Mr. Bingxian, Rescue a deer."

Lu Xiangsheng frowned, feeling that this matter was quite suspicious.

Huolu is only less than fifty miles away from Zhending, and he has also sent scouts to scout the enemy.

Although many scouts were intercepted and killed by the Qing army, the situation on Huolu's side was unclear, but he didn't think the Qing army was close at hand.

"My lord, this guy is probably Donglu's spy. The scouts under the last general have already found out that Donglu has left Guguan and is heading for Shanxi."

Li Chongzhen, deputy commander of the Biaobattalion, Governor General of Xuanda, vowed.

His words are much more credible than a mere student.

Lu Xiangsheng also felt that he had searched for so long but had not found any trace of the Qing army. It should be like what Li Chongzhen said, the Qing army had already jumped over the Taihang Mountains and fled to Shanxi.

He ordered Wei Zhice to be driven away, and immediately began to mobilize troops.

"Wang Zongrong, you lead your army out of Daomaguan immediately. Once you find the Eastern captives, report back immediately."

Wang Pu took the order and led his subordinates out of the camp.

Seeing that Lu Xiangsheng divided his troops again, Hu Dawei was a little frightened.

"My lord, do you want to send soldiers and horses from Ji and Baoer towns to increase momentum?"

His proposal was arbitrarily rejected by Lu Xiangsheng.

"Baoding is very important, there is no room for loss, it's better not to move."

Not only did Lu Xiangsheng not send troops to increase his strength, he even asked Shanxi Governor Song Xian and Datong Governor Ye Tinggui to lead their respective standard battalions to follow Wang Pu back to Shanxi.

Looking at the barracks missing a large part out of thin air, Hu Dawei didn't know why, but felt palpitations.

 When writing this paragraph, I consulted a lot of historical materials and found that Lu Xiangsheng's death in battle was actually caused by more of his own factors.

  To be honest, Lu Xiangsheng is really not a famous general.Whether it's coping or machine change, everything is a lot worse.

  Moreover, the soldiers and horses under his hands are uneven, and the command is not smooth, which is also a big reason for the failure.

(End of this chapter)

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