Ming Zuo

Chapter 1158

Because of the relationship between history and geography, the prosperous areas of Japan are concentrated in the central and western regions.

Far east and north, very remote and desolate.

After the rise of the Tokugawa shogunate, out of strategic considerations and in order to quell the resistance of the western daimyos, Tokugawa Ieyasu only entrusted his cronies to the eastern and northern regions.

There is another benefit to doing this.

That is, Edo does not need to consider the risks from behind.

You only need to focus on the west and concentrate on dealing with those foreign daimyos at both ends of the head rat, and you can consolidate your rule.

This method effectively helped the Tokugawa shogunate to maintain the regime.

But with the arrival of the Xia Kingdom, under the more advanced strategic concept, this arrangement of the Tokugawa shogunate suddenly became a huge loophole.

In order to fight against the Xia Kingdom, the Tokugawa shogunate assembled a large number of daimyo troops, either deployed near Edo, or rushed to the Osaka area.

As a result, everything in the east and north is empty.

The Tokugawa shogunate had no idea that Xia would attack from the north.

On the first day the [-]th Division landed in Aomori Domain, it completely controlled the vicinity.

Then there was no hindrance at all in the march.

Let's put it this way, the only thing that delayed the progress of the [-]th Division was our own logistics.

Under the wind and snow, the transportation of grain and grass encountered many difficulties.Otherwise, it's not a myth that the eleventh division's rapid progress has been achieved.

Three days later, the urgent military situation of the attack in the north was placed on the desk of Date Tadamune, the second-generation lord of the Sendai domain.

The feudal lord became numb on the spot.

He now has no troops at hand.

The soldiers and horses of the Sendai Domain had already accepted the order of Tokugawa Iemitsu and went to Osaka under the command of his father Date Masamune.

"Send a letter to General Da'ao immediately."

Date Zhongzong was so weak that he finally felt the danger.

The Xia army came from the north, and the shogunate had no extra troops to stop it.

Not only the Sendai Fan, but even Edo were exposed to Xia Jun's soldiers.

The Eleventh Division didn't care about the exposure of its actions at all, and the Tokugawa shogunate urgently transferred the troops sent to the west back if they had the ability.

I don't believe that the army of the shogunate will not fall apart during this kind of back and forth.

After all the eleventh divisions landed, they were divided.

The [-]th regiment went straight to the Akita clan, and the rest of the main force went south along the main road to attack the Sendai clan.

Because there was no decent resistance on the road, the march of the two soldiers and horses was very fast.

In just five days, the main force of the [-]th Division reached Osaki on the outskirts of Sendai.

The city wall of Sendai was already in sight, so Hong Qicai ordered all the ministries to stop advancing and rest on the spot.

"Our goal is not to destroy the Tokugawa shogunate, but to force them to surrender. The current situation is very good, just wait for the mentality of the Tokugawa shogunate to collapse."

Breaking through Sendai is easy, but pointless.

After finishing Sendai, we have to move on.

Since then, the logistics supply line has exceeded five hundred miles, which will affect the next battle.

This is also the main reason why Xia Guo was unable to eliminate the Tokugawa shogunate for the time being.

The other thing is that you can't make other big names cheaper after working hard.

For Xia Guo, the best ending is for the Tokugawa shogunate to admit defeat.

Now that Xia Junbing is approaching the city of Sendai, and Edo is not far away, I believe that the psychology of the Tokugawa shogunate has also reached a critical point.

Next is waiting.

However, the main force stagnated here, while the thirty-seventh regiment achieved brilliant results.

After conquering the Akita Domain, they made great strides all the way, breaking through twenty-five cities in a row, taking down the Yamagata Domain and capturing the lord Hoshina Masaoyuki.

This unexpected joy made Hong Qi really happy.

He ordered the thirty-seventh regiment to send Baoke Zhengzhi over quickly.

"Xia Guo is not trying to destroy the Tokugawa shogunate, but to punish your arrogance. I hope you can convey Xia Guo's intentions to General Ooku, and hope he will not make mistakes."

Hoshina Masaoyuki was not only the lord of the Yamagata Domain, but also the half-brother of Tokugawa Iemitsu.

He is a person who can speak in front of Tokugawa Iemitsu.

At this time, Baoke is very well-behaved.

It was Xia Jun's ferocity that frightened him.

He thought to himself that the defense of the Yamagata clan was strong, so he could hold on no matter what.Who would have thought that it took only an hour and a half for Xia Jun to break through the city wall.

The explosion that shook the ground and made the sky dark and dark has become his nightmare.

When he closes his eyes now, the image of tall and majestic city gates flying high into the sky will always appear in his mind.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely convey it truthfully."

Hoshina was released and entered Sendai alone.

Date Zhongzong was trembling with fear, seeing Hoshina Masaoyuki who had been released, and knowing Xia Guo's conditions, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

He finally understood that Xia Jun didn't attack the Sendai Fan, not because he couldn't fight, but because he didn't want to.

Since it was safe for the time being, he wasn't so worried.

"Xia Guo is really too powerful. If we continue to fight, I'm afraid the shogunate will be wiped out. It is better to report the situation to General Da'ao truthfully and save the catastrophe as soon as possible."

The Tokugawa shogunate can still persist, but the daimyos everywhere have already felt it clearly.

If the fight continues, everyone will end up with the shogunate.

Date Zhongzong sent an envoy to follow Hoshina Masayuki and rushed to the shogunate. When he told the situation, everyone in the shogunate was dumbfounded.

They figured everything out.

He just didn't expect that Xia Jun would call from behind.And it has already attacked the city of Sendai, not far from Edo.

"Da'ao, the matter has come to this, taking advantage of Xia Jun's soft attitude, we must make a decision as soon as possible."

Date Masamune's attitude quickly took a [-]-degree turn, and began to urge Tokugawa Iemitsu to surrender.

It's impossible not to turn around, the Sendai Domain is the foundation of their Date family.

If this is broken by Xia Jun, the prosperity and wealth of the Yida family will be over.

In a short period of time, Iemitsu Tokugawa obviously aged a lot.

He closed his eyes in pain, trying hard to maintain his majesty, but his rapidly trembling body still exposed his fear.

Toshikatsu Doi also lost all his wits.

Under the general trend and in the face of absolute power, all resourcefulness is nothing but a beautiful but useless pattern.

Can the Tokugawa shogunate stop the Xia army's attack from the east?

Obviously not.

Even if the army from the west is quickly dispatched back at this time, how much combat power can these troops have after traveling thousands of miles?

Another one, when the army from the west is dispatched back, how should we deal with the Xia army from the west?
What about transferring the defenders of Edo?

What about Edo?
Let Xia Guo's navy break into Edo Bay, just like it did with Osaka, and turn Edo into a sea of ​​flames?
At this moment, everyone in the shogunate understands that they...

Totally lost.

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