Ming Zuo

Chapter 1175 Who is the mighty enemy in the world?

The duel between light cavalry and light cavalry is extremely tedious and dangerous.

It is impossible for both sides to lead the cavalry towards each other in a daze.

War horses are precious, so are cavalry, and we cannot afford to lose them.

And this kind of collision doesn't take much advantage.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, the two sides kept circling back and forth on the vast plain.

Both sides are divided into countless small teams, interspersed back and forth, looking for each other's weaknesses.And gather quickly in a certain place in order to form a situation where more players fight less.

In such a battle, the bow and arrow are the main weapons.

In terms of riding and shooting, the Eight Banners cavalry is not afraid of any enemy in the world.

They believed that just a few rounds of fighting would be enough to completely collapse the Han Chinese cavalry in front of them.

The two sides were separated by a distance of thirty or forty steps, breathing could be heard, and the bows and arrows of the Eight Banners cavalry were extremely accurate.

Almost every arrow hit Xia Jun's cavalry.

But the result is very ordinary.

It's not that the cavalry of the Xia army have practiced the indestructible magic of King Kong, but that they are fully armored and well-protected.As long as you don't get shot in the gut, it has almost no effect.

The armor of Xia Jun cavalry is professionally and scientifically designed, which is different from most of the armor of this era.

Many key parts are made of integrally stamped metal armor, which perfectly fits the body shape.

Even if such metal armor is very thin, its hardness is not comparable to other armors.

The Xia army cavalry is also fighting back.

Although their shooting speed is not as fast as that of the Eight Banners cavalry, and their accuracy is also a bit worse, but the killing effect they create is better.

Even though the Eight Banners cavalry were wearing three layers of armor, they were still vulnerable to the steel arrows of the Xia Army cavalry.

What made the Eight Banners cavalry even more unacceptable was that although they had the upper hand in the bow and arrow shooting at the beginning.But fighting and fighting, Xia Jun actually had the potential to overtake.

The reason lies in the production of bows and arrows.

Although the bows and arrows of the Eight Banners cavalry are made of the best wood, the best bowstrings, the best arrow shafts, and the best arrows, the people who use them are also the top archers of this era.

But there are many scientific devices on Xia Jun's bow and arrow.

These devices can greatly save the physical strength of the shooter.

Although the Xia army cavalry was not as skilled as the Eight Banners cavalry in the initial shooting due to lack of proficiency.However, under continuous combat, the physical difference between the two sides is reflected.

If it is said that in the comparison of bows and arrows, the Eight Banners cavalry suffered a disadvantage.Then what made them unacceptable the most was that the Xia army cavalry's technical and tactical qualities were even better.

Although the Eight Banners cavalrymen are all born horse fighters, they are born with the talent of riding and shooting, but the advantage of this talent is more obvious in small-scale battles.

In large-scale group operations, organization and discipline are the key factors that determine the quality of the army.

In terms of organization and discipline, Xia Jun said that he is the second in the world, and no one dares to be the first.

On the battlefield, the two sides come and go, share and cooperate, constantly changing formations, and trying to find each other's loopholes.But after a few rounds, not only was Xia's formation not torn apart, but on the contrary, through separate and combined attacks, the Qing army gradually became unable to keep up with its strength.

The last point was what frightened the Qing army the most.

Although the horses under the crotch of the Eight Banners cavalry are all carefully selected fine breeds.But compared with Xia Jun's cavalry, they were a head shorter and their legs were shorter as far as the naked eye could see.

In this way, the speed of the Eight Banners cavalry will be much slower during the run.

In a light cavalry duel, if you run slower than the opponent, you are seeking your own death.

Some of the horses of the Eight Banners Cavalry came from Daming's original Liaodong horse farm, and were bred by themselves.

Another part came as a tribute from the Mongolian grasslands.

But no matter which one, they all belong to the Mongolian horse breed.

This kind of war horse is not tall, and its speed is not extremely fast.The only advantage is that it has great endurance.

Back then, Mongolian iron cavalry swept across the Eurasian continent, and they could easily conquer thousands of miles away, relying on this kind of horse.

However, the war horses of Xia Jun's cavalry had already undergone an update.

The current war horses basically come from the racecourse in Jeju Island.

These products, which are mixed from the best horse breeds in the world, have gathered various advantages, which are far beyond the comparison of Mongolian horse breeds.

Seeing that our side is getting more and more passive, the general of the Qing army who rushed into the battlefield first became furious, and his fighting spirit became stronger.

"Tell Sonny, cover my flank, I'm going to smash these Southern barbarians."

This person is really fierce.

He put away his bow and arrow, and took out a heavy mace from behind.With a light blow to the horse's buttocks, the man rushed out.

In his eyes, only Xia Junshuai Qi was galloping in front of him.

Beneath that banner, a tall but thin general of the Xia Army was shooting arrows.

Every arrow accurately hit the vital points of the Qing cavalry.

The generals of the Qing army have never seen such an accurate archer.

After seeing that there are many guards around this person, it is obvious that he has a very high status.

If you kill this general, you will definitely be able to turn things around and win a big victory.

He chose to charge, and the soldiers had no choice but to follow up bravely.

According to the military law of the Qing army, if the main general falls and the soldiers are alive, they will be tortured and executed.

"Teacher, look!"

Wang Siyi is soaring recklessly, killing the enemy happily.

In recent years, the Xia Army's battles have been either in the rolling and steep mountains and hills, or on the vast sea, so that the cavalry has little use for it.

Watching others fight hard and make military exploits repeatedly.But she can only live in the back, Wang Siyi's mood can be imagined.

This time, she was finally able to face the enemy on the battlefield, making her like a tiger having fun.

Hearing the guard's reminder, Wang Siyi turned her head to look.

Seeing a general of the Qing army rushing forward recklessly, while swinging the mace up and down, none of the cavalry of the Xia army was an enemy, and they were smashed to death on the spot.

"Good come!"

Wang Siyi was tired of archery for a long time, and when she saw someone wanting to fight with her, she was immediately excited.

She casually inserted the strong bow back to its original position, took out two axes, and went up to meet it.

The dark cloud Gaixue under her crotch is a good horse in the world, running at full speed is like a black lightning floating on the snow.

The generals of the Qing army couldn't help being overjoyed when they saw that the enemy not only did not flee, but even took the initiative to meet them.

His bravery was invincible in the Qing army, and the number of Ming army generals who died under him did not know how many.

Now the tall and thin man on the opposite side came to die, which was exactly what he wanted.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer, the general of the Qing army let out a roar like a tiger roaring in the forest.At the same time, he raised the mace high, and swung it fiercely with the power of the forward charge.

This mace is made of refined iron and weighs two hundred catties.

One power down ten sessions.

In the face of such absolute power, any moves are unsolvable.

The general on the opposite side showed no fear.

But seeing him suddenly move the two axes in his hand back and forth, it turned into a long axe.

The opponent's posture was the same as his, and there were no tricks, just hitting with an ax in turn.

All of a sudden, the battlefield suddenly fell silent.

Whether it was the Qing army or the Xia army, they all stared wide-eyed, watching the battle between the main generals of both sides.

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