Ming Zuo

Chapter 1184 Simple Siege Warfare

Chapter 1184 Simple Siege Warfare

After destroying the only Spanish armed force at sea, the city of Santo Domingo was like a girl who opened her heart in front of the Xia army.

To deal with such an enemy, Zuo Hua is quite patient.

He ordered the Second Marine Division to land by the sea, and then circled behind the city of Santo Domingo, surrounding the entire city.

At the same time, the warship went deep into the Danshui River and aimed its guns at the city wall.

During this time, Lauza Gonzales had been awakened.

Although Gonzalez was terrified to see being surrounded by groups, he was still able to comfort the bewildered soldiers.

"Don't worry, we have a solid city defense, and we are not afraid of the enemy's attack. As long as we persist for a while, the governor will definitely come to rescue."

The city of Santo Domingo is not far or close to the city of San Salvador, where the governor is resident, but if there is no news from here for a long time, the governor will definitely become suspicious and send someone to check.

"Do you have confidence in such a city defense?"

The task of attacking was handed over by Zuo Hua to the Second Marine Division.

It's not that he is generous, but that he has far-reaching considerations.

The city of Santo Domingo is a typical type of military castle in Europe, and it will inevitably face such defenses in future wars.

Attacking with the army is the main method of the Xia army.

Taking advantage of the lack of strong defenses in Santo Domingo, it would be a good idea to train the army.

In this way, when it is really necessary to fight against a strong European enemy in the future, the trained army will not encounter such a fortification.

Gu Erzhong and Zhao Xianbing discussed together and asked Zuo Hua for help.

"Can you remove the heavy artillery on your warship and lend it to us?"

This time only the Seventh Marine Regiment followed the action, so they did not carry heavy artillery.

And if you want to attack the city, heavy artillery is the best weapon.

Of course Zuo Hua didn't care, and immediately ordered the ten heavy guns on the Yangzhou to be unloaded.

Only then did Gu Erzhong reveal his attack plan.

"This kind of European castle is very effective against front-mounted solid shell artillery. Because the power of that artillery can't knock down the city wall at all, the defenders are condescending, and there are no dead ends, which will cause great damage to the attacker. But our artillery not only has a long range, but also has a strong destructive ability. It is estimated that a few rounds of shelling will blow up the gap."

It's not that Zuo Hua doesn't know anything about land warfare.

Pointing to the wide ditch outside the castle, he asked, "How do you break through here? And be careful, the low wall behind the ditch should be usable for combat."

Gu Erzhong admired him very much.

"Those low walls are similar to our sheep and horse walls. They are the main part of this kind of castle defense. Whether it is this kind of castle or our city walls, once the enemy really attacks the city, it will actually be considered a failure. "

Although Xia Jun saw European castles on the battlefield for the first time, this kind of fortification was not unfamiliar to them.

Because in the lectures of the military academy, Zuo Menggeng focused on explaining the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of castle, and explained many ways to crack it.

After all, the bastion has a pivotal position in the history of modern warfare, and it must be a problem that Xia Jun will encounter.

Anyway, sooner or later, Zuo Menggeng added it to Xia Jun's military teaching.

Therefore, when Zuo Hua, Gu Erzhong, Zhao Xianbing and others saw this kind of castle, the knowledge they had learned in the past came to mind, and they came up with solutions one by one.

In fact, with the current Xia Tian's firepower, facing this kind of castle, many ingenious means are unnecessary.

One power down ten sessions.

In the face of the ferocious firepower of Xia Jun's heavy artillery, the defense of this kind of castle is no different from that of paper.

Even the ten-meter-wide, five-meter-deep ditch, and the integrated low wall defense, are not difficult for Xia Jun to break through.

"Suppress the city with all the heavy artillery, absolutely not let the enemy on the wall shoot down from above. All the infantry, rocket launchers and mortars are concentrated on the low wall. All the snipers in the army are in place. Who dares to shoot from the low wall?" Stick your head out from behind, and kill him for me."

Gu Erzhong decided to let the Dutch and the Spaniards take a good look at what fire suppression is.

In the face of such a deployment, the infantry of the Seventh Marine Regiment only needed to build siege equipment, and it was enough to follow the artillery fire.

In the afternoon, the siege battle officially began.

Ten heavy cannons lined up, only about three kilometers away from the castle.

At this distance, the old-fashioned artillery on the castle can only look at the ocean, while the accuracy of the heavy artillery has been greatly guaranteed.

Standing on the city wall with binoculars in his hand, Gonzalez was full of question marks as he watched the arrangement of Xia Jun's artillery.

"What's the use of the artillery being placed so far away?"

The other Spaniards couldn't answer this question, they just laughed and thought that these strange enemies who appeared out of nowhere would definitely not fight.

But when the gunfire sounded and roared like thunder, everyone felt something was wrong.

The speed of the cannonball flying is too fast, and it does not give people any reaction time.Immediately after that, gunpowder smoke rose from the top of the city, and the ground shook.

The solid city bricks were like flour in the face of such an explosion, and they were blasted to pieces one after another, turning into sharp weapons to help the evildoers.

In the blink of an eye, the city wall was swept away, and very few people survived.

Gonzalez fell to the ground, feeling his internal organs shifted.The sky seen by the eyes is red for a while, white for a while, and green for a while, full of phantoms and erratic.

He tried his best to push away the corpse on his body, supported the broken city wall, and looked outside in horror.

The fighting outside the city was not intense.

Xia Jun's soldiers were extremely scattered, and it was hard to catch a few of them at a glance.

This caused great trouble to the Spanish soldiers.

They stood up from behind the low wall and wanted to shoot, but it was difficult to lock the enemy when they aimed around.

But just when they were hesitating, Jun Xia opened fire.

Although the infantry artillery was not as powerful as the heavy artillery, the Spanish soldiers shrank back in fright when they hit the low wall.

But something beyond their knowledge happened.

The low wall that could protect them from the wind and rain was completely useless at this time.Strange shells fell from the top of the head one after another, setting off a violent storm behind the low wall.

Even if these soldiers were not completely killed, Xia Jun's rockets also made the city wall a decoration.

A raging fire quickly ignited near the landing point of the rocket, and the inside and outside of the wall were burned together, forcing the Spanish soldiers to retreat.

As for the Spanish soldiers who had no time to retreat, they died more happily.

Xia Jun's snipers fired every shot from hidden corners, and also opened the way for the infantry to advance.

Long ladders were erected over the ditch, and the soldiers climbed without any hindrance, and took the low wall again.

The city of Santo Domingo couldn't hold it just after the war started.

(End of this chapter)

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