Ming Zuo

Chapter 1195 The Emperor's Mind

Chapter 1195 The Emperor's Mind

The verdict of Chen Zilong's divorce case had already aroused strong repercussions before leaving the court.

Chen Zhang held the divorce certificate she had just obtained in her hand, feeling lost.

She didn't know that she had already become history.

When people in the future talk about the pioneer of modern divorce, her name will inevitably be mentioned.

It stands to reason that she should be very sad that the marriage broke down because of her husband's derailment.But for some reason, at this moment, she felt a little bit of relief.

Zuo Menggeng could still see clearly.

In this marriage, not only did Chen Zilong not love her, but she actually didn't love Chen Zilong either.

It's just that Chen Zilong is more advanced than her, and he came into contact with new ideas early, so he took the first step.

And she is still trapped in the confinement of traditional thinking, unable to accept the changes of the times.

Now the tide of the times pushes her to adapt, and she accepts the reality.

Standing side by side with Chen Zilong, Liu Rushi and Chen Zilong also had mixed feelings when they looked at Chen Zhangshi with a weird expression.

An extraordinary court trial, although she was placed on the judging platform of the secular public, it made her really come out.

She finally firmly grasped her own happiness.

At this moment, Liu Rushi still doesn't know what all this means.

She decided to obey Zuo Menggeng's judgment, and after she went back, she would polish a letter of apology to Chen Zhangshi.

She is the most elite woman in this era, she is beautiful and intelligent, and she understands Zuo Menggeng's meaning.

Where is this letter of apology?

It is clearly a propaganda book for all women in the world to get rid of oppression and redo themselves.

Since Zuo Menggeng entrusted her with this task, she must complete it properly.

I, Liu Rushi, am no worse than any man in the world.

That being the case, the pioneer of the times begins with me.

Zuo Menggeng, Zhang Zhenxiu and others also walked out of the courtroom.

At this time, they had already removed their judge clothes and resumed their usual identities.Looking at the three people standing opposite each other, each had their own feelings.

"From now on, there will be more disputes among households in the world."

Zhang Zhenxiu still has a strong sense of feudal scholar-officials, and feels uncomfortable with this instinct of change.

But his identity and responsibility made him understand that all this is the general trend.

The benefits of emancipating women have long been seen by everyone.

The powerful power radiated from this has become an important part of helping Xia to stand out in the world.

He was only a little uneasy when he was keenly aware of something.

Zuo Menggeng didn't care at all.

Just because in the depths of his heart, there is the development process of the entire world for hundreds of years in the future.

As long as he chooses the right one, it is good.

"If from now on, everyone in the world can decide their own destiny and truly achieve independence in personality, it will naturally be a great blessing."

This statement is still recognized by everyone.

Now everyone has already felt how comfortable it is to live in Xia Kingdom.

You don't need to be cautious because of your status, and you don't need to be frightened because of the difference in status.

There is no need to worry that the superior can decide life and death with a single word.

What is a human being?
Only by experiencing it firsthand can we understand it better.

"Chen Renzhong got his wish and kept his name. From now on, I'm afraid he will be as happy as a fairy."

Everyone looked at Chen Zilong and Liu Rushi standing side by side, they really looked like a man and a woman, and they were filled with emotion.

Only Zuo Menggeng seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Really? I'm afraid not necessarily."

"Why does Zhongheng make such an assertion?"

Zhang Zhenxiu didn't know why.

In today's trial, Zuo Menggeng came in person, and even made a verdict unprecedented in the ages.

It was also he who lifted the shackles from Chen Zilong and Liu Rushi.

Why are you so pessimistic about the relationship between two people?
Zuo Menggeng pointed to the two people in the distance whose eyes were about to bleed, and the words came from his heart.

"These two people are both exquisite and sharp-minded. They seem to be a perfect match and complement each other, but in fact they are like two sharp horns. As long as they meet together, they must be incompatible. Their full of talents, Not only will it not become a sustenance for staying together, but it will become a weapon of mutual dissatisfaction."

Zuo Menggeng didn't know the truth about the breakup between Chen Zilong and Liu Rushi in the original history.

Maybe it's just because of Chen Zhang's Lion's Roar.

But thinking of Liu Rushi's several relationships, which one of the man is not the most talented person?
It's not every time he is roared by the Hedong lion and beats the mandarin duck with a stick.

This can only show that both men and women are too good, and they both have youthful illnesses, so there will definitely be a lot of right and wrong.

In the end, only Qian Qianyi, who has cultivated himself all his life and seen through life, can tame Liu Rushi, a fierce horse.

Zhang Zhenxiu didn't understand even more.

"Since you have already thought of this level, why promote them?"

Zuo Menggeng shook his head and laughed.

"My purpose is not to promote them, but for the people of the world. As for the two of them, whether they will be happy or miserable in the future, they will choose their own path, and they will be responsible for it."

These words made Zhang Zhenxiu's heart tremble, and he secretly tensed up.

The young man next to him was no longer the stunningly talented junior, but had begun to gradually reveal the majesty of an emperor.

Fu Xinyuan came over and whispered something in Zuo Menggeng's ear.

Zuo Menggeng's eyes lit up.

"I really didn't expect a great talent to come here, please hurry up."

The old gentleman, who was listening in the court, smiled and bowed his hands.

"His Royal Highness King Xia doesn't mind being bothered by old people, it's a great honor."

Zuo Menggeng held the other party's arm and wandered leisurely by the peaceful Daming Lake.

"Nowadays the mediocre people are rampant in the court of the Ming Dynasty, and such a great talent as Duke Yuyu is rare. Duke Yuyu is here, but do you want to abandon the dark and turn to the bright?"

The old gentleman paused when he heard the words, and then smiled.

"The old man has been in the officialdom for many years. After several ups and downs, he has made no achievements. To say that he is a great talent, he is really ashamed, and he cannot be favored by His Royal Highness King Xia. I heard that Old Sun Ge is here, and he is a great talent in this world."

Zuo Menggeng laughed.

"Mr. Sun Ge has the talent of Mr. Sun Ge, and Mr. Yuyu has the strengths of Mr. Yuyu. Those who are in charge, just choose the talent and apply it."

A wonderful look flashed across the old gentleman's face, he thought for a while, and suddenly asked: "How does His Royal Highness King Xia judge Lu Jiandou?"

Zuo Menggeng didn't hesitate at all.

"In today's court, the person who sits high should be him."

The old man was surprised again and again, a little unconvinced.

"Everyone in the world says that Lu Jiandou is the talent of the Zhu Kingdom. It seems that he is overqualified just to use it for trial and conviction."

Zuo Menggeng is frank.

"It's nothing more than the flattery of ignorant people who don't know the truth. Our army watched the whole process of Lu Jiandou's defeat, and we really have no good generals. From the Chongzhen Dynasty to the present, only Sun Gelao, Yuan Ziru, and Hong Hengjiu were able to fight on the battlefield. .”

This extremely harsh evaluation shocked the old man.But thinking about the records of Ming Dynasty, there is nothing they can do.

(End of this chapter)

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