Ming Zuo

Chapter 1323 Anti-Spanish Alliance

Small Macau, big China.

How to choose, the Portuguese did not hesitate for too long.

But this is a big deal, and Romario Menezes, the governor of Goa, dare not make a decision.

He immediately sent people back to the mainland, hoping that the country could come up with a decision.

He sent a total of three groups.

It's not that something is missing, it needs to be added.It's just in case, for fear that the news won't be sent back.


Because you can't go by sea.

Going by sea is too slow.

If they arrived in Europe with the Xia Guo Mission, and passed the order back from China, the day lily would be cold.

Then you can only take risks.

By land.

First you have to pass through the Ottoman Empire, then you have to pass through Spain, and finally you can return to your homeland.

It is self-evident how big the risks are along the way.

Three groups of people, just in case.

In the face of huge benefits, there are people who will do even the most dangerous things.

The Portuguese played with all their energy.

They first pretended to be ordinary caravans and traveled across the Ottoman Empire.He paid heavy taxes along the way, without blinking an eye, allowing the Ottomans to rob.

When they entered the territory of Spain, they hurriedly changed their clothes and identities.After a rough look, there is no difference from the Spaniards.

It is easier for a Portuguese to pretend to be a Spaniard than a Tianjin person to pretend to be a Beijinger.

Just relying on this method, the three groups of people traveled wildly all the way.When they rushed back to the mainland, the Xia Kingdom Mission was still fighting the pirates on the east coast of Africa.

Even so, only one of the three groups returned.

But in any case, the news from the east made the whole country of Portugal boil.

Portugal, which has not completely shaken off the shadow of its neighbors, really needs help and recognition.

Even though the Eastern Great Empire is thousands of miles away, it can provide Portugal with too much help.

Whether it is trade or military aid, it can greatly enhance Portugal's strength.

The first priority before the Portuguese is to maintain the independence that they have finally gained.

As for Macau and Ceylon, they are not very important in the entire Portuguese colonial system.

After tense negotiations among the nobles, it was finally ordered by King João IV that Portugal formally abandoned the colonization of Macao and Ceylon, and fully agreed to Xia Guo's proposal to establish diplomatic relations.

Portugal happily agreed to join the alliance.

As long as they think that they will no longer be bullied by the Dutch at sea from now on, the Portuguese will dance happily.

As long as the Dutch don't make trouble, the Portuguese believe that their trade can definitely return to its peak.

After Portugal made a decision, it immediately began to send ambassadors to China.

The status of this official must be respected enough, only in this way can he represent the interests of the country.

As a result, the appointment process was not smooth. Starting from the king, including the nobles, they almost lost their brains.

Because no one is a fool, and they know very well how much benefit they can earn by relying on the status of this ambassador.

In the end, Marquis Felilo Guzman emerged as the winner.

His sister is Joao IV's queen, Luisa Guzman.

This is a very powerful woman who played a very important role in the process of Portugal's independence.It was under her influence that João IV became king.

The woman also left a famous quote.

[Rather than being a duchess for a lifetime, it is better to be a queen for a day. 】

It was with the strong support of Luisa Guzman that Fililo Guzman became Portugal's first ambassador to Xia Guo.

Anthony Lopez will succeed Romario Menezes as the new Governor of Goa.

Romario Menezes was called back to the country because of his great credit, entered the cabinet, and is also very hopeful to become prime minister in the future.

The former Governor of Macau, Paulo, was appointed as Filiro Guzman's deputy and the Portuguese commercial representative in Xiaguo.

Then Feliro Guzman sailed south from Lisbon.

He will meet the Xia Guo Mission on the way.

Obtain relevant certificates from the Xia Guo Mission and the Dutch, and take office.

At the same time, Portugal immediately sent envoys to the Netherlands to convey the relevant information.

Portugal has already reached the limit of the pressure on the Netherlands at sea.Being able to ease the relationship one day earlier is of such great benefit to the survival of Portugal.

Even before the Xia mission entered the Atlantic Ocean, the political situation in Europe had already begun to change.

This is the energy of a great power.

You don't need to go out in person, just adjusting the policy in a very far away place can affect the situation in a region.

At this time, the Xia Guo Mission is enjoying a completely new scenery.

After the team set off from Goa, they began to enter a state of intense combat readiness.

Because further west from here, it entered the territory of the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottoman Empire once flourished, completely separating the East from the West.Even Portugal and Spain, as well as most of Italy, were reduced to its territory.

Although the current Ottoman Empire has begun to decline, it is still the king of the Middle East.

Ottoman warships sail across the sea, staring at passing ships.

Fortunately, this team is large enough and powerful.

Although they encountered Ottoman's warships a few times on the way, the other party did not dare to provoke them when they saw the large number of people here, so they could only follow and monitor from a distance.

For the fleet, the biggest difficulty of this journey is that they cannot dock.

He could only survive by relying on the food and drinking water stored on the ship, and he was highly concentrated, which exhausted his physical strength.

Liao Zhongjian only felt that the voyage was difficult, but he did not know that Putmans and Romario Menezes were very happy.

"This is the safest trip, thanks to Xia's powerful force."

"The merchant ships of the Netherlands pass through this sea area, and they can only succeed seven times out of ten."

For the Ottoman Empire, there is no country that does not sail on the sea without hatred.

At this time, the two of them looked at the majestic Xia Guo fleet, and they both came up with an idea in unison.

If the Kingdom of Xia can be brought in and the Ottoman Empire eliminated, trade will not be blocked in any way from now on.

Liao Zhongjian didn't know what the two of them were thinking.

He is decent.

He is writing a diary.

This is also the task Zuo Menggeng entrusted to all the missionaries.

Everyone should keep a diary.

What you see, hear and feel along the way must be recorded.

Because often a lot of important information is hidden in this seemingly scattered diary.

Liao Zhongjian was not used to it at first, but he still felt a sense of accomplishment when he looked at the diary that was gradually filling up.

[The existence of the Ottoman Empire has seriously hindered the communication between the East and the West.This old and conservative empire, like Daming, has gradually failed to keep pace with the development of the times.Decisive measures must be taken to gain the initiative in this region.As long as it can succeed, Xia will be in a leading position in the future world trade. 】

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