Ming Zuo

Chapter 1337

Chapter 1337
The conflict between Gao Jie and Bai Guangen lies in whether to fight or retreat.

Gao Jie leads the battle, while Bai Guangen retreats.

This is also related to their life experiences.

Although both were traitors to the Peasant Army, their reasons for rebellion were different.

Bai Guangen only pursued glory and wealth, and the court gave him a lot, so he became an official of the court.

If he can't go on, he doesn't mind surrendering again and relying on Li Zicheng.

But Gao Jie can't.

He knew very well that once Li Zicheng seized the world, he would die without the power to bury him, and he would have nowhere to escape.

Who told him to abduct Li Zicheng's wife for the sake of beauty?
Li Zicheng suffered such great humiliation, the top of his head was green, it was absolutely impossible to tolerate Gao Jie's life no matter what.

Therefore, Gao Jie is the one who wants to put Li Zicheng to death the most.

Both of them are leading generals, and both are Sun Chuanting's right-hand men.These two people disagreed, which greatly affected the Ming army's operations.

In fact, how to choose has nothing to do with the conflict between the two people.

Looking at the hungry army, the food road could not be restored.Sun Chuanting knew very well that this battle must be fought if not fought.

If he wins, there is still a chance of survival.

But if you lose, everything will be over.

Under such circumstances, Sun Chuanting chose Gao Jie's opinion.

This made Bai Guangen hold a grudge, and decided to stand on the sidelines.

Just outside Nanyang City, Sun Chuanting waited for Li Zicheng's main force.

The great battle that will determine the fate of the Central Plains begins here.

"General Gao, you use the cavalry as the vanguard of the whole army. After breaking through the enemy's position, General Bai will follow up. Everyone, we will live or die in this battle."

Sun Chuanting confided his heart and hoped that the generals from all walks of life could unite as one in the crisis and tide over the difficulties.

It's a pity that he doesn't understand that when the building is about to collapse, people's hearts can't be united no matter what.

Gao Jie exerted all his strength and led three thousand cavalry to launch a fierce attack.

Li Zicheng's response was still the old way of the peasant army.

Put the hungry people on the front line and act as cannon fodder to consume the enemy's strength.

Behind the cannon fodder are infantry with certain combat experience, followed by cavalry.

Basically, regardless of any enemy, as long as they go through these two layers of consumption, they won't have too much power left.

The last is his trump card.

That is the heavy cavalry and the old battalion with the strongest combat effectiveness.

In the beginning, Gao Jie's attack went smoothly. Those loose cannon fodder and ordinary infantry couldn't stop the cavalry's charge at all.

The Ming army was as powerful as a broken bamboo, breaking through more than ten formations of the Chuang army.

Sun Chuanting was very excited to see Gao Jie being so brave, but soon he found something was wrong.

"Why didn't General Bai's troops move out? Quickly send an order for General Bai to follow up."

The messenger rushed out of the central army, but what he brought back was news that terrified the entire army.

"Reporting to the supervisor, General Bai led his headquarters all the way back without saying hello."

The generals of the Ming army were cold all over, and immediately understood that the general situation was over.

On the frontal battlefield, Gao Jie finally exhausted all his strength.

There are too many soldiers and horses in the army, and he always feels that he can't finish killing them.

Seeing that his cavalry could not move forward, Li Zicheng waved his hand and threw in the heavy armored cavalry.

If heavy armored cavalry had been dispatched at the beginning of the invasion, Gao Jie would definitely have chosen Youdou.Take advantage of the characteristics of light cavalry to slowly consume the strength of heavy cavalry.

But now after the continuous battle, his cavalry can no longer run.Seeing the heavy armored cavalry rushing towards the army like mountains and walls, they had no choice but to wait for death.

Even the most elite cavalry has failed, how can other Ming armies have the will to fight?

The crash started quickly.

More than [-] Ming troops completely herded the sheep, and everyone began to flee indiscriminately, looking for their own way of life.

Obviously he had already foreseen this scene, but seeing it with his own eyes, Sun Chuanting still felt sad and couldn't hold on.

Under the escort of his staff and personal guards, he went all the way west and withdrew back to Tongguan.

In the end, the strength of the Ming army fleeing back to Tongguan was only [-].And all of them are old, weak, sick and disabled, the battalion is full of wounded soldiers, and they have no combat power.

Gao Jie was covered in injuries, and after returning to Tongguan, he really wanted to find Bai Guangen to fight for his life.

But Bai Guangen retreated to the side, and the army formation was tight, leaving Gao Jie helpless.

"Master, this is the end of the matter, and our army is powerless to fight again. Tongguan cannot be defended. It is better to retreat to Xi'an and use the tall city walls of Xi'an to have a chance of survival."

Gao Jie's bitter persuasion did not move Sun Chuanting.

"If a thief enters Tongguan, will the people of Qin still serve me?"

Gao Jie couldn't answer his question, and even knew the result.

For so many years, the imperial court has perversely acted in Shaanxi, causing anger and resentment.Once Li Zicheng returns, it is certain that all the people in Shaanxi will flock to him.

Rather than being trapped to death in Xi'an, it is better to use the natural danger of Tongguan to give it a try.


This place has been captured by Liang Yue.

In today's Gansu area, Daming has long lost control and cannot organize any troops.

Liang Yue's [-] troops galloped freely in this area, and no one could beat them.

After defeating Xu Yaqing's conspiracy, Liang Yue successfully captured Lanzhou, and then dispatched troops to attack.

Taozhou, Minzhou, Ningxiawei, Gongchang Mansion, and Pingliang Mansion have all fallen into his hands.

The people here only know Marshal Liang, but not the Ming Dynasty.

The civil and military officials of the Great Ming Dynasty in Shaanxi could only watch helplessly, but there was nothing they could do.

Unless Sun Chuanting defeated Li Zicheng and returned to the army.Otherwise, no one can resist Liang Yue's soldiers.

The messengers rode fast horses and rushed into the barracks like the wind.

"Commander, there is news from the Central Plains that King Chuang and Sun Chuanting fought in Nanyang and won a complete victory. Now that Sun Chuanting has retreated to Tongguan, the day when King Chuang returns to Shaanxi is not far away."

In the commander's account, listening to the situation in the Central Plains, all the generals have different thoughts.

"Marshal, do you want to stand against King Chuang?"

Because they are like brothers, Jiang Chaoyun pointed directly at the core essence.

Liangyue has developed so far, dominating the northwest, and has become a powerful force.But if Li Zicheng returns to Shaanxi, he will inevitably have disputes with Liang Yue.

Although Li Zicheng said in public that he promoted Liang Yue to an equal status with the leaders.But everyone understands that there are no two suns and no two masters.

In this world, one master is enough.

If Liang Yue chooses to fight against Li Zi in court, then he will inevitably turn his sword against each other and turn his eyes into enemies.

"When I was down and down, I was taken in by King Chuang and trusted more, so I am today. No matter what, I will always follow King Chuang as the Lord, and I will never dare to disobey or betray."

Liang Yue was serious and expressed his thoughts.

Many of the generals let out a sigh of relief.

They also came from Chuangjun, and they also regarded Li Zicheng as a heavenly man. They really couldn't imagine the situation of fighting Li Zicheng.

Jiang Chaoyun nodded, admiring Liang Yue's loyalty.

But now that he is under Liang Yue's command, he must consider his own interests.

"Marshal's loyalty, the world can learn from it, and the world admires it. However, my brothers have been born and died, and we have to deal with them properly today. Here, little brother, there is a way. It can be the loyalty of the commander-in-chief, but also let everyone have it." A nice place to stay."

(End of this chapter)

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