Ming Zuo

Chapter 1345

When you find that something cannot be done, immediately change your position, settle for the next best thing, and try to preserve as much interest as possible.

Such a mature political ability actually appeared in Hauge, which really made many people doubt it.

This shouldn't be the behavior of a reckless person like Hauge!
But in any case, it is true.

Haoge resolutely gave up fighting for the throne, and instead supported the young Fulin.

As for what benefits he can get?
The big guy also quickly figured it out.

First of all, the throne cannot fall into the hands of Dorgon anyway.

As long as Dorgon is not the emperor, Hauge will not be too dangerous.And with his Prince Su background and Zhenglan Qi's reliance, it would be very difficult for Dorgon to attack him.

Secondly, since he was the one who advocated making Fulin the emperor, Fulin's party must give back certain benefits.

As for what this benefit is, I believe it will not be long before it will be revealed.

But Hauge's sudden change of position made Dorgon and the people from Liangbaiqi really wince.

Dorgon was the one he feared the most.

Because if things don't work out, the idea of ​​turning around and setting up Huang Taiji's other princes has been brewing for a long time.

As a mature politician, Dorgon thought that his advantage over Hauge was that he knew how to choose.

The throne is naturally his dream.

But once there is really no hope, he is not unable to retreat.

As long as his power is not lost, it doesn't matter whether he has the false name of emperor.

He believed that as long as he took out this ultimate move at the right time, he would definitely catch Hauge by surprise and gain an absolute advantage.

As for Hauge, it will be processed slowly in the future.

In the end, he was full of planning, but Hauge broke through it first.

Who is it that can pull this stubborn bull Hauge back?
Dorgon's eyes were like a wolf, searching around Hauge repeatedly.But after looking around, there was nothing to be found.

He didn't think that Fan Ji, a slave, could influence Hauge's thoughts.

It was originally a situation where Dorgon and Hauge were fighting against each other, but now Hauge chose to withdraw and support Huang Taiji's other princes, which instantly reversed the situation.

Obai and other people from the two yellow flags were no doubt rejoiced, and immediately formed an alliance with Hauge.

The two yellow flags and the Zhenglan flag reached a consensus.

"Prince Su understands the righteousness and always puts the country's affairs first. The spirit of the late emperor will surely be relieved. We are all grateful from the top to bottom of the Qing Dynasty. Although this king is dull, he can't be left behind. I also support Li Fulin is the emperor!"

Jierharang stood up and expressed his attitude.

Like Aobai and others, Jierhalang's support for Hauge is also false.

He only supported him because he was Huang Taiji's son.But since there are other princes to choose from, Jierharang's support for Hauge will be withdrawn at any time.

But this time, although Jierharang chose to support Fulin, he admired Hauge very much, which made the relationship between the two of them much closer.

The bordered blue flag also joined the camp.

So far, half of the Manchu Eight Banners have elected Fulin as emperor.

The two white flags in Dorgon's hands are still holding on, and the two red flags in Daishan's hands are still waiting to see.

But since Daishan doesn't want to help, Dorgon is at an absolute disadvantage.

Don't worry, besides the Eight Banners, there is another force that should not be underestimated.

That was Horqin Mongolia who was also present.

When Huang Taiji passed away, Horqin Mongolia also sent a mission to attend the funeral.Among them, Wu Keshan led the mighty Mongolian princes and nobles, who have always been an important influence in the affairs of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.

Although these people sat on the sidelines without saying a word at this time, who still didn't understand, if they didn't support Fulin, who else could they support?

You must know that half of Horqin's Mongolian blood flows through Fulin's body.

Daishan presided over the meeting and saw that the situation was one-sided, so he looked at Dorgon.

"Prince Rui, it's rare that everyone has the same attitude, how can you say that?"

He was reminding Dorgon not to struggle fearlessly anymore.

Dorgon only felt a fishy sweetness in his throat, which almost exploded his lungs.

But this time, he couldn't fall down.

"Prince Su is right. The sky is big and the earth is big, and the Qing Dynasty is the biggest. Since the big guys have the same thoughts, this king... this king will naturally follow the good."

Hearing his statement, to be honest, many people present were really relieved.

They also don't know what the final outcome will be if Dorgon persists.

After all, Dorgon is the No.1 general of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and he is also the one with the greatest contribution and influence.In particular, there was the rumor of Old Khan's passing on the position back then, which made him very popular in the Qing Dynasty.

If he insists on fighting, it is by no means a blessing for Qing Dynasty.

Seeing that Dorgon had subdued, Daishan felt lost, and felt a little regretful.

I'm afraid he himself doesn't know that, in the dark part of his heart, he actually hopes that Huang Taiji's family and Dorgon's family can fight to the death.

"Since that's the case, the consensus has been decided, and Fulin will take the throne!"

Daishan made the announcement in public.

Immediately, Mandahai and Jierhalang stepped forward and respectfully invited Bumbutai to come to the dragon chair with Fulin in his arms.

God knows how excited Bumbutai is at this moment!
After some painstaking planning, she finally made her son the emperor.

Who knew how scared she was before.

I was afraid that I would be forced to be buried by Huang Taiji like Abahai.

Fulin, who was only six years old, was still ignorant and ignorant. He was hugged and sat on the dragon chair, so small that he was almost invisible.

He didn't understand what happened, his eyes widened, and he looked extremely frightened.

If Bumbutai wasn't on the side, I'm afraid he would get up and run away immediately.

After Fulin sat down, Daishan went to the head of the officials and bowed down first.

After him, Haoge, Dorgon and the others all fell to the ground following Hulala regardless of their inner thoughts.

"Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"


After all, Fulin was frightened by this scene and burst into tears on the spot.

Bumbutai had no choice but to run forward, and sat on the dragon chair with Fulin in his arms, accepting three kneelings and nine kowtows from the officials.

At this point, the new generation of emperors in the Qing Dynasty fell on Fulin's head.

However, although there is a new emperor, the struggle for power continues.

"Your Majesty is young, and the women in our harem are not very sensible. How the country should be governed depends on the best efforts of the uncles. Prince Su is loyal to the country and has the overall situation in mind. As the regent, his hard work over the years is not in vain. labor."

Bumbutai began to give back.

Although Hauge's Fujin came to her door to express her support, she was quite surprised.

But no matter what, Hauge is willing to support Fulin, which undoubtedly inspires Bumbutai.

Before Hauge, Dorgon had secretly communicated with her about the song and conveyed his intention.

Now that the two most powerful contenders for the throne put their hopes on their sons, she knew that Fulin would win.

She was naturally willing to let Hauge go a step further and fight Dorgon on equal footing.

Otherwise, in the future, their orphans and widows would not be bullied to death by Dorgon?
Bumbutai is naturally happy to see someone who can contain Dorgon.

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