Ming Zuo

Chapter 1348 Final Preparations

The speed of the Shun army's rapid advance exceeded everyone's expectations.

For a moment, everyone felt an uncontrollable sense of tension regarding the judgment of the situation.

"Shanxi governor Cai Maode had no soldiers or food, so he could only concoct a rumor post, slandering the Shun army for poisoning the people in Shaanxi, hoping to inspire the Shanxi people to fight against the Shun army. Now it seems that it is pure wishful thinking."

When the building is about to collapse, the behavior of the feudal bureaucrats is ridiculous.

They slandered Shunjun's actions, but they didn't know that they did it all by themselves.

The people of Shanxi have long been completely disappointed with the Ming court.

Not only did these posts have no effect, but it made the common people look forward to Shunjun even more.

"According to the current marching speed of the Shun Army, the capital will definitely fall by April at the latest. Our time is running out and we must prepare as soon as possible."

Huang Zongxi reminded.

Some of Xia Guo's plans were formulated based on the actions of the Shun Army.

The day when the Shun army captured the capital was the time when Xia Guo's plan was implemented.

Seeing that the time was getting tighter and tighter, Huang Zongxi felt extremely stressed.

Zuo Menggeng is similar.

"How long will it take for Zhang Xianzhong to completely capture Sichuan?"

Zuo Yong reported immediately.

"Now the Ming army in Sichuan has been completely defeated by Zhang Xianzhong. Before the end of the year at the latest, Zhang Xianzhong will be able to take Sichuan as his own."

Zuo Menggeng thought of one thing.

"Did Zhang Xianzhong massacre in Sichuan?"

There is a rumor that is rampant in history.

That is, Zhang Xianzhong massacred Sichuan, causing the population of Sichuan to be less than one in ten.As a result, in order to consolidate the rule, the Qing Dynasty had to relocate the population from Huguang to fill Sichuan.

Xia Guo's intelligence work is very detailed.

"The battle between the two sides was very brutal, and the casualties were very serious. As for the massacre of civilians, I haven't heard of it yet."

Zuo Menggeng nodded, realizing that the so-called "Zhang Xianzhong slaughtered Sichuan" should be a rumor.

Over the years, the war in Sichuan has never stopped. Coupled with natural disasters and man-made disasters, the sharp decline in population is inevitable.In fact, it has nothing to do with the massacre.

Just think about the situation in Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi.

The population of these places has also exploded, but this is a normal phenomenon in times of war and disaster.

What Zuo Menggeng cared about was not whether Zhang Xianzhong slaughtered Sichuan or not.

"Since Zhang Xianzhong has gone to Sichuan, let's not be too polite about the territory he left behind. If we want to do something, we should start with Jiangnan."

Zuo Menggeng gave the order.

Both Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong were unwilling to enter the south of the Yangtze River, and they seemed to abandon this most affluent place in the world.

They don't want it, Zuo Menggeng does.

If you want to unify the world and not occupy the south of the Yangtze River, wouldn't you be asking for trouble?
"Is that starting from the Songjiang Military Region?"

Liu Yiyuan asked.

Regarding the deployment of unified operations, the center has already formulated a solid plan.

The unification of the Jiangnan area has long been assigned to the Songjiang Military Region.

"According to your predictions, how long will it take to capture Jiangnan and march into Jiangxi and Huguang?"

Liu Yiyuan is full of confidence.

"The land in the south of the Yangtze River has basically come to fruition. The armed forces here are not worth mentioning. We have enough means to win. Jiangxi and Huguang are slightly more difficult, but five to six months can basically eliminate the resistance on the surface. .The next step is government affairs governance and local security warfare.”

He added another sentence.

"The terrain in western Hunan is complicated, the ethnic groups are intertwined, and bandits are rampant. The most difficult thing in the future will definitely be the battle against bandits."

He didn't know that Zuo Menggeng's understanding of these things was much deeper than his.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we have so many security officers. When the time comes, every inch of land will be wiped out, and anyone who dares to rebel will be killed."

There is nothing to say about bandits and bandits.

Without complete eradication, the place will never have peace.

For the sake of the national interest, no matter how much force is invested in the extermination, it is not an exaggeration.

Of course, Zuo Menggeng also knew that whether banditry could be completely eradicated did not depend on military affairs but economics.

Who wants to be a bandit if they can survive?
The center has no objection to starting with Jiangnan first.

When the Shun Army attacked the capital and Zhang Xianzhong attacked Sichuan, Jiangnan became a vacuum.

Xia Guo's attack here will not cause shocks from all parties, but it can seize the most fertile territory.

But Liu Yiyuan was quite worried about how to capture it.

"If you want to fight in the south of the Yangtze River, warships are absolutely indispensable. And in order to isolate the Yangtze River and prevent other forces from mixing in, you also need the help of the navy. It's just that the East China Sea Fleet is busy capturing Mindanao, so I don't know if it can return in time?"

Ships from the south and horses from the north, fighting in the south of the Yangtze River, without ships, there is absolutely no possibility of success.

Zuo Menggeng was firm.

"The battle in Mindanao is almost done, and there are at most some finishing work left. Let the Second Marine Division slowly finish, and order the East China Sea Fleet to come back."

With this order, the big guys are really relieved.

With the invincible warships of the East China Sea Fleet, no one is adversary on the waters of Jiangnan.

Huang Zongxi thought of something, and asked: "Does Zuo Rong need to go back to take office?"

As the commander of the Songjiang Military Region, Zuo Rong has been in Shandong for the past year.

While studying at the military academy, he participated in the formulation of the overall strategy.

Now that the war is about to start, he must be in place as the commander.

When talking about Zuo Rong, many people present laughed.

"It's rare for Commander Zuo to meet someone he likes, and we don't know when to drink the wedding wine?"

There are quite a few people who know the situation of Zuo Rong and Cheslet.

No one thought that Zuo Rong, who was usually the most staid and upright, fell in love with the foreign woman.

Speaking of this, Zuo Menggeng couldn't help laughing.

Turning around, he called Zuo Rong to his eyes.

"The relationship between you and Cheslet has basically stabilized. I asked Academician Galileo, and he is also very satisfied with you. If the two of you have no objections, let's hold the wedding soon."

Talking about his own private affairs, Zuo Rong completely lacked the prestige of a great general, and was quite coy.

"My father... will my father disagree?"

Zuo Menggeng rolled his eyes.

"Uncle Yan doesn't think about anything now, he just wants to hold his grandson."

Having said that, Zuo Rong couldn't help being happy.

He thought of something again, and his expression was extremely solemn.

"Master, if I have two sons in the future, I want to adopt one to Uncle Kuan."

Zuo Menggeng's expression darkened, and he knew that he was serious about being a big brother.

"Regardless of whether we can live on or not, is Uncle Kuan still lacking someone to take care of him? Do whatever you want, it's our own family anyway."

Zuo Rong couldn't be happier.

"Then...then I'll go and talk to her."

Watching Zuo Rong run away, Zuo Menggeng sat alone, the more he thought about it, the more he felt the magic of fate.

Who would have thought that the penniless domestic slave had now grown into a world-renowned general, and even became the son-in-law with Galileo?

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