Ming Zuo

Chapter 1350 The final farce

Chapter 1350 The final farce
With the appointment of Zuo Rong and Zuo Hua, Xia Guo's unification war officially began to enter the right track.

Behind what ordinary people can't see, a huge amount of materials gather in different places, and will eventually become the capital for the army to sweep the world.

On the other hand, Daming sensed the danger of the country's destruction, and all kinds of demon moths emerged one after another.

"My dear friends, do you have a strategy to defend against the enemy?"

Seeing that the Shun army broke through all the way and got closer and closer to the capital, Chongzhen finally panicked.

He looked at the court, hoping that someone could share his worries and relieve the country from hanging upside down.

But all the civil and military officials in the dynasty are full of wine and food, so how can they have any strategies?
The silence in the court hall made Chongzhen feel sad.

"The country has been supporting scholars for 200 years, you... are you worthy of Taizu?"

Chongzhen's scolding did not move the officials.

It's okay if he doesn't mention Zhu Yuanzhang.

Thinking of the precarious days of officials in Zhu Yuanzhang's era, these civil officials have even less affection for Ming Dynasty.

Of course, Daming still has loyal ministers.

Taichang Shaoqing Wu Linzheng stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, Governor of Jiliao, Wang Yongji, please play. The country is in dire straits, and we urgently need soldiers capable of fighting. Please withdraw the garrison in Ningyuan and guard Shanhaiguan. In this way, you can choose soldiers capable of fighting to defend the capital."

Chongzhen was refreshed, and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Chen Ge, Mr. Wei Ge, what do you think?"

Chen Yan and Wei Zaode made up their minds almost instantly.

"Abandoning the land for two hundred miles without reason, I dare not accept the blame, and I have no face to meet the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty."

Chongzhen didn't come up in one breath, almost bored.

Abandoning Ning Yuan and withdrawing the Guan Ning Army to defend the capital is obviously a no-brainer.

But it is also the best solution that can be thought of now.

However, Chen Yan and Wei Zaode, the two cabinet ministers, did not express their opinions or express their approval, obviously because they did not want to take the blame for losing their teacher and land.

Chongzhen was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

If you don't take the blame, do you want me to take the blame?

"This matter... Let's discuss this matter again. Whoever has a good plan, come quickly, and I will definitely reward you."

You see, Chongzhen himself is unwilling to take responsibility, so what else can he expect the ministers to do?

After so many years, the big guys have long been aware of Chongzhen's virtues.

Anyway, it's your Zhu family's country that's finished. You, as an emperor, don't want to take the responsibility of cutting off your tail to survive, so we don't bear the infamy.

Chongzhen didn't know the slander of his officials, he was still trying his best to perform.

"I don't want to be the king of a subjugated country, but everything is like a subjugated country. The world that my ancestors conquered through wind and rain is about to be lost now. What face do I have to meet my ancestors? I am willing to personally supervise the teacher and fight the thieves to the death. , I don’t have any regrets when I die on the battlefield. But I... I don’t want to die with peace!"

It's this time, and the officials didn't even make two cooperating howls.

Only one person is very positive.

"Your Majesty, the old minister's hometown is about to be taken by the intruders, and his father and fellow villagers are suffering from the smell, as if falling into hell. The old minister is heartbroken and grief-stricken. The old minister is willing to donate all his family wealth, raise soldiers and horses, and rush to Shanxi to deal with the intruders. in the end."

Chongzhen looked over in surprise, and saw that the person who stood up was Li Jiantai, the right servant of the Ministry of officials.

When he learned that the Shun army had invaded Shanxi, he was afraid that his hometown would be occupied and his family would be in trouble, so he was the most active.

When the country was in ruins, there were still people who were willing to take the initiative to stand up, and Chongzhen was moved again.

"I have a mistress, great things can happen."

Immediately, Chongzhen gave Li Jiantai the Minister of War and Shangfang Baojian, and ordered him to supervise Shanxi and act cheaply.

On the 26th day of the first lunar month, Chongzhen specially and solemnly held a dispatch ceremony.

Wan Wei, the captain-in-law, sued the Taimiao with three sacrifices.

At noon, Chongzhen personally boarded the gate tower of Zhengyang, and brought the cabinet, six ministries, five governments, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and all the civil and military officials of the Beijing camp to give Li Jiantai a banquet to see him off.

It can be said that the pomp is huge.

Chongzhen obviously regarded Li Jiantai as the last straw.

So is Li Jiantai really worth it?

Can be imagined.

As soon as Li Jiantai walked out of the capital with his assembled soldiers and horses, he encountered a violent wind and sandstorm, and the entire team was blown to pieces.

The fortune-teller also said that the hexagrams are unfavorable and the road ahead is dangerous.

This time, the army's morale was even more broken.

Li Jiantai has been a civil servant all his life, how can he know how to march and fight?
At the beginning, he asked the supervisor, and he was brave with blood, fearing that his hometown and clan members would be killed.

But after he really set off, he realized that marching and fighting was a bit far from his own cognition.

Feather fans, scarves, and masts and sculls disappear while talking and laughing, which are obviously just the romance of literati.

Just the food and grass for the army made him grey.

Just after arriving in Zhuozhou, the soldiers who were completely broken began to lose control, and more than 3000 people ran away.

After a few days, the number of soldiers and horses in his hand was only five hundred.

Such a small number of people is not enough to fit the army.

Just at this time, news came from Shanxi that his hometown, Quwo, had fallen into the hands of Shunjun.Moreover, his ancestral house was also confiscated by the Shun army, and all the property in the family was wasted.

Li Jiantai was anxious and angry, and fell ill.

This caused his marching speed to be slower, and he could only walk thirty miles a day.The soldiers were so hungry that they fled in an endless stream.

When we got to Guangzong, something happened again.

The magistrate of Guangzong looked at this beggar army and doubted its identity very much, so he refused to open the city no matter what.

"I am the Minister of the Ministry of War, and I was ordered to supervise the teacher. You, a small county magistrate, dare not open the city gate. Don't you know Shang Fang's sword?"

The county magistrate on the top of the city scoffed.

"Everywhere is messy now, and there are a lot of deceitful things in the city. Who knows if you are real or fake? Stop making noise and go somewhere else!"

When did Li Jiantai encounter this? He really was smoking at a gas station—he was so angry!

"Siege the city! Attack it for me and catch this dog official!"

The soldiers and horses leaving Beijing are finally fighting!

It was his own county that was hit.

After a bloody battle, they finally rushed into Guangzong City.

The frightened county magistrate was caught in front of Li Jiantai, and the old gentleman drew out Shangfang's sword.

"You bastard, do you recognize Shang Fang's sword now?"

The county magistrate was scared to pee.

"Your officer... I recognize it, I really recognize it!"

"It's late!"

Furious, Li Jiantai swung his sword and chopped down, and executed Guangzong County Magistrate on the spot.

But doing so would not help the supervisor in any way other than venting his anger.

Guangzong was extremely dilapidated, and there were not one out of ten people in Hecheng, and there was no food to be found.

Li Jiantai's soldiers and horses had no choice but to hurry on their way hungry.

When he got to Baoding, Li Jiantai had only three to four hundred soldiers in his hands.I didn't have a grain of food in my hand, so I couldn't walk at all.

Li Jiantai asked to enter the city, but Shao Zongyuan, the prefect of Baoding, also refused.

When Li Jiantai took out the seal from Chongzhen, Shao Zongyuan remained firm.

"You have received the great kindness of the emperor. The emperor once climbed the Zhengyang Gate himself, gave you the Shangfang sword, and gave you wine to practice for you. Now you don't represent the emperor to go west, but you want to knock at the gate to avoid thieves? ?”

This questioning, talking about Li Jiantai's pain, made him lose all his sanity.

Li Jiantai held up Shangfang's sword and threatened Shao Zongyuan that if he didn't open the city gate, he would kill him by the sword.

The two sides are in trouble.

Fortunately, someone in the city knew Li Jiantai, so he was put in the city.

Otherwise, Mr. Li, who is vigorous and vigorous, will probably freeze to death in the cold wind of Gyeonggi.

(End of this chapter)

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