Ming Zuo

Chapter 1358

Chapter 1358
Walking in the tunnel again, the distance is longer, and it is far less easy to walk than the previous tunnel.

But Zhang Yan and a few children had to endure.

This is the price of life.

When the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, they can survive and live, and they can't expect more.

Zhang Yan walked all the way, fell down several times, and her luxurious clothes were covered with mud, but she gritted her teeth and persisted.

Lu Ping followed beside him, instead of helping, he just watched with cold eyes.

People from the Zhu family are not very good as emperors, but the women in the harem are quite powerful.

Maybe don't listen to the eunuchs, don't mess around on your own, but listen to these women, maybe the country will be better.

I don't know how long I walked in the dark environment, so that Zhang Yan felt that both legs were not her own.

There was a "squeak" sound from the front, and then a light came in, and it was obvious that the exit had arrived.

When Zhang Yan was picked up from the tunnel, she suddenly found that the surrounding area was very barren, and it was in a dense forest.

Not far from the foot is a river, and a small boat is parked on the bank.

The agents of the Ministry of Intelligence who came out of the tunnel one after another quickly scattered, and they didn't know what to do.

Lu Ping and Han Chuan led Zhang Yan and the others to board the boat.

In the dense forest, the boat set sail and went down the river.

Lu Ping took out a box from the corner of the cabin, and when he opened it, there were steaming meals inside.

The adults are fine, but the children couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"During the itinerary, keep everything simple, let's deal with a few mouthfuls first."

Lu Ping took out the meals one by one and put them on the table.

Zhang Yan didn't care about her queen's majesty anymore, and helped him put them together.

"what is this?"

She was holding an iron can, which was heavy in her hand, but she didn't know why it was mixed with the food.

Lu Ping took it, grabbed the iron ring on it, and opened the lid at once.

"This is canned beef, which was originally used in the military. But recently, a civilian version has been released, which is convenient to eat."

Zhang Yan had already smelled the smell of meat, and was really taken aback.

"The cow is a sharp tool for plowing the land, and Xia Guo used it for food?"

She was even more surprised by another point.

Xia Jun was able to eat beef.

Although she has lived in the deep palace for a long time, she is not ignorant of the situation of the Ming army.

Daming's army couldn't even get enough to eat.

Han Chuan took the steamed buns and ate the beef quickly.

"This kind of cattle can't cultivate land, but can only be eaten. Many livestock farms have been built in various places, and the ones that produce more meat are the ones."

Zhang Yan was also really hungry. After preparing meals for the children, she also ate a piece of beef.

The taste is not very good, but the stew is crispy and melts in the mouth.

If it is placed in the royal family, it will naturally look down on it.But ordinary army soldiers can eat it, which gave her a new sense of Xia Guo's strength.

The boat walked on the river for a while, and suddenly a red flag waved ahead.

The boatman hurried into the nearby grass.

After a while, on the road by the river, the brigade's Shunjun flew past, raising dust all over the sky.But no one discovered that in the grass under their feet, there was actually empress Yi'an, princes and princesses of the Ming Dynasty hiding.

The crisis was quickly passed and the ship moved on.

Zhang Yan identified the direction and asked, "Aren't you going to Shandong? Why are you going east?"

"The south has been occupied by the Shun army, and the road is impassable. Let's go to Tianjin Wei and take a boat back to Shandong."

Seeing that Lu Ping and the others had made careful arrangements, Zhang Yan didn't ask any more questions, and just hurried on with peace of mind.

Along the way, I changed carriages from time to time, and sometimes I could only walk, but I never stopped.

He crossed paths with the patrolling soldiers and horses of the Shun Army several times, but he didn't get noticed.

Three days later, the group arrived at the beach in Tanggu smoothly.

This place has not yet been occupied by the Shun army, and several small boats are already waiting on the shore.

Only then did Lu Ping let go of his tense nerves.

"Let's go, it's safe now."

Above the sea, Xia Guo is the king.There will be no more danger in the next journey.

The news that the Shun army broke through the capital spread all over the world as if it had grown wings.

At the same time that the Shun army entered the city, the high-level Manchu and Qing officials in distant Liaodong got the news.

The reason why it was so fast was because when the Shun army attacked Shanxi, someone reported to Liaodong.

"The Ming Dynasty has already perished, and the Central Plains has no master. Li Zicheng is a mere bandit, and it is difficult to achieve a major event. This is an excellent opportunity for the Qing Dynasty to rule the Central Plains."

At the meeting, Duo ErGun was firm.

The march to the Central Plains was not just a temporary idea of ​​the high-level Manchu Qing.Since Huang Taiji's era, the fundamental purpose of all previous military operations has been to prepare for this.

In Dorgon's view, the demise of Daming is the best time.

Not only him, but even Hauge had the same thoughts.

"Contact Wu Sangui immediately, tell him how powerful he is, and ask him to open the channel. At worst, he will be rewarded with a high salary from a high-ranking official."

Seeing that Hauge supported his own ideas, Dorgon's spirit was lifted, and at the same time he became more vigilant towards Hauge.

This nephew has such a strong strategic vision.

Ning Wan I was very calm.

"My lords, in the opinion of my servants, it is not too early to contact Wu Sangui. Wu Sangui steals Xiongguan, and Li Zicheng will not tolerate him. Two tigers are fighting each other, and Wu Sangui has nothing to rely on. The only way to go is to rely on me, the Qing Dynasty. When, how to make a decision is all in our mind."

Dorgon and Hauge thought about it carefully, and had to admit that Ning Wan's thoughts were even more sinister.

So Man Qing secretly began to prepare strength, while waiting for the situation to change.

At the same time, news of the fall of the capital also spread to Jinan.

That's a clear signal.

"Order the southern strategic cluster and the coastal strategic cluster to take action immediately."

Liu Yiyuan immediately drafted the order and sent it out quickly.

Zuo Rong, Zuo Hua, Tang Wenhuan and others had been preparing for a long time, and they issued the order to send troops on the same day.

The southern strategic cluster, the coastal strategic cluster, and hundreds of thousands of troops began to cross the border.


"Everyone, Ming Dynasty has perished. Whether it is war or peace, please make up your mind. Just to remind you, you only have one day. Tomorrow morning, our army will attack the city. At that time, the prisoners will have no treatment at all. .”

Facing Daming Zhejiang Wenwu, although Zhang Huangyan was alone, he had the upper hand.

His confidence...

It is the six third-tier battleships and more than 40 troop carriers in the bay.

This is the soldiers and horses from the Zhoushan Islands. According to the order, they went straight to the center and were responsible for taking Hangzhou.

Hou Fanglai, the deputy commander and chief of staff of the Tenth Division, has led the 48th and 49th regiments, the 29th and 34th divisions of public security, and set off from Jinshanwei to go straight to Jiaxing.

Next, it will sweep Huzhou Capital and attack Hangzhou from the northern line.

The soldiers are pressing down on the border, and the civil and military forces in Zhejiang have no time.

The civil and military vacancies in Zhejiang have been vacant for a long time, and the only person who can discuss with Governor Huang Mingjun is Zhang Weichi, the prefect of Hangzhou.

"Master Zhang, what do you say?"

Zhang Weichi smiled wryly, and took out a letter from his sleeve.

"To tell you the truth, my father has sent letters to urge me. Xiaguan's family members are all in Shandong. Xia Guo has never been in trouble these years, but life is getting better every day. Xiaguan has no choice."

Zhang Weichi is from Linqu, Shandong, Xia Guo already knew about it, but he has always made things difficult for his family.

Zhang Weichi is very grateful, now that the overall situation has been settled, he has no intention of resisting.

Seeing this, Huang Mingjun looked at the other people, all of them were in a state of distress, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"The matter has come to this point, in order to save lives from being ruined, I wait for my own honor and disgrace, but it is nothing."

He looked at Zhang Huangyan.

"Mr. Zhang, I will surrender my wish."

Under Xia Jun's powerful deterrence, Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, readily put down its resistance.

In the evening of the same day, the battleship docked, and Xia Jun began to control Hangzhou City.

Paradise on earth has not experienced war and has been well preserved.

(End of this chapter)

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