Ming Zuo

Chapter 1362 Wu Sangui's Choice

Chapter 1362 Wu Sangui's Choice
The course of history and the economy have determined that the more prosperous and open a place is, the closer it is to the Xia Kingdom.

This is also the reason why the Xia Kingdom Center decided to unify the whole country and enter the city from the south.

First, the economy in the south is developed, which can effectively cover the costs of various actions;

The second is that the south is not the center of the world's storm now, and it will not attract much attention.

Now people all over the world are staring at the capital, waiting to see what the new Dashun court will do.

Although the Xia army advanced by leaps and bounds in the south, even conquering four provinces in just half a month, it did not affect the situation in the world.

Under Huang Shijun's persuasion and Xia Jun's powerful military might, Guangdong's civil and military forces, like Fujian, gave up resistance in a sensible manner.

In this way, except for the occasional few places that resist Xia Guo's acceptance, the whole operation is relatively smooth.

Murong Fu has already started preparations for entering Hainan on the Leizhou Peninsula.

In this era, Hainan did not become an independent province, but was under the jurisdiction of Guangdong, named Qiongzhou Prefecture.

Qiu Jun, the magistrate of Qiongzhou, was indeed a stubborn member of the landlord class, and turned a deaf ear to Xia Guo's persuasion to surrender.

Not only that, but he also colluded with the local minority leaders and landlords and gentry in Hainan in an attempt to defend the island.

For such a person, Xia Guo would not be polite.

Murong Fu gathered the two main regiments of the First Marine Division and one security division.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

After all, the reconnaissance work on Hainan has already been completed. Knowing that the mountains in the middle of the island are towering, they need to be carefully separated.

However, with an army of nearly [-], the resistance forces on Hainan Island are absolutely unstoppable.

The Shun army occupied the capital, but Li Zicheng was not very happy.

Because on the first day of entering the city, no trace of Chongzhen was found.The palace was also empty, except for Queen Zhou who committed suicide, nothing was found.

"I'm afraid that if you cut the weeds but don't get rid of the roots, the spring breeze will regenerate."

Niu Jinxing thought the same way.

Daming Guozuo has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for more than 200 years.Especially the land in the south of the Yangtze River did not suffer too much loss.

If Chongzhen ran to the south of the Yangtze River and regrouped, maybe he would come back again.

Fortunately, Chongzhen's body was found the next day.

Li Zicheng had personally tested it, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Forget that he is a man, so restrain yourself carefully. He is right, those corrupt officials are the most abominable."

Although he is already the emperor, Li Zicheng still keeps his simple thoughts.

He will never forget how he was forced to ruin his family and how he struggled to survive.

Therefore, he wants to take revenge and come back, and vent his anger for the sake of the people of the world.

Not only him, almost all Shunjun are the same.

Originally, they were poor and helpless people, and it was the landlords and officials who personally persecuted them.

So Li Zicheng gave an order, and the capital immediately became agitated.

Those nobles, eunuchs, and officials were all arrested one after another, tortured, and forced to interrogate the silver.

It has to be said that the Shun Army during this period did not disturb the people.On the contrary, he treats ordinary people very well, and pays great attention to maintaining order in the capital.

Therefore, the market in the capital is very peaceful, and the normal life of ordinary people has not been affected.

It was those dignitaries who were miserable, and were beaten to death.I couldn't bear it anymore, so I had to spit out my money.

As for how much money Li Zicheng obtained from the capital by torture, there are different opinions.

Some say 7000 million taels, others say 3000 million taels.

Certainly a lot.

And most of them came from the imperial palace, which also proves that Chongzhen is hateful.

What Li Zicheng did was indeed a breath of anger, but it also planted the root of disaster for Dashun's demise.

Originally, the landlords and scholar-bureaucrats had had enough of Daming's perverse actions.Therefore, they were not unacceptable to Dashun's arrival.

But what the Shun Army did in the capital spread all over the world, and immediately frightened the landlord class.

Only then did they realize that Dashun was not on the same side as them no matter what.

Since Dashun did not give them a way out, the resistance of the landlord class was naturally very firm.

This is also the main reason why the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs quickly, and the Dashun army was defeated like a mountain.

After all, although the Han landlord class and the Manchu Qing were not of the same race, they were all of the same class and had common interests. Naturally, they jointly strangled the enemy of Dashun.

Li Zicheng does not know the seriousness of the consequences now, or in other words, he may not know it when he is dying.

He has other things to care about besides torturing Yinliang.

"Your Majesty, the general made a statement. He has led the army to take Cangzhou, and even had a small fight with the Xia thief. The Xia thief refused to accept Wang Hua and formed a country of his own. He should be crusaded."

Song Xiance reported the situation in the south and tried his best to encourage Li Zicheng to send troops.

Dashun has replaced Daming and has become the orthodox world.But Shandong, which is close at hand, has the power of its own country, how can it be tolerated?

Li Yan was taken aback, and hurriedly reminded: "Your Majesty, Wu Sangui's Guanning Army is still entrenched in Shanhaiguan, and it is unknown whether it will be good or bad. If our heavenly army goes south, Wu Sangui will take advantage of the vacancy and enter, and the capital will be in danger. What's more Behind Wu Sangui, there are the Eastern Captives of the Qing Dynasty. If Wu Sangui joins the Eastern Captives and leads troops into the customs, the harm will be even worse."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Dashun was shocked.

Compared to Xia Guo, Wu Sangui is undoubtedly a greater threat at this time.

Because Wu Sangui controlled Shanhaiguan, and there was Man Qing behind him.Especially from Shanhaiguan to the capital, there is no danger in the middle, and it will happen overnight.

If Wu Sangui is not captured and Shanhaiguan is blocked, Dashun will always face the threat of the northern front.

"What does Wu Sangui say? We think highly of him, why are you still hesitating?"

Long before entering the capital, Li Zicheng had sent someone to contact Wu Sangui to urge him to surrender.

The importance of Shanhaiguan was clearly discussed by Dashun on the way to the capital.

Speaking of Wu Sangui's movements, Niu Jinxing frowned.

"I have sent people to negotiate with Wu Sangui several times, but he is still vacillating, and seems to be up for grabs."

Li Zicheng didn't realize the danger, so he said happily: "Tell Wu Sangui, as long as he surrenders, he can be appointed as a marquis or a prime minister. We are the masters of the world, and we can afford him."

Everyone in Dashun felt that this condition was very good, and Wu Sangui should have no choice.

They didn't know that at this moment, Wu Sangui was in a desperate situation.

"What did Xia Guo say? Did you ever agree to help?"

Wu Sangui did not want to surrender to Dashun.

Especially the news of the torture of high-ranking officials in the capital made Wu Sangui even more wary of Dashun.

Of course, at this time, he did not intend to surrender to the Qing Dynasty.

In his opinion, the best destination is Xia Guo.

So he sent his staff to Xia Guo by sea, hoping that Xia Guo would send troops to attack Dashun with him.Then he was up for grabs, no matter how he could get an official position in Xia Guo.

Unexpectedly, when the staff came back, their faces were full of bitterness.

"The student went to Xia Guo, and no one saw him. Over there... over there, they don't care about Uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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